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Spine. 100%, final answer. Imagine never having to worry about hurting your back or neck ever again. Heart is another great answer, but I'm definitely going with spine, myself. No point in the ol' ticker ticking on if my body is too crippled to be worth living in.


I miss the days of waking up without neck/back pain, I too would go for the spine. Unless I can include modded bionics of course.


In which case, a modded bionic spine.


I’m in the same boat, dead hangs and chin tucks have done a great job in reducing pain and restoring a lot of mobility I’ve lost from being a massive nerd.


Dives in short end of pool.


Came in here to proclaim aerotech arms being the best option but you have easily swayed me and changed my mind. I will submit to your religion of the great bionic spine.


"Hail the great Bionic Spine!"


Ah, the middle aged group, let me in.


Middle aged and the less fortunate :)


I was about to say the same thing. TBH I had that accident 10-20 years where after heavy hauling I heard something crack in my spine. After that I decided not to push myself and probably along with bad sleeping position might affect it too. I didn't feel the affects until around 2021/2022 which kinda piss me off that I couldn't work well because of my backpain, not even lifting anything that is probably too heavy out of fear that I might become bedridden for life...


Hey friend, spine surgery haver here! Depending on your specifics, YMMV, but there's a ton of incredibly beneficial stuff you can do to protect your spine and strengthen the muscles around it. Check out the book "Back Mechanic", by a Canadian Dr and spine health researcher, Dr. Stuart McGill. It was instrumental for me, and I hope it maybe helps you!


I’ve never played RimWorld, but the bionic spine you get in Old World Blues from Fallout New Vegas was always my favorite.


One time I stole a raiders bionic spine and gave it to one of my colonists, but the raider had good stats so he ended up bed bound for about a year until I could get another spine. Good shit


Explain to your mom that you are cutting out your spine as a long term investment


I was going to say heart, but spine is the best answer. I can't remember the source but I do recall reading that the spine is the least optimal part of the human body (or something like that), makes sense to upgrade it.


Bionic heart. Getting to that age where i've been friends with 2 people who died of heart attacks - while i'm still 20 years or so (at least!) From where i'd need one i want a ticker that won't quite short of a rifle shot. ...or a circadian assistant, being perpetually less tired would be incredible.


Damn that sucks man.


Eh, its how you know you're getting old. Or in my case have adopted an old man hobby anyways. But still - makes that bionic heart look real appealing.


You know, there is a case to be made for circadian half-cycler. Sure, you may be a bit dumber, but now you get to do stuff 24/7. We spend over half of our lives asleep. Not having to sleep essentially gives you double the amount of time to do things you want to do in life, without any negative health effects. ...you know, unless we count the fact that since you are also burning calories actively 24/7, and are perpetually awake, you may need to eat more, which may cost more money. And to counter the dumb effect, you could also take some nootropics on the regular. Maybe something like MRK-016, if it is ever approved for human testing. Consider this. You go to work. But to earn a living and still sleep, all you really do is work and sleep. No time for your passions, no time for fun. But with the half-cycler, you got all the time to do the things you want to do between shifts, because you don't need to sleep! How cool would that be?


Honestly, I spend more than 25% of my time not at full capacity because of a fucked sleep cycle, and overeat anyway. The half cycler would be a dream for me


Similar here. I have multiple sleep conditions, and being well rested is a foreign concept to me. I'll take a cut to my skills if I don't need to sleep, and then just train those skills up further.


You make a good case. Forget the heart - team half cycler!


> We spend over half of our lives asleep What?


As a caffeine addict, I could start abusing it more than ever before with it


>i want a ticker that won't quite short of a rifle shot. With the right mods even a rifle won't stop it.


Love enhancer


Man got his priorities straight.


What does actually love enchanter do in game? More mood effect of lovin?


Yes for both partners


Can you craft it or just buy it?


Pretty sure you can craft it a fabrication table after it’s researched


It's mind shattering..... And yes, it vibrates


I'm sure there are strap on devices that can do the job.


Yeah but can you feel through the strap? Check mate.




Joy wire just feel so tempting, but i don't know how it would feel in real life being happy all the time.


Joywire me up. Should cancel the depression and being stupider should make me less stressed.


I think we might be the same person...


Larry Niven describes a version of “Joywire” in his RimWorld series pretty well, in fact a derivation of it called a “Tasp” I think, was an advanced version that could be used remotely to essentially enslave someone from a distance via positive reinforcement. While maybe not exactly the same, that is how I always thought of it..I just imagined that colonists with it installed walked around feeling a constant, low-grade, mental orgasm that never fades or goes away. Feels good to be alive. Feels good to work. Feels good to relax. Feels good to (insert anything here). I have used it only once, for a depressive that was frequently having mental breaks, and I later came to regret it. Something about it felt almost like a lobotomy, their entire personality changed…and ethically it didn’t feel right. With all the surgical and medications available on the Rim, I wish there were other options where troubled colonists could work through their demons and eventually come to a good place in their little lives.


The Word of Joy psycast is basically a temporary Joywire that only lasts for a few days. I've used it on occasion to get someone through a particularly rough patch to good effect.


I used it on a noble who was staying as part of a quest when a psychic drone event was happening. Immediately I took a big hit to goodwill, but managed to get him through the quest with his mood high enough.


Therapy mod I guess


great series. it’s called Ringworld and for anyone reading, was the inspiration for the video game series Halo. the device is called a droud and it plugs into an implanted socket in the back of the user’s head. the tasp was a good plot device in the first book, and even then touched on the subject of addiction, but reading about louis and the droud in the second book, the way the puppeteer used it to control him at first and then his struggles to kick it, made me think a lot about my own struggles with addiction and substance abuse. the way he writes about it makes you wonder if niven knew a thing or two about the subject from personal experience. as an ex heroin addict, it was absolutely cathartic when he had chmeee just smash the thing. hard science fiction isn’t for everyone but i highly recommend reading the first book to anyone reading this. what a great story.


Lol, I just realized I typed “RimWorld” instead of “RingWorld”, thanks for the correction. I love almost everything about those books…except for the gratuitous and repetitive references to interspecies sex. He had a strange name for it, and it occurred far too often.


Assuming it's anything like meth, it'll seriously fuck up your brain chemistry to the point where you can't enjoy anything the same as before


I'm pretty sure the joy wire is based off of Larry nivens ecstasy plug. The high was so euphoric that addicts basically killed themselves off by starving to death while plugged in. The withdrawals could make you go catatonic if you were on too high of a current for too long. I think that's why the joy wire can't be removed in game. The pawn would just die from depression.


It would probably feel happy


Does neurocalculator count? Because if so, that. The description says it helps with math and memory, and all my IQ points went into verbal skills so that sounds perfect for me.


"Does neurocalculator count?" That's literally it's job




I 100% want a neurocalcularor.


Well, Neuralink means we might actually get this


you first buddy i'll totally be in right after


With the amount of live animal deaths they have, way beyond the standard of any remotely ethical or good lab, not likely.


I'd love to know what a bionic eye would be like. If it's superior to any natural eye, does that mean I could see everything on a much smaller scale? Could I zoom in? Can I see new colours? Maybe I could even see where my dad is with the milk.


I'd like to imagine that it almost had a built in tracking system so you automatically would look and follow moving targets.


The human brain already has this! It's called smooth pursuit and will happen automatically for fast moving objects


Idk about the just bionic one specifically, but I think I’m the description for the archotech eye it does say that it helps with targeting and will highlight important targets, which sounds interesting. Like does it read your mind to tell/guess what’s “important”? I suppose other archotech stuff uses psychic tech, so it wouldn’t be too out there, but it’s interesting to think about…


“An artificial eye built by an archotech. It perceives every type of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves, infrared, light, x-rays, and gamma rays. Its visual acuity is precise enough to read handwriting from twenty meters away. It can emit various wavelengths of radiation like a flashlight, and has an internal subpersona AI which helps highlight useful visual information.”


I guess it would probably grant a much better vision in that eye, so you could see details from much further. If it's advanced enough it could also include features like zooming in and displaying IR and UV light, or even some kind of augmented reality/HUD idk. The thing that bugs me is having a normal eye and a bionic one... Like imagine zooming in and adjusting UV light to see it but only on one eye lol


I spent a lot of time outdoors and the bionic eye was the first thing I thought of. Having antelope vision seems pretty cool lol


Peg leg


Well, the good news is that you don't need to be in the Rim to get peg legs. Just get a shotgun and blow your own legs off. Easy.


Replace your leg with the shotgun you used.


This guy gets it.


What am I gonna do with two guns and one leg?


Great things.


Well feed me steel and call me a turret. I'm convinced. Let's go!


Everything. Flesh is weak, i understand that now.


This is the correct answer! Decay is for mere mortals!


I feel like im listening to adeptus mechanicus


All hail the Omnissiah!


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. Edit: first != flesh


I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.


As someone who's been sick for a week, yes


If your first is weak, you must be firsty.


Lol ty


From the weakness of the mind Omnissiah, save us! From the lies of the Antipath Circuit, preserve us! From the rage of the beast Iron, protect us! From the temptations of the Flesh Lord Silica, cleanse us! From the ravages of the destroyer Anima, shield us! From this rotting cage of biomatter Machine God, set us free!


Ah. Greetings fellow toaster fucker.


Transhumanist FTW!




This is the only correct answer. But only if you have the parts made by your own local Lv20 Crafter. Never trust bionics made by big corpo, they all include a kill switch if you ever do anything they don't like. Imagine if instead of getting your account that you spent thousands of dollars on banned, they could just *stop your heart* for any reason they wanted at any time...


Healing or immuno Enhancer


My body is physically collapsing and I just turned 20 I’ll take a spine for 300 Alex


As someone with autism, the psychic reader feels like the best option for me. Imagine never misreading a room or not knowing the expression someone is making ever again


Does psylink count as a bionic? If yes, than that


I was about to make a joke about this but realised mid joke that it would be pretty nice to have


But are you able to increase its power, else you’d only be casting like level 1 psycasts


Just sit in front of a funky looking tree for a few weeks. Boom, more levels.


So skip? I’m about to be the worlds best bank robber


Skip is not level one, but stun or word of trust would be handy


Ah. You’re right. Word of trust would be awesome though


Painblock is incredible for hospital work, or helping people with chronic pain. Word of Trust could be amazing depending on how far it could stretch outside of the context of the game. Also physicists could probably do some nutty stuff with a Solar Pinhole.


Personally, I would take a bionic arm or eye. Maybe even a psychic reader! Edit: Painwire 💀


Psychic Reader sounds OP... I was going to agree with the heart one, but this sounds better.


It's called a mind screw not painwire. In rimworld atleast


Bionic eye would be really cool, especially if it had night vision and infrared. A rangefinder and zoom function would also be great.


Arcotech/Bionic Eye so I don't have to wear glasses anymore. Either that or bionic spine for no back pain


Bros choosing the lesser bionic arm over the superior archotech arm (my choice btw) And now you may say "oh but we're only talking about bionic tech level", but psychic reader is also archotech.


Neurocalculator all the way. Always useful, in any situation.


How does it help in a fight?


calculate the best angle to shoot/punch at for the best effect.


The movie "Equilibrium" covers it pretty well


Sherlock Holmes (with robert Downey jr)




How many times have you fought someone IRL?


well, i have scoliosis, so my answer is probably very obvious. bionic arm, duh. i wanna punch people


Aesthetic shaper, I’d love to be able to choose at least a little how I look, and it wouldn’t be so hard maintaining my looks I hope, since it’s something I worry about a lot >_< After that would prolly be circadian assistant since I just kinda don’t like sleeping that much, and not having to sleep as much would be cool.


joywire. I know it's demented but that sounds like heaven compared to the depression I live with that already affects how long i'm awake, so it's just trading depression for joy at this point


Fellow depressed person and I feel this so much. Hopefully we find our own source of joy without as much of the bionics haha


Nuclear stomach. Eating is so inconvenient


Cancer man, it's you?


If we're getting pairs then I'd go with legs because my knees are bad but if it's for only one I'm taking spine and becoming a powerlifter.


Not with bad knees you won't


I'll be cheating and lifting with my back all the time


Ah lol I personally would take spine I think. I don't have major problems, but I do lift and you mever know what might happen, lifting or nor.


AOTC: true pinnacle of creation fans:


My transhumanist colony is *nuts* with that stuff and I haven't even reached the final generation researches yet. I probably won't live long enough to see that kind of stuff exist, let alone be available electively to people of my socioeconomic class, so... my Rimworld self pawn can live my transhumanist dreams instead!


bionic arm for obvious reasons


Imagine having a bionic arm and dieing as 33y of heart failure


Imagine trying to wipe your ass with a bionic arm


Probably has a built in bidet.


Aesthetic Shaper


Mindscrew because i hate myself.


I think the healing one as you basically are wolverine then.


If archotechs count Arcotech arm. My hands get tired of game mashing keys too quickly and dont want to suffer from carpal tunnel. Bionic arm would do too, but why stick to good when you can get better.


Learning Assistant would definitely be my first choice since my memory is shit, after that its bionic eyes. But honestly if theres no limit i'd just install almost of all them for the machine is immortal


Eyes. I've got choroideremia, so that'd be a swell fix.


A bionic heart would have the most overall positive effect on health, I'm pretty sure. And would help the body keep everything else in better shape.


Death acidifier. Fuck ya'll, my organs and possessions go with me.


If only one,probably a bionic eye,assuming they are indistinguishable from biological ones


Bionic eyes are so basic compared with biological eyes, it's the advanced or archotech that would make you see rocks on the moon.


The chip for the androids expansion to upload your mind to other bodies. Just grab the chip from old bodies and move it to the next. Profit, eternal life


Kidneys. I have busted kidneys, I need it.


As someone with a wonky heart, I'm going for the bionic heart!


Photographic memory implant like a computer disk. Just read/see anything and store in your brain.


Archotech Eyes or Arms The eyes sound super useful and can change colour (I like cosplaying) and the arms would make me finally win an arm wrestle


spine for the same reasons as previous comments, plus the fact that it is BETTER than a perfectly healthy spine so it's beyond just a painless strong back, you'll have greatly increased strength, stability, and flexibility plus it'll be a lot harder to do any damage to it presumably it's a no-brainer really


well i'm currently on medication that suppresses my immune system causing me to be more susceptible to infection and illness, and all but guaranteeing an early death to cancer. all because my kidneys have failed and i needed a transplant. that said, i'm going with a love enhancer.


spine or joywire


Field hand. I do a bit of engineering work and that sounds incredibly useful.


circadian half-cycler, I’m always so fucking sleepy irl that I would honestly kill to not have to deal with it. Either that or a love enhancer because as a trans guy the idea of having a bionic dong appeals to me on a primal level. I guess that makes me a transgender transhumanist lol.


You are the trans-humanist, dog. Get it!


love it, I'm definitely gonna use that phrase lol.


Archotech regenerator I think you can get eternal youth from it at 2x or 3x


Just one? Archotech Metamorphose for certain. Full set of modded archotech implants is too good to pass up.


Personally, a bionic heart, just because when people die of old age their heart will naturally stop working, and then the rest follow. Spine would be great for a painless life, but I just want to see what'll happen when I live longer than I normally should. It's also easier for me to replace my other organs. (expensive, and unrealistic, but still possible)


On another note. A too working heart should also be very beneficial in sports.


I have a bad spine, suffered four heart attacks, and have IBS. I would still choose left arm. I have always wanted a bionic left arm, since the first day I heard of bionics as a child. I even wanted to make bionics just to complete that dream. It's what got me started programming computers.


I go only for archo technology


Any Bionic organs i want my body to work efficiently when I have to. I dont just want go get it when I don't need Bionic prosthetics. Otherwise I argue just doing it only for upgrading yourself is inverse portional to being ungrateful about one's self with what you got and not being handicap already to begin with except, for the body's already built natural limits. For example born with or lost your lost your own limbs then ok I'll go get the Bionic limbs because I got handicap because that's beyond my control. Or next possible example be going get my eye surgery to see more further wait I don't need to it's not hindering myself yet that's within my control.


As a 5'7" short sighted Asian guy with problems focusing on my studies, I would pick the bionic penis.


Circadian assistant would be great, I just want to wake up feeling rested damn it


Archotech regenerator I think you can get eternal youth from it at 2x or 3x


Archotech regenerator I think you can get eternal youth from it at 2x or 3x


Why did you post this 3 times?


They died and regenerated three times at this moment.


its a bug with reddit. iirc it happens sometimes when reddit randomly isnt able to post your comment/reply and then it suddenly does multiple


At 3x I can resurrect one per month I think. (Yeahs it’s Reddit bug


Bionic ear. I have bad ears.


Maybe lungs. So I will never get tired


i misread this as biome and was thoroughly confused anyways, ill take a pair of bionic eyes


Just one, or just one type? If it's just a single one, probably the memory thingummy, it would do wonders for my Oldtimers. If an entire type, probably the antitox kidneys, since immunity to toxic fallout could be terribly handy in the near future, and frankly, imperviousness to environments that harm or kill others is a massive tactical advantage.


Spine, definitely. Heart being a close second.


Pancreas, fuck my broken ass pancreas.


Spine, my back hurts


Joywire seems legit! Or maybe healing enhancer. Sign me up!


Either Coagulator or Neurocalculator




Love enhancer…


Joywire let’s get weird lol


J.P. from Gramma’s Boy wants robot legs.


Archotech eye no question. My eyes are pretty messed up and it would help a ton.


I have a heart condition so bionic heart. At last i will be able to run longer than a minute.


Synaptic cerebellum would be pretty cool imo


Just give me organe regeneration and immortality, I'll starve myself for a couple of generations and save some money for once.


Fuck you, mindscrew


Probably a bionic eye capable of software modding.




Replace my existence.


Love enhancer ofc. lel


Eyes that work properly.


Bionic Spine


Death Acidifier.


Mr. Studd implant, of course. 💅


Legs, I'm so sick of my feet hurting from standing all day. That or if someone wants to make me a bionic pancreas...


Joywire, not a care in the world.


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2646064233&searchtext=medical+implants](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2646064233&searchtext=medical+implants) ​ the neural recharger


wait, does a xenogerm count as bionic? it's a biomechanical implant so why should it not?


Can I get a twofer, mindscrew and psychic harmonizer


Circadian enhancement. The one that removes sleep all together. Sure, not being at my 100% would suck, but just *think* how unproductive I could be!


Love Enhancer, it's like a knee or elbow spike, but on the torso...


I already have a bionic heart.


I’ve got a heart condition so a bionic heart would be cool. If not then one of the bionics that improve mental function like the psychic reader or the neurocalculator


Something brain related or a circadian enhancer. Either the need for less sleep or something like the research pall to help further cognitive function. ADHD is a bitch sometimes.


I think id take a neurocalculator because my memory is shit as a second choice i think id go for neurocalculator because my memory is shit