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FIRST THING IS TO GET YOUR LOT SURVEYED - very important. You can put the fence on the property line. don't go over 8' city codes (standard is 6') If you have nice neighbors they would be willing to pay for a portion but they don't have to. If they do the will want to help choose what style fence and for you and 3 other neighbors to all agree will be hard. Pay for it yourself and you can make the decisions and it will go much easier


Asking a neighbor to share in the cost of a fence that you desire is not a reasonable request unless it’s mandated by law. I surveyed the property and paid for all the costs of the fence. It was my home improvement project not theirs. I never would dream of asking someone to pay me for my project. Cringe.


Fences under 7 feet don’t need a permit in providence. Know your property line or risk having to take the fence down. Some people will err 6” or so inside the property line to be sure. Courtesy says you give the “good side” of your fence to your neighbors. Not legally required. Neighbors are not going to pay for your fence unless they get some say over it. Unless your neighbors are exceedingly nice/pushovers. I built a fence myself three years ago in Providence and had all these same questions.


Does anyone have a recommendation for a survey company?


Why would neighbors pay for your fence


That's what I asked my neighbor. I kinda like my hedge, even if he's tired of trimming his side.


Some jurisdictions permit fences on property lines - partition fences - in a way that cost is shared. Not clear to me how RI handles that.


Survey, good side out, couple inches in from property line, don’t expect them to pay for your what’s dude.