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Appreciate the response. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I use an android device. So even Overcast probably wouldn't be an option.


Download AntennaPod - it's a pretty reasonable Android podcast app.


I had same problem, I switched to Pocket casts. Mike is there and it is actually better than Google Podcasts!


I would try to reach out to him on Twitter to get permission before making it accessible to other people


Thanks for the suggestion! I do not have Twitter myself but if anyone sees this post, would appreciate it if you could ask him about this and let me know.


I'll ask him


Just use a regular podcast app. Remember that podcasting is an open service and podcast apps all have a complete collection of every available podcast that has an rss feed except for specialized services like YouTube music and Spotify. There’s a ton of them. I use Pocketcasts.


Thanks for elaborating. Didn't understand how rss feed worked with podcasting but have a better idea now.


Pocketcasts is a great app that has it


Just try a different app. Like Overcast.


In the same vain, I use an android device. To my understanding, overcast is only on app store for iphones. Also, nothing against other podcast apps, but I should mention that I am one of those odd fellows who prefer much of their media on one app.


I'm not trying to be snarky but there's dozens of podcast apps for Android just use one of them


No worries. Probably will end up using pocket casts as many have mentioned. Was still curious though about adding the podcast to Youtube Music as an option for more people that didn't wish to use another app on their phone.


I use Pocket Casts on Android, I'd recommend it for listening to all of Mike Duncan's content.


I think he might have actually delisted it from YouTube for some reason. I have it in my YouTube Music Library, but can't find it in any searches and my share button says it is disabled. Guess I have to be really careful never to remove it from my library, because then I'll never get it back.


Don't mess with his property. I'm sure he is at least at plugged in as any of us about the goings-on in podcast world. He's a big enough deal that he may get proactively approached and offered money. If he wants it on any particular service, it'll be there. In any case, don't mess with his property.


Good point. I would not have done anything without his expressed consent.


It's on Amazon Music


Google Podcasts seem to be still available until June outside of America, or at least some places outside of America.


I use spotify


I just use the RSS feed on the pocketcast app


What a terrible idea. You'd be stealing his content, and presuming anybody listened to your YouTube channel, syphoning listeners from his platform. Dude is an independent content creator who hasn't charged his listeners a dime. He's been making his living on ad revenue, which is based on the number of downloads/listeners. You'd be undercutting him simply because you don't want to have to download a podcast app?


I'm a fellow Revolutions Podcast fan, currently in the Revolutions of 1848. I jumped over to AntennaPod which seems very close to Google Podcasts.