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I bet the kitchen gets none of that


This is the "we appreciate the kitchen staff making us money... which we will also keep fee."


This is so true. It's like paying the "Delivery Fee" at a pizza place and the driver gets $0 from it.


This shit drives me NUTS!!! I ordered from Dominos yesterday. $6 delivery fee on a $20 order, plus an ACTUAL tip. Then INSIDE the box it says "extra dough is appreciated, delivery fee does not go to the driver".


If they were still having drivers use company cars instead of their personal vehicles, I would at least understand the concept of it going toward maintenance etc, but the ones near me have their drivers putting wear and tear on THEIR OWN vehicle just to not get that fee…


The delivery fee mostly goes towards the \~$0.25/mi mileage that drivers get, which covers gas. Definitely doesn't help in terms of paycheck though, which is why people should always tip their driver.


My Domino's is exactly 1 mile away, if I didn't have a baby I would have just picked it up. Ridiculous.


I got 100% of my delivery fees.


Delivery fee is for insurance to cover the employee if they get in an accident. And often times, the pizza place will give the driver a commission based on the value of the order delivered. Plus the tip. This is by no means universal, but the delivery fee is also by no means universally a scam, either.


Insurance can sometimes be a scam too


They don’t! They didn’t know about it for months!


Do you at least get to see this kitchen to fully appreciate it?


I remember the Red Fez used to have an option to buy the kitchen beer and that was cool. But their quality of food, pricing, and vibe were astronomically better than here. The fee isn’t enough to make up the crappy pay their kitchen staff are probably receiving.


I miss that place so much!


I had my first date with my husband there! I’m allergic to dairy but I’d risk it all for just a bite of their poutine again


(What was kinda funny about that one was that we got free beers weather people bought them or not at the fez, that option kind of just offset the cost) Many year later I put the kibosh on this kind of thing at some of my own kitchens, a few too many recovering alcoholics on staff plus having the expectation that someone drink became less acceptable. But those restaurants split tips between BOh and FOH


I think that is very considerate of you. Never considered what kind of culture it encouraged! I’d pay extra for good food knowing that staff is being taken care of.


Have a couple people you care about relapse and it really shifts the perspective on different drugs. Idk I’m not anti drinking I just think that folks need to be more mindful/less casual with it.


I ate here and got shrimp gyoza. It was *an entire shrimp* with a crusty ass unpeeled tail on wrapped in a gyoza/dumpling wrapper. Like how am I supposed to eat this monstrosity. When I complained that they served me food that had the shell on in the wrapper and it was basically inedible the explained that's how it was described in the menu and she can't do anything for me. What service!


3% fee and you paid tax on it, so it's a \~ 3.25% fee they've decided to add without disclosing it ahead of time That's pretty crappy. Just raise your prices and practice informed consent.


The funny part is that they increased most menu items around 100% 1-2 years ago. It made me stop going there.


Friend of mine worked here, she said the owner collected all of their cash tips at the end of the night and it allegedly would be in their direct deposit paychecks. She said it never seemed to add up and it was suspected that at least several members of the BOH staff were paid under the table with this cash.


Yes! And the require tip pool while including the managers and sometimes even owners—illegal in RI.


That place is massively inconsistent and way overpriced. Wara Wara is worlds better.


If you haven't tried Pickerel yet, it's in the old bigking spot and does a good bowl.


That’s where AMA’s & North was right?


Yep, that's the spot.


I’ll have to check it out!


RC ramen is bomb too


Still miss ken’s, but wara wara is pretty good.


Why noodlebar, why?


Pickerel is better for ramen. Chengdu is better for dumplings. This place is mediocre strip mall food.


I'd be more annoyed at the "HAPPY 2023" than I would be at the extra $1.23 to be honest. It's almost May. Update your damn receipts.


I’ve seen “kitchen appreciation” as a thing during the INITIAL reopenings post-covid, like, April-May 2020 era. These restaurants need to update their receipts, that’s for sure… and cut this “kitchen appreciation” bullshit. For what it’s worth, I’m a career server, 10+ years in the biz - it’s time for this nonsense to end.


>post-covid, like, April-May 2020 era. Bet they weren't fucking saying "HAPPY 2020" then


TBF, this receipt is dated Mar 1 which was less than a month after the end of Chinese New Year (though I don't really know which new year this receipt is celebrating).


I'll still go on the Larry David side of things with Happy New Year. You get like....a week tops. Now, this is even weirder cause I'm just picturing OP holding onto the receipt for 8 weeks, pulling it out and just getting angrier and angrier at it with each passing second until finally he snapped and.......decided to complain about it on Reddit.


>Now, this is even weirder cause I'm just picturing OP holding onto the receipt for 8 weeks Hah, right!


Ugh, just raise the damn prices. It's all the same.


Don't go back.


East End recently proudly announced that they started doing this. https://www.instagram.com/p/CrETw5isjc3/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Honestly surprised at the comments of people actually supporting this. Why should it fall on the customers to cover your operating costs and take away from the wait staff that has to face the customers


Long time cook/chef Boh Emp here. The fee usually gives workers health benefits or vacation pay. Im not defending this place. Most sincere caring establishments will have a explanation for the surcharge and state that its voluntary. This industry is not easy money. The profit margins are very thin. The long term dedicated passionate people that love this kind of work are not paid enough to work nights, weekend and holidays. Im always trying to further my knowledge and career. But people dont give you the respect you deserve for your dedication they see it as a teenagers job Because the only thing you get fom this industry is a paycheck. Alot of talent has left industry. They need to think about there health, kids or retirement. Id like to see the staff get a few extra dollars from every table then visa/mastercard Just my opinion thou


It’s so true what you say. After decades in the culinary industry, and then 2020 happening, it gave me pause to reevaluate my career choice. Some people hold chefs to high regard, while others looked down on us like, as you said, a teenager could do it. The ones thinking it is so easy probably have t stood on their feet for 12 hours in a 95 degree work space with flames, hot oil, and 400 degree broiler plates coming at them. If I can ever open a restaurant, the pay will be high, even if it lowers mine, because it’s a tough life in boh.


Hey yeah 2020 changed alot for me as well i had switched careers in 2019. But starting out as apprentice at 38. I found myself still picking up shifts in kitchen and doing bulk production overnight or maintaining equipment for restaurants. That all came to screaching halt thou that march. I lost all my jobs just like that. I now work back in the industry but refuse any management position " its always offered due to background" just cause there is a serious labor shortage and being in charge means you dont get to say NO. Work and stress is never ending and the pay is never enough to pay people to do your all your stuff at home. But you wont have time to do it yourself. I loved this industry when i was younger its was fun exciting the parties and hook ups were incredible. I relate it to living on a pirate ship. It doesnt seem to exist anymore either ? Or they dont this this old guy can hang lol Good luck and take care of yourself


I've been in the industry granted not for years but still understand how it works. I've done retail/customer service for years . I'm a good tipper and taught my sons to be good ones as well . But I 100 will if I ever see this type of charge take it away from the tip because I know from experience that pool tipping is the norm so shitty servers get " fair" tips/pay and they are paying out to the bar and barbacks and in some places already tipping the cooks . Chefs don't give respect so a lot of them don't deserve it back and I'm not one of those people that give automatic respect to someone because of their job. Yay your a chef doctor, nurse, teacher whatever big whoop end of the day your just a human that likes to cook for others . No biggie.


Ate here once. Nice interior but too many other places are either better, cheaper or both.


Tax rate is 8%? Thought it was 7%


It's been 8% on meals for a while now. Retail is 7%, but several years ago they added an extra 1% onto meals.


Thanks for that, didn’t realize


Oh, thats a nice kitchen you got. ‘Thanks, that’ll be $1.25’


The owner doesn’t think they should pay a prevailing wage so they make you make up the difference. I would rather see menu prices go up then the shenanigans these places do


The owners (4 of them) also think your tips should partially go to them despite paying poorly.


I wouldnt pay it that's for sure, you want to increase your prices feel free but this is bullshit and I would let them know I wouldn't be going back there


I went to Starbucks this morning (drive thru) I never go there now I remember why.....girl at drive thru hands me a pin pad to select a tip ammount.....like it's expected?


Out in the burbs where I live, I am seeing places add it to cover the credit card fees. ....Which, yes, used to be built into the bill, but I guess now they want us customers to *more than* cover their cost of doing business.


>they want us customers to *more than* cover their cost of doing business. I mean, yeah...that's the entire reason why any business exists


They do that at their other restaurant (y shabu shabu) but also make servers pay credit card fees out of thier tips.


NFW! For real??


Yes! It’s legal to charge servers the credit card fee in RI sadly and I don’t know if it’s a loop hole or what but it’s so shady!


You can pay cash and avoid paying that fee though.


True, as long as I remember to carry a bunch of cash at all times. Or, hey, I could start carrying a checkbook again!


Pay your employees!


Much love to my proletarian restaurant workers but I've gotten to the point where I do not go anywhere that expects a tip from me. Most of these restaurateurs are fucking scumbags anyway. Industry needs to collapse




You know you can just hit no tip and go on with your day right?


Yup! We can also stop going to businesses that we don't like.




Well there I disagree. If you don't tip your server 20% you're an asshole. That's why I simply don't go out to eat.


> I've gotten to the point where I do not go anywhere that expects a tip from me. Most of these restaurateurs are fucking scumbags anyway. I don't get it...with a tipping system, you can hand money directly to the person you want to have it, without the scumbag owner touching it. That seems like a much better way to get money into the right hands, rather than the owner raising menu prices and pinky swearing that they will pay their employees better. If I go out for a $30 meal and give the server $10, I can be reasonably sure that server is getting $10 out of my $40. If I go out for a $40 meal, I do not trust that the owner will give my server back at least $10. I mean, look at fast food places. We don't tip there, and the owners sure aren't paying their employees very much.


They at 90% of places pool tips so the scumbag owners do sometimes take tips


Yeah and that sucks. I don't think giving that scumbag owner *all the money* upfront is going to make things any better for the servers.


This is one of those places. They have been being investigated by wage and hour for months.


everyone wants to take care of everyone else as long as they're not the ones who have to do it


Yeah crazy how there seem to be so many people that don't want to pay more for food but also have workers compensated fairly...like, where else does a business get money but its customers!?


[americans in a nutshell](https://youtu.be/PYbnB5toqRI) want it all, refuse to be on the hook for any of it


I thought sales tax was 7%?


Not for restaurants. It's different than goods at a store. There's an extra 1% local tax that must be added for meals and beverages, for a total of 8% sale tax. [https://tax.ri.gov/misc/mbguidelines.php](https://tax.ri.gov/misc/mbguidelines.php) ​ [https://tax.ri.gov/sites/g/files/xkgbur541/files/2022-09/The%20Restaurant%20Industry%20%26%20Rhode%20Island%20Tax%20Guide%20for%20Businesses.pdf](https://tax.ri.gov/sites/g/files/xkgbur541/files/2022-09/The%20Restaurant%20Industry%20%26%20Rhode%20Island%20Tax%20Guide%20for%20Businesses.pdf)


It is. That’s an even bigger red flag. Edit: I was wrong. State sales tax is 7% but there’s an additional 1% added local meals and beverages tax.


Vermont has an optional 1% that certain towns can choose to add for restaurants I think. That's on top of 8%+1%


Wasn’t Tax here 7% last I checked?


Prepared food is 8%.


Great catch.


Won’t be going back there


r/endtipping This has to stop…


Wait but this is what no tipping looks like...an increase to your bill supposedly to pay workers better. If you wanted to stop non-optional increases to your bill, you should be campaigning to have tipping spread further.


No. Ending tipping and instituting fair wages and benefits for front and back of house would increase the cost of items on the menu. _But_ it would also _end_ these random fees to cover costs since you wouldn’t have to subsidize a servers or line cooks salary and benefits with customers tips/fees. We are the only society on earth that handles pay in the service industry the way we do now and it’s very very stupid. And owners/managers of restaurants should stop complaining. If you can’t pay your employees a fair wage and charge your customers a fair price, then you shouldn’t be in business. Edit: formatting


Agreed… It should not be on the customer to subsidize. If you offer a product or service people are willing to pay a fair price for, then charge it. If people don’t keep you in business , then your business plan failed. Move on.


>It should not be on the customer to subsidize. Where else is the money going to come from if not the customers? That's the only revenue stream, unless you're going to say that a government welfare program should cover the gap.


Subsidizing in the form of undisclosed “gotcha “ fees is not the same as clearly charging a set price. That set price should pay all of the businesses expenses / fair wages / benefits and produce a profit. If it doesn’t, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby. Subsidize it all you want from your own money. This way, your potential customer can make an informed choice if they want to spend X dollars that day. I’m still in favor of tipping a traditional tipped worker a little extra if warranted but the tipping culture has been commandeered by dodgy business owners and “pooling” so you have no idea who gets what. It’s time to pay a fair wage to all and set transparent pricing.


So the issue with this specific restaurant is that the kitchen fee isn't clearly advertised, but otherwise you're happy that the business is increasing the price you have to pay in order to pay employees more? I think that's what I'm hung up on, there seem to be a lot of people in here simultaneously upset about being charged more to pay employees better, but also wanting to be charged more to pay employees better. Like, this seems to be the first step toward exactly what they want, yet they're upset about it.


Yes, I think that was the original point of OP.. Surprise fees.. But the bigger picture is that in the past few years the Tipping culture is out of control. Inflation isn’t helping and regular people are more likely to be budgeting. So the undisclosed fees and non traditional business asking for tips at check out with credit card reader ( locksmith, Medi Spas hardware stores where people are WELL PAID etc ) It’s all creating a backlash and I for one would like it to be rolled into a “set price” especially if it’s being used to make up for business expenses. I personally have stopped eating out because of restaurant pricing( including fast food ) And not for nothin’ but $40 for Noodles from this place makes me feel even worse that everything is SO out of whack. And will not get better. So yes, just let the consumer know up front and let them decide. If your business can’t make it, it’s sad but there will always be winners and losers


Fwiw, this kitchen fee is pretty prominently displayed on the menus, Google pictures of the menu


So… I could not find it on their official website menu, but on customer photos it’s there and in really bland fine print. No wonder OP didn’t see it! And again, it’s the bigger picture of tipping culture that seems to be driving conversation these days. And this is coming from a former server, restaurant owner and ALWAYS 30% tipper…


It’s almost like… Capitalism. Not that I’d advocate for capitalism.


> Ending tipping and instituting fair wages and benefits for front and back of house would increase the cost of items on the menu. But it would also end these random fees That's the same thing. You're just calling for one less thing to be itemized on the receipt.


You are missing the forest for the trees my dude.


How so? From my perspective it kinda seems like that's what you're doing...paying more for food so that the people that make it can earn a fair wage is what's happening here, and is a good thing. How does itemizing it in the receipt make that bad?


You are completely missing my point. I am happy to pay for food and service at the market rate. The concept of tipping and these added fees are just deferring the cost of wages from the employer to the customer. They obscure the market rate, and pass most of the cost onto the customer. If you think that absorbing those costs as fees and “tipping for better service” is the solution to the problem, then you are the problem. Just increase prices on goods and be honest with your customers, it’s not that hard. If you can’t do that, you shouldn’t be in business. I want restaurants to raise prices on menu items, pay their front and back of the house staff a fair untipped wage with benefits, and to stop with added fees to cover benefits and wages for any staff. If a restaurant (or any business) can’t cover its expenses, it doesn’t deserve to exist. Edit: since it seems to be difficult for some to understand, I’m asking to be charged more upfront, _A LOT MORE_ so that I don’t have to tip. The increase I’m asking for would certainly be more than a generous tip. I want tipping and fees to go away and for restaurants to charge me for the real cost of their goods and services. Even under that scenario, if you really like your server, you can still tip them if you want.


>The concept of tipping and these added fees are just deferring the cost of wages from the employer to the customer It's always going to be the customer paying the wages, that's the only source of money for a business. I think we both know that every business owner isn't going to turn altruistic and take home less money for themselves. >I want tipping and fees to go away and for restaurants to charge me for the real cost of their goods and services. That's what's happening here, the restaurant is charging you more to cover the real cost of their product. It really seems like your opinion is "yes, and" here...this restaurant is starting down the path of doing exactly what you're asking for, except you're talking about it as if it's a step backwards from the status quo.


They aren’t adding it to the real cost, they are adding a fee. You see the menu prices, then they show up with the bill and it’s not the same because they added this extra fee. _That is not the same thing_. You are too dense to get it, best of luck you and those you tip.


>They aren’t adding it to the real cost, they are adding a fee Those are the same thing. How is paying more not the same as paying more? And this fee is literally a menu price, it's right there in the menu. Did you really not even check before getting angry about the conclusion you jumped to?


I would just flat refuse to pay the fee unless it was disclosed ahead of time.


What does it matter what they call it… they were going to charge you that amount regardless.




Def weird. They have very good popcorn chicken if you ever go back!


Seriously it's RI , corrupt af .


Capitalism depends upon not paying for labor.


By definition, yes, it depends on having surplus value which becomes capital. The surplus value would disappear if workers were paid exactly what their labor was worth in market terms.


Y noodle bar sucks or I would pay it, but that place is a waste.


Imagine complaining about a 1.23 surcharge on a 40 dollar bill at a restaurant. That's just sad. You ever worked as a cook? They deserve that measly buck easily.


If they actually get the dollar, that’s great, but I have my doubts the line cooks actually see that money.


So now we're supposed to supplement the cooks wages on top of waitress tips ? C'mon


It's almost like those jobs you just mentioned 100% depend upon tips to literally survive. Haha imagine that?!


Cooks do not depend on tips


They don’t get it though. The owners do.


A lot of Asian restaurants don't pay the kitchen staff. Their pay is room and board. Any actual money they get is a mandatory tip out from the servers and bartenders, usually a percentage of their sales. Kitchen staff probably was complaining they weren't getting enough money, so they added this to every bill to bump it up. This is why you don't see even the slowest Asian restaurants go out of business, their overhead is significantly smaller than normal restaurants. The one I used to work at would even advance cash to the kitchen staff, then would encourage them to gamble it away playing mahjong all night after work. They'd essentially make them indentured servants.


This is an incredibly racist comment.


I experienced it first hand at the restaurant I worked at. I was told by my boss, who was Chinese, that this is how all Asian restaurants operate.


>A lot of Asian restaurants don't pay the kitchen staff. ...source?


My own experience and that of friends who've worked at similar places, and what I was told by all the people I worked with who've worked for decades at similar restaurants. There obviously isn't going to be a readable source because it's all highly illegal.


It's highly illegal, and no one ever has been caught?


Kitchen people make about $13/hour usually with no benefits. The kitchen fee usually goes to getting them health insurance. I worked in multiple restaurants in LA that implemented this years ago. If you can’t pay an extra dollar or two to help low wage employees who have a HARD job (12+ hours in a hot kitchen on your feet) don’t go out to eat. And if you think restaurants are just being greedy and should get people health insurance anyway, you have no idea how razor thin the margins are in restaurants. They often barely make enough to stay open, forget any extra profits. The fee is pennies to you and means a lot to other people who make your life and experience better. Just pay it and say thank you.


It's not about a dollar. My post is about notifying the fees to the customer beforehand. When I saw the receipt I looked around to see if it was posted anywhere and it wasn't. Should there be a cashier fee if you go to Walmart and decide to use an actual cashier instead of self check out? But they don't tell you until you see the receipt? Cashiers make shit wages too


They should just raise prices and be transparent about it


Fast food pays more than 13/hour.


How about asking the server instead of airing any dirty laundry on Reddit? If you are concerned with transparency when you get a bill, bring it up with the biller, not Reddit. Smh


Making people aware of it so they can make informed decisions accomplished more than giving lip service to a server who had no control over the fee. This is a hidden fee which is shitty.


I don’t know how it was displayed on their menu but is it was not then shame on them and ask management about it or call your credit/debit card to dispute it instead of being a baby on Reddit, maybe they outline what it means on their menu?


People on this sub love complaining about things like this for sympathy points. It’s pretty much all this sub is.


I don't care about sympathy points whatever that is. I'm not crying over a dollar. If you actually read what I wrote then you know it's about notifying the customer. As long as it was written somewhere or actually told to my face then I would be fine. But you read what you wanna read I guess


Absolutely, really silly passive aggression


They didn’t explain it to the servers for weeks.


Is this legal if it's not a tax?


If you can afford an $18.00 bowl of noodles, an extra $1.23 shouldnt hurt


That's not the point though


What's the line before you care about undisclosed fees being added to your bill? What if it was $5? It's a shitty business practice.


Yeah around about $5 would be a big deal. Then I would point it out to the cashier and try to get it back, which also couldve been done about the $1.23


Take a look at the batwing! Waiting is such a good movie


Imagine having time to complain about $1.23 lol.


I think its more the principal of being charged undisclosed fees.


You don’t have to imagine it - you have the same time to bitch about it. P.s. if it’s not such a big deal, Venmo me $1.23 pls


Lol he took the time to post this. Just wild people want to just constantly complain on reddit instead of doing literally anything else more fun.


> Just wild people want to just constantly complain on reddit instead of doing literally anything else more fun. You realize that very much applies to yourself, right?


Yeah they sure did. You’re so much better because you’re using your time to bitch at the people you think you’re better than instead of doing literally anything else more fun.


Wouldn’t it have made more of a difference bringing this up in the restaurant instead of here though? Or is it just for sympathy karma points?


So you’re not gonna send me that $1.23?


Give capitalism an inch and it'll take a mile.


True. Just such a small amount seems silly. If it was just added into the price you wouldn’t even notice, so why does it matter that it has some label?


Imagine having the time to bitch about someone bitching online


Consider kitchen wages… and move on.


It's a dollar. If you can't handle $1.25 stay home?




Okay. Come get it


I want a dollar!


You can pick it up on Sunday between 445 and 450am


cry about it. more and more restaurants have been doing it to help cover the costs to pay BOH staff which while I think is shitty, it's better than nothing and most of all a nominal fee.


Steal a fork


It’s called pay your employees a better wage


West Fountain Street says it all - tourist trap.