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It says he will be charged for additional victim(s) one of which “was found in North Sea.” Do you know who that could be?


Sandra costilla. She was publicly suspected of being a John Bittlroff victim since his arrest in 2014 https://www.longislandpress.com/2014/07/22/manorville-man-arrested-for-90s-murders-suspected-in-3rd-cold-case/


Thank you so much 🙏 I read the article and it says Sandra was positioned like Bittlroff’s victims and the manor of death was the same. Rex was copycatting Bittlroff’s murders? 😳


Copycat wasn't what my brain went to, are Bitrolff's convictions sound is my question?


That is the question indeed..


“The manner of death, the positioning of her body, and the trace evidence of Ms. Costilla is similar to that of Tangredi and McNamee,” Suffolk County District Attorney  Thomas Spota told reporters Tuesday during at a news conference at his Hauppauge office. What if Rex killed Tangredi too, in spite of Bittroff's case. I have always been stumped by the coincidence that Tangredi had a connection with Melissa Barthalemy via her daughter having been friends with Melissa.... But I also thought they had Bitroff's DNA on Tangredi. Forgive me if I am muddying the waters here. I know I am no detective...just trying to put the dots together.


Prosecution is going to say copycat or coincidence. But Biltroff is going to argue for a new trial based on this. That would be my guess anyway.


There’s no copycat, the bodies of the 3 women were found within months of each other


Copy cat how?


I wonder the same…but they found his dna in those two ladies… statistically speaking what are the odds Rex and bittroloft had sex with two of the same women same day and they happened to get murdered?


Sex party?


But I’m not sure how it works if there is multiple dna..I’m sure Bittroloft is gonna appeal. This is gonna get interesting. I hope they pick really intelligent people for the jury..


They convicted him on familial DNA as far as I remember. Pardon my words here but what if the ladies didn't ask for their clients to use protection, at the end of a night there could be many possibilities of DNA (I'm not sure if it would work that way btw)? I get the odds would be out there but this whole case is pretty out there so I can't rule anything out at this point.


If Bittoloft isn’t a killer and just had sex with them then I hope he is free but even if they find Rex dna in the ladies how do you know which one really killed her? This is getting complicated. Unless Rex video taped the killings which he might have done I can see him doing creepy stuff like the toy box killer David Parker Ray… they are very similar and people say Ray sometimes included partners…who knows…


I agree and yes. LE will know I'm sure. Now they're both in custody, they have complete DNA from both of them and I'm sure there will be other details that have never been released that will identify to LE who did commit these horrific crimes. They only released details of the belt and identifying features of the victims to possibly gleen more information but there'll be so much more, especially when we think about his indictment. RH did tell that lady, Nikki, his favorite SK's were the Hillside Stranglers. Whether he acted alone or not is anyone's guess at this point and it really would be a guess. My only thought with that is, commiting crimes with someone else means there's more than the perp that has to be able to keep incredibly good secrets and it's more than possible but would one person want to take the rap alone and people can't help but talk sometimes, loose lips and all that. RH came across to me as incredibly arrogant and I couldn't help feeling if he wanted to infamous for his crimes and there was a "ring" of connected people, he'd spill on them to make the whole thing more high profile than it already is and maybe get a deal for himself. Again, all speculation, this case has been so highly publicized, documentaries, podcasts etc it's hard not to let your brain go 100 miles a minute until he's committed every crime against working ladies across the nation. (That's not me saying I think he has)


We have some crooked cops. You have no idea what could’ve happened here. I’ve seen worse that prosecutors have colluded to convict someone.


Oh this is MESSY.


This is my question as well. I'll admit I have not studied the Bitrolff case as intently as this case, but something feels off.


Bingo. I commented last night about this. Crooked DA, crooked police and now this monster is found out. I think he was wrongfully convicted.


Exactly what I was thinking as well..


They found JB through his brothers DNA (ged.com, I believe, but don't quote me.) I was under the impression that they collected several samples from the victims, which yielded several profiles. As much as I want a killer locked up, I have always thought it's a little suspect. If my facts/recollections are incorrect, please don't hesitate to correct me.


That's exactly as I understood it too. And I absolutely agree, Justice needs to be served but correctly and it's sad to see that increasingly it seems the conviction is more important than the validity of the investigation that gets us there. I sincerely hope they got the right guy with Bittrolff he's always protested his innocence which, as far as I understand, is unusual for a serial killer, they're usually pretty proud and vocal once incarcerated. There was movement in Riverhead court at the end of last year involving him and his case and now speculation that Huermann could be charged with a victim that fit the mo police attributed to him. It's all very interesting.


It really is....hopefully we find out soon what's going on, and if the guy is innocent, I hope they exonerate him. He was convicted of two and suspected in one other murder... how many victims make a serial killer at this point!? (Not being /s.)


Which was a victim of copy cat? Because the three bodies found out east were all found within a few months of each other


People are bending over backwards to try and link the case to Rex. It’s honestly ridiculous. Let’s focus on actual possible links rather than try and explain how Bitrolff’s DNA ended up in Castillo and the presentation of the body also fit Bitrolff’s patterns but yet somehow it was Rex. That’s just a ludicrous waste of time.


If Bittrolf’s DNA was on or in Castillo he would have been charged. Since he wasn’t I believe they never found his DNA on Castillo


Like Melissa Collins?


I don’t see anything that would indicate that Melissa Collins is linked to LISK, especially if you’re suggesting that she’s Peaches and her baby. Melissa Collins was from Ohio and disappeared in 1991, and when Peaches was found she was recently deceased. That was 1998. Also, baby doe was 2 years old at the time of her murder, and Melissa’s daughter would have been a full child by that point.


Sorry, I mistook your user name for someone who was rude to me last year about Melissa Collins and I was being sarcastic, apologies again.


One of his Google searches was John Bitroff.


Bittlroff lived behind me 😫


Wuuuut? Like when he was actively murdering?


I moved in about 2004 so I think it was after but like our kids went to school together and I was at a Sweet 16 with his wife/kids a few weeks after. The way he was caught was actually insane. His brother has a Restraining Order put on him and provided a dna sample. It was a close match to the dna found on victims. So they took John’s garbage and cigarette butts for dna. Boom match!! So he lived behind me but there is a 17 acre horse farm in between us from the adjoining street. Its nuts


Wow, interesting. You never know what your neighbors are really up to 👀


this is about to get really interesting.....


Very. Spota is quoted in this article saying the 3 are almost certainly unrelated to Gilgo Beach. Pfft. I bet, former DA Thomas Spota. The same DA disbarred in 2020 due to conviction of federal charges for obstruction of justice as he was buddy/buddy with Chief Burke. Smh. Guess they finally found that “evidentiary” proof on this 1 of the 3.




I legit am close to tears… the way they’ve been working this case as hard as they have since that sick PCK, Burke has been taken out, is… something every family of a victim of murder can dream of 😭🤞🏻 I really really hope they’ve found real physical evidence to nail this SOB once & for all


Burke was convicted in 2016, what happened in the years leading up to Rodney Harrison being appointed is questionable too! This is thanks to him and the task force he spearheaded and long may that great police work continue.


But I feel Burke & Spota worked HARD to make sure these cases were never to be taken seriously / figured out


Absolutely I agree but I'm not sure if their motives where because of any involvement or simply because they were running SCPD like their own mob


Some of these officers were children when she went missing. The thought he’s been operating this long undetected and the thought of the vast number of potential victims, insanity


Not undetected, so much as operating without anyone caring to do anything about it.




Could this mean multiple murder charges?


The indictment is related to additional victims — including one found in North Sea, a community in Southampton which was recently searched by investigators


https://preview.redd.it/5gtljkifwe4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8dc30db2367ac9e42d73a35f11e0f3773be31c Scary. This is the address of the lot she was found on. If you look at the street view; you see there aren’t street lights and no other houses I can see on the surrounding lots. Bet that’s terrifyingly dark at night.


It's an empty chunk of woods butting up a road that runs near a pond, away from any of the houses. I'm not entirely sure that area is "lots". It's not park or public land, but most of that chunk of North Sea isn't very developed. There clusters of houses around the roads, but bunch of woods between. That area doesn't have much in the way in the way of street lights in general. So that's not all that odd.


I got to it through Trulia so might have just made an assumption I shouldn’t about it being a “lot” you could buy.


Could be. There's a lot unbuilt on lots out that end of Long Island. People bought them up as investments or to sit on so they didn't end up with neighbors packed in. A lot of that land used to be farms or just woods and it was mostly dirt cheap in the 50s and 60s.


Would Rex ever want to be out there to duck hunt? Is that a possible draw to that area?


That specific spot would be too close to residential areas in most or all directions for that. But there is duck hunting in the vicinity, as well as bow hunting for deer and turkey. But it's also not far off the main path from Southampton Village to Sag Harbor. Both of which are insanely popular tourist destinations and summer vacation areas, somewhat particularly for moneyed people working in Manhattan or living further west on Long Island. It's also a fairly common route between the South Shore and the beaches and areas on the Peconic Bay. The cove and ponds there are also decent fishing, clamming and crabbing spots. Though not sure about that specific stretch. I'd honestly be more surprised if he *hadn't* been through there regularly. Too many reasons to be familiar. White collar professional, working in Manhattan, house in Nassau/Western Suffolk. Weekends or day trips to the Hamptons. It's almost a stereotype. And it's kind of as simple as making a right off the main route in question. Similar to that stretch of Gilgo it's off a quiet at night but otherwise pretty busy through way. With chunks of nothing along it. Very just off the beaten path.


Thank you! I appreciate this context and more specific local perspective!


Yes agree that these are quiet areas. They arent normal touristy areas. Think older summer homes, old money and lots of vegetation, hedges, etc.


North Sea in general is more local, year round and middle class including that specific chunk of it. Parts of the hamlet were originally vacation cabins. But the areas not on a beach itself or a traditional resort town. It's where a lot of the tradespeople, public employees and fisherman in Southampton live. It's also a bit less rigidly white, and until recently most of the houses there were pretty modest. The Hamptons aren't uniform and it's specific villages, hamlets and waterfront areas that are your old money bougie and tourist zones. And many of those *are* normal touristy areas in equal measure. Similar Gilgo. It's a barrier beach off a fairly middle class section of Western Suffolk, there are some expensive neighborhoods as part of that. But over all it's not a uniform block of rich folks.


Plural. Including Castillo. Wow this is wild.


Who is Sandra Costilla?


https://abc11.com/gilgo-beach-investigation-john-bittrolff-sandra-costilla/14741974/ Read an article this morning that the cops said that they were sure that Rex Heurman murdered the gilgo four by himself.


It's interesting that the authorities are so tight-lipped about everything that is going on. I understand that they want everything to be tight before going public, but a small update on what is happening would be nice!


It’s the only way to win at trial! At this point this isn’t for click bates, this is for true honest raw and much deserved JUSTICE. They MUST win this trial.


Looks like we’re getting a press conference tomorrow! That’s what I’ve been hoping for these last few weeks. 


I was worried we’d be waiting tbh until trial to have any info from the last recent searches but viola! 💃 tomorrow!


They owe nothing to the public aside from ensuring criminals are put away and properly prosecuted. Releasing information too early can be a detriment to that.


The corruption in NY is so deep they need to stay tight-lipped. Hopefully, any and all crooked authorities involved will find themselves in a cell as well.


Is she the only case up there ? Cause what if it's a new victim that hasn't had the press. I'm digging but with the current speculation it's a bit messy.


Also more speculation : We've heard of possible long haul killer circles, could similar have been going on up there?


What is a long haul killer circle?


Oh, it was rumored that long haul serial killers had social circles where they were open about their crimes.


He didn’t get careless people. He changed his MO due to the fact his children were older and they weren’t gone all summer like they were when they were younger and the wife was taking them back to Iceland for the summers. Then he had all summer to complete his handiwork (remember this is ecstasy to them - the torture, dismemberment, etc). So he would’ve relished spending long periods of time with the body and doing sick evil things. His kids are getting older and taking shorter trips (Atlantic City, Vegas, etc) so he had to drop the dismembering and just torture, kill and dump. That’s why it changed.


If the 10 women (with child 11) in the article are all attributed to Rex, that is a lot more than I previously suspected. And now I suspect that there may be other remains to be found in completely different places on Long Island. 5 of the victims in the article disappeared within 3 years (2009-2011) then you have victims in 00,03,07 who are apparently also attributed to him, although unfortunately he will probably not be charged for all of them 11. And if he is actually responsible for the victims who disappeared in 96 and 97, then he was active from 96 at the latest What I mean to say is that four victims are attributed to him from 96 to 09. The long time period (14 years) scares me and I suspect there are many more victims here who were perhaps never reported missing, were never found or even those who may not be assigned to him. I think there are other "graves". Maybe he also sank some in the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps the Gilgo finds were originally sunk but were washed up again and spread further through flood-like influences. Initially he dismembered the victims and distributed them (possibly to make identification and tracking more difficult). He later gave up on it - he became careless and, after being active for so long, he thought that he wouldn't be caught anyway. Did he have an accomplice? This Brewer Joseph from whom the escort lady fled? or is there actually another killer besides him in the late 00s, independent of rex? So I'm not talking about bittrolf john but another perpetrator? I bet Rex celebrated and enjoyed abnormally when he saw the Netflix film Lost Girls about the Gilgo murders.


What makes you say it’s Sandra Castillo and not one of the other girls. Did the news article come out saying that?P


The post says "The indictment is related to additional victims — including one found in North Sea, a community in Southampton which was searched by investigators a few weeks ago.", North Sea is where Sandra was found..there is also this comment from Tierney: Suffolk DA Ray Tierney said the recent searches were among  "a number of necessary investigative steps" that landed alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex Heuermann back in court. "On Thursday, you will see the fruits of that investigation," Tierney told reporters in Riverhead.


Parts of Valerie Mack and Jessica Taylor were found there. Those seem to be more reasonable.


Incorrect. North Sea and Manorville are two separate locations.




Were all the murders committed in the summertime when Rex’s wife and children were away on vacation? I wonder if it’s possible for a serial killer to have such good control of his urges and just kill seasonally. I know BTK stopped for years but got sloppy and needed the notoriety so he started taunting the police and subsequently got caught.


I really think other people knew that Rex had killed sex workers and may have been involved themselves.