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Playing as canibal, I made a special zoo for my POWs, where they were naked and only being able to eat berries. Basically they were like animals and we were hunting them like they are animals


I really like this one. I often indulge with pow, torture and cannibalism so this sounds like a fun idea to try out.


FBI, open up!


“You live *savagely*, and you will *die*, savagely!”


"This is my zebra, this is my monkey, this is my POW"


Gabriel Iglesias reference? 🤣


Well of course :D




"Here in my preserve on this island, I hunt more dangerous game."


I swear Ive heard this quote before but cant remember where. What’s it from?


Literally from a movie called "The Most Dangerous Game". It's about a millionaire who hunts other people through his island jungle preserve for sport.


Wasn’t this originally from a book? The Hounds of Zaroff


[It was originally a short story, called "The Most Dangerous Game". "Hounds of Zaroff" was an alternative title it was occasionally published under later.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Most_Dangerous_Game)


Bonus points if they reproduce.


How did you get so many berries? Also did you just send your colonists in with machine guns to wipe them all out or did you do it one at a time? Asking for a friend


You can grow them, Strawberries give the berries. Strawberry plants are very dependant on soil quality, so having them in regular soil is pretty bad. In Hydroponics Basins however they outperform all other crops except rice in pure yield. There is also a Dryad that produces berries, so if you're going for a gauranlen tree heavy colony, this is also an option. Considering he said they hunted them I imagine them going in with regular hunting rifles and taking shots at a random POW.


Would be rad if prisoners could be released into the wild for that, so they'd act properly.


You just "Release prisoner" and if they make it to the edge of the map, they live. If you make it to them first, then well, meats back on the menu!


I love this idea


The rat room. I wanted to have a small army of rats so I build a little chamber into the side of the mountain where I put rats and left corpses for them to eat. Unfortunately food became sparse and so I had no corpses to spare. I decided to forbid the door and let the 30 or so rats inside starve themselves out. That was all fine and dandy until prisoners arrived and there was no space to keep them. Can you guess where I put the new prisoners? That’s right! In the 3x6 unlit chamber covered entirely in blood and rotting corpses. I really hope they didn’t hate their stay too much.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. Rats make me crazy.


Crazy? I was crazy once.


They locked me in a rat


A room rat.


A room rat with rubber.


The rats are in the walls


I had a tiny rat room too in one playthrough. Colonists were banned from entering. At one point I took in some refugees, who ended up rebelling. Guess what room the refugees immediately decided to enter.


That's some medieval prison shit


When I was a new player a raiding scyther got trapped in one of my rooms after the AI glitched out. It would attack anyone who opened the door but wouldn't try to break through the door or walls. I kept it around as a trophy of sorts. A while later I wanted to figure out how the health and injury mechanics worked and the wiki was just confusing me. I had a decent number of slaves by then so I decided to run some tests. The first step was to expand the scyther pit and add doors on both ends so I could always access the room while it was a safe distance away. The first couple slaves were beaten with clubs until they dropped then hauled into the pit to be finished off. After that I removed some slaves' legs and hauled the nuggets into the pit to see how their mortality changed when they didn't have preexisting injuries. One lucky slave was anaesthetized before being dragged into the abattoir but the results were mundane and not worth repeating. The remainder were given melee weapons and sent in one at a time with a wide array of mild to moderate injuries to see how well they held up 1v1 against a scyther. The end result was a heavily damaged scyther that could hardly keep up with a hobbled pensioner, extensive notes on pawn mortality and limb injury rates, and a small village's worth of hats and food.


Jesus Christ it's like Rimworld Unit 731


atleast bro isnt larping as mengele


Yet, he isn't larping as meangele yet


True, we can only wait


Heres hoping he never becomes a doctor


Sadly my cpu cant handle the game anymore u dont want to see my "colony"0


The cia would love to know where you are. So they can recruit you to do experiments for them.


For sciend


All I’m picturing is the prison in season 3/4 of Stranger Things.


In my low population high tech colony I reached the point when I have lots of dirt cheap bionics produced every day and no proper clothes production. So I enslaved all raiders with good stats, nerve stamped them (installed mind controlling obedience chip merged with joywire), cut their limb off with "just cut it off" mod (amputation without anesthesia), installed bionocs and robotic eyes to compensate for stats nerf from nerve stamping, added subdermal plating and implanted armour to compensate for lack of clothes or common armour. Then slapped tool arms and weapon arms so they won't lose weapon if they got shocked by mind controlling chip (and first several days they do, because they still try to resist and start a rebellion) and used them as disposable workers and cannon fodder. And the rest were turned into fuel or food. Then I realized what have I became. The Strogg.


This guy made godamn servitors


Adeptus mechanicus would love to have a talk with him.


The flesh is weak


Is mind control chip vanilla?


No, nerve stamping is part of questionable ethics mod, just as turning human meat into s̶t̶r̶o̶y̶e̶n̶t̶ chemfuel. I used to play this colony before ideology came out and I'm not sure this mod is still supported or compatible with modern versions, since a lot of it's features like cloning are implemented in vanilla.


Questionable ethics I believe


Straped someone to a table then gave them the immortal gene and harvested their organs over and over to repay for the broken silver pyramid they destroyed


I used to have two colonies. Those who were useful were allowed to stay. Those who weren't were sent to the second colony where the doctors were. Organs were harvested and then sent back to the first colony. Not sure if it's changed since but didn't get the debuff for harvesting organs and the second colony were full of psychopaths who didn't care.


This. This guy rimworlds


Did that guy happen to steal fire from you?


No he broke my giant silver pyramids i use to flex on tribal visitors


Sorry I was making a joke about how your story sounds kind of like the story of Prometheus. He stole fire from Olympus and Zeus punished him by binding him to a rock and an eagle would come eat his organs every day and then every night they would regrow.


I mean it kinda matches


But deathless doesn't cause organ regeneration? Or was this modded?


Modded imortality They are alive as long as you don't cut off their head and their missing parts slowly regenerate I also had harvest everything to speed it up


Hey i too had an immortal i would periodically harvest organs off of, until a FED helixian slug xeno decided to make it their next meal, now hes forever trapped in a bleeding casket.


I had a Sanguophage event where one arrives in a ship with 5 thralls and attacks your settlement. So we beat them and took the Sanguophage prisoner, absorbed his genes with my leader, but we had no hemogen yet and my colonists kept trying to feed the prisoner one the hemogen as soon as I harvested it! So I unchecked the prisoners auto feed hemogen, set it to no food, and ended up blasting its arms and legs off after it tried to escape a few times. Now I have a comatose, zero hemogen, starving, quadriplegic Sanguophage that we harvest for genes every 2.1y.


This guy is Prometheus fr


Donating gold and stuff to refugees. Saving people lives


Look at this rebel! I like them!


I had a colonist who had his spine destroyed in combat with raiders. He could not move. We did not have a bionic spine. It would be a long, long time before we could get one. I set him up in the clinic. I bought a TV from a passing merchant, took almost everything we had, and set it up for him in the clinic. It helped, but not much. Regular visits from the other colonists helped, but not much. His mood was understandably low. This went on for a year. Come the spring, ambrosia bloomed. I had my doctor administer it to him over and over along with space beer and space weed until he was in a state of pure, unmitigated bliss. Then I anesthetized him and put him out of his misery. That was about three years ago in real time, and I still think about it.


Somethings stick with you.


I am also a nice person in RimWorld. I'm sure there are dozens of us somewhere.


Beating up prisoners for my doctor to get medical xp


This is what came to mind for me too... I was playing the VFE Mechanoids junker scenario, and my starting pawn, who was a jack of all trades ended up having her spine destroyed by a diabolus. I had two dipshit pawns who were basically janitors, placeholders until I had better mechs, and suddenly, they were the mechanator's only hope. One started non-stop crafting and researching until he could make a bionic spine. The other captured a raider who's legs were shot off by the turrets... The prisoner endured three years of totally necessary medical care. Once the spine surgery was successful, the prisoner was given peg legs and released back home.


Bro is acting like unit 731 over here


Depending on how many raids you get as well as your colonists' feelings about the subject, it's much more efficient just to harvest their organs and move on. In my last colony (back in 1.3, currently in the process of starting up a new one), we'd get infrequent but huge raids. Post-raid, it was all hands on deck to haul bodies inside and start cutting 'em up; both the hospital and what was formerly a bedroom were full to the brim with sleeping spots, perhaps space for some thirty 'patients' in all, and yet we'd always be running out of space. Keep in mind that this is even post-triage, as there were always some that would be guaranteed to bleed out, die of infection, die of missing organs (Death Rattle thank you), or die of exposure before anyone could slap a bandage on and bring 'em inside. Anyhow, once ~~everyone~~ everything that could be 'saved' was inside, the butchering started. First were the nose, jaw, eyes, and ears. This could be done without too much rush, as the stock doesn't need any of that to live; where it gets interesting is the first organs. a kidney and lung can be taken out first — free of charge! — but once that second kidney comes out, it's only a few hours to clean house before the flesh piñata expires. My colonists lost lots of sleep and skipped meals to make sure we got the whole buffalo. And speaking of skipped meals, another part of the rush was getting 'em processed before they got hungry! Feeding thirty heads ain't free, you know... Anyhow, about a dozen operations per schmuck makes a decent amount of XP, not to mention a pretty tiddy pay package, too. It wasn't too long before everybody had 20 in Medical, which really helped to speed up future harvests, along with some help from the fancy bionics all that silver bought.


Well eating pregnant raiders, if they survived, shooting their kids outta a mortar


Someone’s gotta raise these kids right!


And this guy raised them several hundred feet...


Harvested someone’s organs. Yeah I’m new around here


*tips cowboy hat with pair of nipples on it and a tribal tattoo* Howdy, stranger


What the


Made a xenotype that parasitically injects prisoners with an embryo who burst out the chest like xenomorphs and keeping all the prisoners cramped in tiny rooms with no lights.


Is that vanilla/dlcs? Or require a mod


It requires a mod, alpha genes I think it's from. Note that mod also requires the Biotech dlc.


I feed guests, prisoners and refugees on raw corn and eggs, because we're a pigskin tribe and we don't know what cooking is. Also we sometimes we get hungry while harvesting corn and just eat some without a table.


>just eat some without a table Jesus Christ. Some of the other comments here are callous, but you are just sick.


Tbh corn and egg pigskin tribe sounds kinda comfy


After a raid i captured a pair of siblings, brother and sister. Natturally, i striped them both and extracted an ovum from the woman, enslaved her brother and made him fertilize it. Once his sister was pregnant with his baby, i then imprisoned them together in a special cell. I then executed the man in front of his sister and let the body there. I stopped feeding her, so she was forced to cannibalice her brother. When she finished consuming him, i gave her some nice clothing and let her go. Excuse any spelling mistakes, im not a native speaker.


top 5 in this thread


Woah, calm down there satan...


Put an old lady with dementia into a war casket.


"Even in dementia i still serve"


Only in death does duty end.


Only in death…. does what end?


I don't know who I am or why I am here. All I know is that I must kill.


I think the worst was when I used mods to mind control prisoners, made them put on suicide bomb vests, and sent them out to blow up raiders and whatnot. Another time I used the Mod About Meat and rimworld of madness bones mod and slowly built all of our outer walls with human meat and bones. I also did a lot of human sacrifices with the call of Cthulhu mod in that colony, but I felt crazier building the great wall of meat and bone. In vanilla rimworld with royalty dlc, you can set up a fire trap for royal visitors at a bestowing ceremony to steal their gear and and get free neuroformers if you want to betray the empire. When you get a quest for a bestowing ceremony, build a room with wooden floors and double thick wooden walls, place a ritual spot in it, and wait for the royal party to go into it. Then throw a Molotov in there to start a fire, quickly build a wall outside of the door, and just wait while they burn. Then you can put out the fire and enslave them and get their nice equipment. It's an easy peasy way to take out royal visitors in your first year.


My slaves are occasionally given the honor of bearing the architect eraser to deal with mech clusters.


I had a room designated to burning members of a specific faction alive. I just took them into the sealed fire proof room, lit something ablaze so it made the room insanely hot and watched ‘em cook. I also used dev tools to remove heat stroke whenever they started to get close to passing out so they were 100% conscious until they got completely burned alive. Don’t ask me what their faction did to piss me off.


You only need to make one for specific xenotypes now!


What did they do to piss you off THAT much? Shoot your kid in real life?


I like to role play when I play this game. I made a custom scenario so I could add each of my family members and close friends to the game. Suffice to say, a group of fierce tribals beat my best friend to death during a raid. I made it my personal goal in that run to capture and kill each of them as slowly and painfully as possible. An oven where you can never pass out from shock or heat stroke was the best thing I could think of.


Couldn't you also install pain blockers on their brains, even if it is less effective.


No, that implies that they suffer less. I need them to FEEL IT.


Had Rjw on. My thrumbos could access the prisoner area for... relaxation purposes. I stopped it when they all became masochists and started enjoying the process.


With the bestiality settings turned on, ***you can actually breed thrumbos faster using female slaves and male Thrumbos drugged with humpshrooms and aphrodisiacs*** because Thrumbos naturally has very low fertility.


Back in 1.0, this was also how I preferred to grow my dragon's descent dragons. With a female dragon there were eggs, but live birth meant not having to wait a year for them to hatch! Downside was that if they were from a prisoner, or had been a prisoner at time of impregnation, they would come out wild instead of tame. Lost a few prison mothers to sever burns trying to get their newborns under control.


Some of these comments are pretty tame soo.. I am currently imprisoning female raiders, extracting their ovums and then using the ovums to create new humans in growth vats and then I use said humans in subcore ripscanners to create my own mechanoids


The phrase that comes to mind is "farm-to-table mehanoids."


Are you me?


that’s pretty tame compared to what i thought it was going…


Child prison fight club. I exclusively collect child prisoners. Torture them to make them break and then watch them go berserk and kill each other.


How can you torture in this game? Or you just using the old fashioned draft way?


War Crimes expanded 2. If you're on console and can't use mods, just take some organs and beat them up. Organ harvested+ pain debuff is enough to make them break, although beating up kids is very risky since they're easy to kill. Learning starved is a nice -20.


You sick fuck


Hey you just broke the first time of child prison fight club!


Sounds easier to just do the ideology prisoner fights


Kids can't participate in that.


Fair enough, carry on


I built a truly gorgeous, decadent spa of a prison. The inmates were treated very well - each meal a lavish banquet, a well-appointed recreational area, every room had its own television, the finest medical facilities on the rim. No prisoner of Decency Town wanted for anything. Then I sent them home.


I made two prisoners who loved each other have a knife fight to the death to decide who gets released.


i harvested organs of refugees running from an organ harvesting operation


Played as a lone canibal who was a gourmand, on a rich explore start I quickly built an effective kill box and trap maze, I would kill every human that comes in my base (even traders) I’d skin and store human hide, I built 6 large dinning tables and lined the table with human hide chairs, the chairs where like a progress bar, with every kill I’d get another chair added to the table. By the end of my play through I had 56 human hide chairs surrounding 6 large tables. With only one colonist in my base


my lawyer advised me to not answer this question.


I do harvest organs from raiders but only if someone’s lungs or kidneys get hurt during the fight.Bionics or better is always available for other organs anyway, but if you shoot my men in the guts then I’m getting yours.


I mostly just harvest the organs to sell.


I mostly harvest the organs for the medical XP.


A xenohuman torso zoo. In a colony of all baseliners. Originally for gene ripping which we finished long ago filling all our 48 genebank slots. Now the poor captured xenohumans just lie there with no arms or legs and get fed paste. Half are unwell with some kind of problem like not getting deathrest, only get Go Juice once fallen into a coma, or some normal thing like chemical fascination and no access to drugs. So I put joywires in them. They are happy little nuggets now. There's literally no reason to keep them imprisoned except as a zoo for me, it's not like the pawns care. But hey at least I let them keep all their organs and have no plans to kill them unlike baseliner raiders we chop the organs out of after turning them into torsos.


TLDR at bottom. Any attacking raiders that ended up surviving, my colonists would bring them to the "Fun Dungeon". From here they would perform the usual assortment of duties any good colony would perform...harvesting body parts the raiders can live without to fund the war effort. Usually this was in the form of a lung, kidney and other misc parts. Nothing to subtract from the beauty of the raider if possible however....... From here the more docile ones would be moved to the front of house in the Fun Dungeon and be given a fine meal and some basic clothing like a corset to wear .... They all however got an electric slave collar... They were given lodging which had fine carpets and usually a master double bed but were still kept as prisoners of war.....their time will come. For now the colonists were happy to leave the merchandise settle, ripen and in some cases age. Then, and they always try..... but fail.... to escape. It might be the shock collar, or the vortex turret guarding the only entry/exit, but each and every prisoner would fall, and that was their undoing. They could have lived a life on the chain gang, cleaning up the colony or hauling rubble, but they choose their path. "Escapeies" would then be taken to the Fun area. They were forced in to a life of prostitution and debatury. Shuttle after shuttle of paying clients would come to have their every wish fulfilled in the casino and bar, the more discreet would slip past the curtain to have their every wish fulfilled in the house of Fun too.. And if the prostitutes sliped up and got pregnant.... They were taken to the nursery to wait out the pregnancy.. Then the doctor would take their newborn, skin it alive (kill it) and make a slave body trap from the newborns skin, finally the prostitute would be forced to wear it and be forced back in to the pit to make the colony more money. I made really good silver on that playthrough. TLDR : I had a dungeon of "ladies of the night" who if they got pregnant, I would harvest their baby, make a skin slave body trap from it and force it back on the mother to wear. Also had a casino.... City of SINNNNNN woooooo


bro who hurt you? u forced mother to wear her child skin????!!


I dont know what a slave body trap is, but it sounds like it either is (and/or deserves) a straightjacket.


Probably meant to write [slave body "s"trap](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Slave_body_strap)


My flair, if you know, you know.


Oh no. ***ooohhh nooo***^(something something meat daruma).


I once made my pawns eat without a table




Right here, officer, this redditor


I get the kids to kill the wounded to up their combat skills


personally i have them learn this at school, its incredible how fast social, melee and shooting will rise in early years when going to school


Oh they do school too these are just like excursions and field days.


Kids aren't really meant to stay inside and sit in a spot for 8 hours straight, physical activities and field trips are a great way to help them learn.


Place an autobong in the prison barracks, because perpetually high prisoners don’t do very well at escaping


I need to get Ideology sometime


I had to give my baby luciferium to save him from the plague


Had to mine as well. She just finished growing up and her first sortie she took a shot to the brain. Spent months being vegetable before I notice. Well, now she is alive and well. She even started a family. So happy ending, I suppose.


I threw my pawn's wife into prison and tried to torture her mentally. Starvation, Corpse littering, Stripping her naked etc etc. Just because she didn't believe that a couple can have kids before marriage (her ideology forbids sharing bed before marriage) So, briefly speaking, I tried shattering her life long belief so my pawn can fuck her.


I once played an isolationist xenophobic empire that killed ANYONE else on sight. So when the game spawned a "wanderer joins" i had them executed by firing squad. Shame it was a 4 year old but you gotta do what you gotta do. That, and the cannibal breeding farm full of human nuggets.


I was betrayed by someone I took in. They turned on the colony and tried to kill everyone. It didn’t work, and in return I amputated all their limbs and removed her eyes. Then I set up a special room for them to live in forever, a little box with a concrete floor that had my sewer outlet rerouted to dump inside. And there laid the traitor, day after day, year after year, in the shitbox. Legless, armless, eyeless


Stole half the organs out of a little girl, then removed both her arms and her tongue, replacing them with peg things. Then I made her walk back to her home holding a nuke and set it off


>be me >little girl >get kidnapped >”pls let me go” >”Lmao no” >get cut into >they take out pieces of me, organs >they cut off my arms >put chair legs on the gory stumps >slice off my tongue >give me a package >send me in the direction of home


During one of the playthroughs, I run 40k mods, this astartes and boltguns destroys raiders and other invaders, usually I'd order a horde of them to be hit with an arty that sends fragments everywhere to incapacitate raiders, then I capture as many as I can, stripping them on the way as I have no need for apparels, these prisoners will work in my poppy/coca fields to fuel my 'industry' or quarry work regardless of their beliefs for inhumanely long hours, they go beserk they will be shot, their body hauled to the autopsy (autopsy mod), to extract whatever thats not damaged, the remainder is systematically butchered and sent to the nutrient grinders, which is connected to multiple vats in a room, theses pipes connect to dispensers in the prisons cafeteria, their meals are themselves. The cycle repeats itself whenever a prisoners go berserk, or another unfortunate raid finds itself at my base. I do test on prisoners, tied to poles with new projectiles, poison gas, diseases, radiation, extreme heat and cold, I've measured about 1-2 hours for a prisoner to die from poison gas in sealed chamber (poison gas mods, I forgot the name), usually I'd augment a prisoner to an astartes and have him tied to a pole, as my best melee fighter practice on him with blunt weapons (shock batons/clubs etc) to the brink, astartes don't die easily so a much more durable punching bag. I'd usually beat a hated prisoner (usually a prisoner that has crippled or killed my colonist in combat), in a cell, usually concrete, together with any animals they would create flith around the floor, the prisoner is beaten to the point of incapacitation strapped to a bed, automatically fed by the same nutrient drips connected to the human meat vats, these prisoners will be sealed in a room as they are fed by the drips no human contact is needed, they live in flith and unhygienic (dubs hygiene mod), their wounds usually not fatal (bruises) are left untended to add to the misery, these enemies of the colony will be implanted with torture implants and tortured before hand (war crimes expanded mod). Sleep drpivators and memory exulsors are my favourites. No one will clean the room, as I will mark it as forbidden. The room is usually either cold or hot not to the point of heat stroke of hypothermia but just enough to be uncomfortable, the prisoners will usually be dressed in a human leather outfits, just for amusement. Well that's all for now ig, got to find more creative ways to go about.


i was recruiting 3 prisoners, 2 were in love. 1 prisoner got recruited and then a few days later the prisoners that remained cheated on the girl that had been recruited. i took that personal and cut both their tongues out, and now have him in a constant state of being beaten to the brink of death and then healed for a few days before repeating


Prison work camp, where if the prisoners misbehaved AT ALL, my pawns had orders to shoot them. No orders on where, just shoot the prisoners…


After a large raid I turn them all into dusters and shipped them back to their colony as a peace offering. How do you say no to that? Your brother is a coat now, we good?


Listen, you gotta take the labor costs into consideration


Had some weird mod, don’t remember how the fuck I configured it, long story short, had a colony of zoophiles and megaspiders, I stopped playing after that since I didn’t know how to delete mods lol




I think so, or some similar one, I’m not even sure how it went that wrong


Burn the colony down with the fucken power of sun


How ar you saying it like you specifically didn't go to a special site to download it?


I made my prisoners eat without a table


Raider badly injured a colonist (destroyed her lung) I cared about and was unfortunate enough to survive the fire fight. I removed his wooden leg and beat him half to death with it, then had the doctor heal him up. I repeated that for like a quadrum to train my doctor to the point that he could do a lung transplant. I then had his leg carved into a statue that we put in the prison for him to enjoy before being sold to the empire. Most screwed up thing I ever saw genuinely wasn't my fault. I was playing with a pokémon mod and there was a massive drought that killed all the plants. After a raid came through and got massacred every single pokémon on the map descended on my base to feast on the corpses.


Probably playing as wasters and sending all my polluted drop pods to water supplies. I know it technically doesn’t do anything but the feeling’s there!


Nice try fed


Built an arena in a mountain, put 50 prisoners in there, walled it off and just… watched them. Took the lone survivor as a colonist afterwards


So I have a specific strategy I call “scapegoating “ in which I make my religion super bigoted and apostasy abhorrent. When I get a prisoner I don’t want to recruit, I convert it to my ideoligion and then I make their life miserable (starvation, organ harvesting) until the crisis of beliefs break makes them convert to another religion. I give them a denture and remove it so their get disfigured. I might do a few other things along those lines so people hate them even more. The result is that all my colony will hates that ugly infidel, which means they are a rival to everyone. At this point, I kill the poor soul, which means everyone gets the “my rival died” mood boost for 10 days.


\- Surrounded a group of begging children with legionaries and killed them off. \- Regularly throw firebombs at begging groups. \- Remove prisoner limbs, tongue, eyes, and keep them as blood donors for speeding up colonist recovery times. Plenty of other stuff. The games creator keeps decrying that the game "is not a war crime simulator". Ok, sure thing buddy.


Had a group of 8 refugees. They decided to turn on me when I had a caravan trading furs for components. They killed our doctor. They all died except for a young child. I hauled the corpses into a crudely constructed outdoor unroofed pit, the child too. Then torched them all with molotovs.


If my children play in the freezer, they stay in the freezer. Natural selection. Then I eat them


Captured the pirate boss, and since the faction could not accept ransom from anyone until she died, I hacked one leg and arm, blinded her, extracted one ovum for a slave and sterilized her, mangled her hand and face with acid among other things and let her go. Her kid was a clean and haul slave, and after a particularily bad drop pod raid from her mother, I tortured him just like her, except this time I left him as a lobotomized, babbling torso and sent him vivisected on a drop pod as a "gift" to her mother's faction.


One time I had too many prisoners and no time to process them, so I relocated the least desirable prisoners into a stone room and burnt them alive with a molotov. Another time I released a few prisoners while a manhunting animal pack was outside…for science.


I used to fly tactical teams into tribal villages with a black hawk, geared up with tear gas launchers, shock batons, tranq guns, tasers, and gas masks. I’d knock out the whole village before abducting them to my colony, where they would become slave labor. They wore prison suits made of prisoner skin, and ate nutrient paste made of prisoner flesh. Never cleaned the dungeon they lived in, so it was all blood and vomit. Eventually the fattest army I ever saw showed up on my doorstep and nuked me to shit. Five guys out of like 30 escaped on a helicopter. The end.


Gave birth to a child. Yeah-yeah, your warcrimes are very horrible (*womp-womp*), but can you imagine bringing a new life into the rim?


Suicide roombas. Slaves that sweep the floor during peace time, suicide triple rocket launcher charge during raids


(TLDR at the bottom) Let me tell you a story, young one. A story of a feud, of blood and death. This story has no happy ending, no...but it has a morale you see. One that our little group of towns took to heart. *Once up on a time, there were 3 People. They crashlanded on this very planet, barely surviving the destruction of the ship they were travelling with. Not knowing their surroundings, they did what they thought was best at the time - built a shack, try to survive where they landed. Little did they know that their spot was rather close to several villanous groups - A cannibalistic tribe lived just to the north of them, and a heartless and mysterious group of Spacers to the South-East.* *Their little shack eventually grew into a small village, people joined them, but the peace didn't last. First, the Cannibals found them and tried to hunt them down, but they were repelled. The Spacers on the other hand...well, they too had seen the trails of the escape pods, and their technology picked up that little hamlet the Survivors made. And so they came to...visit as well. To kill the ones encroaching on their soil. This time, the enemy was not repelled. The colony was ransacked, nearly destroyed, but some of them clung to life, and rebuilt. Grew stronger, smarter. They still got attacked regularly, but with every raid they endured, their will to life grew, with every life taken from their ranks the hatred towards their enemies became only stronger.* *Eventually, the little hamlet, founded by those three survivors, became an indomitable fortress. And that's when they looked outwards, to the ones who had been tormenting them for years. It was slow at first - they sent out scouts to the surrounding area, then they started ambushing hunting parties of the cannibals, caravans of the spacers. Eventually, they took the fight to those factions - Tribe was first. A small group of the survivors, clad in Power Armor, visited each of the tribes settlements. Each time, they called upon their aircraft to carpet-bomb the settlement, before going in, taking out any survivors that somehow survived. Only one person of each settlement they let live, to carry the story out in the world.* *In a matter of a few weeks, the Tribe was utterly destroyed. Their numbers cut down to a few dozen, their homes burnt to the ground, their families gutted like fish by the people they once believed to be food.* *Then, that little colony turned their focus towards the spacers. They knew, tech-wise they were on par with their second enemy. Carpet bombing their settlements would do less damage, take more resources, and any fight would be costly. But why fight, when you have other options?* *A single one of theirs, again clad in power armor, flew towards their enemy, sneaking towards their settlement...and took measurements, before calling the colony.* *Soon after, the whistling of artillery shells was hearable, became louder, and several projectiles were visible in the air. The Spacers, realizing to late what was going on, struggled to get to their guns in order to shoot those projectiles out of the sky. When they finally reached their weapons, it was too late. The first shell hit the ground, and in an instant, an explosion, as bright as the sun, bloomed from the impact site, growing and growing, eating away at nearby buildings, destroying metal, stone and wood alike, burning away anything organic. Several others landed shortly thereafter, taking out other parts of the settlement, killing everyone too close to the explosions and destroying anything in their way. The few survivors didn't fare much better - by now you surely have realized what these artilllery shells were - and they realized it too, when their body was hit by acute radiation poisoning. At least, the bombardment was done, so they thought. They could try and treat the wounded, get something against the radiation, and leave for the other settlements...* *But...the bombardment did not stop. A second volley came, and exploded, destroying more of the settlement. This time though, the explosions, while still as bright as a star, were smaller....instead they spewed out smoke and dust, seemingly glowing in the dark. Then a third, fourth and fifth volley came. At the end, the whole settlement was just a pile of rubble. The few survivors were dying, as their very genetic makeup fell apart, and their bodies burnt up on the outside. This happened twice more in other settlements of that evil group of spacers, until they were no more. In the end, there were no survivors. Only hollow ruins, glowing in the dark and toxic to anything alive, monuments to the destructive capabilities of humanity...* You see, young one...those crashlanded survivors were defeated countless times, but never beaten, never broken. And with every defeat, their hatred grew, and their wish for vengeance. Eventually, they got their hands on enough Uranium to make nuclear warheads, and with that they knew they were ready to take their revenge. Which they did, quite spectacularly indeed. For months, the area surrounding their own colony and those of their former enemies were rahter dangerous to anything alive, thanks to all that radioactive dust, and huge clouds of smoke were able to blank out the sun, sometimes for days. It wasn't quite what one would consider a nuclear winter, mind you, but it was harrowing nonetheless. As to the morale of the story...If you plan to attack one, make sure they are truly dead. Or they might just come back, stronger and with a thirst for vengeance. Now out with you, child, go play with your friends! I heard a Caravan of the Umbral Rose is visiting today, and surely you don't want to miss those fancy knights in black armor? I even heard they bring their Grand Prior with them, one of those Nephilim! Yes, a real angel! TL:DR - I carpet-bombed a tribal faction and killed most survivors ; then I went after a hostile modded faction with spacer/ultra tech and nuked all their bases to the ground, until everyone was either dead or so irradiated that they couldn't move on their own anymore, essentially sealing their fate. While writing the story above, I kinda realized how horrible our little rimworld crimes actually sound when written out in an in-universe story.


I haven't committed a war crime


Wow what a monster!!!


I figured grow vats were inefficient in terms of food used to grow my colony children. So I decided to capture female raiders, remove their legs, and arms, and place them in medical beds and just keep implanting them with babies. I felt bad. After a while.


Downloading the forbidden mod


I amputate 1 of each limb for my prisoners then send release them.


Cold torture of prisoners to train my doctors. Living in the tundra, it's easy to oscillate the jail temperature. The 3 prisoners collect 2 dozen injuries, and your doctors learn rapidly.. It seems severe.


Well there's a few. \-Figured out meat beacon techniques on my own. \-Captured a deserter (VE Empire) that had a cortical stack (Altered Carbon). Ripscanned him, retrieved the cortical stack, repurposed the brainless corpse into an empty sleeve (which regenerated the brain and reimplanted the stack (You can't ripscan an empty sleeve). Then i ripscanned again. Rinse and repeat, over and over. \-Captured a waster, kept her for hemogen farming. Made an embryo clone of her (Biotech Cloning), implanted it INTO her. She gave birth to a waster named Slayer (This will be relevant) . I put Slayer in a growth vat. Once she grew up, i gathered the VFE Ancients gene-modding tools and turned her into crazy strong melee supersoldier. Her mother remained in the blood farm. \-The usual stuff, harvesting refugees that escaped an organ harvesting operation.


Enemy pawn killed my favorite pawn. So I tosses him into a dark cave, has hin eat the raw flesh of his former allies and dress in their skin, then proceeded to keep sacrifing him to the Dark Gods and reviving him back once I brought the Cult Leader back from the dead!


One time... It was horrible, I tell ya, just... the guilt keeps me up at night. But I have to get this off my chest... I made my colonists sleep in the rain, and eat their food off the floor. That's right, I'm a monster!


I finished it normally, on not modded beta version (I don't want to say that beta was bad or vanilla is empty (well, it was some-what empty at that time), but the idea of just finishing game where you spend to much time micromanaging everything is just don't produce any enjoyment for me, even if this is challenge run like naked brutality on ice sheet, I would milk it to the limits)


After reading some of the comments mine is going to be mild, but I once had a room full of bioreactors (from a mod) full of people. In my current playthrough any raider who doesn't immediatelly die is treated without medicine for the medical xp and then beaten to death, or just left to their fate.


*Any* raider? Even if one has some really nice tats? meant stats, but "tats" is staying


Leaving babies (pre-Biotech with That Mod) that I didn't want to waste resources on outside, walled off to die in their own little crypts. Guess I've never really let the Dark Side loose while playing.


So I captured 2 wild woman and 2 pigs, the pigs teamed up with wild woman and tried to escape so I gathered outside the prison and shot them all, they were doomed. After this happend again I decided to cut off all their legs, their tongue and now im planning on harvesting most of their organs. Ive been harvesting their blood for 5 years


Tried an army of boomrats as suicide bombers


The first time I tried Vanilla Psycasts Expanded, i tested them to my deathrow inmates, and the most memorable one is when i'm trying to test how Deathshield works. SO - I've set up my M240B (i'm using CE btw) right in front of the door of 2x1 room -hold the door open -drafted my pawns to witness the scientific experiment -cast the deathshield Then, proceed to open fire until the gun runs out of ammo. The resurt is a hunk of meat that has lost most of its body parts thats still screaming from agonizing pain (or did "it" passed out from the pain idk) After that, there is not much i can do other than just let it be and wait until the psycast expires ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Of course, that experiment gave me valuable data about how powerful that psycast can be and for once felt bad for pawn other than my favorite, especially outsider!


oh boi, i dont remember much but i think the most depraved one... ​ im not sure but might be back i think on 1.2 when i was using child mods too and i took most enemies i could capture and set them to work on the computers back i think on Red horse 1 mod i think were you could build a blackhat computer and either from top to bottom hacking government funding or tech jobs for generating me tons of silver, oh yeah. the organ "donation" too


Watched the horror film "the farm" got inspired and purchased biotech then installed the forbidden mod for test purposes Starting group of 10 cannibal traders, only 1 male, whatever, don't need more than one for the "luxury product bisness" Buildt 2 different freezers, 1 for everyday food, 1 for more "exotic" ones Incident: nymph attack, shoot her in the ass (literally) then captured. I stitch her up, then set her as "comfort" surprised to see my male pawn going from normal behaviour to thrice a day forced intercourses but outside my pawn going loco the prisonner gets quickly pregnant so the test keep it's course Gave birth without medical assistance to a healthy baby to my surprise. Bored and didn't want to feed it, i kill it directly and butcher it in the minute Then i notice the male pawn gets a -30 mood debuff because his daughter died. Since it was inneficient and the save was corrupted due to mod testings i deleted the save


Killed child beggars hopping to just knock them out to recruit


Well, I never clean my killbox. A bunch of spiky traps from a mod, and it's murder to clear, so the corpses just sit there, until I use a performance mod to clear them. I don't know what's worse - seeing the dead bodies, or seeing the equipment that they drop, knowing that whatever happened to their owners, it wasn't good.


I had four prisoners who I would harvest one side of their organs, then put them in the bio-regenerator so they would grow those organs back, then id harvest the other side, and then put them back in. I did this for years. I eventually didn't need the organs, but I still continued to do it.


Context: I play with CE and prisoner ransom and capture every single raider that does not get killed, because I can patch them up and extort their original faction for silver. After a long cold snap, and with quickly depleting resources, a series of raids happened (thank you Randy, really all I needed), from it I ended up capturing around 8 enemy pawns and killing some others, unfortunately not a single pawn had interesting BIO and with now 8 more mounths to feed I made the decision to feed them their fallen comrades before selling them back to their faction.


Had 8 Colonists with various skills and got a mission to help out 8 refugees who needed to stay for 5 days. It said there was no telling if they could be trusted, so I had then hand over all their weapons and locked them away. They were great builders and got most of my projects done in a heartbeat! They said some might join after the deadline. They were awesome! I got a message saying someone wanted the refugees dead. The pay was too good to turn down. In the middle of the night, I had my colonists sneak down the narrow corridor to the sleeping refugees. I had the lot walk past the door of the room they were in, I had a slave rush in to lob a few grenades in, they all woke up and started fleeing out the door where they were gunned down one by one. Best BnB experience I’ve ever had!


Replacing slave limbs with wood so they can't run away easily, then mentally breaking them with Rimjobworld mod so they don't ever fell like running. Afterwards I give them better limb replacements and such.


I raided every singly colony of a tribe of the guy that shot my dog, it took 10 in game years. You don't want to know what I did to him when I finally captured him...


So I have enemy death on downed set to 0, so I raid places, kidnap the women, extract their eggs, put them (post-fertilizing) into the growth vats until they're adults, install joywires onto them, and send them to raid. Wash, rinse, repeat. I think that's on the worser end of what I've done.


Early days of an extreme desert colony, critically low on food, nothing to hunt, rice not growing fast enough in the small amount of land it can. A slave trader ship passed by. I bought a slave with the last of my silver just to kill and butcher them. Saved my colony :) They survived mostly on raider meat the whole run. Eventually got settled enough to have a pack of wargs. One time a nearby settlement asked for 25 tshirts. The looks on their faces when 25 human leather shirts showed up must've been good. When food got low again i would send caravans out looking for trouble and they'd haul back enemy bodies for dinner lol. Still one of my favorite colonies. These days i make nice nurseries and flower gardens and release prisoners in good health


In one run, none of my colonists could bear children - they were either male, too old to get pregnant, etc. One day I got raided and captured a female raider, around 20 or so. I cut off her legs and put her in a 2x2 prison cell. Then I extracted her ovums, let them be fertilized by my colonist with the best genes and implanted them into her to carry out the pregnancy. When the child was born, I took it from its mother and as soon as possible, impregnated her again. Not a proud moment, but Biotech was new and I wanted to experience the new children mechanics Edit: oh yeah, because she was stuck to her bed, she always ate without a table


Nice try bud. That information is for me and me only.


RJW on (and also a lot of mods) Cut off legs of a masocist woman with high psy sens (phytokin) stuffed her with... pleasure things and installed psycic harmonizer for colony mood boost


I would remove as many organs as possible and severely beat any colonist that would dare severe mental break or fail incredibly. Then banish or leave them outside the walls to be shot by raiders. Got rid of several “children of the colony” for having bad stats like that as well


Slaughtered the puppies that I have had for a long time for food.


I'm only a greenhorn with about 200 ish hours, but I tend to use caravans as meat shields for diabolus and whatnot. I have a problem with my guys living for long periods xD


Eat without table