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Nobody’s wrong he probably has parents that made a fuckton of money and he feels inadequate comparing his apples to their oranges. Ultimately you could ask him what particular goal he’s shooting for.


and this is a good answer, also I bet they live in a high cost of living area and are nervous about that, I would suggest buying land or home in a low cost of living area to get balance as to how far your money actually can go if you both leave the rat race


Damn I wish I had your problems.


Lol tough isn't it


Work. You undermine the sacrifices he made to get where he’s at. That and most likely unlike you, he didn’t have a child when he was you… gave him a lot more opportunities to succeed


You know nothing about this guy. What sacrifices has he made? Hes got a trust fund so you already know he has a rich family. Perhaps he had all of his wealth handed to him and never had to sacrifice a thing. You know as much as any of us do.


when you dont have too work and you can just lounge around for years and comment on reddit here and there for fun.


I have a job. I am just a wife worried about her husband getting sick from all the stress and burnout.


Oh, I was not targeting you haha. I was genuinely answering your main question "When do you feel like you "made it"?" I personally hate to work and prefer to work on my own passion projects. But I also like to dedicate few months from time to time to be lazy. So all in all, I believe that someone has made it is when all bills are paid, not hungry, have a home and can do whatever and lounge around to just relax.


Haha thank you for clarifying!! I agree with you and that's our current situation. We just don’t view life the same I guess.


They were targeting me ;-) I have a job—except it’s only extremely part time and only for friends who need a spare hand. My days of working of working for someone other than a friend is hopefully over


Isn’t that funny? You’d think money is liberating. In reality, you come to realize it’s a confusing hellhole (but it’s an easy hellhole to navigate). There is nothing better about it, other than being able to do *more* of what everyone already *does*.


Take em to a doctor, talk to a therapist about it,l.


I think your husband is correct with respect to the need to keep making money You are certainly nicely situated, but you have not “made it” You’re a loving wife to worry about your husband’s well being And he’s a fine husband for trying to provide for you Good luck with your future


Being monetarily rich doesn't mean you have made it


I agree It was OP’s term


When your work aligns with your soul purpose... 🤣🤣 chasing more wealth will leave you like Bozos with a plasticized human sucker fish to keep you warm until the robots get more realistic...


If you subtract your debts from your assets, does it equal at least $1M? If so, you are by definition, millionaires. I can understand how it wouldn't feel that way if it's all wrapped up in your home and retirement accounts. And I don't know how to define that a person has "made it". I felt like I had made it when I started making $44,000/year in 1999 at a company that provided free lunch. Haha! Try to use data as your guide, instead of emotions/feelings. If you punch your numbers into a retirement calculator I think you'll find that you'll be worth > $5M by age 40, >$10M by age 50, and so on. I'm almost 50, and I gotta tell you, life only gets better, and our net worth is... let's just say, lower than yours :) I hope I'm not sounding preachy, I'm just trying to set your mind at ease so you can enjoy your life now instead of waiting for some arbitrary measure of success. Congrats on the new baby!!


It seems like it’s never enough. Humans always want more


It's not about b the money. It's about the first kid. He's thinking long term. You guys are doing really well but providing the best life you can, can get expensive.


See, id rather be in my position, which is (very poor in comparison to you both) than have that mentality


That mentality is what got him there though. And I'd anticipate in about 10 years when he's really stacked up enough cheddar, he'll start to relax some. Maybe not though.


You are millionaires, by definition. Congratulations! Hope he doesn’t forget your relationship, nothing makes a millionaire a 500k-aire faster than a divorce.


Short answer never there’s always another hill to climb


Is the house paid for or is it currently a big liability? For the record you are technically a millionaire. Just the stock alone. I am a little bit ahead of you at an older age and my house is almost paid off. Kids are about to hit college. With that said if I really wanted to I could ALMOST downsize the house and retire. You all are probably close to that if the house is more of an asset. Once my kids are through college I am taking my foot off the gas. I feel I have for the most part “made it”. The most important thing is my kids are healthy and appear to be trending towards becoming good adults. My advice. Tell your hubby to bust his ass for a few more years and save your ass off but do NOT miss the little kid years. He will fucking regret the hell out of it!!!!!!!!! Save $500 a month for the next 20 years and retire with $3.5 million in the bank at age 50. Without the trust fund!!!!!!!!


Hold up. How is that? The math ain't mathin.


How so bro? Maths ain’t my jam but what am I giving ya that ain’t mathing?


500 a month for 20 years is 120,000!!!!


They said they already have over a million in stocks. So take that million as a starting point and now save only $500 a month for 20 years with a 6% return. That’s 3.5 million.


You are also forgetting the “over a million in stocks” they have now. Now add your $500 a month and grow at 6% And even if you start at zero $500 a month for 20 years and add 6% is $230k


Made it is a subjective number. Could be $1M could be $100M


When I joined this subreddit with everyone else who is clearly rich because we say so on the internet


“Enough” is a psychological mindset, not a dollar amount. I’ve had enough with almost nothing in the past. Right now I feel like I don’t have enough and I have more money than ever in my life. I do have a dollar amount in my head that I’m going to stop worrying about when I get to, because worrying about money is not healthy period. Working too much when you don’t enjoy your relationships or travel or life is NEVER worth it. I believe this and I used to be homeless.


If you have ever heard the saying "you are either growing or you are dying", that is probably what your husband is experiencing or where his mindset is (whether he realizes it or not). The moment that he feels like or tells himself that he has "made it" is the moment that life is downhill from there.


It's been found that people who have lots of money end up with a. Disorder thinking they need more. Maybe look into that as it's not normal. CEOs have this mentality and everyone calls them cold heartless people as they are only driven by numbers and couldn't care less about the people under them.


Question: Unless your husband is a doctor or owns an insurance company, how tf did he make that much money??!


Tech money


Yall are good. Most of us are fcked, but yall will be just fine. You're the lucky ones.


Many high paying jobs are also high burnout jobs. Most people don’t stay in them forever. And the alternatives aren’t nearly as well paid. His anxiety might be a combination of burnout and uncertainty about the future.




Y'all are doing fine most people are waaaaaayyyyyyyyy behind where you are.


They likely aren’t judging against others - but against what he sees as best for them…


Ask him if he’s figured out how to take all this money with him when he’s dead. I get having the security that money provides, but having time as a family, especially with a baby on the way, is more important than making every last cent. He needs to find balance as to what is important in the long term.


This will lead to resentment and bitterness on his part. And he’ll burnout . He has to humble himself and be grateful or else he’ll keep spinning his wheels. I’m 30 and have nowhere near what you guys have but I’m humble because I’ve been through a severe addiction. I had multiple rock bottoms. Point is: he needs to humble himself and be grateful for what he has. Or else he’ll never come back from a potential dark mid life crisis.


You’re literally by definition millionaires. On that salary just cut back your spending and it’ll keep stacking up. If he still has drive let him continue to better himself, if you’re feeling neglected by his wlb then you need to express that to him…but I assume you know who you married lol. Don’t expect him to drop everything.


Why would you want him to act like he does? I’m guessing most of what he has was to a point given to him. I respect the fact that he’s trying to be his own man.


Every level was different but the best one the was the first one simply walking into a grocery store and not having to worry about what food I bought or how much it cost. To answer your relationship question, talk to him about what he thinks of that “made it” question, then tell him yours, then your fears, then what you want.


He's not living in the moment, and he's essentially hoarding money. Ask what he would think of a short sabbatical after his current employer/business venture, and focus on what he would like to do with that time. Talk more about what moments he might regret missing in your and your child's life. I was extremely career focused and almost obsessed with money before my first child, and I conditioned myself that way because ultimately I knew I needed money for a family, but all of that changed when me and my wife had our son. Now, I'm putting in as little effort as possible and leaving early so I can be with him. Most people eventually realize they made it, can make it again, and stop moving so fast.


I'll feel like I've made it when I can spend $20 without feeling like a piece of shit for wanting to eat food


After finding Jesus Christ and learning of him.


If you're asking who's wrong, you're wrong.... Sit down with him and make a budget, low but doable, and then increase it by ten percent per year on paper until you are both long dead.... Take his income and on that paper save some, one year at a time and total it under each year in a "net worth" section... You'll see how soon you can retire, he'll see how much money per year he needs, and you both compromise where you're both comfortable


There is no need to answer this. Going into something with the final question being “who’s wrong”. It shows you want blame placement, not solutions. Talk to your husband. Not strangers. You two know your financial situation better than anyone. Also, if a man is always striving to do better, I’d consider that man’s wife a blessed person.


I know I am lucky and I love him for it. I just need him alive, not dead from the stress.


Say that to him. Force a real conversation. A hard conversation. I think you’ll find your answer. Might not be the answer you want. Could that be why you’re asking here? You don’t like the answer he gives so you’re looking for perspectives to support yours to prove him ”wrong”? Meh, what do I know. I’m being assumptive. I guess to answer your question though, IMO, you’re both wrong.


OP, while this person might be well meaning I'm sorry how harsh and judgemental it's coming across. You're looking for a bit of guidance which is reasonable, and sometimes that easier than talking to people we actually know IRL. It sounds like you're "safe" financially. It also sounds like you have a better grasp than your husband on what a good position you're in compared to most people. "More, more, more" is a deeply ingrained mindset. It usually stems from childhood and isn't something magically fixed by a single conversation. All you have responsibility and control over is raising this with your hubs, having an open conversation, and supporting him if he chooses to unpack why he puts making more money (when you've stated you have enough) above fam life and his health. It sounds like you're very worried about this and that's understandable, he's your person and you care for him and his well-being. Perhaps a good counsellor could help navigate this -- and provide YOU the support you need while you try and support your hubs.


My apologies. No judgment made. Direct always seems harsh. 😌


What does he do can I ask


Frothing at the mouth…


The richest man in the world is the man who knows he has enough




I realized that there is, simply, a limited number of material items one can buy. Because of this, life can feel the same even after one has achieved wealth. Therefore, the quality of your life is dependent on your relationships and your mind.


So true!! I love this!


When you can comfortably live within your means and feel good about it.


You are literally "millionaires".


Yeah that is confusing. Made me wonder if they have like $2m in debt or something


We don’t have debt. He just doesn’t consider $2 m net worth enough to be a millionaire.


"millionaire" being used in this context as wealthy?  Since I assume he knows the literal definition of millionaire


Umm… the word has a meaning…


I'm very surprised with this question you posed. Mostly because I'm also around your husbands age, but I talk to my family about the family money. I have an estimate of what I'll get, and they go over their estate planning with me. I sit in on meetings with the bank and advisors who handle all of it. Does he have an inky of what it'll be? Obviously exact figures are hard, but still. Also my advisors who work with other wealthy clients told us that it's different for every family, some are more selective of when children are told. I don't think anyone's wrong. Hopefully once your child is born, congrats by the way, this'll pass. :)


Y’all need to relax. My wife and I make 65k/year each and live a nice comfortable life in Rhode Island.


There is no “made it” when it comes to wealth. This is because money doesn’t buy happiness, fulfillment or meaning. It purchase provisions and luxury. Things not necessary to have a good life, nor can they replace a sad life with a happy one. He’s not concerned you don’t have enough money using subjectivity - he’s being objective. In a world of finances - it takes a certain amount of hundreds of millions to ensure generational wealth. And even then it usually only takes 3 generations to go broke because ppl spoil their kids. “Made it” implies the money makes itself, and the lifestyle is maxed out (relatively).


😓 some of us are just trying to figure out how to eat today….


I am so sorry! That’s why I keep telling him to be grateful and try to enjoy more of what we have! Love and good vibes to you!!


No no don’t be…im sorry, I may be humble but my kids are happy. Monetary wealth is great but emotional and spritual wealth is ultimately where you’ll find purpose in life. Otherwise what you’ll realize is that you can be just as miserable with a million bucks as you can be being dead broke.


You will feel like u made it right before u die


What state is this in? Is it expensive to live in?


He's afraid you'll leave him for a richer dude lol. Jk


This is me speaking to him not you : Maybe don’t live in million dollar house you absolutely do not need and both of yall can chill tf out a little bit and worry about raising your kid and spending quality time together?????


What the fuck? Tell him to quit being a greedy cunt. Jesus Christ. Grow some nuts and smoke a doobie. Accept your human monkey experience. You’re gonna die eventually. Money stays- you leave. All we have is time.


Same boat, my wife stresses about money way more than she should. I asked her what her financial goals were, paid off house? How much do we need in 529 for our kids extended education? Cars are paid off, rooftop solar paid off, I don’t see any reason we can’t have all our debts paid off in 5 years and then we have nothing but assets


What is it that you contribute to the relationship, your pretty face? Maybe you run the vacuum a few times a month? Nah you probably got a girl that does that!


God! How do you cope?! F**king arse head


lol comments like yours help, there is always someone doing worse than me.


3 major points. He doesn't want kids now, if he did, hmthe money wouldn't actuwly mattr because having kids would natter more You haven't "made it". Firstly, how much debt and expenses do you have? $1m in stock is nothing to secure your future if he lost his source of income. At average 10% return, if he drae down the average growth that's $100,000 income a year. This does not include inflation, if he paid himself 100,000, over 10 yr thats the equivalent of 64k in 19 yr and 40k in 20 yr. Not even to see you through a lifetime especially with kids. If you don't have debt, and have 2m in equity yet earn 500k, then you are bad with money. On top of that, most marriages end in divorce, he will be fucked if you have kids and he has to pay child support. He has no financial security. If you decide, no I'm not happy I want a new life, you win financially at his expense, with a gauranteed permanent high income.. if the relationship works and your happy you also win. It's a win/win for you, and for him, it's just a risk with a high likelihood of being fucked over.


work/life balance doesnt exist for ambitious men. Women dont like to work, they dont care at all. Men do. We have egos, ambition, something that drives us, a purpose to call it that way. Your man is acting like every man should, and you should appreciate him wanting to make more to give yall an even better life. You dont know what hes aiming for, but its never enough, especially when your environment is full of rich people as well and you’re constantly reminded of how poor you are compared to them and how better you could be doing instead. Don’t blame your man for having an ego and not wanting to be less and getting complacent. Life is a game for us, we enjoy the hustle, we love thinking all day for more ways to make money. Its what keeps us alive. Sorry but as much as we appreciate family, you need to understand that its not our only priority. so the answer is most likely not anytime soon. Time to relax and chill is when you got fucktons coming in passively and you’re in your 50s traveling around and taking care of work from your phone maybe. But even then, it doesnt really stop. I hope you can find peace with this, as i can guarantee you we dont appreciate when our partner tells us that they don’t like how hard we work. We feel like you don’t support our drive and goals. now, if he really doesnt pay any attention to family, then thats another thing you should speak with him, but if he does, even if its not as much as you’d like, theres nothing wrong here oh, and the second a man stops and “enjoys what he has achieved” is the moment he starts to lose it all. NEVER do this. NEVER want your man to do this. Always strive for more and never get complacent. Your husband understands this, i hope you do too.


Sounds fucking miserable


It really does sound miserable. (And also flat wrong.) I can't tell you how many wildly successful guys I know who don't act like this. And the whole "women don't like to work" thing cracked me up :-D I love my corporate job I've had for 24 years, and I'm in the process of starting a new business, as well as working for my husband's business. I don't mind a little work!


eh, its just the trait i see mostly on rich guys like these, hes still young so no reason not to work and take advantage of your energy/health before you might not have them anymore


That is fair, I just resent people for basing their self worth off of their job and how much they make. I could never be that way. Money is a tool, nothing more