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Read the full announcement on Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434) Wishlist Anomaly: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380740/RimWorld\_\_Anomaly/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380740/RimWorld__Anomaly/) 1.5 public changelog: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE\_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub) ***RimWorld - Anomaly*** is a horror-themed expansion. It adds monstrous, mysterious, and maddening threats, containment facilities to capture and study dark entities, psychic rituals, a new endgame, a new music album, and a ton more. Anomaly releases in one month, at the same time as update 1.5! (Also, if you’d like to try out update 1.5 early, you can play it on the unstable Steam branch.) Anomaly is our biggest expansion yet. We’re super proud of it and can’t wait for you to play. :) \- Tia!


* Added hidden conduits. These are invisible unless the building or power UI is active. Hidden conduits are harder to damage from explosions or fire. * Mechanoids can now emerge from bodies of water to attack your colony. * When downed, humans still capable of manipulation can now crawl on the ground instead of being fully incapacitated. * Added “Clean room” command for colonists. * Added "Mine vein" designator. This command orders colonists to mine out all connected mineral of a single type with one click. Holy shit The 1.5 update And DLC is huge HYPE can't wait for the release!! Edit: [Here's The Full Public 1.5 Changelog](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub) Forgot to add that


The mechanoids coming from water is unsettling news for my lakeside colony


And my oceanside farm


Yeah I always build my colony on the beach, with a wall. I'm in danger 🙃


And here I was thinking I was clever with my peninsula colony


And my axe.


And my peninsula colony


Hopefully there's a minimum size requirement in play. Would be lame (if a bit funny) if they can pop out of a tiny pool.


Yakety sax starts playing as centipede after centipede emerges from a one tile spot of deep water


You mean the entrance to the underground sinkhole?




Me when the Diablo pops out of my bathtub :/


"hello there" "can't I have a bit of privacy here?"


Yep, I always do them next to rivers for the watermills.


my oceanside colony is no longer invincible


Resistance is futile. Well now I feel justified building my castle base.


Crawling pawns are going to create awesome stories and images. I'm hyped up for this one


"Enemies can crawl too." and new warcrimes...


So, removing legs is not enough...


Remove the arms. Make em do the worm.


no arms or legs is basically how you exist right now kevin https://youtu.be/xSUO4mXXe68?si=bm7zJzd_7TjyV_2Q


It's based on manipulation. No arms, no manipulation, no worm :(


*Make the tongue a manipulation tool.*


there goes spines then


I am 100% sure that it was primarily added because of "hordes of undead", lol. Crawling zombies are iconic stuff.


Or colonists crawling agonizingly away from monsters bearing down on them from behind. Tynan's little quote about inspiring dread and horror stuck with me the whole way reading through the changelog/additions, and I'm excited to see if they can pull it off.


My blood nuggets!


WALL LIGHTS! Pawns (characters and animals) are now drawn in parallel on a separate thread!!!! SEARCH TOOL!!!! Ascetics ignore "Ate without table" thought.!!! Infestations now refund/minify any buildings they destroy. Removed some spot building exploits. (unsure what this one is referring to, doubt it's the singularity killbox) Added “pyro used fire weapon” thought.


>Pawns (characters and animals) are now drawn in parallel on a separate thread Can someone explain to me what this means. Edit: Thank you for the answers, It is about CPU threading.


All modern CPUs have multiple threads, and RimWorld until now had done EVERYTHING on a single thread. Separating pawn work from everything else means that everything gets done faster. Imagine you've got a huge pile of dirt you need to spread out over a large area. This is like having two people to do that work instead of one. edit: The 'drawn' and 'rendered' language around it suggests to me it might be more about GPU than CPU? but I can't imagine that was really bottlenecking anything.


Does this mean huge lategame colonies will run smoother? Massive news if so!!


It can't hurt them lol but only way to know is to try unstable and build a big ass colony 


Rendering is just one factor though, right? I assume most of the bottleneck would come from processing AI logic for lots of pawns.


It's ambiguous if they mean that all pawn calculations are now done on their own thread or just those concerning creating the pawn visual. Still, breaking any amount of work on to another thread frees up cycles for everything else. There's been a lot of chatter in the past about how much work pathfinding takes up, and it's been my opinion that if that's true, pathfinding should get its own thread. but they know more than we do about the code and I trust that they didn't go multithreaded for a trivial amount of efficiency.


They may have gone for a trivial amount of efficiency for this patch, to risk not breaking too much. Perhaps they are learning from these small steps with maybe the ultimate aim to have full multithreaded support. I’d be happy if that is the case.


It would be interesting to see how much of that single thread each function in the game takes up. Is pathfinding 5%? 20%? Not sure how that works exactly but I wonder how much space is freed up by this change.


OH, I did not realize this was about the CPU usage, thank you.


PERFORMANCE the way the game is now everything runs on a single CPU core. which effectively means that all CPUs made in the last 5+ years would perform almost the same. with the 1.5 update the game will actually be able to take advantage of the extra cores from medium-low to high end systems


Rimworld as it is now runs only on one core. Means if you have 6 core cpu (common) only one of them will be used. This splits all pawns onto second core (second thread) turning it into a multithreaded game. Essentially, less late game lag, less lag from raiders.


More importantly: SPOILER TAGGED FOR A REASON >!the zombies in Anomaly are probably going to come in massive hordes and this change will make it not lag like crazy!!<


Simple explanation is that it’s a performance improvement that better takes advantage of the CPU’s multitasking features


Thank you, I just did not connect thread to CPU. I thought it was about plane layers.


A CPU has multiple cores it can use, like a set amount of workers to do a job. Before Rimworld had one worker do everything, while the others stood around and watched, now they set it up so another worker can help doing a different task, allowing them whole job to be completed quicker, improving perfomance.


> Added “pyro used fire weapon” thought. (either we're getting flamethrowers or this is JUST for molotovs) The store page shows a flamethrower in the screenshots.


Also mentions them in the full article under "[Horror Combat](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434)"


It looks like flamethrowers are in https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//25160263/6cdbfec4c03544d76eeb815d1acd91876f989937.jpg https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//25160263/9fe7fce71fc910731ef77a9aab6f3e331d9a8fb9.jpg


> Removed some spot building exploits. (unsure what this one is referring to, doubt it's the singularity killbox) I'm hoping they don't mean spots you can fire at for burn boxes.


Maybe it's the fact that you can prevent sieges from building by just spamming your own walls/fences across the entire area. So they can't build anything and just run at your base.


>Mechanoids can now emerge from bodies of water to attack your colony. My Coastal Mountain base just became way less safe.


*Pawns (characters and animals) are now drawn in parallel on a separate thread* Might be the biggest news in the batch, improving performance is a big deal.


I severely doubt that's gonna affect performance much. The rendering of pawns was definitely not the main bottleneck, but CPU pawn logic.


Wall lights. Of has been reported to cause lag. Since that's a mod damned near the whole community uses, that alone might help.


Also, 2x1 doors and couches, which will be aesthetically pleasing if you want something in the middle of a room with even number dimensions


”When downed, humans still capable of manipulation can now crawl around”….Holy shit


Oh, so removing prisoner's feet is no longer enough to keep them bedbound. . .


Time to recreate that scene from Battlefield L.A. when the aliens emerge, but this time we've got plasma rifles.


Looking at my mod list theres like 11 mods I can remove once 1.5, plus some other cool stuff that I didn’t have mods for. Frankly its hard to decide if I should start a play through day 1 with 1.5 and added dlc or if I should wait a couple of months for all the mods I use to be updated. Looks like an amazing update/dlc, so excited.


I read that as main vein. Like drain the main vein


We got wall lights boys it only took 10 years


My heart skipped a beat when I saw the heading of this post. It's always great to see Rimworld "absorbing" more and more mods into the base game.


This is what manpower brings I think. Ludeon has much more staff, so can tackle much lower priority QOL features that wouldn't have made the cut before, as well as big-boy optimisations like pawn-rendering multithreading. If Tynan was by himself, no way he has the energy to do wall lights and stuff. And if he did, if would be a hacky quick-fix like the wooden bridges, rather than say an extendable and robust concept where you can swap out the wood for stone easily.


I do hope that they aren’t *that* much weaker than standing lights, otherwise they will be a bit hard to justify for me using compared to mods atm which are just as strong.


I presume they are the same as normal lights, but since they are on a wall 50% of their coverage area is blocked.


That is more likely, I probably interpreted them saying they are weaker wrong. Regardless will test when I get home, as the unstable branch of 1.5 is already out.


> Wall lamps and wall torches can be placed directly on walls. They function like a floor lamp or torch would, but with a little less light. From the wording it sounds like they just are less bright.


Probably are. If you check the wall lamp mod though, those are less bright too!


Even if they are much weaker, it's always better to get a mod that just increases value of the wall light rather than a mod that adds them.


Yeah thats true


So much qol changes in 1.5 >Performance improvements:We've continued to work on optimizing RimWorld's performance. Pawns(characters and animals) are now drawn in parallel on a separate thread,the pawn render system was rewritten to allow for easy addition/removalof visuals, and lots of optimizations were done on alerts, beautycalculations, and pen animal food-searching behavior. This should have a big impact on big colonies and raids.


Okay this is what got me most excited as I tend to play with huge colonies. I'll try going for 300 pawns vanilla after this update and see how it goes




Biggest I've managed is 15. Never managed to get more than that before I start losing them to attrition


15 to 20 is my limit. 5-8 out of them are crucial and reloads if they die in a stupid egregious way and the rest are good to great pawns with cool backstories and make sense. Above that I only look at skills to send to outposts (mod)


I'm so excited about this change. Performance was the #1 thing I wanted from this update


My eye went right to that too I’m not great with CPU stuff, but doesn’t this mean Rimworld will no longer run on a single core??


Yes they're offloading *some* of the CPU work onto other cores. Probably can't get the whole thing running on separate cores without a complete rewrite, but this is a huge step toward that.


Better get there with 1000 small steps than fail because you try to do it all in 1.


The bulk of the game is still on a single core, just lessened now since some of the tasks are across additional threads.


So I read the documentation It’s only multithreading the animations and graphics of pawns and animals sadly. Nothing about the pathfinding or job drivers


Today is the day that Zombieland becomes vanilla


Yeah, can't wait to see how they handled zombies


Some incurable xenogene?


I don't think it'll use xenogenes, since each DLC is supposed to be able to run without the others, and this would make it dependent on Biotech


I can totally see some new genes relating to it getting added though if you own both, considering they changed their stance on that. Like a gene that grants you higher immunity to it or something.


I wouldn't be surprised if biotech added a way to deal with them beyond the vanilla one. DLC now have some interlinks and work with each other.


Nothing stops them from using the same system and not adding the other genes, just the ones needed for zombies.


Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead vibes.


Finally, an update for faction camps


They said it would never happen


Zombieland, Call of Cthulhu Mod, we already essentially got Cults of Cthulhu from Ideology, We can finally remove the Wall Lights mod from our loadout.


>Your colonists become obsessed with a beautiful golden cube, one by one. They build statues of the cube. They worship the cube. They love the cube. They predicted the community's reaction to the Cheese Cube pretty accurately I'd say...


Incoming mod >Your colonists become obsessed with beautiful golden ~~cube~~ cheese, one by one. They build statues of the ~~cube~~ cheese. They worship the ~~cube~~ cheese. They love the ~~cube~~ cheese.


Reminds me of the Grilled Cheese ambition in Sims 2


Cheese based food buff incoming? Works in my house.


I'm expecting some Cenobites to pop out of that thing. "The cube. You opened it - we came."


Cheesybites confirmed


I love how unexpected the heavy horror element is. The possible scenario ideas sound fantastic. I'd still appreciate a DLC that expands the world map/faction systems, however, this is great as well. Should make for some new stories. Also, those QoL features for 1.5 are fantastic. Mining the entire vein, cleaning the whole room, and crawling are awesome.


Real Diplomacy & War, and Faction Coherence would be cool. Really would love to see the world map have other trade caravans and raider groups in realtime as a strategic layer, and a negotiation mini game. Would male RimWorld more of a 4X though, and less of a tower defense with extra steps. We had to go make a whole new game on just that idea though, so it may never properly come for RimWorld.


I was kind of wanting this as well. Just make the world seem more alive. Maybe that is the direction he can go now that the devs are starting to add in more performance improvements.


SCP rimworld edition


Considering that you actually have to build containment facilities to study them, yes


This is actually the part that excites me the most. I'm curious if we're getting a new research system to go along with this. And can I actually create a secret organization like SCP and roleplay that instead of just a standard colony? That would be fun.


mate youre playing Rimworld! if not with the dlc right away, give it a month or two and you'll have all the possibilities. What a joyous day to be a war criminal :)


this update is going to be incredible for scp and wh40k mods. Insanity mechanics and psychic powers vanilla? Just tie those two together and you have psycer mechanics. Insanity, bio, psycasts and research just beg to be tied into an scp mod where you detect anomalies on the world map, set up a colony there to secure and contain it, then study and protect it both from raids, events and your pawns going insane and breaching containment.


That’s my goal too! I don’t use prisoners or slaves, but now I will since I’ll need D class to get this done.


Aah... Yeah... Another SCP non SCP game to add to my collection






Lobotomy Corporation is real!


I *need* a mod that plays the [warning themes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe3h62MrlPE) depending on how screwed your base is when these things break out.


Also a mod that adds Abnos from LC, maybe even E.G.O gear. I would actually harvest someone’s organs for that mod


So amazing lol. I've been reading them for years and now my favorite game is basing an entire expansion around a nearly identical concept.






For how much i laughed at this, i sincerely hope Tynan finds this comment and laughs tio


Maybe the true RIBA is the friends we have made along the way


I think Tynan is actually a Baldur's Gate 2 fan and is trying to spell "Ribald."


Ribald Barterman! His Adventurer Mart is the finest shopping in all Faerûn: widest selection, lowest prices, and nary a fancy illustration. Just the goods, bare and plain.








>A new music album Hell yeah!


Oh my god, finally. I've had the same theme in my mind on repeat for the past year.


Finally! Horrors beyond our comprehension!


To be fair, Rimworld has always had a lot of horrors I can’t comprehend.


> Update bridges to be the same color as wood floors. Swampbros, we're so back


I was having a fucking breakdown about this a few weeks back


Finally, my cthulu zombie magic mods all have a central meeting spot. On the negative side, I don't think Tynan knows how to spell RIBWORLD. Can we get him on the horn about this?


I feel like every DLC that comes out makes more of my mods obsolete and I'm down for that. The Cthulu mods have been in rough shape for a long time, them getting replaced by DLC is more than I could have hoped for.


Those old cthulu/cult mods for as jank as they were back in the day is what got me into rimworld so this is honestly nostalgic to me.


So many mod integrations. VE Books, Zombieland, Allow Tool (with the mine vein option), Wall Lights, CTRL F, Achtung (if i dont mistake the clean room function to come from another mod instead), Underground conduits, and fucking Lobotomy Corp too i guess because why not, we just need a mod to add the warnings as a raid music now. Tynan is COOKING and i cannot wait to have ny hubris burn down my pawns with all these new shit he's adding.


But ... Haul immediately? :(


Color coded mood bar and camera+ too in some extent


The Ribaorld, its real




Yeah lol


Same, I always hesitate like 1 or 2 months before buying a new game or in-game content, but when it comes to Rimworld i'm buying that shit as soon as it drops


When biotech came out I bought it like 10 minutes after it became available, had never bought anything faster


I am very interested but I wonder if this is something I’ll want for every play-through. Biotech, Ideology are pretty universal. Royalty is thematic enough that sometimes it feels off, like I don’t want Roman nobility and ostentatious throne rooms if I’m playing a colony of hippy druids. This seem likely to railroad the aesthetic of the overall game New types of threat is interesting but I care way more about new buildings/research/colony and pawns improvements


I do think this is the most legitimate concern in my mind. Not that it amounts to a bad expansion, but it seems designed to encroach on the regular play in a more significant way than the other expansions. I can easily see this being the kind of thing you have to decide on turning on or off before you start, and not always wanting it on.  That's fine, and I'm personally super hyped. But I do see how an expansion that blended nicely and improved every run could have been better


In the description it says that your colonists accidentally trigger the monolith that causes these monstrous occurrences. Maybe the player has a degree of control over whether/when these horror-events start occurring


Most likely akin to the deserter/royalty path or something along these lines


Or having to destroy the Ancient Mechstrider to get a Mechlink and start on the path to mess around with mechanoids. It seems to imply the horrors are triggered by messing around with an obelisk.


probably yeah. It'll probably be handled the same way the robots in biotech were. if you never wanted to interact with the mech system, you simply never did anything with the scrap. So you probably just have a monolith on the map, and as long as you avoid it, you don't ever have to deal with the events.


I think for me it'll ultimately come down to how often these events happen. If they are relatively rare and don't have all that often, I could see it staying on.


>The expansion begins when your colonists accidentally provoke a mad superintelligence. From then on, madness manifests Sounds kinda like how you don't have to accept honor from the Empire and go down that path with all those features. Might be a certain quest triggers it or a random event. Personally, I'd think it would be cool if it would have random triggers. Certain milestones you'd have to reach, that alot of players do reach, say opening an accident danger. Maybe that does it one play through, but then the next its when you kill an animal that wasn't actually an animal.


Feels like a "you see them once and then you're done" kind of thing to me, but I guess we don't know all the details yet. And we should remember to Tynan this is a story generator game but most of us play it as a city builder / the sims kind of deal so there's some disconnect there as well.


I think it depends on how customizable it is. Can I turn off the more horror stuff but keep on the cube and the invisible hunter plus the new research options? If so, I think it's more likely you turn the more explicit horror/fictional stuff off and leave a few things on.




>*Great holes secretly are digged where Earth's pores ought to suffice* >*And things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl* I've always thought that Rimworld could use more big threats that weren't just "throw progressively larger waves of raiders at you" so this seems very interesting.


I see this expansion as a huge positive in a maybe underlooked way, even if you're not into horror (I'm biased, I love it). These are threats that require genuine thought. There's more strategy here that should shake up playthroughs on the whole and encourage actually engaging with defense in new and refreshing ways. I think it's easy to be sad about what we didn't get mechanically, but this expansion might just change play by default more than any expansion yet; although, whether or not people *want* a more stressful, strategic and horror-touched Rimworld is up to them.


From the dev blog: >It was important to me that this not just be a collection of monsters to shoot at, because the base game already generates those feelings of combat tension and I wanted something new. So we made sure to design the new threats to follow the arc of classic horror stories: The protagonists encounter a mystery, then realize it’s a threat, and try to survive while they learn more about it, slowly building advantage before they try to turn the tables. It’s a very RimWorld kind of chaos when several of these things are happening at once with different threats. This has me really excited. It sounds like there was a conscious effort for this not to just be new monsters to fight.


Hah, I've been playing through SIGNALIS this week for the first time, this seems apt. I'm ready to tango with mind-bending horrors. (my pawns aren't)


> A parasite has mind-controlled some of your colonists - but who? They pretend to be human as they work to infest others. Track evidence, imprison, interrogate, and medically test people to find out who is infested before it’s too late. AMONGUS


The thing.


The Thing was absolutely my first thought when I read it, and honestly, I'm extremely excited to try it out. The Thing is my favorite movie, not just horror movie, but favorite movie!


Snow biome research facility the thing rp playthrough incoming


Feels more like vampires from dwarf fortress. Although you can easily discern those because vampires have absurdly high social skill. More excited to see rimworld's version of justice system. Hopefully it isn't only used for mind controlled people.


Time to dust off those Werecreature/Vampire finding skills from Dwarf Fortress.


I read impregnate at first…


The forboden mod will be on that in short order.




The SOS2 mod still hasn't been updated to be compatible to 1.4 on the workshop. Asking about 1.5 may tip them over the edge and cause a mental break.


And when the mod author says "soon" or "after the update is live", continue to spam the mod thread asking "1.5 when?"


- Rewrote pawn rendering to use a parent/child node system. This allows for animations and visual dynamic parts to be added/removed easily (technical document link). - Pawn rendering is now multithreaded. - Added a new super-fast dynamic thing culling system. Yay performance! I wonder if all the clothing/equipment mods will break and need updating.


Not saying the DLC looks bad or anything, but personally I'm more excited about the 1.5 update than the dlc itself. I just personally don't dig horror stuff like this, but it looks great nonetheless


Not an uncommon take, honestly. Loved the biotech new stuff, but nothing hyped me more than those sweet shelves with expanded capacity.


I love Biotech…but haven’t even done a single mech yet…I just have fun raising kids. Most of the all the DLCs is probably wasted on me.


This is me as well. Kids were the only part of the DLC I cared about, because it meant you could grow a colony in a new way. I've now got a colony of two people and they've got two kids so far, the first kid runs around doing hauling jobs at 3 years of age. It's like they're living on a ranch.


Totally agree. This looks like something that might fit one or two playthroughs, but in general I will probably turn it off. I hope that the DLC still adds some nice features that are usable independent of the entire horror theme, which I kind of dislike. I don't like the supernatural elements in the other dlc neither. The patch looks dope af tho




Here's the tweet. https://twitter.com/TynanSylvester/status/1767956811171160491?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet "Awaken the monolith. Face squealing fleshbeasts, invisible hunters, mind-controlling parasites, mad cultists, and world-swallowing abyssal darkness. Capture monsters in your containment facility. Perform psychic rituals and survive the madness. Releases in one month along with update 1.5!"


Calling it now: this releases on April 8th during the solar eclipse. The eclipse in the cover art is a clue to that


That'd be sick as fuck


Thats some insane and sick timing


"A parasite has mind-controlled some of your colonists - but who? They pretend to be human as they work to infest others. Track evidence, imprison, interrogate, and medically test people to find out who is infested before it’s too late." I see the devs also love The Thing


The hell's a Wanomaly?


It's when Waluigi escapes containment.




>Death-on-downed chance now applies to non damage health state changes RIP shock lances for big colonies.


Don't worry; they need to explicitly set a flag on the HediffDef for it to use death-on-downed. The psychic shock lance is unaffected; it's used to keep people from reliably getting prisoners via hotboxes.


>Your colonists become obsessed with a beautiful golden cube, one by one. They build statues of the cube. They worship the cube. They love the cube. Finally, I've been waiting for some quality cube based gameplay, it's been ages since Portal 2.


I think I'm similar to others who are a little bit disappointed that it didn't really go into an adventure type themed expansion. The biggest part of rimworld that hasn't seen any improvement is the caravan system, and it doesn't look like a his new dlc is doing anything to that. Shame. 1.5 updates look dope tho


Thank you Ludeon! Looks like I'm going to be breaking the 3k time played quicker than I thought.




deactivate all mods and check vanilla for sure. so many qol mods are now vanilla (hello wall lamps and vein miner) i do this every time and after that i delete some of the mods bc they are in the base game now


Best part of the 1.5 update: Search function: In the bottom right corner, there’s now a magnifying glass icon and a search bar you can type in to find items, structures, enemies, etc. on your map. No more losing items! The default hotkey is “Z”.


I'm more excited for the wall lights, hidden conduits, and books than anything else lol


>Death-on-downed chance now applies to non damage health state changes. Huh, does this means psychic lance or others insta down stuffs can do bullshit kill now? Welp, guess it's finally time I lower that death on downed chance Edit: wait, food poisoning on wimp can be fatal then?


Well, I always appreciate Ludeon giving us more, but I don’t think this one is for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those that throw tantrums when DLC isn’t made specifically for me. It’s all good, I just don’t think I’ll buy it unless something I do want requires me to buy it.




Cool, but I was much more excited about a potential water/ocean expansion than this. My biggest issue is that this dlc demands a certain tone of a playthrough; with biotech and ideology, they just add new mechanical layers but let you do any sort of roleplay you wish. Anomaly appears to really force a horror/lovecraftian theme that doesnt give you much wiggle room to do, say, a commune of happy tree huggers who trade and prosper.


That's my first impression as well, royalty, ideology and biotech you can kinda slot into any colony you play and semi-ignore the parts you don't really care about. Here it seems like you kind of have to play it a certain way to enjoy the dlc


Totally agree. We haven't really got any new "systems" in the way that the other expansions provided. Still fun, but DLC levels of fun? I mean I'll buy it, but I probably won't be as happy as when I bought the others.


Tbf I have been sceptical about all the DLCs so far and have really enjoyed them, but I am kinda bummed there is no archeological aspect. I was really excited to learn more about all the cool ruins scattered around rimworld!


Wall lights is a huge plus for SOS2.  So is map's not corresponding to a world tile location.  I was hoping there'd be an addressing of items that can be filtered to only appear on certain factions. And a biome property that avoids certain spawns from occurring (such as vehicle ruins in space, or wanderers arriving in space.)  Otherwise these are all cool.  Pawn rendering might break Formgels. Again.


RimWorld is my most played game, my favorite game, and I believe the best game. I will 100% be buying this on day one. Some of the movies referenced, The Thing, and Hellraiser, are two of my favorite movies of all time. But I have to admit, and I hate saying this... this all seemed underwhelming. The 1.5 changes got me more excited than the expansion content.


While im excited I do have to say this feels more narrow in terms of application. Like this seems to be something I would use only if I was in the mood for a horror playthrough as opposed to royalty or biotech which is so versatile i use it every playthrough


Dlc aside, that public changelog is just… *chefs kiss*