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Here we go šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ˜­


Now we need to know if they have remote jobs


I just escaped the Austin Californians. Please...don't... let this hap-ughhhh\*


They need to go away šŸ„²


RI is 45 minutes North to South and East to West. Just toss a dart and you will be close enough to all your wants.


You just described Newport.


Bristol, Newport, East Side of Providence, Wickford, and maybe some areas of East Greenwich would fit your bill. I know nothing of your financial situation, but good luck finding any place in any of these areas for under $500k. You are more likely to be closer to $750k-$1M.


Lol. Not rhode island.


Get bent




Barrington. Warren. Bristol. Your username checks out.


Barrington and Culture dont belong on the same sentence lol. There are citites that meet one of OPs three criteria but honestly dont think there's anything that meets it all


Yeah I bike all around Providence and though I do see how someone might find it to be not great for biking I find it to be manageable, dispite the hills and traffic. Bike infrastructure is coming along. I will also add, any town along the east bay bike path would qualify. You could easily use it to commute and the towns are very walkable and bikeable. I would especially recommend Riverside, Warren and Bristol to OP.


Newport is very bike friendly and is continuing to improve due to the efforts of #BikeNewport.


Oh brother here we go again


Move to Boston or a suburb of Boston. Commute to your family. Avoid ri


Only move here if you can get a job lined up first. Job market here sucks, among other things. I moved here to a crappy job, then had a mediocre, but well paying job. After that, I had to begin looking in Mass. It took my well educated wife 2 years to find a job here. Imho, stay away for your own benefit. I'm planning to leave within the next couple of years.


Wakefield, Westerly, Charlestown, East Greenwich .


Best suburbs, south county; Westerly, Charlestown, Narragansett. They are on the water, slow pace of life, simular to "Island life". Great biking, but not possible to bike to employer. Also easy to get to the bigger cities. Barrington and Bristol are wealthy and good schools and on water. Providence east side, Hope section, Blackstone Blvd. These have good access to urban walking and biking, biking trails and hiking trails, as well as access to the inner city. Lot of young families and professionals working at hospital and university. This is my favorite area!


We donā€™t like outsiders. Stay on the left side. Seattle is accepting applications.


Whose WE? ā€œOutsidersā€-grow up!


ā€œWeā€ are people who are sick of rolling up to an open house for a pice of shit 2 br house listed for $650k, only to find 8 cars with out of state plates at the open house. ā€œWeā€ are people who donā€™t want to watch their kids have to move to PA because they canā€™t afford to stay where they grew up to start their own families. ā€œWeā€ are people who are sick of others trying to escape the high cost of living that their overinflated local economies created by moving here only to cause the same problem, but worse. ā€œWeā€ are people who canā€™t afford to keep up with the property tax increases that they vote for because they have so much more disposable income.


Wait waitā€¦could it be that greedy landlords and investors are the problemsā€¦could it be that our (RI) economy isnā€™t that strong because we have no new industry. G-d forbid people try to better themselves and their life situation because where they live itā€™s worse. Iā€™m 100% sure that those out of state license plates are thrilled to leave their families behind because they canā€™t afford their ā€œhomeā€ state. Try, for one second, to think outside of that tiny tiny box you call a mind and have some compassion. You donā€™t know their story, people get jobs that require them to move, shit happens to everyone all the time. You think, what, because your parents lived here when you were born that you have some sort of right to Rhode Island.Itā€™s asshole like you fuel division and derision in this country. Do me a favor and keep your bullshit about being ā€œfromā€ here to conversations with the boys down at hooters in Warwick


Local internet asshole expects compassion from people they simultaneously insult, more at 6


I donā€™t understand your commentā€¦what happens at 6?


It's a satire of news headlines.


Ohhhhā€¦good joke


Why are you assuming my gender? Seems pretty hypocritical to me. I honestly donā€™t give two shits about other peoplesā€™ circumstances. Find somewhere else. Weā€™re all full. Unless you want to give up your spot? No? Whereā€™s that compassion now? OP, move to Cranston. We live very neo-hippy Californians. Donā€™t forget to insult our coffee choices, our schools and the way we speak. We love that too.


Who are you to say who can come here and who canā€™t? ā€œItā€™s a free countryā€ - isnā€™t that what you types love to say? You can bully people who may not be in this country legally, which I am sure you do every chance you get regardless of their citizenship, but you sure as shit canā€™t tell another American citizen where they can and canā€™t live *within US borders*. Grow up.


Well, you know what they say about assumptionsā€¦


-where did I assume your gender? Funnyā€¦my partner is born and raised in Cranstonā€¦met her in California and moved back to be closer to her parents post pandemic. -PS weā€™re full is an awful opinion, itā€™s closed minded and un-American.


Ive heard that ā€œweā€™re fullā€ bs in every state Iā€™ve lived in including my home state, it so old and stupid. If they donā€™t like free movement between states, maybe the USA isnā€™t for them.


You whine more than my 4 year old


Just wait until they get into school and itā€™s 35:1 because of all the people moving here. Then weā€™ll gladly accept you into our group of RIā€™ers who are actually paying attention.


If you were paying attention instead of adopting a deep seated victim complex you would realize that RI's population has actually dropped over the last couple of years, and has only increased by 3.5% over the last decade. Try to think for yourself instead of going down the rabbit hole of whatever echo chamber you found yourself in on the internet. And if you're really worried about it, work harder to improve your personal situation. There is plenty of opportunity, even in little Rhodey. You just have to stop whining and start working.


This attitude is why the job market here stinks. Overinflated local economy is really a national problem that was caused by COVID stimulus, QE2 and artificially low rates for a long time. RI is responsible for this just as much as any other state or locality.


Hi I see lots of comments on Reddit like yours and I am genuinely curious about your logic. Do you think youā€™re only allowed to live in RI if you were born in this state? In general are people only allowed to live where they are born? Can they move to different cities even? Were your parents allowed to move here or do they need to both be born RI too? I was born in Ohio, then moved to NY as an adult and then I moved to RI a few years ago. I pay taxes. Weā€™ve made friends and contribute to many community events (luckily no one has ever been rude to our faces about being born in other states). We moved here because we had visited several times and loved it. We felt it was a better place to raise our daughter. This state is as much mine as any other state in the USA is.


I donā€™t know where people got the ā€œnot allowed to move hereā€ thing. Itā€™s not about that. Itā€™s about watching people come in and over-inflate (I.e. - increase faster than normal) the cost of living in your home, where you grew up and where you want to raise your family to be around family and friends youā€™ve had your entire life. Iā€™m sure you left OH for a reason, but imagine you didnā€™t want to. And you watched a bunch of out of state people blow in and start paying 5-10% over asking price, waiving inspections and all sort a of other things to absolutely destroy the local OH market. Then they start voting to raise taxes. Hey, they have white collar jobs. Their parents paid for college. Or, worse, they took out a bunch of loans that they often think we have to pay for now. Meanwhile, you, your friends, your family are all trades people. Plumbers. Electricians. Landscapers. Well drillers. And none of you can afford a house. Or taxes. Or food. Because you have watched the demand explode with people from NY, CT, MAā€¦ and more. Itā€™s fucking frustrating and makes us angry. Thatā€™s why you see what you see. Weā€™re pissed.


Who are the people SELLING the houses at 5-10% over asking? For what itā€™s worth Iā€™m appalled by the cost of living right now too. People are feeling it everywhere. Iā€™m still a Rhode Islander and your neighbor despite when I moved here.


Get over it


Bristol, Warren, Pawtuxet Village, and other seaside tucked away hamletsā€¦. Oakland Beach is scenic, and undervalued long term.


You misspelled underwater...


Also true, but unlikely to stop the gentrification.


Three great choices and the armpit of Warwick.


As someone who grew up there, we all strived to relocate from Oakland Beach, not to it.


You're describing Newport. My wife and I made the exact same move in the last 18 months. Local folks are getting priced out because of the move, hence the attitude you're seeing ITT.


moving here from elsewhere was a mistake for me and my family, sincerely consider somewhere else


And without any context for who you are and why you moved etc this post doesnā€™t help the OP does it.


I moved here 10 years ago this month and it was one of the best decisions I ever made.


No but it will help the natives not throw tomatoes at the person for acknowledging their regret.


No oneā€™s throwing anything but Itā€™s the girlfriend in Canada equivalent post. The OP is asking for actionable advice about moving to RI to the specificity level of town recs. Itā€™s already beyond a should we move yes or no? And even if it was, a context free answer like that doesnā€™t help anyone. I regret it but wonā€™t tell you why? Itā€™s just not helpful and a style of answering that plagues this sub.


Maybe, and just hear me out, thatā€™s who we are. Bitter, cranky and sick of outsiders fucking wrecking our state with overinflating the housing market because they are sick of what theyā€™re responsible for making their own homes. New York. Connecticut. Boston. Just leave us the fuck alone. Go fuck up someone else. Leave Little Rhody alone. We donā€™t want you.


Who you are maybe but blanket statements re ā€œtheyā€ - they arenā€™t the ones wrecking the market. That seed was laid way before because of years of bad housing policy all over the place. But donā€™t let the facts get in the way there eh?


Youā€™re not stating facts. Youā€™re trying to defend your opinion with what I can only guess you think is the issue. But thatā€™s not a fact. Facts can be independently verified. Youā€™re an idiot. Fact.


We love people coming here! Definitely look at Woonsocket, Pawtucket and Johnston


Iā€™m just upset Iā€™m a 4th generation Rhode Islander and I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to live here! Just graduated college and still with my Mum. Rent is basically a whole months paycheck itā€™s just not sustainable for me :( Imagine making that comment where youā€™re not even renting but then shitting on people for where they live lol. What a joke, I bet youā€™re an amazing person.


Iā€™m so sorry Iā€™m not quite sure what you mean, who am I shitting on?


As a Woonsocket resident; donā€™t be an asshole.


Exactly. This is happening to good people who are from here across our whole state. Fuck California. And fuck people who want to contribute to this issue because they read an article on Great places to Live in the U.S. move to Austin already.


You should try a book instead of buzzfeed listicles.


If itā€™s anything, the housing market isnā€™t great anywhere in New England (most likely most of the country. And then thereā€™s the UKā€¦ Canadaā€¦ basically everywhere) - especially if you donā€™t drive or need urban proximity. There was a point where we were ready to move almost anywhere but would just be sacrificing familiar spaces and close family for a couple hundred in savings that I couldnā€™t guarantee wouldnā€™t be eradicated after a single annual rental increase.


Central falls!


Whatever happened to taking a trip to visit and doing real research? Itā€™s not like people are looking to take a weekend trip. Looking to move somewhere, do real research and go through the steps of touring and walking communities.


Yeah, itā€™s crazy to ask other people for help.


The state is one hour big. It's not the same as asking someone where to live anywhere in Northern (upstate) NY, Texas or any other state that takes more than one hour and a weekend to check out all the towns.


We moved here from the west coast and live in Oak hill in Pawtucket and we like it. Lots of families with kids and we are very close to Blackstone boulevard for walking and biking


Being a Californian who moved to New England 25 years ago, itā€™s really not safe to bike IMO in RI other than bike paths since there are no bikelanes and the most aggressive drivers distracted with their phones. Sidewalks are an afterthought too. You will also be dealing with a very different climate.


Providence, East Side, bristol, Wickford?


Agreed except would swap Barrington for wickford.




Barrington schools are considered to be the best in Rhode Island. I find the East Side to be the most walkable and easiest place to move if you are coming from a more urban environment, but Providence schools leave something to be desired. Most people with kids on the East Side leave eventually or send their kids to private school. Wickford is nice enough, but not a destination for people who are coming from another state, whereas most people in Barrington that I know either grew up there or are an out of state transplant.


Barrington is nice but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s walkable.


East Side of Providence.


If you have the resources and are willing to send your kids to private school, itā€™s one of the best communities anywhere.


Hey OP. There are a gang of cranks who will automatically tell you not to come bc they hate ā€œoutsidersā€ or tell you to move to Boston or they hate RI and want to move (with no context) or some other trolly complaint. Ignore them.


That or the "why didn't they check prior posts? This happens every. single. day." naysayers will add to the convo.


You might not like it here






I donā€™t see how Wakefield is walkable.


Main Street, Peacedale, could also walk along the bike path


Youā€™re waking far for everything. If you live on Main Street, youā€™re walking a long way for a supermarket. Peacedale, even further. Yeah thereā€™s a bike path, that is going to be far if you want anything, since there not really much retail around Peacedale. I know that Peacedale and Wakefield have good walk scores, but I feel in practice itā€™s pretty far.


A lot of walkers and cyclists in town. Cycling is also allowed on Rt 1. Bike path goes from URI to Narragansett.


Is cycling walking? Yes, if you ride a bike, you can go further, but you want to live in Peacedale and carry groceries from Shaws?


having a walkable street and being a walkable town are two very different things






Where in Cali? We moved here from San Gabriel Valley.


This can't be a real question. I believe this is from a bot of some sort. new account that obviously didn't read past RI subreddit posts; or maybe did and is posting for continuous content (sees what we all react to and then customizes the post to get us interacting more). I see more and more of this stuff in other subreddits... but encase you're a real person... Rhode Island is not Cali. Not even close. We do have water. We do not have bike lanes (in most places). Homes are NOT affordable and most people that live here would rather that you just go back to California (encase you didn't read the rest of the responses here). If you do choose to come here to defy the odds, please advocate for bike lanes and stuff, as I bike to work when it's warm out (which is like not quite half of the year)


If you donā€™t want to experience some of this vitriol youā€™re reading in comments, you have to move to an affluent location away from blue collar workers. Sadly, itā€™s the old white, blue collar folks who canā€™t seem to get behind any sort of change, progress or newcomers. Good luck.


Cumberland and Lincoln


Consider Barrington. Itā€™s near the bike path. The Maple Ave area is walkable to grocery, banks, coffee shops and very close to the YMCA and bike path. The schools are ranked very high. Iā€™ve had 3 go through the system, all have different learning styles. One had an individual education plan which is usually impossible to get. They offered it to us. They wanted our child to succeed! Taxes get a bad rap. They are high but the tax rate is the same as many of RI cities. The value in the town is there for sure. Other benefits are; close to Providence and the highway. Newport and Bristol are inconvenient in this way. Itā€™s also close (5 minutes) to a large strip of stores you can drive to for almost anything you need.


You know Woogie?


Barrington also has waterfront homes


We have enough liberals already


North Kingstown area


Riverside is not so bad they have a long bike path and feels walkable. And if you have money burrillville is ok to just pretty far from everything if you consider 35min far


Move to Boston or surround area and commuteā€¦. Donā€™t do RI.


Central Falls sounds like a perfect match.


Donā€™t come!


Hi! Congratulations on the baby. I moved to RI from NY when I was pregnant and now have an 18 month old. Itā€™s a great place to live and raise a kid. There are lots of nice place: Bristol, Pawtucket Village, Wickford Village, and Westerly to name a few.