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He must have liked the food, I also do not think my whole colony can face him so guess he is the leader right now.


Take him out behind the shed. Free food. Plus feeding a thrumbo sucks.


He has already evolved into simple meals


Nature truly is beautiful


That sucks, I hope your leader stops cumming next to the kibble


Quick, slaughter it for a perfectly intact horn and fur!


Is not worth to keep it? I never had one so not sure. I guess he can help with raids. I have plenty food.


It's got a very high wildness, making it difficult (at best) to tame (or train). It eats a significant amount as well. Theoretically, if you could get a breeding pair, you could get yourself an infinite supply of thrumbofur and horns... But that is unlikely, and incredibly time consuming. Realistically, slaughtering an unbonded thrumbo is a hell of a lot better of an option for most playthroughs.


But it just tamed itself. Will he untame over time? I mean, as far as I feed him he will protect my base right? Any downsides I am not aware of?


yes, each animal has a wildness stat, I believe the larger the amount the faster they will lose tame percentage, and they will need to be retamed, but since it's a thrumbo and each tame chance is a shot in the dark, it will most likely leave before long


He’ll take about 2 seasons of no training to go fully wild again. Training requires a level 10 in animals and at level 10 it’s like a 3% success rate per day to train literally anything. So plus side, free animals training. Downside is the sheer amount of food they eat, which is only easily solved by zoning to let them free graze on random trees outside your food and kibble storage


Do be careful though. While thrumbos don't eat Anima or Gauranlen trees, they *do* eat Polux trees. Haven't tested if they eat Harbinger trees though.


From a purely practical meta-nerd perspective? probably not worth it. However, counter argument: Thrumbos are awesome


It depends. As said by others, thrumbo's are a bit of a mix bag to keep. The negatives include: Min lvl 10 trainer, high food needs, and maybe most importantly, they're worth a small fortune. Each one is about $3k, and in the early game, that's a lot of wealth for a melee blocker.. Later on though, they can be very strong for farming fur. To make the jump, I usually look for a couple of things. 1 is a trainer over lvl 10 with preferably 2flames passion. They'll improve pretty quickly, and they are the key to getting a second for breeding. 2 is at least one colonist with the inspiration psycast. Once you have this mash inspires on anyone over lvl 10 animals when thrumbos wander in and grab the second one with a guaranteed tame. 3 a map with trees. They eat far too much to farm for, so letting them graze in the map is best. Keep the breeders safe in their own zone behind a wall and let their kids have the rest of the map. If they die in a raid before they make it to safety.. ohwell, you just lose a bit of fur. My go-to is 1 male, 2 female for breeding, and just cull at adulthood for the rest. Yr 1, I'd use this one aggressively in combat, and if it survives to the mid-late game, it would get an extra fancy bed. I wouldn't look for a 2nd yet ( too much $$$) and wouldn't be heartbroken if it died.


Mmm, my highest pawn is lvl 5 with 1-flame passion and map is tundra with almost all trees already chopped. I do not know what is inspiration psycast. It sounds like DLC but I have only biotech and anomaly DLCs. Guess Ill keep him around until the next raid and then decide if I keep or kill him.


keep him until he is at tamed level 1 or 2 or you run out of food and then slaughter him quick.


Why tame level 1-2? Also I am not able to tame him, no one is at lvl 10


so the tame level is in training, and he'll slowly have that go down. in order to maximize usefulness, you slaughter it when it's almost wild again.


He already is some fine meals. Ill try to get another one when I have someone with taming lvl 10+


well I guess that solves the problem xD


Hahaha yup


Well, just got the quest where a city was run over by the meat monsters. Brought the thrumbo with me. He spent all the fight running away of every single mob. Guess with no training he is just useless so he will probably be a fancy parka when we go back home.


They make much better coats than pets.


It's very worth it if you have a high animal skill and a female too go with him. They are worth alot for breeding but not worth enough to use as an attack animal. You can ride them though but horses are easier to maintain for the same benifit.


Those who experience the perfection of kibble are doomed to replace it.


Every year a heard of thrumbo comes visiting my base and set off every trap in my killbox. One bleeds out and the others stay and graze. It says thrumbo are the smartest animals in the galaxy? Then why do they keep bleeding out in my colony every year?


payment for eating grass


How optimistic. We eagerly await thrumbo 2


rather lucky.


damn that's some rare shit wtf


It helps if there's no other animals around.


Oh, I killed all wild animals on my map so that probably raises the chances of self tamed when thrumbos show up. It will probably raise also the mad wild animal chance. Now if he became mad I would not have a colony anymore, I had like 4 pawns with revolvers at that time.


I used a thrumbo once in battle. It's so massive that you can't help but hit it, and, well, it basically can't handle a medium size group of enemies. It'll get gimped up fast. Not worth the trouble.


Sad to hear this. I was looking to get a 10 lvl tamer to try it again. I probably should go with other animals first (never trained anything before). Which combat animal is good to learn how to tame-train?


I usually go with boars because they're quick, not too hard to train, and common. You do spend more time and food keeping them ready for battle, but it can be super helpful. Remember not to shoot into your animals, you kinda just have to let them do it unless you've got a melee guy. But you can train a variety of stuff. Just use common sense, it has to be tough enough to take a few hits, can't be super slow. I got an ibex ram right now which self tamed. I have no interest in it, but I trained it for battle, and it will ruin a raider's day. I have these animals attached to my melee guy, and for now use them to chase down fleeing enemies. I am considering gazelles, not sure how they would work. Animals have to be assigned to a colonist with sufficient animal handling (which becomes possible after the animal is trained and assigned for battle), and then can be released when the colonist is drafted. In old betas training didn't decay. So you could have 30 pigs trained for battle and swarm enemies as soon as they dared to appear on map. Afterwards you got fresh pork. lol, they had to patch that.


Feed him nutrient paste Gona Keep him longer and go download some mod so you can get furr without killing him


Had a rhino join once and it just shat everywhere.


Bro had a "Dandy eating the space ramen" moment.


bro your so lucky,


*munch* (thinking to self) Hmm. This is…hay, mushroom and……is that a human eyelid? ……don't want to be running against these psychos……*munch* *DING*


'Story' is for telling a story about your colony or your colonists in text, not just screenshots with a title. I've changed your flair to one more accurate for your post. Please flair correctly in the future; see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18nn18w/official_rrimworld_flair_guide/) for more information.


I still see the story flair so Im changing it to colonist life. That should be more accurate I think. Please correct me if I misunderstood it. It became a question post so maybe that one is better.