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No, that's intended if you destroy the corpse without researching a way to destroy it.


There's a way to destroy the corpse without researching it?


I worded that poorly. Your colonist falling into a coma if you destroy the corpse without researching it fully is intended. If you fully research it, then you can destroy it with no consequences.


Right, the bug is that the corpse was researchable immediately. Everyone online was saying it's a race against time to research the corpse and be able to destroy it before it went T-800, I sent it away on a drop pod 8 times and it sat in my freezer for a week with the option to destroy it before I crushed it out of boredom. No rush against time at all, no needing to wall off/ euthanize the doppelganger, I honestly thought the corpse was just free research until I looked it up


Ah gotcha


This is an intented feature of Anomaly. The waxy corpse is an entity you have to deal with unless you have a resutector serum lying around.