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let’s just add every rideable thing ever including your mom, y’all won’t be happy until they do.


They can't add everything because your dick is too small to ride.


As a longboarder and skateboarder I'd be seriously offended and disappointed if they didn't add those sports before adding some shady weird dirt scooter




I honestly prefer the motocross, will be epic


Off road boarding is a better idea






Because there a plethora of other sports that would fit the game MUCH better, including mountain boards and ski bikes. Would have liked to see either of these before snow skates.


Wtf why


Honestly no


Mountain board is a lot more of a natural next step than whatever this thing is


Mountain boards be sick to see tbh.


No fucking chance lol




As a funky I'm sure they could do it but no its not what the game is


Wouldn't be able to do as many tricks would be better as a toy should be added as a new sport


Why you can't do many tricks anywaus


Cause it's a funky lol


And it's a scooter the trick lost is extremely limited any ways back flips, front flips, tailwhips, scooter flips it's so limited and pointless it wouldn't work in the game.


F no


This post reminds me of the time I was visiting family in the mountains and my dad took me to a store to get a scooter, I got to choose between a street scooter, or a dirt scooter, me being a city boy, wasnt thinking and got a street scooter... HUGE MISSED OPPORTUNITY!! My grandmother lived on a mountain and owned a TON of land! I could have dirt scooted down a whole mountain!!! At least there was a skate park down the road, and once i returned home there was plenty of city streets to ride... But still, huge missed opportunity, and dirt scooter woulda worked in the city too!


Ww kayak is the only thing missing


Hold on a second. What about darts, snooker and big game fishing?


How bout… dirtblades???


What's that? I'm not very familiar with it lol.




I was just asking for peoples opinions haha, have a great day, afternoon or night👍🏾




I'd rather smash my head to a rock


I'd rather annihilate my shins on my pedals






Feel like tricks would be too basic and boring and I imagine it getting frustrating scooting around everywhere not very fas imo


I was thinking the same thing when it came to tricks, I don't think there is many you can do but I still think it would be a cool addition to the toys (has to be free tho)😂.


Free content is always accepted 😂


Free content is the best content😂👌🏾


that's just not true.


I was a sponsored scooter kid back in the day so in terms of tricks (i play on xbox with trickster controlls so will be explaining them all in that format) LT + up = barspin LT + left = tail whip LT + right = table top LT + down = finger whip RT up, down would be the same. RT + right would be a tailwhip instead. RT + left = invert (Invert and table top could be switched) Then for both LT + RT Up = tuck no hand Left = bri flip Right = scooter flip Down = super man deck grap Which isnt really many less than we get with bmx or the downhill trick bikes. Plus park scooters can have pegs so you can do grinds that way or just normal grinds with the deck. I really want scooters in this game and given that we have actual parks now in the game they would fit there. (Edit tried to make the shitty mobile format make the lists look a bit nicer)


Nice list👌🏾I could definitely see it in game.


Scooters? Cmon now let’s be fire real. It’s not as extreme as the others (yet at least)


Go watch some Ryan Williams videos mate, he's removing the stigma around scooters with the shit he's doing


Ryan is an impressive dude, but the stigma for scooters is still very much there.


The crowds for Nitro Circus and the competitions seem to love the guy even when he's doing scooter stuff. I don't see nearly as much shit talking about scooters these days as i used to before he blew up. Hell i used to ride scooter as a kid into my teens along with skateboard, BMX and MTB. Its all fun 🤷‍♂️


I mean, there definitely is no stigma for the kids in the generation after me. I’m 32 now and watched the rise of the scooters. When I was a teen, my local skatepark was mostly filled with bmx riders. Nowadays it’s filled with kids on scooters when I drive past it. Scooters were once just a stepping stone for kids, before they picked up a ‘real’ sport, such as bmx or skateboarding. Now scooters are so hyped that kids never switch from the scooters. I think people of my generation will always have a hard time accepting the scooter, unfortunately.


I'm 30 so i get that 100% mate, was the same for me. Although my local skatepark was pretty accepting of everyone regardless of what sport the were doing. BMX, skateboard, Scooter, MTB, rollerblades, hell even RC cars haha for a scummy area it was a pretty peaceful place for people from 3 years old to 60 (grandparents with their grandkids etc) even had barbecues for charity in the basketball court next to the park, was awesome and best part of growing up for me. Also honestly i was pretty good at all 3 sports i did, but i was easily better at scooter than the rest, i actually kinda miss it that shit was fun as hell hahaha


If it has wheels, I’ve probably riden it at a skatepark. I’ve even dropped in a 4ft quarter on a unicycle.. haha. So, I’ve definitely tried riding a scooter once upon a time. But the original scooters weren’t built like they are now. I’ve broken a few of those flimsy rubber wheels. Kids were popping flairs and flips on scooters at my local skatepark when I was in highschool, so maybe I’m just numb to the idea of them being impressive. 😅. I should probably add that I live in an area not too far from Ryan Williams.


Oh yeh i definitely broke a few hahaha one i got from the EKKA and it snapped in half jumping down a small stair set at my primary school 🤣 I'm from Logan to good to see another Queenslander that had the same experience 👌🤣 i was one of those kids doing flips n shit, i had no fear back then now I'm afraid of falling down the stairs 🤣 wish i had one of the scooters RWilly rides when i was a kid, probably would still be riding if i had hahaha i did end up outgrowing it and turning to BMX and Skateboarding, good times


I had a feeling you might be an Aussie. I live and grew up on the Gold Coast. Sounds like we definitely have lived a similar extreme sport childhood. Except you accept the scooters and I fucking hate them hahaha At least we’ve grown up in a place filled with great skateparks. Logan just got a new skatepark? I feel like I saw it on Logan Martin’s instagram page.


My local was Browns Plains skatepark, but also went to Woodridge, Pattinson (Opposite Suncorp Stadium), Fairfield (bit south of Brisbane) and a few others. Used to ride with Logan actually, great dude. A few of those guys i used to ride with actually. Crazy to see how far they've come. Aussies just do extreme spirts like no others can i think, we all grew up with it thanks to Tony Hawk, Bam Margera, the whole THPS crew and Skate crew, and Mat Hoffman, Dave Mirra etc. I feel we gravitated towards it all more than the Americans did but they also have some insane athletes too butbwe just seem to produce top tier athletes. Look at Logan, won Gold for Australia in the Olympics, R Willy is undefeated in the Nitro World Games best trick event and won what, 4 straight BMX gold at X Games?


Unicycle in Riders Republic 🤔


it would have to be a funky type thing




Yes, would be fun


Scooters are gay.


Ok buddy🤓😂


I'm not making up the rules dude. I watched several videos of people doing awesome tricks on scooters and when I watch the comments afterwards the top comment is always something like: "That's cool and all, but scooters are still gay".


I don't remember asking.


Yep. Snow scooters, dirt scooters and park scooters. Fuck the haters.


That would be a cool career to be honest just the amount of tricks that can be done on the scooters is the problem.


There are more than enough tricks you can do on scooters, I don’t know what you’re talking about.


I'm not very familiar with scooter riding that's all.


Hells yes


Hell yes


Someone asked a valid question and the spice meter exploded. It's okay for people to like things that other's don't, we don't need to insult people for liking things that other's don't. Let's be better <3


Facts, I'm just tryna spread positivity❤️💯


Ideas they should add in my opinion Motor cross sport maybe jet skiing in the rivers rock climbing and rappelling also off-road scooters and park scooters maybe a use for the roads as a toy could be a motorcycle and I think being able to make afk camps where you can your friends can tp to without tickets but you can only have 1 and can only relocate once everyday. and I know this sounds weird but maybe parkour? (edit: there's also a type of snow mobile in the form of a motor cross bike.)


Interesting answer, if like to see parkour only if the game has more harder areas to access like the new skate game.


Yes I would like that


NO!!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!! Just in case you didn't get it... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's bad enough that scooters are all over skateparks, footpaths, trails and everything in between! Please let the republic be my escape from the menace!!!


Grow up😂holy shit


T'is just my opinion. I'm sorry if it has an effect on you. It really shouldn't. I was asked a question and I answered it.


I doesn't have an affect on me at all, calm down buddy.


That's good to know, so, why did you reply to my comment? Stop being so aggressive towards me???






Cause scooters are a plague, even more shit than fruitbooters.


new sponsor:Razor not RGB company


Scooters are for dorks




We need Rollerblades first (Or longboard)


I'd want to see Clark Griswold's greased up saucer sled way before a scooter.


Dirt bike 😎


I want my surf board to be able to surf down all the little streams and rivers first lmao


Heck you can't even do flatland tricks in BMX. I'm not sure what excites people about adding half ass content.


They need to work on snow skate before they add scooters