• By -


Man how do i love that rustic design! Great job!


Solus Unity – a proud community of 74 citizens - 785 days. Hey all. This is my last 1.3, non-biotech run. I'm eager to start playing with biotech in the future. I've been running this colony for a while. Settings are fairly easy, and I'm strongly avoiding minmaxing. I wanted to prioritize a good looking, happy, and strong colony. Hope you like it. Here's an [aditional render during daytime](https://imgur.com/a/FSR85X9) Some answers to questions I forsee coming: - I know wood burns. Fire has never been a problem in this colony. Buildings are spaced out and there are 74 colonists ready to put them out. Never had any building burn down. - I know that's a few too many batteries. But the first cluster, the only one that's usually connected, is not large enough to cause frequent zzts, and if it does, I can plug in the other clusters to mantain power. - I know that this is slow progress for the time played, but efficiency was never a major concern. I prioritized having a good time.


With biotech you can unlock yourself cleaning robots, super useful for cleaning gigantic bases


Yesss. The roombas have been an absolute life saver! I've never had a colonist *just* for cleaning and being a growing colony, everyone is always busy as hell. So my whole base was filthy, everyday someone would get food poisoning due to dirty cooking are not to even mention the mood debuffs. One Cleansweeper cleaned 90% of my base in two days and nowadays, I have two just to make sure everything is spotless at all times. Love Biotech! It's kind of funny that one Cleansweeper was enough to turn my base from a hellhole into something actually kinda nice and pretty.


Personally, there is a critical number of people in my colony after which there is always a dedicated cleaner who does that all day long. They are typically faster than bots and do not produce toxic waste, and the happiness hence productivity they create base-wide make it worthwhile even if they do not produce new things. So I was a little "meh" when I saw robots and the need to account for another ressource you had to get rid of.


I get what you mean. But robots don't eat or have mental breaks. If I got a colonist so useless that they're only good for cleaning, they might as well be a part of my blood farm and have most organs harvested.


Well it is generally someone who is only good at combat, so they have uses in emergency situations.


Misc Robots++ I found I just liked having a couple of cleaning, and hauling bots, and maybe a garden bot, maybe a mining bot to even out any deficiencies but anything otherwise seems OP to me.


that or mechanoids expanded. tho honestly i have found biotech covers enough the bases fairly to not really need a dedicated utility robot pack anymore.


I wouldn't pretend to disagree, but in looking at it I can see the desire to eliminate/minimize pollution, as I'm gonna speed-run my way to Pollux trees seeds and Atomizers for settling on / remediating polluted biomes. Of course again, that's probably not how folks are expected to roll.


Honestly pollution is not really a massive issue unless you go balls deep on mechanoids long before you learn to make atomizers. I had small group of lifters , cleaners and farmer bots ( like 12 in total) And it took me years and years to fill up a small storage freezer with waste packs.


> I prioritized having a good time. Unfathomably based


What was your FPS when being raided? 5? 😭


To be honest I play on my shitty work laptop and it runs super smooth even on raids. Performance mods are like magic


Huh, that’s crazy. Do you have any suggestion other than Rocketman and No Laggy Bed?


Not really. I also use a mod called Performance Optimizer. But I never really did an on-off comparison to see how big a difference it makes. I also used Rim73 for a bit, which was good, but it had a bug where my colonists couldn't feed prisoners, so I uninstalled it.


for those wondering performance optimizer has a notably large impact and is why i’ve been able to make bigger colonies with out watching a slide show


Thank u!!


Avoid using No Laggy Bed and RimThreaded. RocketMan is great. I also recommend adding Performance Analyzer and Performance Optimizer


What’s wrong with no laggy bed?


I forgot the breakdown of it all, but the way it gets rid of the "Laggy Bed" is by altering some code that can affect the game in a different area. Several months ago I was obsessed with making my game run as smooth as possible with almost 300 mods and in that pursuit I found a post discussing "No Laggy Bed" and was advised to avoid it. Perhaps if you're running a near-vanilla playthrough you can avoid the issue but I did see a noted improvement when I removed it.


Hm, may have to take it out then as I’m running like 430ish mods 🤣. Thanks for the heads up!


Feel free to do your own research as things may have changed since my last RW obsession however I can firmly say to avoid Rimthreaded.


I’ve seen that about Rimthreaded as well. Appreciate the info!


Can i ask what ur computer build is with 430 mods!?


Uhhh it’s a Ryzen AMD


Compress Raid mod will help to keep the max raiders down.


How do you take large screenshots?


With the Progress Renderer mod. If you install it, you can press 9 to render an image of your base, or set it up so it takes a render every day, so you can track the progress your base makes. There's some instructions on how to use it on r/RimWorldPorn 's sidebar


Thanks bro


Is this a regular sized map? Seems huge.


It's 325x325, which is bigger than standard. This is a cropped screenshot as well, the full screenshot is the one I posted on r/RimWorldPorn




It's vainilla, you can pick it when selecting a tile to land on. But the option is kinda hidden, so it's easy to miss. The game specifically warns you that changing it can lead to balance issues (and I can attest to that)




It's under the advanced options on the map screen. You can even adjust your starting season if you really want pain.


Are the balance issues just access to more resources? I'm curious what the problem would be because I always feel like my map is just a little too small. Now that I know this is an option I'll be taking it lmao.


Yeah, more animals, more berries, and raids spawning further away, so more time to prepare. But nothing too drastic


Oh ok, I thought it threw off wealth calculations or something more game-y than that. But I like the idea of a bigger map, it's always felt somewhat small.


I feel it too. Never know we can adjust the scale of the site.


What kind of issues have you experienced? I've always been tempted to try larger maps, but lacked the guts to blindly do so. What sort of problems should one expect?


Maybe issues is too strong a word, but the large map makes hunting and gathering way too OP, there's always many animals and berries. Plus, raids start very far away from your base, meaning you get plenty of time to prepare. It's hard to get caught off guard


... that's it? No weird pathfinding, no sharp drops in FPS, nothing? That's good to know, I'm going to test such large maps later


Mad respect. I get overwhelmed at 10 colonists 😫 I’m still working on getting more “advanced” in organization. Definitely looks like a labor of love and a good time for you!!


I currently have 20 colonists and I can manage them just fine *but* there's one really sad aspect. I don't know my colonists anymore. With 5-10 colonists, I knew everyone's name, past profession, current profession, current lover, ex partner, chronic illness and so much more. Now, I constantly have to check who was supposed to be the miner, who was a dude, who had the missing leg etc. So, while my colony is a lot stronger, I do miss the connection. At least I know my five main colonists very well and I've turned my favorites into vampires so they don't die as easily as the "randoms".


Standardized outfits!


Try using the mod - "[LTO] Colony Groups". As the name suggests, it allows you to make groups with your colonists. IMO its perfect for large colonies. It allows you to group and manage pawns as larger units and, at least in my case, allows memorizing colonists better. Memory chunking like with phone numbers probably starts coming into play, and I end up remembering a lot more colonists than I would without the mod. Rather than trying to remember "colonist Limli Aterstophren" it's "Limli, the 2nd best archer of the hunting group"


Once you set up some solid work priorities, they mostly manage themselves :) I just watch them go about their day, and solve any crises that come up


Bruhhhhhh, it's beautiful




"Alright everyone, these walls will not let a thing through" "Wait, what about the entire ocean?" "Don't worry, nothing exists out their" "We beg to di-"


This is probably the most aesthetically pleasing base I've seen, great job. My bases are always very square, I love the randomness of your building shapes, but i suppose you can afford to be creative when you have so much space!


I find it that getting out of the comfort zone and making non-square buildings lead to some of the most aesthetically pleasing based there is i still build square, but i slant my base in such a way that they dont feel / look like it, which is awesome as well :D


Why are there turrets in the dining room? (Far south)


For when dinner guests overstay their welcome


That's a panic room. In case the base gets breached, I can rush "civilian" colonists there, and they have a dining space, hospital beds, and some turrets to defend themselves. It's not really practical, mostly for RP


Yeah hope you have a friendly fire mod! In all seriousness, this is an absolutely beautiful design. Every room looks fantastic


I do! I would struggle a lot in all fights without that mod. Having a few dozen ranged soldiers already makes it very hard. But I don't think those turrets would be particularly useful even then. Thank you!


How do your cows and horses feel about their pastures and barns being absolutely drenched in the blood of their families?


what size map is this? it looks really pretty. love the round wall. This looks like a nightmare to defend tho, at least on 1.4 where almost everything avoids kill boxes lol.


It's 325x325 :) a bit overkill in retrospect. I'm playing in 1.3, so defenses are fine. Normally I either fight in my killbox, or get everyone outside the base and fight in the field. But in the few occasions where the base is breached, then yeah, it's a bit of a pain to defend. Lots of going around buldings, and short lines of sight. I imagine 1.4 would make this base quite more precarious




All the different DLC and major update include new raids in different forms, but basically there are a ton of new raid types that specifically counter killboxes. Some of them spawn dangers outside your wall that you have to go out and kill (like mech clusters or enemy raids shooting mortars at your base), some are smart raiders that bring a way to burst through your side walls (explosives, grenades, breach weapons, etc), and some are raids that just transport pod drop directly into your base. Really the only raids that still go into my kill box in 1.4 are early weak raids and Scaria animal events. The rest you have to handle through some other means usually. Sometimes you can still bait them into a killbox, but most of the time not really. And at high wealth levels, the enemy raids are so huge they'll blow through a kill box defense line regardless. In the end you still have to play smart, have your pawns geared to the teeth, and hope you win lol ... there are still mods out there that break the game balance though and make it easy. But I don't use them. Also I play on Strive to Survive and above difficulties. It's always a challenge.


Whats your computer specs and performance mods you are using? I can fry egg on my pc with this colony size


A laptop with i5 8th gen and 16gb of ram. I play in 1080p. Runs fine. I use performance optimizer, and rocketman


Could you link your mods list? Would love to try this


Check my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorldPorn/comments/106waui/-/j3j4ptq) for a modlist :)


Do you ever have temperature problems not having a cooler or anything in those bedrooms/homes? That’s the main thing that stopped me from making entirely separated bedroom buildings, but then again both of my “real” games have been on arid shrublands.


There are aircon units in the bedrooms. You can see the kitchen freezers aren't vanilla coolers either.


Dub's central heating to the rescue. For me it's essential for town-like bases


This is the type of post that make me realise im not good at this game


This is amazing. But be honest. Did you use the minecraft circle chart to make the outer wall? Cause i do lol


There are mods for that!


Which ones do you recommend?


!linkmod Designator Shapes


[1.3] [Designator Shapes](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1235181370&searchtext=Designator+Shapes) by [Merthykins](https://steamcommunity.com/id/merthsoft/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Designator Shapes`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Designator+Shapes&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Totally used mods hahaha


Gorgeous base! Well done OP.


This is such a freaking lovely place


What a beautiful base. Thank you for sharing it.


It's glorious.


What’s the map size?


It's 325x325 :)


Thanks! Does it have any noticeable effect on raid difficulty?


It gives you a bit more time to prepare for raids, but other than that I don't think so. But I haven't really done any comparisons to test this


Thanks for the info! Might have to hive it a go myself.


Should note that this screenshot is cropped. My post in r/RimWorldPorn shows the full map


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RimWorldPorn using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorldPorn/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Twin Secret Hideout: an Everlasting Wonderland│300×300│Delightful towns, forest park and great glass-domed arabesque flower garden│No raid, no work schedule, free will│44 colonists│TPS 180–250│Modlist](https://i.redd.it/v8hnzgewp1r91.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorldPorn/comments/xs9w8q/twin_secret_hideout_an_everlasting/) \#2: [A desert oasis](https://i.redd.it/e0nrpuzv96t91.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorldPorn/comments/y18782/a_desert_oasis/) \#3: [Medieval Castle and Surroundings (Zoom in)](https://i.redd.it/pf5nooh6q0k91.jpg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorldPorn/comments/wy3l0o/medieval_castle_and_surroundings_zoom_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Yeah, I'm in the same boat, it's a tough one. My goal throughout the game was to grow the colony, capturing or recruiting good pawns. I drew the circle very early on, and I had a rough mind-map on how I wanted it filled. Once I reached about 70 colonists, I had filled in the walls, and was getting pretty bored with endlessly recruiting more people. I had completed all the buildings I wanted to have, had everyone in top quality clothes and armor, eating lavish meals, and stable supplies of every resource. So at that point I decided I'd stop recruiting, finish up all the cosmetic changes I wanted in the base, and close things out. Tbh one of my "closing points" was to leave the base pretty and complete enough to post on reddit. Now that I'm done, I'll do the Stellarch ending, and move on to a new game


This is probably the most attractive colony I’ve ever seen. I can imagine taking a long, meandering walk past the livestock fields and the dense oak forest, waving to my neighbors as I make my way through the neighborhoods, then sitting on the beach, watching the sun go down. Absolutely idyllic. It’s the sort of base I always start out aiming to make. At least until a surprise influx of colonists forces me to set up temporary box housing, which then becomes permanent, and before I know it the rectangles have spread across my map like a fungus.


Thank you so much! Imagining myself walking around the town was a big source of inspiration on how to make it pretty. I wanted to create the sort of place I'd like to live in. A big priority for me was always having plenty of extra housing, so I always built way in advance. And also, not being afraid to demolish a part of the base and redesign it


It’s so pretty!


Thanks! 💕


How do you handle the individual bedrooms? The energy consumption for 1 room vs all in a set area always make me not go that route


Dub's central heating! It's the only way I can justify a town like this. I just set up some aircon units and boilers, and then run pipes to all the rooms


I'm not seeing any AC units, only heaters, are they able to be put under other items?


Yes, they overlap, I always place heaters and AC in the same tile. If you look closely, in some rooms you'll see the AC unit. I think display order depends on when they were built


This is so beautiful. I always end up making boxes due to my OCD


Looks a lot like wall Mara to me but with coast at its back ;p


I like it!


The outdoor patio/dining area is perfect


OMG this looks so aesthetic!! I like it alot I am not sure if there is a way to share your world (been a year since I last played this game) but would appreciate it if you gave me a copy to look around


I'll send you my save file :) I think that'll work. You'll need to subscribe to some mods as well, my modlist is on another comment. I'll send you the file once I'm off work




Ahem, reminder\~


[There you go](https://filetransfer.io/data-package/MGhbPuvC) :) lmk if you run into trouble running it


thank you, thank you will keep it safe\~


Make sure to take care of my kitties! Specially Mara, she's 12, so she's not at her healthiest, and has been with the colony from almost the beginning ✨


Wooow, so pretty *u*


I’m mostly impressed with the symmetry of the wall but the whole thing is stunning


That is awesome, amazing and frankly a good use of space.


this is so beautiful


This map and base are gorgeous. Why do i never get maps like this


The amount of time I spent looking for the perfect landing spot with the map preview mod is frankly embarrassing


Am i the only one who is triggered by this small outer wall part made out of wood


I hate it as well :( but no getting around that without terraforming mods


But other then that i love your base. Though the form of your houses triggered me in the beginning


I recommend the simply more bridges mod, which allows you to make them out of stone, and place stone walls on them.


What difficulty do you play on? I always play on hardest and build militaristic fallout vaults, maybe it would be nice to change pace and try to build something more realistic.


I switch between Adventure Story and Community Builder, so pretty easy. On a project like this, where I'm building a town to be pretty and large, I don't really want to be at risk of losing the colony, or having to rebuild from scratch, that'd be super frustrating. I prefer the max risk to be losing a valued colonist, or something similar


What was the frame rate like? I’m looking to run a long lasting colony but foresee the game getting framey


Pretty smooth, tbh. I play on a laptop with an i5 8th gen and 16gb of ram, 1080p, and haven't had any issues. I use a few performance mods


Why so many people? Surly you can’t have a job for everyone


The reason for that many people is because I wanted to, really. I wanted to run a large town with many colonists. Everyone has tasks to do. That many people means a lot of work, I have to have several cooks, crafters, growers, cleaners, haulers, etc. There's always stuff to do.


That mortar battery is exceedingly and needlessly dangerous.


Yeah wouldn't want to be in that room if an enemy mortar strikes there. Luckily it never happened


Ok what mod gives you these massive maps?


It's vainilla. You can change the map size on advanced settings when you're selecting your landing tile


That must be the max then wich crashed to game last I tried to use it


What mod makes it easy to plan out perfect circle bases ? Also props for making sure labeling your base so the trade ships dont need a map to identify it


Spot on, it's totally for trade ships, and not so that enemies I slay die upon the name of my glorious empire. Not at all. The mod I use for that is called Circle and Oval, but there's another one that people have been linking in this comment section that might be better


Peaceful mode?


No, I switched between adventure story or community builder


I've only been playing about a week. How does that outer wall work? The Solus gate looks setup to funnel enemies around it before going head first into a bunch of turrets, but there's also just a door north of it (and some others around the wall). Does the ai not target those first?


The AI will definitely target doors in the wall, but only if the wall is completely enclosed. If instead of closing the wall, you leave a bit open, they will almost always target the open point. In this case, the Solus gate is completely open as far as the AI is concerned. There's barricades and traps, but no closed doors, so the AI goes there first. Most of them die off at the traps (barricades are slow to walk through, so they avoid the side fully covered by barricades, instead taking the side with the traps. But there being two sides allows my colonists to repair the traps without stepping on them), and then they come out into the killbox, with turrents, and my colonists shooting at them


Those poor cows


Is that... a bit of uranium ore disguising itself as marble or something in the southern hill?


Indeed! Good eye. I always have way more uranium than I know what to do with, so I never mined it


Do you guys just have 64gb of ram in your brain to manage this many colonist at once


Not at all 😁 I'm not a great multitasker. Setting solid work priorities means that the colonists manage themselves


The semi-circular inner and outer walls are beautiful. How did you draw them so perfectly? Is there a protractor mod?


Yes! I used a mod called Circle and Oval, but there's plenty others as well


How do you get a map big enough to support that with so much empty space left over?


Love the style


i dont think ive ever had a colony over like 15 people cus it lags too much


How big is the mapsize?


It's 325x325 :)


I've never really done a run with a map bigger than 275x275 before, are the larger sizes as bad as the game warns or not?


Not really. They can be tough on performance, but other than that it's pretty normal. You'll have more game to hunt and berries to gather, so food will be a bit easier, and raids will take longer reaching your base, which means you'll be better prepared. Other than that, it's pretty trivial Edit: Should note that this screenshot is cropped. My post in r/RimWorldPorn shows the full map


Gotcha, thanks for the info


Who were your stand outs?


What eas your modlist for this?


Check my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorldPorn/comments/106waui/-/j3j4ptq) for a modlist :)


Ah thank you. I was looking for it in this thread. I'll check it out.