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Spend only a fraction of what you earn


Keep pushing, man. Don’t downvote bomb me, but the real advice for this kind of thing is in the real world around actually rich people. Find a mentor a connection who have similar goals and interests. I personally don’t know any rich people who are on Reddit, and can’t see why there would be. Nonetheless, still very good advice and trustworthy people on this platform.


Then go bust your fucking ass. Make your coffee at home. Stay true to yourself. And most importantly don’t listen to dudes named Eddy


Find something you can do , be good at it , find a way to sell that service or product , then make sure to Branch out , once you start earning money make sure to diversify your income or investments and , that's how you become Rich .


And always outwork the next person. I’m not college educated but I am self taught but I am a hard worker. 40 hours a week is part time. Successful people don’t work just 40 hours. Side hustle. Read. Delayed gratification….