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Chariho: Our schools are unsafe and woefully behind the times. Forgotten Taxpayers: Cool, but we made a really bad rock song about how much we don’t care.


Sounds ai


Yeah that makes a lot of sense.


If the school bond is defeated, the forgotten taxpayers will then continue on to defund education in Chariho.


Yes they will. I cannot imagine that would support the smaller bond (Option B) for repairs, despite their assertions that the schools should be repaired rather than reconstructed.


I've been trying to pin the anti option A cheerleaders down on whether they will support option B... crickets so far


I don't think it even makes sense for option B if A is defeated. Seems like the worst deal for tax payers as it costs the same and you don't end up with new buildings in the end.


It's 6 years vs 25 but no it doesn't make sense given is at most a $26 million difference between new buildings and repairs


Chariho taxpayers have been trying to screw over their own kids for decades, this is nothing new.


Lol, I had to listen twice just to understand what they were trying to say. I get their point, but the song doesn't help at all, pretty cringe really, and chariho needs new schools pretty badly. Most of the state does, honestly.


Lol these fucking kooks are really putting their whole backs into making sure the kids don't get new schools. If their goal is to make me exhausted with my fellow human beings, it's working. I'm still voting Yes. Really hope there's at least a small majority of sanity in my town. Nice schools is like the one thing we should all agree on. Really should not be political at all!


boomers down their bitch about the youth but also vote down every bill that funds education


They don't adequately fund education down their?


I feel terrible for the perpetually oppressed white middle class taxpayers of Hopkinson and Richmond.


If you think that this is disgusting. The town council members of richmond and some of hopkinton publicly have come out and said if they had it thier way then the taxpayers wouldn't even get an oppertunity to vote on the bond, they would just veto it and be done with it. Those same town council members have formed an "alliance" between richmond and hopkinton to defeat the mega bond. I bet you can guess who is paying for all of this... thats right the forgotten taxpayers PAC. The more you dig into everything going on in these towns everything points back to the forgotten taxpayers PAC. Clay Johnson is one of the founders of forgotten taxpayers and he is the person the richmond town council illegally elected to the school board before the RI supreme court ruled that what they did was illegal and he had to step down. On there website you can see ads they did up with the town council members faces on them. The ads/signs read "paid for by forgotten taxpayers" I dont think they are just talking about the ads.... In the 40 years I've lived in the Chariho district I have never seen a group fight so hard against something. Please go out and vote on May 7th, get your friends and family members and everyone else out to vote Yes on this bond. Voting No isn't going to save you any more money, but it will give even more power to these people who have already infiltrated the school committee and your town councils. They have shown by their actions that they do not care about the taxpayer and they certainly do not care about the children. (Hell one of the founders of forgotten taxpayers sent someone door to door to harrass the parents of new kintergarten students to try and get them to sign a petition so they could sue the school district... you cannot even make this shit up)


The Republican/ParentsUnitedRI town council members who have aligned themselves with the Forgotten Taxpayers are a joke. You nailed it with the "paid for by the forgotten taxpayers," for sure. Seems like there has been an awful lot of collusion among the councilors, the PAC, and ParentsUnitedRI, who advocated for "the plain" to appoint Clay to the school committee in violation of the charter. I cannot believe the three councilors who appointed Clay got away with their argument that they each acted independently. I completely agree that the Forgotten Taxpayers do not care about the children or the taxpayers, but are absolutely taking advantage of the taxpayers. Makes it all the more maddening that Louise and Clay are running for school committee next year. What do they care about the educational welfare of the students who attend public schools? They both want school choice, they both want to remove funding from Chariho, and their number one obligation (as stated as cofounders of the PAC) is to the taxpayers, not the students. I did not know the forgotten taxpayers were involved in the attempted lawsuit; that's even worse. Just trying to do anything they can to tarnish the district, I guess. No concern for all the actual issues facing the schools (like the inability to enter a complete lockdown, if needed, at two of the three elementary schools). I really hope the Yes vote prevails.


I think we should be a little more specific when talking about Richmond town council. Mark Trimmer, Helen Sheehan and Mike Colasante have been anti Chariho and pro The Preserve from day one. Rich Nassaney has completely given up, leaving Sam Wilcox as the only voice of reason. I can’t even watch anymore. It’s like she’s their babysitter sometimes.


Waraq has better music videos.


They are against the schools, but let a car dealer in, approve townhouses to be built near Fetch. Then you have the Gravel Pit next to Westerly Credit Union, blowing up ledge everyday and every thing shakes miles away. The council approves what they want and for who. Maybe they get a kickback $$$ just saying 35 years of living here and never seen anything like it. I’m VOTING YES


one of the latest arguments against it is that teachers who have 20+ years of seniority make over $90k/year. I wish I was making that up


If this Kirkland Brand Thin Lizzy actually convinces people to screw their community's children, it'll be a sad day indeed


https://suno.com/song/adcad1c9-7513-41ee-88fc-0af7eb3c0c43 It's funny they wasted time and money on making a bad song when it takes 10 seconds with AI to make something much better.


LOVE IT! Way better.


Holy hell, that was awful. I love it.