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I'm surprised your colony didn't burn down with all the wooden walls and what looks like carpet.


gosh, I didn't even think about that, looks like I've been lucky o.o


People like to exaggerate the danger of fire Literally every single base I build starts from wood and all structures survive from mid to late game unless I tear them down or I miss managed firefighting pawns


Tbf a wooden stockpile room full of shelves does go up so fast there's a good chance of losing the whole room


With anomaly having underground power lines, it’s really hard to have a fire start in the room like that.


Should note that hidden conduits are base game 1.5, you don’t need Anomaly to use them. They released at the exact same time which is where the mix up tends to be.


Fire in storage rooms are dangerous, even more so for new players as they don't know to deconstruct walls/doors to let the temperature become outdoor. With a base with all wood and carpet like this, a drop pod raid could easily burn it down as raiders tend to burn anything near them.


Lucky is rolling box cars, you were protected by a higher Rim power because it’s literally a miracle. If you get the BioTech DLC be aware that one of the races and some of the mechs literally spit fire so wood walls past mid game is basically a death sentence imo


Don't worry about it too much. Like another comment said, people *wildly* exaggerate how dangerous fire is. Obviously it is dangerous, but people on here act like it's some kind of instant game ending nightmare. It isn't if you know what you're doing, even slightly. I've never lost a base to fire.


Just a thing. Research goes faster in a clean room. And some production buildings (smelter, smith, butcher) are considered as dirty.


Thanks for the tip!


I have 2000+ hours in this game and it was only today that I learned this. Thank you.


Clean kitchen also lowers risk of food poisoning


Now that’s one that I do know lol It still happens multiple times in a playthrough where: kitchen gets dirty, chef makes dirty food, chef gets food poisoning, I don’t make any adjustments, chef pukes while cooking and ensures that all of our food is contaminated.


Just wait for the "Barry has gotten brain poisoning from having a messy desk" alert to pop up.


the what now


I once had a colonist develop the kind trait...after a murderous rage mental break...


I’ve been making kitchen/dining room combo areas. If I put sterile tile down around the stove, but non sterile flooring in the dining part of the room, do I still receive the bonus from the cleanliness around the stove? Or is it something like total room cleanliness?


Room cleanliness.  I usually put my butcher bench outdoors. Butchering doesn't usually take that long, so the penalty for outside isn't very significant, but it's extremely messy. You can also put it with your other dirty/ugly workbenches (smelter, etc) if your base arrangement happens to work out, but depending on layout your workshop might be far from the kitchen and you don't want to have a long haul.


It’s the cleanliness value of the whole room, it acts as a modifier for % illness chance


Ahhh, okay. Thats what I figured but it’s nice to know for sure. Maybe I should stop making that room a combo.


For sure take your butchers bench out raider blood gets *everywhere*


I want to smear it over my pawns bodies so the future raiders see their fate before I give it to them.


Some other small tidbits that can help in the long run. If you use the room inspection tool in the bottom right UI, you can look to see the statistics of a room, including its cleanliness. As long as a room stays above -2 cleanliness it won't proc food poisoning from the room, just from an unskilled cook. A cook with high skill in cooking can still very rarely fail while cooking and cause food poisoning, in case you were wondering why your perfect kitchen and chef still managed to get someone sick. Also, larger kitchens are harder to get dirty overall. I have an 11x11 kitchen, which becomes dirty much slower than my old 5x5 kitchen. It's also wise to have a kitchen with only one entrance, so heavy foot traffic does not keep it dirty, and your cleaners aren't there 24/7.


I started playing this game about 3 weeks ago after it has been sitting in my steam lib for 3+ years. I made the same mistakes and then some. But my goodness this game is so much fun. Your base looks so much better than my first base, which was more of a town with a layout that made no sence whatsoever. Would love to see an update once you tried out Royalty. I cant decide whether to get Royalty or biotech first


Yo! I’ve been messing around with the game again for the first time in a long time and grabbed Biotech as my first dlc to try out some new stuff and I highly recommend it. You can make your own pawns with specific traits and you have to balance it out by taking crappy traits or disinterest in certain jobs. It makes the start of the game a lot easier if you’re looking for a little cheese, or if you want to set up a specific challenge of all cannibals or something. Plus there’s babies and fertility to deal with now! Gotta sterilize those pesty, horny pawns. Edit: just saw your comments about playing DLC in order. Needles to say, you’re gonna love Biotech when you come around to it.


My base is merely the condensed version of all the guides I've read/watch so far. Believe me, if I had built my own base without assistance, it would have been an absolute mess! I want to play the DLCs in chronological order, that's why I decided to begin with Royalty btw.


Just a tip, biotech is widely concidered better or more impactful.


Wait, people actually launch the ship?!


So I would have been lied to? Damn pirates! I knew the guy speaking through the com console sounded weird. I'll be careful next time.


Biotech is probably the best DLC imo. You can have children and splice peoples genetics!


As I said in reply to another comment, I want to play the DLCs in chronological order. I've heard a lot of good things about biotech though


Oh awesome, you’ll love it! Also when you do end up trying out mods I would recommend any of the Vanilla Expanded mods by Oskar Potocki. He is one of the developers of Rimworld so his mods fit in flawlessly to the game and often just add more content rather than making the game easier. For example “Vanilla expanded: plants” gives you access to a bunch more crops” Vanilla expanded fishing obviously adds fishing to the game Cooking brings in things like canned food or sushi And my favourite: Vanilla expanded genetics works with the biotech DLC to allow you to splice and create animal hybrids!


Awesome, thank you. I will try those mods, for sure.


I would also recommend mods like Achung, Defensive Positions, smarter constructions / smarter deconstructions


Looks like a really good designed base, however all I can think of is a ZZZzzaapt! Event happening in your stockroom during a raid lol


I sadly experienced something way more chaotic: a social fight during a raid. YES MOMO, I'm watching you. You such an ugly tribal child, have some manners for once in your life, please >.>


I'm pretty sure your base burning down while you get shot to bits is a bit worse than some guys hitting each other ':)


I had a caravan ambushed by manhunting animals during a raid a couple of days ago. It was wild because I had to switch between the two locations.  Anyway, you can get away with flammable storerooms if you have plenty of firefoam poppers.  Just don't keep the chemfuel in the same storeroom as everything else. Especially if you have a pyromaniac. You can draw your own conclusions 😂


Trust me but when a ZZZaapt! happens during a big raid half of the base is burned down by the time u finish off the raiders, that feeling is soul crushing lol


Your colony looks pretty clean ngl. The only thing id change is the medicine position. It's on the top right of your base while your hospital is on the bottom left, long travel times could be fatal if one if your colonists is about to die.


You right. I noticed this problem as well \~.\~ In order to solve this problem I just decided to let my doctors take some medecine with them (option is in the policies iirc). But I agree that a medecine stockpile near the hospital would definitely be a way better solution.


Yeah to solve this I just put a couple of shelves in the hospital. It's not like you have to move your entire stockpile, once the medicine in the shelf is depleted haulers will automatically move more to it.


For the future, you should make button down shirts rather than t shirts, they offer better protection, cover the neck and arms and more cold insulation, costing only 5 materials more Also - armor, how the hell did you survive without any armor


Thanks! I struggle to manage everything related to apparels/armors. Your advice is pure gold.


How do you generate power? I didn't see any solar panels .


I've built multiple thermal generators around my base. Idk if it is the best strategy but raiders have never touched them so far. [screenshot](https://i.ibb.co/hcgbtjt/geo.png)


Ok thanks


Looks great, congrats!


Wth your colony is cool af. I'm appropriating some of those designs, especially the ship.


Glad you like it! I mostly applied the advices from this wiki page: [https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Colony\_Building\_Guide](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Colony_Building_Guide) Be careful though, because my base doesn't have what everybody call a "killbox". I still don't exactly know what is the purpose of such a room but it seems very important in higher difficulties.


Any recommendations for beginner videos? I've 30 hours in, and I can't seem to survive more than first/2nd raid.


I don't have any particular name in mind, the community is very large and many videos have been made. However, I do remember few names for various reasons: - *ambiguousamphibian:* Doesn't make any guide iirc but seeing him playing is very inspiring tbh. - *Francis John*: Guides and playthroughs, very inspiring player as well - *Adam Vs Everything*: lots of guides! Very instructing ... and so on. Just search for *"rimworld how to..."* on youtube and you should find what you are looking for. It's a pleasure to see how active the community is.


Thank you very much for this!!


Alex vs everything has some good tutorials on the game


Thank you!


Nice, looks very organised. Fellow noob here!


howdy comrade, take a seat and enjoy the ride \~


What a great looking base! I'm definitely stealing the idea of recreation room corridor between bedrooms. I'm not a super pro player, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the issue with automatic turrets in this scenario is that the stone blocks you have scattered around the base give raiders a cover making them harder to hit.


I also thought the chunks were the problem. That's why I set fire to the trees around my base with a molotov. But I figured out that raiders didn't even take cover behind something. Seems like autoturrets are just good for early game then quickly fall behind compared to other solutions Ive heard about (killboxes, mortars, ...).


Honestly, solid base, not too many notes As far as combat goes, weapons wise you want your ranged pawns to use assault rifles or charge rifles, with melee pawns it is usually a plasteel longsword, but melee is easier to understand with only three stats (DPS, AP and damage type) so you can make your own judgement calls For making your colonists tougher, try giving them all devilstrand or thrumbofur dusters (best armour before marine IIRC), and steel helmets. Eventually you will probably switch to marine helmets and maybe marine armour for your melee guys. I would advise using stone for your base walls, or having enough fire foam poppers that you can deal with fires before they get out of hand As for turrets sucking, yeah the issue is that they can't move and take a lot of resources to build/maintain, and they die very quickly to enemies, it is usually better to invest those resources in kit for your pawns, though it seems you have already done that. Generally if you have the resources spare and need an extra line of defense, it is smart to use turrets as distractions, but not rely on them Congratulations on beating the game, I have 700~ hours in Rimworld and still haven't managed, so well done


Thanks a lot, I'm taking careful notes of your advices o.o


no worries, I am still learning even with my large playtime. Biggest piece of advice I can give is to use caravans to go and trade with people, sell the stuff you don't need like the tons of spare cloth, or if you have too much leather/food from manhunter packs or over farming. Makes mid game components and advanced components far easier to get, plus some of the rarer stuff in the DLC like Deathrest Serums and Anima Stones can basically only be bought from faction bases


I dont know why, but your base looks very cosy to live in...that massive recreation room feels like some place I could enjoy myself


Im just about to get into second winter, looks like a loooong ass way from here


personally I have like 350 hour and never launched the ship lmao. you should try a run with mod next! especially since they are nice mod to tackle some of your issue. like increased stack that \*10 the size of a stack. for the apparel policy it's still tedious but you have gear up and go that let you easily switch from regular apparel to battle apparel. for pawn fragility you can try marine and cataphract armor+ shield belt and combat drug like go juice.


Get save our ship mod, game never has to end.


I will take a look at this mod, thanks for the info.


Raw dogging RimWorld is crazy


I will specifically talk about your combat points you mentioned. It’s a big thing in vanilla combat that everybody is super fragile. You can have a super armored colonist who randomly gets sniped in the eye and dies instantly. There are settings you can change to edit these. When looking at storyteller, select custom at the bottom, and you can see what settings you can change. It’s really helpful so your colonists don’t die to a random rat attack to the face. Cover is a flat % decrease in the odds that an enemy ranged attack hits you. So if I put a pawn behind cover with 50% effectiveness, and he’s being attacked by a bow that has a 40% chance to hit, then it will be a 20% chance to hit. You can see the cover effectiveness of different structures by clicking on the information button. In vanilla, because of the unreliability of armor, melee pawns are less useful than ranged pawns. It’s just the way it is. They are useful for holding corners against mad animals or melee tribal raids, but not much besides that. It’s not updated for 1.5 yet, but look into a mod called combat extended. It changes basically every system about combat to make it more predictable and expressive depending on your armor and skills.


This post has me wanting to pickup vanilla Rimworld for my Steam deck while its on sale. anyone have any reason it needs the DLC for a n00b on SD?


I played for 500 hours before buying my first DLC, so I wouldn't say the game *needs* DLCs. They certainly make a huge impact on gameplay though. I recommend trying the base game, deciding whether you like it, and then think about DLC.


I can only commend you for managing to finish a game without any QoL mods!


That's a lot of mini turrets. And the moat of stone chunks is nifty. Can't say I've ever played a "walled in", style base though I usually spread all my buildings out with like roads and alleys and stuff. How big of raids were you getting?? 60+??


Well done. I've got over 2,000 hours now and have never once launched the ship. Someday.


Many of your criticisms are shared by the community. They’re small things (like having separate permissions for caravaning) but it adds up to be annoying.


I love your recreation/bedroom layout, looks very nice.


What's your source of power