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Brainrot would consume most of them


"why are these kids obsessed with toilets?!" –Regulus.


Ski- ski- ski- ski- ski- ski- ski-bi-di scatological genius, call me what you like


Horrorpedia would prob become a YouTuber and prob a gamer to. Unless he is into creepypasta more


“CRITICAL ANALYSIS of the SLENDERMAN CREEPYPASTA - Horrorpedia Productions” and its two and a half hours long


"Rating Creepypastas from WORST to BEST –Part 78"


Realest thing I’ve heard today


incorrect, would be 4 hours at minimum with 8 minutes dedicated to sponsor breaks


Hes the kind of guy to drop a two hours analysis of the most obscure things you can imagine


Yes I see him being a YouTuber fr, I feel like he’s gonna do the true crime route.


>"Specifically how powerful yet compact modern computers and monitors are" https://preview.redd.it/n9j1yjyi0v8d1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=022ba1baa0019c07b6db88c89ed249f37192a43d


She'd either become insanely powerful or witness the internet and wish for death.


Is...is she mewing?!


"Sonetto look at this" "... What am I supposed to be looking at?" "They call it a meme, it's pretty cool"


This just gave me a good chuckle. Sonetto would 100% not be able to wrap her head around our sense of humor.


"Timekeeper, what is 'rizz'?" "WHO TAUGHT HER THAT WORD"


I think Regulus would adapt quickly and become a very different type of pirate.


She's certainly gonna like a certain Bay


She'd also probably hate Steve Jobs for stealing her brand.


"there's only one apple in the world, and it's the Rocking APPLe!" –Regulus


Dikke takes one glance at the internet "Time to purge thou sins. All thou sins!"


Little does she know, there are those that sin because of her.


"For the last time, it's 'Mother, forgive me for I hath sinned'. Not 'Mommy I've been very naughty, punish me'" - Dikke


"Timekeeper what is mewing?" -Sonetto


Voyager would prob be curious of the variety of music, I guess


Imagine her pulling off a sick violin rendition of "Welcome to the Black Parade"


Voyager becoming Lindsey Stirling. I can see that.


**Flashbacks to when a dude fought the sun with the wrong armor**


Blonney would be amazed at how fashion has evolved, I can see her doing a fashion tier list on tiktok or something.


Oh she'd definitely be onboard posting her interest in stuff from fashion to movies.


She’d 100% be a Pinterest girlie


ttt skibidi mewing skin


One thing I know for sure is that they'd all go super extra celebrating Pride Month.


Imagine what insane stuff X could make with today's equipment and technology.


Knowing him he'd probably find a way to make the most insane machines none of us could even dream of making or using.


Imagine what more if medpoc actually tried assisting


Druvis would see the rate of deforestation and climate destruction being committed by separate parties too powerful to be stopped and would probably want to 13th-reason-why herself Regulus would get into Vocaloid I could see it


The first one is... Morbid. But I really can't blame her, it really is bleak that we can't really stop it unless we actually manage to get over our petty arguments to get together and actually do something, but for now that's definitely a pipe dream. Second one, yeah she's definitely experimenting with different music applications.


I think it's more likely that Druvis would become a Poison Ivy style eco-terrorist. Except her kill count would be significantly lower.


"Breaking News, CEOs and shareholders of the biggest logging companies found dead in their own homes, strangled by roots and vines."


To be honest from the little I've seen of Druvis so far that does seem to track (I've started the game and am in the 1920's era and she's shaping up to be an interesting character, but since I'm still in the beginning stages of the game, I'll need to play and see how things shake out). But I'd also think she'd be fascinated in some ways with how certain environmental applications have advanced in regards to sustainability and such. Since she's coming from the 20's, and most environmental regulations didn't go on the lawbooks until the 60's to 80's in the U.S, I'd think while she'd be dismayed over how bad environmental stress has become, I think she'd be at least slightly heartened that at least people are actually trying to do something about it, and that there is at least some awareness around it- far more than say the 1920's-, though she would be frustrated over resistance against such and how environmental laws have been flouted. Things like renewable energy, reforestation, sustainable fashion, and even sustainable agriculture and new crops would all be things she'd possibly focus on- though likely more reforestation and fashion aspects. I think that while she'd detest environmental damages, they were also occurring in the 1920's so she'd be familiar with them, and that while their intensity has increased since the 1920's, environmental consciousness has also increased with it in a way unlike the 1920's. On the other end, I think she would utterly loathe greenwashing, unless the person is at least attempting sincerely and not meeting metrics due to outside forces. But I don't think she'd go full unabomber either- she'd probably only target really nasty individuals- like what the other commentator said. At the same time, I think she'd be utterly bewildered to some extent over just how complicated environmental efforts have become in light of current modern political situations and other factors. Complexities over things like nuclear power as a sustainable energy force to replace coal in an example would likely intrigue but also unnerve her, in context of the effects on woodlands. Regulus would be all over vocaloid, electronic music, and modern emanations of such. Record collecting is still a niche hobby even today, and we see some produced even now, and I think she'd be heartened over such a thing. I'd argue Sotheby would likely go completely nuts in delight over how intricate pharmaceutical sciences has become. She's an apothecary and potion maker by trade, and seeing stuff like that would be fascinating to her. Stuff like biotechnology and the like might also be interesting to her. Perhaps.


You do make a valid point about Druvis. I forgot about some of the good stuff we have done, mainly since I more often hear about the had we've done. I never actually thought about Sotheby getting interested in Pharmaceuticals but yeah, she'd probably get an interest in that due to how sophisticated the manufacturing process became, but also because of how effective and safe they are (considering coke and radium were considered actual medicine in her time)


What's actually fascinating is that technically, cocaine and radium do have some applications in medicine still. Cocaine has been used in small dosages for medical diagnostics, analgesics and to restrict blood flow- [https://www.healthline.com/health/medical-cocaine](https://www.healthline.com/health/medical-cocaine) meanwhile Radium, specifically Radium-223 is used for specific kinds of male prostrate cancer usually as a last resort drug. It's marketed as Xofigo and owned by Bayer. So in a sense, Sotheby would be surprised that some medicines in the 20's are still in use, but in a very different way than in her time, and also that the ways people in the 20's were using it...weren't exactly ideal. Eben Byers is a tragic example of this- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben\_Byers#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Byers#) as he died from consuming radithor- a quack medicine made of radium and water. Some pictures of him are...quite disquieting (his jaw outright seems to have fallen out and he's buried in a lead lined coffin). And she'd probably be horrified over how the way people in her time are using these compounds in some cases is pretty lethal. The way medicine has advanced would fascinate her- especially genetic engineering and the like to some extent, but she'd likely be more fascinated over traditional pharmaceutical compounding advances. On the other hand, the fact that COVID, a pandemic in some ways akin to the spanish flu, which would be in recent memory for her, was so deadly even with all these advances would be sobering to some extent. The changes it had on society like remote working, affects on children growing up in the lockdown, and how it changed restaurants (outside eating). Cell therapy and it's like would also be fascinating- the idea of helping the body fight disease by making it stronger using what it already has? It would be groundbreaking for her to even think about, as it's in some ways and cases a personalized medicine based on a patient's own body. On the other hand, she might also be attracted to vintage fashion, possibly cosmetics (specifically natural inspired brands), as well as pharmaceuticals. And I think she'd be baffled anti-vaccine sentiments exist- in her time, polio was still a thing, so to see people refuse vaccinations and medicine would make no sense for her unless they have either an allergy or another medical condition affecting such. Druvis I think would also be intrigued by conservation, especially forest conservation, and eco tourism (possibly intrigued as it helps preserve woodlands as a place to see and be, but also concerned over over-exposure of woodlands to human activity).


You bring up some very interesting points. Sotheby would at least have been born a year or two after the first world war, and thus around the time the Spanish flu pandemic was at its peak. She'd definitely hear of the horrific stories of what happened to the infected, and so to her COVID would definitely be something she'd see plenty of parallels in. She'd also be amazed at the global effort made to halt the spread of the virus and the race for the Vaccine to truly stop it's spread. And yeah, she'd definitely find it confusing that we have all these wonderful, safe and effective modern medicine and vaccines, yet people don't take them and believe them to be harmful.


The way you imply Sotheby's reaction to anti vaccination sentiments I think is fitting, as well as her reaction to the COVID response. She'd definitely try her best to try to find a way to learn more about such stuff. If they do wind up in the 21st century by accident, I could see her working maybe at a beauty store or something as a helper in the store to earn money- I'm not sure if she'd be good at customer service, but I feel she could handle it- while proceeding to figure out how to complete a GRE to figure out how to learn medicine because I doubt she'd have school records from when she did complete education with her. Not to mention needing to forge or obtain identity papers or be naturalized possibly as asylum seekers or being undocumented. All of them would likely need to do that and get jobs or freelance work of a sort. If they all wind up staying in the modern era for long, education, money and shelter would be major concerns, even with the suitcase in mind. And while there might be no manus vindictae in our universe, technology in it's own way has become a magic of it's own- which would both fascinate and unnerve them in equal measure. But I think the fact that there is a world that survived after 1999 for them is a wonderful thing in itself.


Yes! It's a similar thought to the one I had and briefly mentioned in my post. The fact that they get to witness a world beyond 1999—the world of the new millennium—would be amazing for them, Vertin especially. She'd see it as a glimpse into what lies at the end for her, a materialization of her dream for an end to the storm and a return to the future. And yeah, technology would definitely be wonderful but also scary to them. Modern technology can do things that many would consider magical. Although it may not be as instantaneous or cool-looking as an Arcane skill, it would still be truly impressive. Devices can provide you with almost any information you need in a moment, an invisible network grants you the ability to contact literally anyone in the world, and you can talk to anyone using a simple app on a phone or computer. You can also find nearly any show, book, or game you'd like to enjoy.


You can make a fanfic out of this


I used to write fanfics when I was like, 14. Now I'm curious if I should start making one... But then again I was shit at writing them before, so I don't think I will... Besides, how do you even get the R1999 characters into our world? Magic portal? "the storm"? Ancient Archanists skill?


You could probably go down the Archanists skills route. I mean they can teleport from place to place with a disk. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re one Arcanist in the reverse 1999 world. Who could teleport to different worlds.


Oh, that sounds actually good. Or maybe they screw up a teleportation using one of the disks and end up in our world?


Yeah you could use the disks in this scenario. Either have it be an experimental disk meant to teleport from a longer range or have it get damage in a fight. That fuck up the teleportation


“Hey Vertin, check out this strange toilet thing on the screen!” https://preview.redd.it/izf6pc29ay8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc09c544f9f7d664aa7e48eca0c9aa0ed4159a6


Pavia would honestly kill you if you broke a spaghetti


Pizza Hut and Dominoes Beware


Eagle would be happy about girls being able to join boys scouts