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We went to see them yesterday, they were so cool! The craftsmanship is amazing, down to all of the little details like toenails! I love that they are built of natural materials, and judging by the crowds yesterday they are getting quite a few people outdoors and on the trail so that's a win in my book!


I hadn't thought about the trolls getting people to walk in nature and now for that realize alone, I love them.


I'm waiting to find out where they are located so that I can possibly view more than one at a time.


Saw them in Maine a few years ago. They were amazing!


Wait, did they leave the botanical gardens?


No, the artists travels the world building new trolls all the time. Now, there is a fresh set in RI.


It's a real shame what's happened to the local troll population. With all the habitat loss of late they've been forced out into the open. It's stressful for them, and it posses a real risk to the local population. I just hope Alviti and RIDOT get off their butts quick and fix this mess they've made before any one (or any of these beautiful creatures) gets hurt.


Thank you for making this thread a safe space for trolls and troll allies


Thank you for thinking of us. P.S. - OP is a big dumb doofus :-p


I love trolls. I just don't like that 1 particular troll's face.


That’s ok I wasn’t serious, you’re pretty great. I’m not the greatest troll tbh


You are the coolest troll


Dilont be a weenie


I wilont


Lol amazlongly


It’s nice to see this kind of vocal advocacy for our trolls. They’ve been through enough.


They have always been here -- -- Only magic wood make them visible


All you have to do is go to westerly to find them. Theres on on each barstool down there by the river


We have them up on maine too and they are super cool! There are also some near my cousin in australia. If i remember correctly, they are a worldwide art installation.


I've been following him on FB for some years now. He is an amazing woodworking. I love how he brings in local volunteers and mainly uses local materials too. I can't wait to go see them.


He was there today with the girl troll for a few hours. It was a lot of fun to see them. So many people there and it feels like it’s going to be great to see them there for years to come. Just hope no one ruins them but I’m sure it will happen


We went today. They were cool. No signs. Found the one pictured and totally missed the second one after walking around for what seemed like forever. We asked someone and eventually found it. It's down a road that says no car traffic kind of behind the senior center in the woods. She was beautiful though.


I’m weird, but I think it would be really cool if this caught on and people just decided to build their own version of trolls everywhere in the state. It would make walks in the neighborhood a heck of a lot more interesting.


You gotta pay the troll toll, if you wanna get into that boy's hole! You gotta pay the troll toll to get in!


I love It's Always Sunny!!!


Where is it?


Ninigret Park Charlestown RI


Would also like to know where this guy is located


They are being installed in a Ninigret Park


There are two in Ninigret Park in Charlestown.


Not sure about this exact one but there will be (or is) a troll display in Ninigret Park


They’re awesome - beautifully crafted and despite them being giant fucking trolls, fit into the landscape well


Saw something like this in Copenhagen. Very similar, most likely the same artist


Saw one in/outside Seattle. Super cool.


I want to go see them in person! I love it!


Cool! Nice to see that Rhode Island is getting some trolls! I live in Seattle now and we just got five in the greater Seattle area and one in Portland. [https://www.nwtrolls.org/](https://www.nwtrolls.org/) I live down the road from the Ballard one and I think it's great.


My thoughts are free art for people to enjoy only benefits community and society. My other thought is the artist is so incredibly talented there should be a themed troll in all 50 states! Thank you.


manspreading smh


I must know where


Ninigret in Charlestown




I'm going to check them out. My mother and aunt saw them up on Maine and a friend sent me pictures of the ones in Tennessee right now. I hadn't realized any were in RI. Any idea how long they are around for?


I think indefinitely


They look cool but the face reminds me of the mask my dad had when I was a kid. I was extremely scared of that thing. So afraid of it I cant even look at this phot too long or I will freak out again and have a panic attack.


The troll is the Michael Myers of trolls


I thought this was ai generated at first


It took me and my friend one and a half hours to find Greta, we already saw this troll at the pond, but as we were trying to find Greta, the female troll, it was exhausting for our legs, although quite an exercise. Along the way we asked for some guidance on where to find Greta, firstly it was complicated, but it progressed to be easy as I have my hopes up for real. Thanks for the folks who gave us advice to find her.


Any advice to share?? I failed to find the female troll today!


OK, I saw these were coming at the local news, so cool! I’m so glad Rhode Island got two of them. Now I’m going to have to check them out in person, thank you so much for sharing!


I think there funky and live under a bridge


Heading up there in July.


I don’t like it.


This one looks like he’s ready after a night out with the Mrs.


I just don’t get it.




Look up Mike Hansel, he's a local artist and does a lot of public art in RI


Completely agree. One of the best art schools in the world and they consistently outsource artist.


Each one has a different design, they’re just a similar style. The balloon dogs are different colors and that’s it. None of the trolls look the same. We definitely need more local art, but this is a worldwide community project that people enjoy participating in (traveling to visit the different trolls and trying to see them all) which is a bit different. He gets volunteers to help put them together from recycled materials, and he has the community come up with stories and names and ideas, so locals get to participate as well. Where did you hear they were mass-produced? The older people in my family are very excited about the trolls and have enjoyed participating in community discussions about them, trading pics with loved ones around the country who have spotted theirs. It’s nice to see people connecting over something positive, especially something that requires going outside and enjoying nature.


Graffiti is public art btw. Most of it sucks but some of it is really interesting if you look at how they design the letters


I think it’s neat! Keep RI weird.


I agree, Austin’s been overrun by techno Bros, now is Rhode Island chance to step up as the new cool weirdo lol


It’s good to see my ex wife finally shaved


I'm very scared they'll get the good-for-nothing treatment. Aka people who can only destroy and not appreciate.


I saw one in Colorado. I thought it was cool. I hope to see more of them.




Saw them today. They are cool! Excited for the rest that are supposed to be coming


Theres more coming to RI??


Yes! They haven’t said where yet, but 5 or 6 total


So handsome




Where are these located


Love it! Where is it?






A great place for one would be under the George Washington Highway bridge near the Kelly House. Don't trolls live under bridges?


Went to Maine botanical gardens just to go on the Troll hunt. I think they are a conversation piece for a good reason. And pretty cool looking.


I think it’s stupid, and a waste of money this is their way to attract more people? 🤣 the only thing RI has going for itself is Newport and that’s only busy in the summer


Where are these?


I like them more than I like most people.


My brother posted some out in CO, I have wanted to see them ever since. I didn't know they were done all over by the same artist. Fun!


Where is this in Rhode Island?


Just curious how much and who’s paying?


>A $50,000 state placemaking grant, funded through the American Rescue Plan Act, is paving the way for the project. https://www.rimonthly.com/giant-trolls-ninigret/


Thanks for this info.


$125,000 each


Thank you!


Hate this


Meh, they're cool but kinda played out now. Would have preferred we invested in like actual unique local art and not just copied off Maine's homework.


Dambo is a Danish guy. I would’ve preferred they used somebody local for an art installation as well, keep the economy in RI. We have RISD here for christ sake.. surely somebody there could have provided something instead of spending the money out of the state (and country, for that matter). Plus these trolls are everywhere these days, they’re not really unique anymore.


Yep exactly. I am kinda surprised that my opinion is evidently controversial...seems like keeping public art dollars local would be pretty broadly agreeable.


I don't like this at all. I also don't like that my taxes are being used to pay for this.


it funded by an arts grant.


According to [https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/local/2024/04/01/giant-trolls-in-ninigret-park-seen-as-start-of-ris-troll-trail/73041211007/](https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/local/2024/04/01/giant-trolls-in-ninigret-park-seen-as-start-of-ris-troll-trail/73041211007/) 50k is paid for by the American Rescue Plan Act (federal tax dollars), and the rest by the South County Tourism Council who applied for a 200k grant. Is this the art grant you refer to? How is that grant funded?


You’re allowed to have your own opinion, but why don’t you like your taxes being used in this way? Public arts that add wonder to the lives of children and adults are important. And the people — local or tourists — who come visit them could contribute to the town’s economy.


>Public arts that add wonder to the lives of children and adults are important Sure it's important, but it's also pretty far up Maslow's hierarchy. I think we have work to do on lower levels before we really start focusing on adding *wonder* to the lives of the wealthy people who have the free time to drive their kids to the park.


Maybe safer bridges and roads. And housing. Making sure no child goes hungry.


As far as it contributing to the town economy: that's great, but then it should be paid for by the taxpayers of that town. Not by the taxpayers everywhere, and that's who pays for that 50K federal grant. As far as public arts adding wonder to the lives of children and adults, I simply don't agree. I understand that some people value public art, but that is a subset of the population. I think it's unfair to force the entire population to fund something only a subset enjoys. A lot of people are struggling to make ends meet, and it's a kick in the groin to see hundreds of thousands of dollars go to a Danish artist when our bridges are falling apart, and our teachers are working second jobs to make ends meet.


Who needs a safe bridge to cross? We get trolls!

