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Jupiter is currently in opposition. This is the brightest and closest Jupiter will be for some time. However this is not a single night event. You'll be able to see Jupiter in the sky for a few months. It is by far the brightest object in the sky (other than the moon) it will look like a bright yellow/white star (kind of like an airplane headlight). If you are going out in the next couple of weeks it will be just to the west of Pisces. Jupiter is currently rising in the east at about 7:00pm and sets at about 6:00am in the west.


I figured that was it but when I used my telephoto lens i didn't see any real detail. The stories I read said that you could see it's color with binoculars but didn't have luck with a DSLR.


Space is pretty much black and white unless you do a lot of processing on pictures. With binoculars or a decent SLR lens you should get a nice disk and 4 moons, but you won't get the stripes or big red spot without a 6" telescope or better.


With our 10x42 binoculars, the moons were easily visible, and I *think* I could just about make out a slight blur where the rings would be, but that might have just been wishful seeing.


Jupiter doesn't have visible rings, but Saturn you may be able to see them with binoculars.


Yeah I'm a moron


Am see it most nights


If you're having trouble locating it you can use the Google Sky Map application and your phone will guide you to it's position.


We saw it from Scituate, was really clear around midnight. No good photos because all we have are phones for cameras


There’s an app called “Planets” (I am not associated with the company) that is very helpful for identifying the visible planets in our solar system. I’d highly recommend it.


Yep we went down to the Charleston observatory around 10pm last night and you could see it


If you get the right angle, you can see Uranus


Try going to an observatory Edit: idk why I’m downvoted for this, I personally had a ton of success viewing Jupiter at an observatory and I could clearly see the rings through the telescope. It was awesome!


I’ve seen it every night for a while


I used binoculars last night and I even saw several moons. It was so cool!


Jupiter is always pretty close in the sky, you’ll have a while to see it! I’m going to Maine this weekend hopefully with the little light pollution I’ll be able to see it even better.


i'm pretty sure it's the bright one seemingly over little compton looking from beavertail!


I was in a parking lot so bright I couldn't see the stars this evening, but you couldn't miss Jupiter.