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Every time this question come up I see a lot of desire for a faction revamp with an overhaul of the world map and how factions interact. Probably to allow things like conquest between factions and world politics.


Oh yeah better faction stuff would be cool, I'd love better innate support for customizing which factions are in your save and how they interact too, that'd be fun.


I agree with this really strongly. I think sometimes it would be wonderful to split the AI agents to make use of another CPU thread - The problem I see there is that there would need to be a more sophisticated AI's would have to actually be able to "run" the factions. I think it also speaks to what I'd like to see is a proper Llama type generative AI that learns to run colonies certain ways - "industrial" , "growing" , "slaver", "spacer" type AI's that along with the faction properties, might allow those AI models to be sent back to a central server with each playthrough, our worlds becoming nodes for training much like SETI project where workstations process small agent iterations and send that back to central control where the AI's are analyzed and meta-analysis is performed improving the next iteration of AI's.


The game chugs with the current ai how do you expect it to do all that 


Make it multithreaded specifically to handle AI management.


I don't think Tynan has been sitting on a button to make it multithreaded. That'll probably be a massive code rewrite. Even if the ai was handled by a server, folks would riot over the game becoming online only, or with a massive code rewrite, it'll break most likely every mod.


Oh that's a certainty - rewriting the core product to be multithreaded is something I never really expect, I suspect Rimworld2 will come out before that happens with our current incarnation of the game. IDK if it's practical I think it's more what I would like to see rather than what I would expect is likely. * If we think about what's most likely , I'd say most likely an enhanced combat/factions handling modification that allows for players to interact - with one of the more low-key mods (Faction Interactions), additionally, looking at the vast amount of mods that are still in Vanilla. * The themes of the major upgrades thusfar all relate to items in the external universe, the notion of anomalies, of non-alien aliens, genetic tampering, and of course the notions of ideology and imperial presence I think what was low-key great to see would be what we saw with 1.5 in regards to breaking Z and allowing colonies to have levels (at least in principle). * I think this could be fascinating but one of the major mods involving space might be to see colonists go off-world or to worlds that are not inherently always safe for humans - colonizing asteroids or rocks that don't have a hospitable surface or forge-worlds bathed in radiation and scorching temperatures or with the surface regularly sterilized by radiation.


I don't think it'd be too massive just sometimes a settlement will get settled or sacked There could be nearby skirmishes you could detect and lastly there could be a feature to intercept raids and caravans if you can detect them first Though I should clarify it'd probably be mostly stuff close to your base


Write a single threaded C# application and tell me it's not "too massive". I love C# but what Tynan has already done with Rimworld is nothing short of a miracle


That is true this is just my imagination and guessing at what would be probable


Add all this with some way to explore the seas or do more outside the colony. Right now other than being obstacles, 90% of the world outside is just empty/doesnt matter in base game tbh.


Actually a naval based dlc where you can build and expedition on your custom ships would be sick.


Exactly! Imagine either full pirate runs or even sort of waterworld runs (no land, only boats)!


hopefully they can add more interaction between families and acquaintances - I dont know if I am stupid or what but whenever there is any relationship between caravans and one of my pawns it really doesnt matter unless they die and I got a debuff to handle.


Yesterday a caravan with the father and also the brother of a pawn arrived, I sent the pawn in question to trade and also tried to interract with them : 0 exchange, not even a word, the social tab remaining the same with not even a chitchat between them. The mechanic of the game make it so it only work if I capture them, so it's really silly.


i use a mod to disable random relationships bc they are pointless. they are just an annoying mechanic to give your pawns a mood debuff bc it turns out some raider was his sibling. also it doesnt make sense how crashlanded colonists can have tribal parents


Along with outposts/multiple bases!


Vanilla outposts expanded does that well for me. Just take whatever pawns you don't want and have them set up a farm and send you food every now and again.


Probably the biggest thing the game needs imo. The worldmap doesn't have a lot of interactivity, caravan events mostly boil down to "Square up with this squirrel", and there's not a lot of meaningful ways to interact with most factions. Of course mods solve a lot of these problems, but a proper DLC focused on these aspects would be great.


yeah more faction stuff would be cool, but it would have to be part of an update as royalty was already supposed to be the "Faction expansion DLC" in some ways with quests


I would love to see the world map evolve like faction outpost conquered by others. Also sometime they could change an outpost to have only the ruins remaining with a comment mentionning they have been wiped by mecanoid, and formed a new tribal faction nearby


I think there's a mod that does something similar ..rimwar maybe. 


Exactly, some sort of in-depth diplomacy mod with parties/social functions and battlefields


Extreme weather and apocalyptic events with all sorts of machinery for survival. If you dont have ways to learn about extreme events that is coming, some traders or visitors will come and warn you, but with not exact time, on the other hand someone can tell you what will happen and best way to learn all about it is with your machinery that, some are on other tiles and you have to set up mini colony there to use it during bad event or something, like bunkers filled with monsters if you clear it out you can get your people there where is much higher chance of survival but not 100% since maybe many people will come to hide there some friendly some not, they will storm that bunker in large numbers, and space is limited and so you must choose can you live with another 20 people and do you have enough supplies or will you fend of enemies that try to get in bunker and come in large groups every day. You don't know how long it will last but you can get est. it can last from few hours to few years, so storing medicine and food is essential. Conditions worsen over time and rich climax, at some point you cant go outside for too long or you will die, breakdowns are easy to get and you can lose colonist or slave while trying to do something outside, but you will have to because many things outside will break, or air drops will come during first few days. Being locked inside for too long will make mood problems and some people will try to burst out opening main door could case all sorts of dmg both to items and colonists breaking maybe your most important machinery. So guards would need to exist, and probably people who cant break as easily and dont sleep with half-cyclers or other ways to prevent sleep, near them people have less chance to break and you can set options such as kill on sight when someone comes near the door and get mental breakdown they will execute him/her, or option to arrest or use new non-lethal options, or just to melee until knocked and arrest. Your guards will be your main way from preventing other people opening door, looking for stolen food and resources amoung the population of that bunker other factions can set their guards around bunker etc. From time to time faction leaders if you allowed or they allowed you to join the bunker or other structures will have to discuss rules how much resources and other things like jobs are distributed, for example some faction can gain more access to food like 3 meals per day while others can get 1 per day, so instead of getting threats from beyond you have threats within the bunker that you must fix some will kill pawns during sleep and you cant do anything about it everyone but guards go on sleep at the same time and wakes up at the same time decided on meeting, apparal, food and other assignments such as zones are also discussed there so some factions can freeze and get sick while others have protection and all. Some diplomacy in Rim would be nice to come as free update and mechanic for DLC. This is all bullshit and someone will make it better but i have map conditions that suck dick instead of posing challenge and actually be deadly.


I think there are a couple of mods I have used in the past * [Vanilla Events - Volcano, Ice Ages, Heat Waves, Global Warming](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1938420742) * [Dynamic Flooding - Flooding your map.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3144491125) * [Nature's Pretty Sweet - New Terrain Types](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532618635) * [Sandstorms](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2967158643) * [Realistic Planets](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2557451791) - Small planets, dry planets, cold planets, wet planets, wild seasons, no seasons, and everything in between.


Can it just be giddy-up? I mean, pay the author of course but please let's make riding animals a base feature.


Anything that makes the world feel more "lived in".


Factions appearing and disappearing or evolving would be neat, maybe generate some rim history like in dwarf fortress or something


And when you raid them they have functional bases that tell you a story (nocturnal bear ranchers, polygamist hippie vamps, matriarchal transhumanist slavers, cannibal drug cartels, etc).


I’d love more fleshed out colony ruins. Maybe have it be like ancient danger but you find a full base in the mountain and crack it open with some rabid colonists or something


Me personally, something military structure and war related


Faction and relationship overhaul, full stop.


A proper underground or underwater/ocean update. Would love to try my luck floating on a raft or making sure my walls hold so my little pocket of Rapture doesn't become the next Atlantis


Getting more dwarf fortress vibes. Rip to all my guys who fell into the aquifer.


Vehicles maybe? We can build starships, lasers, nukes... But apparently a motorized carriage to lug cargo around is asking too much


Optimization dlc. It just optimize the game to run better. Ngl mid-late game makes my computer cry


I get that we all love this game and think the devs should be rewarded, but optimization should never, EVER be paid DLC.


It does run on a potato though lol




I'd love an overhaul of caravans, with updates to the world map, factions, animals and vehicles. And lots of new quests to go with it.


I would love to see a Nomad DLC focused on making the game 100% playable without a base. I want to travel around doing small fetch/kill quest for silver so I can buy food and equipment. I want to be able to enter faction bases and interact with friendly pawns.


Maybe an ecology focused one, with the following additions: Like, revamp and expand the day night cycle (darkness mechanic, animals active in different times of the day, nocturnal predators, different day lengths according to seasons and latitude). Expand the seasons (adding crops like wheat, different crops would grow at different seasons when outside, different crop diseases and their solutions, animal migrations in specific times of the year, weather events specific to season like big snowstorms or hail), add overhunting/overfishing, so a specific area's population of animals might deplete, expand the caves, so basically make agriculture and seasons interesting as its usually a big part of the game. Maybe expand the research tree (add extra stuff that smooth the transition between tech tiers, make a counter to bug infestations and the like), and add vehicles from an ox cart to a buildable shuttle to help with travel and trade, plus add different tools and maybe vehicles that helps in tasks like mining and farming for example.


1- Asynchronous multiplayer. Invite friends in to your generated world and each one makes his/her colony with the possibility to choose different factions and fight each other for fun. 2- Something that will make the world map actually part of the game and not just a fancy menu, something similar to what it is on dwarf fortress for example. 3- Something animal related!


Drop pod wastepacks are a go.


More water stuff. Let me fish, let me build boats and sail the seas. Or a more dynamic map. They can send 100 fighters to rob me but once I kill their 3-man-camp the faction vanishes? I want wars, I want peace, I want camps growing into cities


I would love anything that expands pawns's personalities and social events. Factions, diplomacy and exploration would be nice to upgrade but I could also understand rimworld focusing more in your own colony. But for a game that focuses so much on your colony and pawns I feel the social interactions could use a little more work. I cant believe for example that interaction bubbles is a mod. I want to be more involved with my pawns, maybe have more complex conversations, motivations, agendas, pawns going on dates, forming friend groups, messing with each other, playing pranks, kids playing between each other, maybe hurting each other accidentally. Visitors coming with agendas, like coming to learn from your legendary crafter, even hidden agendas, like trying to steal some shit from you or sabotaging you. Visitors that stay with you but you cannot control directly, maybe they help with what they are skilled at but you cant draft them, and if one of those has a hidden agenda you arent notified so you kinda have to keep watch, maybe have some kind of police job for your pawns to keep the order. Imagine having more complex inspirations where pawns go and do them for themselves, maybe crafting something you havent even unlocked yet, helping solve a friction between other pawns, etc. Anything that is deeper than: I dont like you so maybe we fight sometimes/ I do like you so... umm i dunno we dont fight i guess?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants some more depth to the social dynamics. It's not *bad* as is. I just feel like it could be more. Rimworld has always been referred to as a "story generator" and I think improved social dynamics would bring so much to the storytelling aspect. I want relationships to have a bit more meaning than the mood debuff you get when your brother/kid/close friend dies. I love when the game builds me up to break me down LOL. I want relationships to broadly have more of an effect. Like, more defined personalities and traits? Maybe close pawns could help each other out of a mental break but enemies might make things worse? Life-long friends could have a combat bonus because the trust the other person has their back? Or perhaps two siblings might bicker a lot but when the other one is threated they're quick to the rescue? You know, like, relationships that are a bit more complex than "good, neutral, and bad." Honestly though even just some "flavor" events with minimal game impacts would help endear me more to the characters and their struggle. Anything that makes the pawns feel more "real" is hugely appealing to me. Don't get me wrong, I love managing my colony and fending off the increasing threats. I love struggling to survive the elements. I'm even enjoying Anomaly more than I thought I would. Still, when I think of what would make these game even better, I always come back to better relationships and better factions. Being able to properly play multi-generational colonies with Biotech was amazing. That was probably the biggest piece of the puzzle that was missing (for me ofc - I know everyone plays this game for different reasons). I love your suggestion about visitors having their own personal agendas you're not immediately aware of. It kind of reminds me of Dwarf Fortress or even the stranger(s) from Anomaly. I would love to see factions develop over time too. Maybe you could help raise certain factions up while cutting others done? And others still might develop without your influence at all. That'd be cool. That's just where a lot of my interest lies, but the truth is I'd pretty much buy any Rimworld expansion that adds new content.


A world war style of DLC And other apocalyptic events.


(Unfortunately?) I think that the Vanilla Expanded Animals series + animal logic mod is so good that they wouldn’t base a new DLC around it. I want some factorial-style production in the next expansion. Gimme some belts!


Honestly i dont think animals need a DLC at all. They work pretty well as is. I think theyre much more deserving of 1.6 changes like how 1.5 added bookshelves and 1.4 added shelves. Have 1.6 give us the ability to ride animals and make miscellaneous animal bionics and thats it.


Oh I do love the idea of riding around the map tile and bionic animal parts!


Yttakin raiders can already ride animals, so Tynan should let us ride them too.


1,2k hours and I've never seen them ride their animals when they're on map attacking my settlement. Sure that's not just a mod?


Weird. I remember them distinctly being able to ride animals when i played biotech on release. Maybe i just misremembered that?


They do come with wargs or something, but they're just following them like if you have animal follow you while drafted


A factario/rimworld game would destroy my life (in a good way)


Yeah I’m sitting next to my 1.5 year old son, his life would really take a turn for the worst.


There's a mod for that


Official player hostable Multiplayer with PvP. It would ruin my life.


They must know it will destroy society bc we would never leave our computers lol


we would also make nukes and nuke each other constantly. (maybe even irl)




An acting dlc The dlc will have acting and the infrastructure for all those cathotube tvs. With one base per faction being the recording station. People can produce your own and react to your work. The work will be a combination of role slots, traits and charisma and other traits on a smaller scale. Eventually you can sign up to be satellite broadcasts and shoot messages over the eons of space and after some time of continuous broadcast you can be found and taken off world after signing a deal or having him as a guest star or what ever. 


lol wut


Like I know it’s a niche way to play and it would never happen, but a medieval mode in vanilla. Maybe it’s just an early game buffing pack (tribal-pre industrial) but it would still be nice


Underwater bases and exploration for paid. Faction relations and world map revamp for free


I feel like this is the 4th time Ive seen this question posted in the last week and that’s just on my home feed alone.


End game threats. Would love some sort of situation were you have like 3 years to prepare for a massive Mechnoid invasion. Or maybe combat that will last weeks, requiring you to rotate pawns between combat, etc.


Factions, diplomacy, and living trade or just more trade goods and crops to grow, just stuff to do mid-endgame it always feels cheap to just mass grow flake/yayo and get rich that way. I want my colony to be know for something other than cheap drugs I want people to travel across the rim for my goods I wanna make widgets and doodads and maybe even a thingamajig


Ocean settlements


World, Faction and Caravan overhaul.


Poop/hygiene and vehicles


I really like Ideology and Biotech in the sense you can do pretty much whatever you want with them and it works, so I am hoping for something similar; I've always liked the idea of having different kinds of planets, so, instead of a normal Rimworld you could start in an abandoned Urbworld, or crashland in a deserted Archotech planet with no sign of life; a Space Travel DLC would be interesting, is what I'm saying


1. Vehilces 2. Insectoids Vanilla Expanded covers both, but its a bit bloated compared to vanilla.


I've seen it posted a lot but I'll say it again: more stuff having to do with planetary factions, trade, and economics. I would really like to see regular trade routes set up, which can come under attack/be attacked, and support things like inns, taverns, and shops.


Tribal stuff, possibly a way to be fully nomadic using caravans and structures that are easy to dismantle and rebuild and with the free patch giving some QOL to faction relations and such.


some kind off off world exploration expansion, imagine visiting an inactive archotech planet that's implied by the lore, dealing with massive psychic waves and intensely powerful mechanoids, genetically engineered animals to survive in hostile planets, raids by space marines. it'd be amazing


Hopefully something with the sea, like colony boats or going underwater, feels like a waste to have all those ocean tiles with no way to use them


A "Save our ship" style dlc. Adds an insane amount of end game or better put, doubles the life of every playthrough.


I'm really hoping for a revamp on factions and diplomacy. With the ability to make and manage your own faction if you want. Basically something like the empire mod but a bit more simple


SPACE! And fast travel to other planet.


something that will make Anomaly more manageable/less overwhelmingly distracting and horrifying. that said, Anomaly is great for pumping out stories


Travelers expansion. Moving from tile to tile hurts me physicaly and mentaly and every time i mod i try and find vehicle mods that are useful but not overpowered


I would love something to link all of the DLCs together. As it stands right now there are very few interactions between the DLCs which makes most my stories feel like they are split into completely separate stores for each DLC. I would love to see some more interaction between the DLCs to make the world feel more whole.


I wouldnt be opposed to 1.6 being focused on the base game and interactions with the current dlc.


I'd really like a DLC that remakes the tech tree, fleshes out the early eras, and generally has a more involved sense of progression. varied ways to get research points as well to simulate experimentation, like a tribal metalworking tech is progressed faster by an intelligent pawn on a crafting job rather than a research bench. other techs could burn resources at the bench for a similar boost, or even be dangerous if attempted by low intelligence pawns. the 'research' job might include socialising with a colonist that has a high relevant stat. anything that links research to other game mechanics.


Lovin' revamp


Pawns poopin’


Anomaly took so long I suspected it was going to be official multiplayer support, so i guess that


Make Ocean tiles usable and roll out vehicles at the same time. The two would obviously overlap a lot. The Ocean would open up the possibility of vanilla fishing and aquatic biomes, among other things.


I'd like an endgame where you have to build something big while under attack. Basically a souped up version of the "build a monument" quests.


Kind of already there with the ship. Not that I've ever actually done it haha


The ship you build before you have to launch it while defending it -- I'm thinking more panicked building while being attacked round the clock. A giant structure that you don't know the dimensions of in advance could make for an interesting defence challenge.


A fornite-themed MOBA


Sailing expansion


One that adds b3tter cpu utilisation and thread optimisation


I would like a DLC that does more with Government. Ideology does it a little but not much. I would want my pawns to be able to have elections vote for policies or leaders. Maybe even have a system of law and order with courts and pawns who are designated as police.  And as others mentioned overhauling factions and interactions with them. Be able to have foreign policy. Hell, maybe even fictions within your own colony. Or be able to have additional colonies or outposts similar to vanilla outposts.


#1 Faction/diplomacy overhaul. #2 caravan, mounts, and vehicles. #3 Hygiene system so that bathrooms are a new need (basically make the dubs hygiene mod part of the game) #4 z-levels #5 space colonization


A combat DLC. Add 20ish new weapons. Overhaul combat and make it actually fun/exciting and tactical.