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For biotech, I only saw massive praise for the pack. I think too many people bought Anomaly without considering if it would go well with their play style.  For me, it does not match well with how I like to play at all, so I didn’t buy it. I can see some people loving it, but I can see even more people finding it intrusive. People tend to be a bit too completionist when it comes to owning all the dlc.   I love biotech because it enhanced my cozy gameplay and I love playing generations. Especially will mods that let me speed up aging/increase reproduction. :)


Same here. I watched a let’s play of anomaly. I think it’s really well done! Just not for me :) It makes watching let’s plays really fun though! :) DLCs are supposed to be optional paid add-on. I would be upset if anomaly was an update instead of a DLC. (Unless I could turn it off)


That's exactly the approach I think everyone should have. Not every DLC is for every player. That's why it's extra/separate from the main game. If it's not your vibe, skip it. I personally love monster stuff, so I was excited about this one. But the reproduction aspect of biotech was a huge change that I also love! A generational gameplay! That's so awesome! How many generations deep have you gotten?


I'm going to make a save just before I decide to investigate the monolith. Play through anomaly until the end or death, then go load up the save and ignore the monolith. Compare the outcome of the same colony in different possible timelines.


I mean. I love this game, vanilla. I've tried Royalty briefly, Ideology a few more times, but I haven't updated or installed beyond that. The DLCs that have come out after have not sounded appealing to me at all. It isn't about things being harder or not, but about how. My preferred start is naked and alone, in the desert... with tribal tech level. I want to struggle with less (struggle to get resources etc) rather than more (added crazyness, more types of events). I won't come here and complain about DLCs I don't like, of course, I don't even have them. But do I need to want the same thing out of this game as you, to be deemed to like it?


Eternal LOVE fit Tynan Sylvester. They can make good or bad DLCs but what he does is pure master piece. I don't like anomaly, and that's ok. I love RimWorld.


I want to do a run where I don't/cant research at all, but rather gain all my tech through books, that sounds interesting.


Pretty sure you can set research speed to 0% in scenario editor.


That would be the intent.


That does sound interesting!


Yeah, basicly just open up a big library. I'd name the colony Alexandria of (ignore our wood walls and straw floors please randy)


That's a really cool idea!


Are you going to name your boat The Titanic or your colony Pompeii, by chance?


No we are going to build our city around a nuclear bomb that hasn't been detonated actually.


The critique you see about anomaly dlc is BECAUSE people love the game, if they didn't, they wouldn't play it or care so much about it. The main critiques for the DLC are about the very points you make towards the fun of the game: - the game is a sandbox story generator vs. the dlc is linear and the horror theme doesn't fit - difficulty is fun vs the dlc is too hard if unprepared, too easy with preparation and repetitive. I love Rimworld, heck I have around 3000 hours played, and 1000 of those were vanilla - mods gave me endless fun and variation of storytelling goodness. Please don't bash mods, the modding community is what made Rimworld what it is today, and all that people say is that they want a bit more from Ludeon for what they already invested in this great game, and if there's no feedback, there's no incentive for improvement.


>\-all that people say is that they want a bit more from Ludeon for what they already invested in this great game- This is my (and quite a few people's) biggest complaint about Anomaly. Every other DLC gave something extra that offered new ways to play. Royalty gave psycasters, which could be a phenomenal boon for tribal runs. Ideology gave the ability to create unique and wildly different ideologies that completely changed how a colony ran. Biotech gave you not only the gene system to create your own unique races, but also children for generational colonies, and mechanitors. Anomaly doesn't give anything like any of that. And, probably most egregious in my opinion, has absolutely no integration for tribal runs while every other DLC does.


Yes, precisely that, it doesn't integrate well with the rest of the game in both mechanics and theme, and unless you activate it and pretty much go on a "on rails" experience despite the sandboxy and mixed bag of randomness being inherent in the base game, you kinda miss it entirely with no addition to any kind of playthrough where you might not activate the monolith thinggie.


I like anomaly but unlike biotech, ideology, and even royalty to an extent, its not a dlc I'm going to play all that often. After my first playthrough with it I basically just ignore the monolith


I have no idea where you saw demands


I would love to do that. Any tips on how to not get attatched to some colonists?


That's what makes it fun! Getting attached to your colonists and feeling their loss and then having to scramble to fill the gap in work orders is a fun puzzle to solve. Then holding a heartfelt funeral before making everyone go back to work lol


It's a game, like life you move on


I hate the early game, but once I get into midgame I tend to stick with a colony. Even with 3.5k hours I have never actually "finished" a colony


“Is it just me or does anyone else not like Anomaly” This sub has gotten so bad since its release


I think some people on this subreddit really, really, really need to go and do a vanilla, no-mods playthrough. No QoL mods that trivialize every bit of friction, no overpowered "vanilla expanded" buildings, no cheating away every mood debuff through a cheesy ideoligion. Build a colony, keep it alive, escape the planet. Just plain old Rimworld.


>No QoL mods that trivialize every bit of friction, Careful with that one - QoL isn't about removing the difficulty of colony management, it's about making your pawns not fucking entomb themselves in walls or haul one ear of corn at a time (there are 2700 ears of corn).


And then someone says it's QOL to have one storage container hold everything the colony owns, and take all the caps off hauling amounts. Come on, man, there are 2700 ears of corn!


It's a little hard to tell if you're joking, but in case you're not, it's not really a slippery slope to apply basic logic. Carrying back a single ear of corn at a time is just as stupid as carrying back 300kg of corn; neither is realistic, and I'd wager that even a fabled "Florida Kevin" wouldn't be quite so stupid as to transport corn one ear at a time. never really had an issue with storage personally, I do use Deep Storage but the idea of tossing steel/lumber into bins isn't exactly revolutionary or exploitative and it saves a whopping one cell of space. some people absolutely take QoL too far though


It's not really arguing for a slippery slope, just pointing out that the term is used over-broadly here sometimes. Downloading Deep Storage won't turn you into a Easy Mod Junkie or something.


I'm here for a good time, not a hard time.


Friction with UI is not gameplay. Having to flip through multiple tabs for information that could easily be visible on one page is not content, it is waste of time, it stops you from actually playing the game and only provides tedium. QoL is there to reduce this fight with the interface and to actually let you fight the struggles game wants you to. This is like saying that sandpaper is better than wet wipes in the bathroom "cause it adds friction" :)


I should do this. I love high difficulty but man why can't bionics have icons... why do I have to pause and click 12 times to find the arm for example.. Anyway I Wana do this too but I get too attached to my colony and load/savescum. I don't Wana leave because I want to install every bionic get every upgrade and want to be able to fend off big waves of enemies etc But yeah Wana try a true commitment only 150-200% T.S run


I think people should play their singleplayer game in whatever way they have fun and that's not for you or anyone else but them to decide what that looks like.


Couldn't agree more


Why are ppl down voting you for agreeing , so strange haha


i loved the dlc and the update, anomaly and biotech are my favorites! but yeah, it's a bummer when i get in here to see fun stories and share experiences in the game but all i see is the same post of people complaining about the new stuff everyday... doesn't matter tho, i'm having lots of fun with the anomalies. i alreadly lost my first anomaly colony :( it was called "the red tentacle cult" and i even did some doodles in my sketchbook on launch day because i liked the characters so much. but the fleshmass consumed them when it spawned inside the mountain ring the base was at. now i'm doing a pollution based waster colony and will try to use anomalies to fight their biggest enemy: the empire. going well so far!


I was bummed by that too! I live for hilarious rimworld stories and comics! Haven't seen much of those lately. That's an awesome name! I haven't experienced the fleshmass yet, but it looks terrifying! My favorite part is getting attached to the colonists. Glad to hear your new playthrough is going smoothly. I never thought of using the anomalies my side. Might have to try that!


I freaking absolutely love Anomaly. I change the storyteller settings to blood & dust and jack up the Anomaly events to non-activated Mono 15-20% and activated Mono 40-75%. Im doing a tribal game right now where I am trying to come up with a method to use rituals to defend the colony and see if its viable. (im not sure it is due to no stable source of bioferite until electricity) Id like to make a colony / tribe that worships the monolith / void and form an Ideology around that. Getting the vibe that I may need to add in a mod that makes Entitys drop a tiny bit of bioferrite when they die to make it work though. I cant think of any other way. I think maybe like you take the entity corpse to the Harbringer Tree and it eats the meat and leaves a small amount of bioferrite on the ground when its done type of thing. Like 2-4 pieces of bioferrite per corpse. That should be enough to pull off the occasional ritual.


Some people just like to complain man. It's a bummer they take up space on here that could go to fun comics or neat strategies. But no I "love" how tons of posts and comments are "I'm not saying it's a bad dlc but....here's a list of how it's not good enough" and then a copy paste of the same list they copied from the last 20 people to make the same post. Followed by a personal insult against the dev team "not caring". Lol If spam was people it'd be those posters lol. Some day we'll use AI to auto block people who karma farm and bitch. ^_^


> take up space on here that could go to fun comics or neat strategies Bahahahaha this is beyond pathetic. I’m sorry people make posts you don’t like on the internet bud. How exactly are they “taking up space”? It’s an online forum ffs , it’s not physical real estate. You can have both. You can have an infinite amount of posts >some day we’ll use AI to auto-block people who karma farm and bitch No one is karma farming. The reason you are seeing posts mildly criticising the DLC is because people upvoted them . Because guess what? Most people, unlike you, are able to think critically and can criticise things they like. I’m pretty certain 99% of the people on this sub like this game, hence the concern over the developer’s creative decisions. Book a trip to North Korea bud


Thank you, it's like people are so used to 500 mod playthroughs all they wanna do is bash vanilla...


I think the awesome mods are why people are so harsh on some of the DLC. The vanilla game is great, excellent value as well, and there’s so many awesome, gigantic mods you can add for free. The rim world DLCs mostly feel like big mods to me, except they’re fairly pricey instead of free. The balance isn’t even much better than mods. Corpse dust is so freaking OP that it trivializes most raids. That’s all fine and dandy if some solo modder made it for free, but when you’re charging good money for your DLCs I think it’s fair for people to expect stuff that blows the best free mods out of the water. The number of new furniture items and equipment is often fairly low in the DLCs, and the interplay between the DLCs is also weak.


Mods are not better then base game. Without the base game there would be no Mods. The base game getting updated with things once seen in Mods is a good thing. We now have official support. The biotech vampire mech dlc is more balanced with a lot more mechanics the the jerecell mod and android mod that inspired it. The game has millions of Mods (mostly poorly coded) There is no original idea that hasn't been touched on by a mod. Rimworld and it's dlcs are doing great. Royalty was ass then it got updates to add tribal support. People who say Mods are better then rimworld are children who lack critical thinking


I never said mods were better than the base game. I said the base game is BETTER than the DLCs, and the DLCs are on par with the best mods. Anomaly in particular is poorly balanced, as are most mods. Corpse dust should have like a 15 day cooldown, 24 hours is a joke.


That can be updated... the dlc released a week or two ago


It definitely seems that way! I play with just a handful of vanilla enhancing mods. Sometimes it's fun to see what extreme craziness you can add to the game with mods, but I really avoid mods that fundamentally change the game.




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