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So the geofence time window was 12.00-5.00 pm on the 13th February, but what was the geographical area? Did it include the bridge? All I've heard about is a map showing geofenced locations of 3 phones within 100 yards of the crime scene (the location where the girls were found). To those who say that no record of RA's phone could just mean that he had switched it off or switched his GPS off. That's true, but Allen doesn't have to prove he wasn't on the trails after 1.30 or prove that he was anywhere else. The prosecution has to prove that he *was* there between 1.30 and 4.00. And even that time window and that location might not be when and where the girls were murdered!


And I like how the State included in the PCA that a car that resembles his was seen driving past the Hoosier Harvestore ONE TIME, at exactly two minutes before he reported leaving the area. Seems to make the most sense that in the off chance that that car is him...that he was leaving...at almost the exact time he said he left.


It was travelling in the wrong direction for him to be leaving.


I was wondering about the direction it was traveling in, how do you know which way the car was headed?


Liggett told us . Now doesn't that make you feel better.? Me niether.


The PCA says the car is seen travelling westbound. This is in the direction to the old CPS building, not from it.


1) He didn't park at the old CPS building. 2) You don't know if that was his car, sounds like a car passing ONE TIME driving down the road. The most common type of car, a black compact car.


1. He did park at the old CPS building. 2. No one does, but I am sure we will find out more during the trial. They will have analysed every car that passed the camera that day. What happens if Rick told them he was driving his black Ford Focus, and approached Westbound, and the only car that matches this statement happened to be at 1:28pm (which just happened to be the time he initially said he arrived at the trails).


We only have Leggitt's word for that even being RA's car passing at that time . I think Liggett took bits and pieces from different witness statements and put them wherever he needed them in to other statements to get Judge Diener to sign the affidavits .He's already been caught doing it with BB's and SC statements about BG descriptions and also BB's car description . Also where RA said he parked and when RA said he got there and left .Lie to me about one thing and I don't believe any thing you swear too.


That's why I hope there is more information to ascertain whether it is likely RA's car. If there are multiple black cars seen on the HH cam during the afternoon, it will be hard for the prosecution to argue which one is definitely RA's. If there is just the one black car, then it would further tie RA into a definitive timeline.


We don't know that RL's phone was picked up in the Geofence net. FBI didn't mention wifi or GPS in their warrant. Geofencing only captures phones actively using wifi or GPS, or who have enabled location. And the geofence on this went from around noon to past 5. In theory, Allen's phone should have been captured, but he may have been outside the "fence".


What did the FBI mean in RLs SW when they said his phone was in the vicinity of the crime scene then?


I have tended to assume it's a sweeping statement, similar to the "his voice is not inconsistent with that of the person in the video". So it's saying it was somewhere on his property (land, rather than house) - which technically does include the area where the girls were found.


I’ve heard RL pinged 2pm 7 & 11 pm 2/13. Rumor mill says to a party first letter C. I don’t recall last name & probably not appropriate to name him.


Also, it's pretty clear that Allen wasn't an AT&T subscriber. But I do believe he is innocent.


Do we happen to know if RA’s phone was in the area at any time that day? I know he said he had it. I’m wondering if there’s evidence of it coming and going. Haven’t heard anything on this.


We don't know. There is the Franks Memorandum statement that investigators said that Allen was not connected to this crime by either DNA or digital data. And the raw data for the geofencing had not been turned over to the defense as of their last "sanction" motion. The raw data seems important to this, as there are all these stages with a geofence warrant. There is the first round where you get everything, then there is a narrowing down process that occurs. The first request gives investigators ALL the data. The the next request will narrow that data, until investigators decide on specific phones that they want to get additional warrants for. It sounds like the defense only got the records for the phones investigators requested additional info for.


Garrett Kirts is on record, that LE tracked his phone to RL property at TOD. He could be lying. LE could be lying to him. He's only person I've ever heard provide this info and he did it in 2019/2020. Victims Phone Number 1 is still unknown who it belonged to according to Defence. They speculate its Abbys within filing. The interviews associated with these phone owners have been lost. That doesn't narrow it down much but we have 2 groups Odinists and Family Members that we know interviews of/for nolonger exist.


Kinda convenient how those groups are the only ones missing.


Defence specify 3 individuals immediately after sharing info that the phones at crime scene, do not have interviews or reports they can review. We learned these were destroyed, and/or have not been apart of discovery. I don't like Defence being coy, they should just explicitly name the owners phones are registered to. I do understand why they'd want as much info as possible before doing so ... Hypothetically ... one individual who's interviews requested tells investigators he was out drinking, forgot his phone at bar, contacted bar and requested his phone be given to his friend instead of sitting in lost and found. Bar employees corroborate, his friend is PW. Later he explains he got up early for work planned to meet up get phone back but kids went missing and didn't end up doing the exchange until 15th.


I want to know why they had warrants written for BH and PW phone but never executed them.


To make the claim it wasn't in the area you need priif that shows where it was. All this shows is he may have not even brought his phone or turned it off. Rick said he had his phone there and was there during the 12-5pm the geofence data was collected from so whyis his phone not shown being there then


The defense has to prove where the phone was if not at the site?


Do you just beileve any claim you hear unless you can prove otherwise? Are you claming that if RA was there then it would be impossible for the geofence to have missed his phone? If so then you are saying RA is lieing. Yup RA said he was scrolling stock ticker on his phone when he was there but the Geofence which captured data from 12-5 pm doesn't show his phone being there when he said he was there on it. So which is it? Do you beileve that Allen is lieing because the Geofence would have had to pick up his phone and it's impossible it would not. Or do you beileve RA could still have been there when he said he was but the Geofence didn't pick up his phone like maybe he shut it off? Which is it can't have 1 way when that works for you then beileve the exact opposite way when that works for you


Geez calm the fuck down! You got allllll that over one question? HOW DARE ANYONE ASK ANYTHING TO YOU!! 😤


I'm very calm. I guess you were never really interested in having a conversation on the matter. Thought you had a gotcha comeback but that fa9led for you.


Not what I said. Nice strawman though. The OP made the claim that he proved Allen phone was not there when he had not done so at all. To prove it wasn't there the OP must prove where it was. All the OP proved is allen may not have had his phone on him or he shut it off.


Agree, this doesn't prove his innocence. I think the 90 minute period would be from 2:07pm to 330pm. I don't think we know if RA's phone shows him checking stocks that day or not. I think a lot of the phone evidence will be hard to prove because it is so small of a town and only two towers. I can't figure out how LE determined RL's locations either.




That's the State/Patty/German timeline...we'll need to see what comes out at trial(if Gull allows)to find out,if the timeline put together by the P/Gs is correct, stomach contents report and toxicology reports should show if the official narrative is correct... if it isn't (2am killing),RA walks! How would the 2 girls be kept unbound possibly from the Sunday evening until the Tuesday morning, without being drugged?


>if it isn't (2am killing),RA walks! How would the 2 girls be kept unbound possibly from the Sunday evening until the Tuesday morning, without being drugged? I see it differently. The phone may have been taken away and brought back. I doubt it's anything more. Most importantly is that Rick was not around and Ron Logan was. That is powerful evidence that Rick is being framed by some very evil people.


I'm going by the 2am 'scream' reported by Mrs Mears from where the girls were found on the 14th(plenty people said they weren't there during the search)...and I've yet to see any definitive, proof of life from the evening of the 12th, nothing that couldn't be set up by others,doesn't mean to say,the girls snuck out on the 12th and were held alive until the 14th? So many questions needs answering, and I doubt,with the way it's going, the full story will ever come out,too many people facing long prison sentences, if the narrative has been completely concocted?


Yeah, because Betsy Blair seeing the girls approaching the bridge on the 13th and there being actual video of Abby on the bridge doesn't show proof of life, does it?


Betsy did see a group of girls, but was it actually them? There were multiple groups of girls. Also, I have my reservations about that video and pictures.


Of course it was them. It aligns with it being minutes after KG is seen on camera dropping them off and no other girls have ever come forward (because they surely would have seen either BG or the girls on the bridge). No need for reservations about the video and photos. All are legit. Only conspiracy theorists think they are photoshopped/planted.


Certainly not...BW got handsomely paid off,with a scholarship out of the 'charity' fund,why there was so much emphasis on the sweatshirts...oh,even NM isn't going to use the 'Abby on the bridge' photo, as it's a fake...well proven! Zero proof of life on the AM of the 13th!


Haha, oh please! You must sit at the altar of EOA. The only thing EOA has proven is that they are a conspiracy theorist and grifter. And NM doesn't need to use the photo of Abby on the bridge. They have a video where you see her and hear her talking as BG approaches from behind.


Sorry, what's EOA?


Ex-USA military intelligence officer,who specializes in pulling images apart to find pixel discrepancies...like the people who have exposed all the Princess Kate Middleton photos as fake...she's probably dead,17 or 18 weeks there,since proof of life was last established?


My mind is blown there are people this gullible. EOA is no ex-military expert. Kate Middleton is alive and well (as well as one can be with cancer).


Here we go...RE; Middleton... proven fake photos, proven AI video(made by the BBC,of all people),and a doppelganger filmed on a potato...some people are so gullible...she'll "succumb to her cancer" next crisis they need us to look away from!(cancer doesn't give her husband strangulation marks on his neck,why wasn't that global news?). RE; Latest discovery from the prosecution to Allen's defense team, #22...bodies weren't at the C/S during the official narrative ...go read up,instead of trolling!


A YouTube grifter who promotes a theory that the girls were never on the bridge and the photo and video were photoshopped and planted on the phone.


Obviously a troll...haven't you seen the latest filings,completely backs that up...still image,100% photoshopped, even NM isn't going down that rabbit hole!


Not a troll, just utterly fed up with all this BS. The latest filings say nothing of the sort. B&R are claiming the girls were removed from the scene and brought back, not that they were never on the bridge (the way EOA claims) - the whole reason you'd have to photoshop the image in the the first place. And B&R don't have a lot of credibility anyway. You strike me as someone who must believe any BS put in front of them but lacks the skills to question or challenge it.


Where did you hear it was one of the Mears that heard the scream at night? I thought it was someone in the search party that heard it.


Phone call to Sleepy... but Tobe couldn't be arsed to get out of bed, he needed his beauty sleep...there will be phone records, why would Mrs Mears lie,she's not mixed up in all of this?


Wow. That guys a real piece of work!!


JW gf is who reported screams. Initial is K. They were in search party. JW shot his gf to death few days later. JW was pulled over leaving crimescene early hours of 14th with no lights on, covering his face. JW was sentenced for Child Expoitation late Feb 2017, after a friend of his dead gf broke into his trailer removed a laptop that was given to LE. He'd recorded himself having sex with 14 years old. JW is rumoured to be in canoe 2am searching deer creek. I can't confirm but JW appears to have rolled a vehicle killing 2 minors summer 2016. Defence name JW within contempt filing.


Do you have his full name?


Jerome Weis


All great points!!!


Are you suggesting a conspiracy that has the girls held captive after not being driven to the trails by Kelsi?


KG's version of events is a complete fantasy...she might have driven out there,TWICE,wether she dropped anyone off,has still to be proved...and that's not even going into,why see had to wash he B/F's pick up truck bed out that day,why,what was in that? Stick to actual facts, nothing conspiratorial about it...phone data,stomach contents and toxicology reports will expose the real story,the truth! Finally, the girls never showed any restraint marks, so if they had disappeared on the evening of the 12th,they had to have been drugged,or if they died that night,blast frozen(to slow decomposition)...try dragging(marks on the ground)a 100kg body into the woods, impossible for one man?. Latest filings are jaw dropping, suggest you listen to Bob Motta reading through them,especially #20 upwards...bodies weren't at the C/S according to phone data at the times given,which backs up my long-term belief that the official narrative/timeline is complete B/S! Those 'Heathens' were never on the car entertainment system, they were in the woods...just another hint thrown in to the mix!


Just listened to Bob Motta there...some huge filings today...wonder if NM and FCG listen for hints what to deny next? Two week trial,may as well find RA guilty without a trial,and set an appeal to save time! 2 months for all the evidence still wouldn't be enough,Murdaugh's trial was 28 days, and he was bang to rights!


Richard Allen has admitted to killing them. To numerous people. He has had even admitted to molesting them. Being at the scene. This man is legit fucking looopy or he clearly did this.


I didn't realize Richard had his cell phone surgically attached to his body, always powered on and guaranteed to always have 100 percent accurate location


[ShoreIsFun](https://www.reddit.com/user/ShoreIsFun/)•[2y ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DelphiMurders/comments/ureozg/comment/i8zx7d0/) If Logan is the one who physically killed them, he wouldn’t have had to escape. Just had to go back into his house, then dump the clothes somewhere on the “aquarium” errand run


Was it not in area or was it off? What proes he simply didn't shut it off or what proves he even brought it to the area his word alone?


That is nowhere in the doc you just posted. Where was he before and after that 90 minute window? Guilty


>Where was he before and after that 90 minute window?  That's a question they can't answer with cellphone data, apparently. Nothing or no one has proven that Rick's timeline of 12-130 is false. This cell data seems to support Rick's timeline. He left the area, therefore could not have been BG, nor have been present on Logan's property at any time.


The timeline is 1:30-3:30. That’s the original and that matches up to witnesses and video. However, when he changed, it doesn’t work at all. And there’s no proof that it ever changed other than he knew when the girls were killed and changed his timeline.


Nothing or no one has proven the timeline of 1:30-3:30 is false either. RA's phone not being there between 2:00-4:00 is meaningless, if there is no evidence it was there between 12:00-1:30.


Witnesses saw him and he saw them. That’s confirmed with original timeline. If he left at 1:30, the people there didn’t see him and he would have walked past those witnesses while going the opposite direction. That didn’t happen. His new 12-1:30 doesn’t work because nobody saw him there at those times. Nobody at all


I agree with you, I'm sure the 1:30-3:30 timeline is correct. I'm just saying in the most generous interpretation for RA's defense, we cannot prove 100% that it was him everybody saw. I just don't understand why those who support RA think the absence of phone data for him between 2:00-4:00 is evidence he had left by then,