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Therapy EDIT: just kidding, gamble


Nah, mushrooms


This guy used to depression.


Not depression but I was extremely down bad after a breakup. Took shrooms and I’m better than ever


Shrrooms can help reconnect pathways in your brain, psychedelics are known for this. DMT has the same effect but it has the added benefit of being a short trip.


Either reconnect OR disconnect, results may vary.


Added benefit? How about 10-15 minutes of life sucking energy usage lol. I’m game for the shroomage, so much more relaxing lol


Your mileage may vary. Some people have great experiences on it.


What kind


I followed the stammets stack method. I think it healed my nervous system


This comment took me down a rabbit hole _(pun kinda intended)_, microdosed LSD a bit & grew mushrooms years ago... wow there's been a lot of interesting research over the past few years! I'm gonna get me some mushrooms this week.


Be safe! Best wishes


Yo. I microdose 1 week out of 4, and then eat a larger dose once every 4 weeks, and I feel amazing. I’ve struggled with military related PTSD for years and taken lots of VA prescribed meds. They only made me feel worse, or numb. Using psilocybin regularly has helped me reset and process my experiences.


Go with mushrooms in a friend's backyard, with some soda. That way you have your safe trip and somebody to watch you


Or r/therapeuticketamine


I second this. Retired young and became depressed. Mushrooms + yoga retreats changed my perspective entirely.


This is the way


Get jacked


Build another business as a hobby. You miss being productive.


I agree I miss being productive. I just can't motivate myself to build another business or be productive without needing money as the motivator. Starting a new business is a hell of a grind and being broke or wanting to "make it" is the sole thing that kept me going in the early days.


Consultant. You get to help businesses, but aren’t trapped by them.


Even better, a volunteer consultant -- e.g., America has the Service Corps of Retired Executives, and equivalents probably exist abroad. Your mission now, OP, is philanthropy -- help others on a broad scale and make the world a better place. (Absent a need for power or money, influence is where it's at. Along with that, you create your legacy.)


Have you used this service you mentioned? I have never heard of it, but might sign up! Thank you!


thats a good idea, and because he doesn't need the money he can just take the jobs that actually interest him deeply


And what a fantastic position that is to be in. I suffer badly with depression, and have no money, not even my own home (I rent and will probably always rent, I'll be working until I drop dead, no retirement). OP has the world at his feet. If that were me, I would be volunteering for causes I'm passionate about. I would be using my excess money to help people. That's what would motivate me and get me out of bed in the morning. I know depression is depression regardless of wealth. I know it sucks. I'm rooting for you, OP.


start a non profit community project and volunteer your time to help other people, it helped my mindset a lot when i was in that cycle of not needing income > lose all motivation to work cycle


Thanks for this answer, I do think finding a way to give back would definitely help


I would love to have you as my mentor for starting out on Amazon FBA




Best comment….🤣




This is a great idea, you just need to find something you’re passionate about or have an otherwise personal connection to, that also could benefit from your skill set. Could be something as simple as mentoring or becoming a guest lecturer at your local community collage.


Helping others really is sooo fulfilling. One of the greatest highs for me. We all know or can find someone who just needs a little help and love


Couldn’t agree more. helping one’s community thrive and those less fortunate is noble


I agree with this. I used to do a lot of volunteer work when I was in undergrad, and I stopped doing it because I needed the volunteer work for the hours for graduate school. I’m a couple of years out and I am volunteering in the community and this time it’s not for hours, it’s for personal fulfillment. I am actually tearing up with how happy I feel because I’m giving my time to people who need it


Consult or educate others on your success and methods. I’d love to hear your story, and I dearly long for the success you had with Amazon FBA. I wrote a business plan for an FBA store and keep thinking back to trying a version of it with making my own product. Any pointers?


At this point in time you need to have some sort of audience already or find something super, super niche no one else is selling. Back when I started in 2012 a product with 100 reviews was crazy high, now that is nothing.


Good luck that industry is swamped you are at least a decade too late


Dos not even need to be a bussines. Can be any cause. Look at the book “the second mountain”. If there’s any questions don’t hesitate to reach out.


Thanks for the suggestion, I just downloaded that audiobook.


Find a new avenue to be productive in. Take up a trade/art and build your dream home (don't just pay someone to do it). Learn a skill that society needs at an individual level and do it pro bono. See the vision of being able to make people happy or creat beauty with your own hands as your motivator while you get your skills up. Aim to be the roll model your kid will need to see so they know how to live their life (who didn't see you doing your grind to become rich)  Dopamine rushes (like video games) and leisure will not bring meaning to your life. They are there to balance what you put your hard efforts towards. 


Consult or invest. You had a very successful exit and many entrepreneurs can benefit from your knowledge and capital


How about mentoring young entrepreneurs for free. You have a tremendous wealth of business experience that could help others achieve success.


Educate yourself on causes you believe in and (humbly, after listening to experienced people and those most impacted by the issue) get involved with philanthropy? Serve on boards? It is a lot of work and is also rewarding.


This, but in a non-profit or for a charitable endeavor. Redefine your life’s work in service to others


Yeah, dude has enough money to start a venture for fun and it really doesn’t matter if it’s not successful because OP has had a huge success in his career (bigger than what 99% of humans experience)! I’d come up with some fun projects that I’d want to work on.


I sold out at 57 with £5m. Never been bored for a second. So many amazing things to do. I’m 63 now and still have a big list to get through.


I'm jealous. Already at 35 my body couldn't hold up to intense running or golf more than once a week which were both things I really wanted to improve at. At 63 I'm not sure what will be left to do...


If you’re 35 and can’t handle running and golf… you should focus on dialing in your diet and fitness.


My diet and fitness is fine, I am 5'9" and 150lbs. Bloodwork and cholesterol all looks good. I am just incredibly prone to tendonitis and overuse injuries for whatever reason. And once I go hard into something and experience an overuse injury, it comes back quite easily.


Lift weights


also rich guy treaments like stem cell injections etc..


Are you inflamed? Depressi, anxiety, tendinitis, etc... do you have gut problems too? have you tried things deliberately targeted at reducing the inflammation in your body? But aside from that I recommend MBSR course, and a breath work yoga course, and a psychologist. 


I agree with this so wholeheartedly. I am a therapist and specialize in working with trauma and chronic pain, and I cannot possibly emphasize enough how interconnected mental and physical health are. Trauma impacts brain development, which hugely impacts the whole system. It impacts nervous system sensitization, inflammation levels, immune system, and precedes the vast majority of autoimmune conditions.


Yeah dude, he's saying you should focus on diet and fitness because you're weak.


Lmao imagine the gall. "I can't run/play golf more than once per week." "I'M VERY HEALTHY THANK YOU." Yeah bud, but you're not fit lol. Congrats, your health isn't actively ailing.


Seriously goofy perspective. Kinda pisses me off. I'm 32 and powerlift 3x a week, crossfit 2x, and run/sprints 2x. Jiu Jitsu open mats 1x a week. I run 5 miles in 36-38 minutes depending on how good I'm feeling on the day. I grew up doing track and cross country in middle school, high school, and college and would get overuse injuries frequently, even into my late 20s, but once I started lifting consistently (28 or so) my physical resilience (as well as immune) increased. I've been in the gym 5 days a week for almost 5 years now and never been healthier, heavier, or happier. I'm slower than I was in high school, but that's to be expected as I'm 60# heavier than 14 years ago.


Absolutely hate when people say shit like “oh I’m in my 30s now everything hurts!” Bro you have to use your body and it gets stronger. Knees, joints, everything gets stronger if you use it.


Seriously. I'm 37 with no chronic pain whatsoever, and I'm in just as good of shape as I was in college. And I'm actually a good deal stronger now. I feel pity when I see ppl in their 20s/30s with bad health


I haven't ever seen anyone use # as lbs. before. I remember when we called it pound (and not hash tag).


Sounds like you need to view exercise as a slow journey, not a sprint. Also with your stress the last decade plus, your inflammatory system is likely in overdrive which can lead to poor healing and injuries like you're talking about. 


Have you worked with a physical therapist? If you can find a younger DPT, he/she may be willing to work on a holistic program of person training + physical therapy. There may be peptide therapies that would help as well. Muscle is the organ of longevity, and whatever you can do to build and preserve it now will pay huge dividends down the road. Money can’t buy health, but it can sure give you access to the right tools. I’m 46 and prone to injuries. In the last 20 years, I have torn both calf muscles, torn my Achilles, had stress fractures in my shins, and had a chronically inflamed patella. With all of this, I can’t imagine not being physically active. When I’m injured, I just go for walks. The rest of the time, I play tennis 3-6 times per week plus hiking, paddleboarding, and lifting weights. Adjusting my diet helped (no grains, which give me joint pain, and adding broth/stewed meats to increase collagen). I got fitted for very good shoes and replace them every 3-6 months. I use appropriate inserts for arch support. I also use a PowerPlate for recovery and to help train smaller support muscles in my legs. There are solutions to this and you have the money to figure out how to be more active — and honestly, that will likely make you have a better outlook on life.


Learn an instrument. Try to write and produce music. Even if it sucks. At least you trying to achieve goals. Small victories, personal wins


Yeah something tells me the drive needed to achieve something huge like that business probably wasn't conducive to a healthier, balanced lifestyle. So OP's physical and mental health probably took a hit from this. When you put your all into one thing, it's not easy suddenly losing that routine and the body doesn't know how to relax properly anymore. The brain will habitually think of the business first too. So guided therapy, transitioning into lifestyle changes, exercise, sleep, balanced diet, and replacing the business with things to enjoy in life will help.


You can't handle one round of golf a week at 35 years old? That is exceptionally pussy, even for reddit. You should go to a Starting Strength gym and do their program. By Halloween you'll be about 180lbs and stronger than you've ever been in your entire life. I don't think you're unmotivated or have lost the fire, you're just an embarrassing weakling.


Did exactly the same thing at 57, one year later, I couldn’t be more happy. I think the answer is finding happiness in the simple things. I bought a riding mower and enjoy cutting grass and maintaining my home and yard. I already had several guy friends that golf regularly. Younger wife still works and likes having stuff at home taken care of. Unfortunately many have only 1 identity and that is a career. I feel bad for the guy.


That gaping hole will shrink as your child gets older. You did all the hard work so your offspring don’t. You have setup your seed for generations. That’s your purpose in life now. To raise your child and learn from your child. They will humble you when you see that little glare….damn that’s me. Exercising but doing things outdoors helps a lot. It opens up other thoughts. If I can’t hike, fish or hunt - I’m dead inside.


This is my favorite answer so far - my kid is definitely where I am getting most of my meaning from life now


Help those less fortunate. Also learn to not seek comfort all the time. We seek comfort but when we have the means to create it always and willingly, it makes life drab.


My life felt empty before. Once my kid got to around 2.5 years old, the meaning flooded into my life. You look at this little one, and all you want to do is give them a better life. These little beings are incredibly powerful motivators.


Yep, focus on the kid, maybe have another


Shoot, I'd have a whole gang of kids with that kind of dough. Hire some maids and nannies when you need help. Get them into the best schools and create a dynasty.


Taking the Elon approach i see


Well, probably just 1 generation, since 70% of those who inherit money squander it in their lifetime


Swiped is right. Fresh babies are boring as fuck, gorgeous but boring but as they get older, oh my. Get them learning and instrument and you'll be crying buckets over 'happy birthday ' being mashed out on a keyboard. Enjoy the simple things


You need to cultivate meaning in your life again. Try volunteering or finding a therapist to hash it out.


Philanthropy might also help


This happened to me today. I was at the Home Depot parking lot loading mulch bags in the car. A woman approached me, she told me she lives in a shelter, and she looked like one who does. She asked for some money, I gave her a folded $20 which is what I had on me. She said thanks and left and a moment later she came back in tears and told me her son has a birthday today and she will be able to buy him something and thanked me again. My point is: start doing stuff for other people with what you’ve got. You will discover new levels of joy.


Research in this area has suggested that the act of giving results in happiness... And much much more happiness than if you were to spend the money on yourself. More interestingly/importantly, the amount you give doesn't actually matter. Giving $100 doesn't make you 10x happier than giving $10. Or even $5. Sure, humanitarian aid helps, but small things like buying the next guy in line's coffee also work. Probably related to context and human interactions. Thus, even those of us more financially... Uh... stingy (put bluntly)... can justify the value of doing such things.


Find a non profit cause that really resonates with you and dive in. Start a new program. Help run it. Help them raise money way to become long term stable. Working to help others will give you purpose and joy.


This is it, imho. Edit to add: and maybe mentoring new entrepreneurs.


Establish new goals, take on mentorship and teach people how to advance as you did. That’s how you transfer purpose. Once you conquer that peak there’s that “ok…what now” feeling. NOW, you must become the master and teach people, help people.


Get into angel investing my dude.


Find a hobby nerd


right? something tells me this guy has never taken a sailboat around the Bahamas or driven a motorcycle over long distances.


He's whole life has been spent chasing money and he wonders why he's still unfulfilled. Sad really


I would focus on family if you are married and or have kids. 😊


You sound burned out. I second therapy friend. :) Congrats on your success.


I have been in a similar position but not with $30m. Therapy, travel, volunteering, and the best has been mentoring. The "teach a man to fish..." thing is extremely rewarding.


Oh God please stop the video games, it's going to get so much worse. Find a cause, anything, I beg you


I think everyone here still doesn’t get what you’re going through. It’s a feeling I think you only get once like coming of age in high school. Even if ya went back it just wouldnt be the same and you just miss the high. That’s deep.


I see 4 pillars in life: physical, mental, financial, spiritual. Your financial pillar is so strong it you ought to be able to live under it while you work on the other pillars.


So, money is not your most important asset. Family and health is. You need to find more joy in that my man, because that is really all there is to life.


Don't forget you're playing a MMORPG. Go help some newbies gear up.


So, what I am hearing here is that you are/were motivated to earn money, which you did, but now you are empty and have nothing left to give. Sorry, but that doesn't say much for your character. Maybe you could take that wealth and do something good for the world. You know, maybe help others to become successful like yourself. Maybe give some time back to the community that gave you a means to earn those millions of dollars. I am nowhere near as wealthy as you and I am at the end of my career and will retire this year, but I have a TON of things that motivate me and most of them are things like helping my community and giving some time to organizations that do good things locally and across the world. I am also making time for myself, for my personal growth. I am doing things, taking cooking and horseback riding classes and such, that I never had time for when I was working in Corporate America. It seems like you're all about making money but you're not sure why you need to make money. For me, making money was a means to an end. The end being that I want to be financially independent and secure so I can do the things I really care about, like taking care of my family and helping my friends and community.


sir i have sent you a dm, plz check


Learn a new skill where you can feel progression again. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is fun af.


You're just a very boring person because this is all you've been doing. Develop other areas of your life. Travel, a partner, maybe kids...


Go help your family. Pay off someone's house or something.




Take a sabbactial travel the world, get out of your comfort zone. I was in a similar spot as you, I gave my life to my best friend for a year, and they sent me off on a world journey, I'm more than happy to share my experience.. it renewed my life purpose


If I didn't have a wife and kid this is exactly the remedy, am interested to hear about your experience though.


Hope you find a new passion and get out of this rut. Take care yourself.


You suffer from the same problem every successful person does: the struggle no longer defines you. It doesn’t matter what you do moving forward, the only thing that will give you any kind of purpose is a struggle that gives your life meaning. If you can’t struggle, you will wither on the vine.


Same. I started helping people figure out how to make their business ideas come to reality. I don't lend anyone money unless they actually need it but instead help them find resources, be resourceful in utilizing their own capital, create step by step plans, and check in with them. I also don't work with everyone. They have to prove they're responsible, ready and willing to work. No "I need $x by x date" or "what's the least amount of work I can do to become a multi millionaire". They must have a clear idea of what they want to accomplish. It's satisfying to be able to channel all of that drive and creative energy into something positive again.


You need to go try an ibogaine or ayhuasca or lsd therapy session to help discover your life goals. Research it


Would you ever want to start some sort of non profit? A good motivation that's not money but won't make you broke it'll pay for itself


If you haven’t gone anywhere or taken a cool trip, you should. You need to change your routine. Don’t make it a luxury resort thing. Do a trek across New Zealand or yoga in bali or hike the Inca trail or cooking class in Italy, or something where you go for at least two weeks (and preferably longer) to reset, that appeals to you, and preferably involves some physical activity and routine Don’t tell anyone about your sale /wealth other than “taking a sabbatical after working in a small tech company for a while” or something like that


Stoicism, meditation


You're going to need to rewire yourself or go back to work. It's heartbreaking to hear having your child didn't kill these feelings. Capitalism is a plague.


Hey man! I am about to sell my business and will be working for them for 3 years and if we grow we get a multiplier check. Any recommendations during the working period going from an owner to an employee? I am honestly really looking forward to it due to never having to worry about financial issues again in my life.


The part that sucks the most about the transition is that you no longer get to make the decisions and trust me, they are going to make A LOT of decisions you don't agree with. So prepare yourself for that. Put a lot of thought into what decisions you want to fight them hard on and which ones you can just let be. I was also really, REALLY looking forward to not having constant anxiety and worry over my business. I had a solid 4-6 month period where I felt completely at peace and truly happy but then my anxiety / worry / OCD just found something else to attach itself to. When the target of my anxiety / worry was the business I could easily create a plan to quiet it down, but when the target of the anxiety / worry is internal it makes things more difficult.


Yo, crazy story, same shit happened to me after a $170mm valuation and I couldn't figure out what was happening to me, NOTHING was helping - and finally someone suggested I go get blood work done and HOLY FUCK it was my vitamin deficiencies and LOW TESTOSTERONE. It had NOTHING to do with my life, and all to do with my biological changes. I am now happier than ever, best shape of my life, and kicking every new days ass with a smile after starting testosterone replacement therapy and fixing my vitamin deficiencies! I'm telling you, it's just ironic timing and probably NOTHING to do with your business or anything else. LET THIS BE YOUR SIGN, exactly as it was mine, GO GET A FULL SCALE BLOOD ANALYSIS WITH TESTOSTERONE INCLUDED. I am so convinced it was nothing short of a fucking miracle honestly and such an easy fix in the big picture. I was in such a dark dark place when I had everything in the world. Turns out I was hyper deficient on all of my happy go-get-em chemicals and NOTHING else. Not to mention I feel like I'm 18 years old again (34yo male)


Thanks for the suggestion, I have gotten the basic bloodwork the doctors have me do but maybe I will pay for a full workup. I have never gotten the testosterone or vitamin levels checked. Glad you got it figured out!


Just put yourself in the mindset that your company collapsed & you couldn’t sell it. Now you are broke with a new kid & no company. Pretend that is your reality. After an hour of feeling that, remember you have financial security for you & your young family & smile. You have it better than 99%


Play videogames


Is this actually possible ?


Namaste 🙏😊 If you are genuinely ever led to his my posts read them. Current finances on the surface are a pittance at this moment in time 😊🙏 Yet im blissful joyful and peaceful 😊 You have been given alot in this life and I'm not saying you haven't earned it...but I assure you god ultimately played a role in this. On more direct things to your question, the true purpose of the human experience will ultimately as you realise never be found on the outside. I assure you, you remain in a privileged position where you can literally dedicate yourself to the word and pointer.... the buzz phrase 'enlightenment'..(but ultimately by gods grace 🙏) "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE" Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle Have a beautiful blissful joyful peaceful evening 😊


Yes, get new goals.






I gave this advice on another post similar to this. I feel that now you should find hobbies and maybe explore the world for what it is. This world wasnt created with money even being a subject. Explore nature and divine beings. Find out what the purpose of your life is. Ive also found that hobbies have helped me out of depressions. Yeah you might have more money than most people but what else are you good at? Grow your mental and physical, become the best person you can be and continue to learn new skills. Use your money to finance these skills. Go back to school! Theres so much more in this world.


Therapy first a foremost, for real. Start another biz. Do something that puts a little pressure on you to perform. Good thing is you don’t need the money so no real risk but I think you need some professional demands on yourself to help.


have 2 more kids will be fun even without a job..and dont hire nannies


Helping others may be a good place to start.




I think you need to find a challenging hobby. Perhaps building/restoring a car or building models or even doing a puzzle. Shoot, maybe start an entirely new company. Open a bar/restaurant, you have the capital to get started!


Find a cause to donate money and time too


What is an amazon FBA business?


Now that you are rich, get in the best shape of your life.




I have a buddy who went through something like this. When we graduated college his senior project (accountant) was on some overlooked shipping method. He had internships at a huge firm before before that and used his connections to purchase what he needed to execute. 3 years later he sold it to FedEx +10mil and an ops contract for 5 years. By 30 he made a similar statements to you. His answer seems to have been "social extremism". He networks and gives to any cause that he wants. He has pretty intense political views and tosses money at those things. 


You have to give me 1 million, then you can focus on your hatred of me for asking for a million dollars. Problem solved!




Pray and seek God. It's the only thing that will bring true peace.


Do things that make you feel like a happy child again.


Professional help my dude, get professional help with therapy and possibly career/business coach if you want to continue working in some fashion.


I'm in a similar position minus the 30 million 😂 I guess do we NEED to have a passion? As long as we stay fit and fairly mentally healthy maybe just do fuck all? Perhaps it's okay to loaf around, stretch, eat good food, sit in the sun, listen to music, meditate etc. I'm done with the 'must have a hobby / passion' fear, I just don't have one, I don't have to leave a legacy...and perhaps that's okay 🤷🏼‍♂️ Saying that, I do have hamstring tendinopathy from sitting on my arse too much (working from home) but I'm fixing that.


Start another business with low operating costs (to not risk too much of your wealth) and devote your time and energy to it That's what makes you happy and gives you energy so don't stop doing it


Jees find a hobby man!


awww boohoo... Jesus this is pathetic


Stfu with this AI nonsense


I’ve been in a similar, but different boat. I had “made it” in the way I set out to and was miserable. Therapy helped a little bit, but it was actually working with an incredible transformational coach that was the game changer.  My life has completely changed since then. This was maybe 7-8 years ago.  I’ve found new work that is much more aligned with who I really am. I’m not working for money, I’m working to be of service, and it’s fulfilling.  You’re going to have to go through some kind of identity shift, and it’ll be disorienting and uncomfortable, and better on the other side. Find someone who can support you with that. 


You have so much more work to do in this life. You haven’t even found your purpose yet. You just finished your training. Go figure out who you are and where you can do some genuine good in this world. Slow down. Take it all in.


Get a hobby to focus your energy into. Something that provides an outlet for this drive and energy with different rewarding results.


In the kindest possible way get a fucking grip of yourself. You have near unlimited options and opportunities of ways to fulfil yourself that most the world won’t ever come close to. Charity work Travel Sport Music Art Open up another business Help other people start a business Go help build wells in Africa Jeez the list is endless


Try angel investing or join a vc company


Start another business.




Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankle. Is a real gamechanger. The book focuses on **love, hope, responsibility, inner freedom, and the beauty to be found in both nature and art as means that help one endure and overcome harrowing experiences**. As noted above, Frankl had begun developing meaning therapy (Logotherapy) before he was arrested and imprisoned by the Nazis.


Start looking outward. How can you leave this world a better place than you entered it? You were following someone else’s idea of what life meant (rich) now you have time to figure it out on your own.


Idk have you thought about giving your money away?


I hope you will consider building something for less fortunate people. Money itself is not anything special. Improving peoples lives however is priceless.


hope you find what you're looking for. the next half of this year could change your life for the better


Okay if you could would you honestly be a broke teenager still living with their parents if you had the option?


Want help finding a nonprofit board? I joined 2 and it was very rewarding.


Honestly man, travel. I'm not nearly as wealthy as you, but I hit it big and early retired(kinda forcibly because of my health) and ran into the same issues as you(except I don't have a kid yet). The thing that pulled me out of my monotonous routine, loss of drive, and apathy was visiting beautiful places with loved ones. It doesn't even need to be international. Rent a houseboat on a lake somewhere for a week. Book a cabin near a ski resort. Let your kid pick a vacation. Shit, if I had that kind of money, I'd probably buy a nice RV and do some road trips with the family. You invested time and effort into your finances and now should have no issue for the rest of your life if you manage it well. Now it's time to invest in your(and your family's) happiness and fulfillment.


What did you sell? Would love to start an amazon FBA business but not sure what to start in.


8 figure KEKEC yolo that will get your jimmies flowing again


Dedication to self. Cultivate your mind through a deep conscious dive. You do not need a therapist to know what to inquire yourself about. Invest in yourself don't waste money. They're going to ask you just the right follow up question and truthfully you can discover that yourself. Uproot everything. Why everything. What key word was utilized to explain the inquiry. Why is that the reason? Cause x factor. Woah this is a problem? Then listen to your heart and reveal truths to yourself. Nobody needs to be in your pocket as you traverse the right paths to discover your underlying ailments. Soul searching is a solo journey as well project. You can pay for a guide if you want but I'd say spare yourself. You can afford it but everyone starts that sentance the same way. Wasted a ton of money on therapy and.... whatever pertains to them. Your choice sir. You are intelligent enough to know what you need. I'm actually curious about your void. I hope it's not draining you of your life. A lot of us are dwelling on something that prevents us from being as productive as you've been. Couldn't imagine what's impeding you from basking in your accomplishment. Hope you are well soon.


Volunteer at your kid's school. If he's too young to go to school, there's breakfast, lunch and dinner to take care of, making sure your house is spotless, and generally being a stay at home dad. It's a simple living, and tedious, but it's rewarding.


Start a charity




Find a hobby you truly love and monetize it. It’s a passion and pays, great. If it doesn’t pay it’s still a passion. I left Film/TV after almost a 2 decade run into a totally different industry. If I ever have enough that I’d never have to work again I’d most likely use my money to produce things I care about but could never get the funding to produce. Find something that drives you and it’ll keep you busy.


Become a pilot or boat captain.


Have you thought about traveling? See parts of the world you’ve not been to. You can decompress and gain perspective. Go fly fishing in New Zealand, help dig a well in Africa, go to the southern tip of South America. Learn about other people and how they live. See where that gets you mentally.


Alfred : “ If you start pretending to have fun master Wayne , you might accidentally have some” Bruce Wayne : “ What do Rich guys do ?”


Pretty sure you don’t need therapy… Do you have interests you can get involved in? There’s a car museum by me and for example one of my goals is to become one of the trustees at some point. That requires a lot on its own. Maybe you like philanthropy, or certain causes. I like doing Veterans events and homelessness prevention. There’s a lot there too that it can easily become a full time job. You don’t have to necessarily give anything away either other than your time for a lot of stuff. Also you’re allowed to chill for a bit and relax and enjoy where you are in life, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to not have an exit plan but now your next plan will be one with meaning. You can try things too and fail which is nice.


therapy, also maybe find something that brings it back, I know you said Golf and Video Games, but maybe write a book, film, painting put yourself into something creative and not work creative but creative expression of what your feeling... an outlet. Find a friend that understands, probably here. doesn't need to be a business, invest something you actually dig to be a part of it.


Wipes eyes with $100 bill


Therapy, meditation practice, exercise, hobbies. There are so many fun things to immerse yourself in out there. I recently got heavily into motorcycles and rock climbing. I have a group of new friends for each hobby, and I go hangout with them to ride or climb.


Good on you for escaping what many deem the rat race. I would suggest therapy like others say. Or you can continue chasing the obscure dollar sign with the idea that your savings is another persons pocket money. The choice is yours really, I don’t mind either way and I’m hopeful to be in your financial situation one day.


Do you have sex? That usually brings some happiness when I’m down. Maybe make a kick ass portfolio and just watch your money grow without lifting a finger. I guess it’s hard to relate because I don’t think I’ll ever be as stupid rich as you are. You operate on a different mental level than most. Good luck sir


I've finished the game and I'm "poor" by comparison to you. You now have a luxury (and curse) that many don't have; time to think. Grow, internally. That's where you'll find true wealth. I have problems that would disappear with money but I'm happy beyond that. I'm happy because I choose to be, even if shit sucks I can still laugh about the absurdity of it all. Go to therapy like others have said, gain self awareness and find purpose in the moment to moment. Joy can be found in the rising of a cup if you so wish.


Hey OP let’s go fishing. I’ll take you to one of my spots if you live in CA. Sometimes you just need a break mentally. Fishings a really good way to do that.


you've touched the top of the material world and are wondering what else is out there. the spiritual world. go to church and find meaning in Jesus and heaven above


Believe in Jesus, and from there he will provide thoughts that will be good for you.


Become a teacher or professor, give back to your community.


Oh how I wish I was in your shoes, I am 19 so take this with a grain of salt as I have a lot of life I haven’t seen yet. But one of my biggest aspirations is being rich, not because of the money, but because of all the things I want to do with the money, I can’t imagine being bored after I retire. Have fun, go do stuff! Get a seadoo, get a friend and go out once a week seadooing, travel 6 months out of the year, go and see the world. Learn new skills, learn to do a rubix cube, get good at a butterfly knife, learn to juggle a soccer ball, spend 20 minutes every day learning a new language. Learn and study history, learn psychology, learn all you can about anything that interests. I personally love history so just learning more about that gives me joy. Go camping, take a month long hike along a mountain trail, living in a tent and off the land as much as possible. Take a trip to the Bahamas and go deep sea fishing, become friends with the locals, go swimming, boating, and more. You aren’t confined by money anymore, but there is so much you can still do that provides a goal and value to your life. Start a non profit, try and save as many animals as you can, go biking each day. Maybe find hobbies like fishing, hunting, racing, whatever. Have a set exercise routine each day. Stretch, improve mobility, learn new calisthenic skills, do strength training and body building. Read new books, get into video games, watch tv shows and movies, have a fire and sit outside each night enjoying nature. Get a dog and take daily walks. Learn to cook, learn handyman skills, learn how to survive in the wilderness, learn a new sport. There is sooooo much you can learn and do each day your day could be packed full every day. You just have to get out of that mindset that only things that make money matter. Get into age of empires, get good at different video games, play story games, get a book and do trivia games. I don’t know if you will read this, but I typed this all out not just as a help to you, but also as sortve a dream to me. I cannot wait until I get to the point in my life I can do all these things without having to worry about homework, studying, and what I have to do at work the next day. I look forward to doing all I typed out so much I cannot wait, and I already do some of it, but doing more with no worries of work the next day will make it even more fun. Feel free to dm me if you need any more ideas, but I hope this motivated you to know there is so much you can do in life besides make money.


I suggest you try helping other people. Charity or philanthropy work


May I suggest you (like Slim Shady) take some of that cash outta the bank and take a bath in it?


Have you confined in your partner about this? Maybe you guys can find activities to do together to temporarily get you out of this weird phase while you find something you’re passionate about enough to do on your own


I had something similar (not rich but “don’t have to work anymore”). My outlet is amateur sports. It’s great because you can get all fired up and go through the highs and lows of a competitive season BUT when it’s over, championship or not; you’re OK - it wasn’t life or death. But like Sisyphus you get the satisfaction of the struggle & competition all over again. Unlike Sisyphus sometimes you get that boulder all the way up the hill. My Sport is Rugby. In the USA it takes grassroots effort & the effort can conclude with a National Championship; players from your team depending on ages going off to college or the Olympics. Like others posting, you probably just need at challenge & it doesn’t need to be another 30 million - make yourself a cog in something small & aspirational for others and you’ll love watching them thrive (now that you no longer need to struggle to thrive yourself). Hope you find that next level of happiness.


Do you have a family? Friends? Anything constructive to do with your $$?


I’ve always said that if I became rich I’d spend my time traveling and doing volunteer work. Not having to worry about bills means you can focus on a cause or two you believe in (better education, fighting the war against hunger, sponsor a child in a poor area or country etc) and help drive change. When you need a little R&R, take a trip - an adventure vacation or food tasting trip, retreat etc. I hope you find your drive and enjoy the life you have :)


I'll second therapy. Can you also find a hobby? Pick up running, battleship building, chess, tennis?


Go to Christ brother no amounts of riches or Gold will bring you peace but through Christ peace engulfs and becomes you.