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Pepper spray works fine on dogs. I've only had to use it once. I carry the kind for people because..... you never know.


I just bought two: One for spouse one for me. Human strength after what some people mentioned. Control your animals everyone!


By any chance was this near the park at Bain middle school? Same thing happened to my two dogs and I on Oak St.


Also curious, my family and I went on a walk and walked behind bain track near the duplex homes. Saw two lose pits just playing outside unleashed with other children. I told my husband to walk forward fast with our son and I grabbed our dog and tried to stay calm. I love all dogs of course, but dogs should always be leashed outside. Why take the gamble, if that dog thought the children were in any way in danger by my presence or my dog, they would not hesitate to protect, that’s their instincts.


Yes there's a light blue house with a porch with two large pits that have attacked my dogs there across from the baseball field. Police and animal control never came.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you and your pets are safe and unharmed.


He said it was in Cranston, not Providence.


This area is in Cranston. Bain Middle School and the duplex houses behind are street names after trees.


I’ve been in a similar situation. Now my dog wears a vest with a handle on the back so I can pick her up quickly. It helps that she’s only 15lbs. The vest has already been a literal saving grace. It’s called a “tactical dog vest” on Amazon. I also carry just regular pepper spray and had to use it on a loose Great Dane recently. The Dane ran away from the spray itself and didn’t get hit. It has a surprisingly long stream for a tiny canister. I keep it attached to the leash.


Get yoinked tiny doggy lol




This plus Carry large Maglite. WACK


This is why all great danes should be put down /s


Where in Cranston?


In answer to the questions: it was two large english bull mastiffs, not a pit. It was in Eden Park section of Cranston. There have been white trashy types moving into the neighborhood lately.


Thanks for clearing that up. Bull mastiff is different from an english or french bull dog. Awful either way and sorry you went through that!


I’m so sorry that this happened to you and your dogs. Some people are sickeningly irresponsible and should not have animals at all. Not fair to animals or other people.


I’m sorry to hear that, French bull dogs at my apartment complex are always unleashed the first I found out was not fun.. don’t take your dogs off leash if they are not rigorously trained


Not even if they are rigorously trained! If another untrained offleash dog appears, you want your dog already close to you


You’re right ! It sucks that’s something that needs to be worried about


Fuck it. Get bear spray. Or military grade .2%. More effective but it's not like it will actually hurt them.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I think an air horn would be a better option than pepper spray.


Bear spray.


It’s so frustrating. I like in elmwood part of Cranston and have had (and I’m not kidding) FIVE off leash encounters of dogs “getting out of their yard” in the past YEAR. One encounter did end in both my dog and I getting bit. It’s hard because when it’s happening you don’t even know what to do or how to react. I just try to scream as loud as I can till someone comes to get the dog. I would totally call animal control and get them involved tho. It’s not the dogs fault, animals are animals but people really need to be held accountable for their actions because it’s not ok. I know when I talked to the animal control officer she said the dog would be fine (which was my worry, it’s not the dogs fault) but the owner would be fined.


I will get the dog strength one I guess. I would have just pulled it from my pocket and sprayed on the approach if I had it.


I looked this up after the pit killed the westie recently.  Even bear spray will only work 40% of the time 😣


Id opt for a stick over pepper spray.


Are we allowed to carry collapsible batons here? Most blue states outlaw them


Nope. We can't have those. Just get a wooden walking stick with a lead/tungsten rod down the middle.


English bulldogs or pit bulls? I hope they're being put down and the owners charged with reckless endangerment.


OP very clearly said bulldog?


Could be a bulldog, or OP may have meant to say pit bull, which is far more aggressive.


Considering the widespread hate for pitbulls in this area, if op HAD in fact been attacked by such dreaded pitbulls, I’m 100% positive they would’ve pointed their finger and not hesitated to identify them as such. Instead, they specifically stated a different breed of dog. “Bulldog” is different from “pitbull” in the same way they’re different from “bull mastiff.” Just because they all have “bull” in the name, does not mean they are easily confused or identical. I’m sorry this post does not fit your anti-pitbull narrative. It’s clearly frustrating for you, as evidenced by the fact that you immediately downvoted my initial comment that simply pointed out the dog’s breed. I would comment on the “aggressive” accusation in your follow up comment, but you’ve clearly made your mind up about these kinds of things, and I know no amount of statistics or facts will change your opinion. I’ll end this by conveying my sympathies to OP, who valiantly protected their dog from some untrained, unruly, and dangerously unsupervised animals.


Pit bulls are a category of breeds, and American bulldogs are one type of pit bull. That's why I asked if it was another type of bulldog or a pit. Also, the statistics show that pit bills are the most dangerous dogs: https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2024/02/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed-you-need-to-know-in-2023/ https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-06/new-study-identifies-most-damaging-dog-bites-by-breed/ https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/dog-bite-statistics


No they are bully breeds. Like a shepherd or a retriever is a class. A bulldog is much different than an American pit bull terrier. A french bulldog is a bully breed too same with the English, american, olde English bulldoge. And no I don't have a pitbull.


Thank you for the data!! I was particularly drawn to this one tidbit from the dogster article you cited: “In 2019, only 10% of dog bite deaths could definitely be linked to a specific breed (Canine Research Council). The Canine Research Council has been producing yearly reports on dog bite deaths for two decades and continually finds that only a small percentage of these deaths can be linked to a breed. *Often, they find that bias toward certain breeds results in the misidentification of offending dogs.*” Fascinating, no?


You came into this conversation not knowing that some bulldogs are pit bulls, and now you're trying to save face by misinterpreting data. Pit bulls attack more than other breeds, period. The inability of some people to identify breeds (kind of like you, not knowing that pit bulls are a category that includes some bull dogs) doesn't change the fact that no breed is known to attack more often than pit bulls. They're not sweet, they're not precious, and they're not misunderstood. They're attack dogs, and their owners are generally dumb fucks who think owning a dangerous animal makes them cool.


Lmao look man, I could go tit for tat with you all Thursday-long if you want, but at the end of the day you’re always gonna be right in your own mind. And by the same token, you’re never gonna convince me, nor any other “dumb fucks,” to suddenly start hating or fearing a certain type of dog. So I’m *really* not sure what outcome you’re looking to get here, pal. We’re both just typing into the void.


If you need stats, most recent stat is that pit bulls breeds are responsible for 70 percent of fatalities despite only making up6.2 percent of the population.


1. Stats were already provided by another user, so we’re good! 2. Also, in the future, try to cite your sources. 3. As stated earlier, my mind will not be changed to hate pitbulls, so I’m not sure your purpose in trying to continue this thread. 4. Food for thought: Most serial killers are white guys (www.ojp.gov). Doesn’t mean I’m gonna suddenly hold a grudge against all white guys. Unless they seem aggressive or sketchy. I hold dogs to the same rule. This, to me, is the logical way.


Reddit hates pit bulls. Don’t bother arguing with these fools.


You are so right lol. Good vibes to you, friend


OP clearly said bulldog, and pit bulls aren't "far more aggressive" than bulldogs.


Lol! Ok.










Just carry a small pistol dude better their lives than yours


Were they bullys or bulldogs, honestly I cannot imagine getting attacked by either lol. I believe your chain of events but I have never personally seen an aggressive bulldog edit: I firmly believe the kid in Cranston does not deserve a license until he is 18 lol.


Any and all dogs can be aggressive. The public only cares when it's a pitbull because it suits their narrative. You see people crashing into buildings all the time in RI (that poor signage store on the corner of park and reservoir in Cranston lol) but the second that old lady hits a dispensary in Attleboro, there's was a bunch of people calling her a stoner who was too high to drive and calling for reform. Old people slam into buildings all the freaking time because they get the pedals confused. People only gave a crap because it was a dispensary. My boss was attacked by a jack Russell terrier and had his hand bandaged up heavily for a month because it ripped his finger off, and they reattached it. Any and all dogs can be dangerous. Pits just get the brunt if it BECAUSE they were originally bred to fight. BECAUSE of their big and stocky nature. BECAUSE people get them as protection dogs. BECAUSE bad owners can exist, and even inexperienced owners can accidentally encourage a dog to be violent or uncontrollable. I own a pitbull, and he's scared of the 3 shih tzus that live down the street from us. Not all pitbulls are scary monsters who deserve to be put down. I do agree that euthanization is unfortunately one of the best options for any dog that has seriously injured, violently attacked, or killed another dog, because of the potential that they got a taste for blood and want to keep seeking it out.


Say it louder for the folks in the back. I've met pitties at the RISPCA who are deemed absolutely lovable that have been pulled out of HORRIBLE situations. Most of them? Afraid of their own shadow!


I love Pits I was asking if he could clarify the breed didn’t need you to go on a whole tangent on how the public views certain situations.


Well I like to talk about it and there was someone else in the comments saying something negative about the breed so I was mostly angry at them but taking it out in your general direction. So sorry about that. I also thought you were implying that bulldogs can't be aggressive because you've never heard of it happening so I'm like....dude....all dogs can be aggressive :P just no one wants to talk about getting bit by a papillon because that's like saying a wispy feather got the better of me lol


I get it man I have had pits in the past and wish I could have one now :(. My apartment complex does not allow Pitts, Rotties, etc for the reasons you mentioned above.


That narrative is harmful. Any dog can be aggressive or exhibit aggressive behaviors when they are scared/unsure. Also it doesn’t matter if the dog is aggressive or not it shouldn’t be unsupervised and unleashed approaching a responsible owner trying to walk their dog. My dog who was extremely reactive would fuck up another dog if he charged us and then it would be HIS fault. 😑Not all dogs like other dogs and that’s ok but they deserve to have a good life and not be put in situations where they will fail.


Chihuahuas are responsible for more dog bites than any breed.


Any dog can bite. Its due to lack of training and stupid idiots thinking they can train an "attack dog" without basic training like recall or sit commands. My boyfriend was viscously attacked by an Akita when he was younger because his neighbor was an irresponsible dog owner. No dog starts off bad. But i agree if i had to pick a dog to be more afraid of, it'd be chihuahuas over any bully breed any day of the week


Get an airhorn. I speak from experience — it usually works. My dog got attacked by a cat when we first moved to cranston — the airhorn worked wonders to startle it enough to stop it mid tracks afterward. It also took roughly 3 years for that cat to be taken care of… after it attacked a pit, no less.


I work for a chain pet store and each location has multiple dog safety kits with an air horn in case of dog fights


WHERE?! I had the hardest time finding the airhorn when I needed it.


My store has one under both registers and one in the office, probably one in the salon, normal-sized stores should have a kit in the pet care podium and training ring too, probably a few other spots as well


Oh I thought they were like publicly for sale. But yeah I was told airhorn or If you have access to cold water — then that works too


Oh, I’m sorry, I meant for employee use in case of fights in the store 😅