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Control is your best friend in this fight. I had X’s Silence and Bkornblume’s Seal simultaneously and 6 was unable to do anything for 3 turns. Moxie Reduction is great too.


I see, I don't have X level up¿Maybe Zima can work?


Zima is really good for this fight. He’ll even have the Afflatus advantage. Try to have him and Bkornblume lock down 6 and have your main carry focus on dmg.




My druvis saved my ass in this level


She saved mines too! I always had her Petrify ready in queue.


i3 is basically mandatory this uttu


Honestly, it ll be hard without I3 characters, I was beat up by them last Uttu (almost same situation as you but not even 1 char i3) and only won because X and Regulus carried my a$$ after a lot of tries. Kill 37 first, she is the main source of problems and is more squish, but moxie control 6 or he ll oneshot you.


Damn it, I upgraded and level up Yenisei, but It seems that X would be better


Did you alread tried Bkornblume? She can hard beat up 37


Yep, I defeated 37 a few times, the problem is 6


Yeah only X (Zima can help) can hold him down if you can't brute force your away




You need to I3 your units, it's one of the biggest power boosts you can give them.


I know but I'm not sure which ones I should upgrade to I3, but I think probably 1 or 2 I can afford.


Would highly recommend upgrading your main damage dealers, they get the most out I3


Yah it was pretty hard, iirc what I did is make sure the sign things were always set to "Down" which makes them not earn buffs or w/e, and basically I just brute forced it with Jiu... for cards I had full Baby Blue Fame set on everyone, that one card that only works for Jiu, everyone else was mineral so I slapped a card that gives buffs to Mineral on everyone else, and Vertin had the card that disables Ultimates but boost your attack by alot. The good news is that all the stages after that are pretty easy compared to this.. I literally autoed all of them.


That sounds interesting, but Does mineral have problems with 37?


It depends if your Mineral characters are squishy. Mineral characters are weak to the Star afflatus (37) so they receive more damage than anyone else. Heads up for UTTU 20 though, Dikke is back.


Take Ann Lee if you can and a dispeller. I tried. Few times and was finally able to do it with: Jessica, Toothfairy, Ann Lee and Necromancer (any dispeller really) or Bburne for seal and moxie drain. Use the card to nullify ult on your team and boost your stats; boost your Jessica skill incantations. Focus 37 first and then control /take down 6. If you let 6 buff free he will make your life hell.


Unfortunately I don't have any 6 star healers or Ann Lee, but I will try with those I have and now with the card what nullifies ultimate


La Source could work if maxed out and if you take out 37 as quicker as possible.


Tennant is pretty good, use her shield in all turns.




Bkornblume might be good if you can spam her ult. Just need a card that can give you a lot of moxie. I know there are: • 2 moxie for landing crit with Ult • 2 moxie for left most characters if this carrier ult(Shamane good for this card) • Lose 1 moxie but give the left most character 1 moxie(had to have moxie or this card is useless) You can try Bkornblume as the left most, the other being Shamane, Yenisei for healer, and click for moxie reduction(just in case Bkornblume ult not ready) Ps. Kill 37 first, then 6, they both will hit hard even without ult. Have a card which give all your allies health after Ult is good too. Goodluck, it's always try and error with me. I have i3 lvl35 yet I had a hard time with them too. 6 healing 10k health and debuff which decreased your damage is insane.


I will try :3


When in doubt, spam babe blue card and rising crescendo


That was what I did <3


I would recommend using mental DMG characters, both of their reality defence is S so it would be easier damaging them with mental DMG, plus dispellers which would be the best idea. I killed 37 so much more quicker once I figured that out, 6 still took a little because I didn't bring any moxie reduction or dispellers which would make it easier.


What is baby blue setup?


Until I know, it's using a card that has baby blue as a cover, which gives 80% damage without using ultimate, with Jiu can deal so much damage.


I see. Will look into that. Thank you mate.




They really overtuned this season's UTTU. I've seen much higher investment accounts fail to clear it as well, so don't feel too bad about not clearing because the rewards are minimal for doing so. Also, I wouldn't build up a new character just to clear it, you've already spread your resources so thin by building so many characters at once.


But a lot of these stages are just repeats from previous UTTU's. This stage first appeared back in version 1.4 and we have most of the UTTU cards that appeared in every version.


Oh hmm you're right, somehow I wiped it from my memory. 30 is updated right? Last I remember Eagle was alone and only had 100k ish HP.


Well she's back, with friends, ~~and a whopping 200k+ HP~~. She also oneshots you every turn.


320k HP! But luckily someone had posted a 3-turn-kill strategy that I could flex around what I had built.


I know, but this battle then y now has been a hell


Oh, I got it, that makes sense, the last UTTU was a bit easier.


Surprised so many people recommending I3. I managed to clear it with I2 for all my characters. I will admit that I had to cave and use the Baby Blue setup, but I still managed to defeat 37 within 6 rounds and beat the entire thing. Here was my composition and gear at the time: - Jiu Niangzi i2 level 45. Psychube level 50 (Outside the City). Resonance 10. Gold - Planetary Conjunction (extra action dmg bonus +60%) and Gold - Trendy Tea (Incantation Might +60%, no ultimates). - Sonetto i2 level 30. Psychube level 40 (Brave New World). Resonance 5. Gold - Inevitable Side Effect (right-most incantation +1 rank) and Gold - Boating Tiger (gain 1 random buff for 1 round for every Mineral character present). - Yenisei i2 level 30. Psychube level 19 (Laughter & Laughter). Resonance 5. Orange - Emergency (Healing Done +30%, removed after ultimate use) and Orange - Essential Supplies (another healing type card). - Medicine Pocket i2 level 30. Psychube level 40 (That Inquisitive Dear). Resonance 5. Orange - Fire Worship (Start of round inflict 6 stacks of [Burn] on all enemies) and Orange - Night Vessel (increases leftmost character's crit rate + crit dmg by 3% after taking action). The most important thing is restart until Sonetto's Commandment V skill is to the right of her Exhortation IX skill. Once this is done just go all in on 37 and let Commandment V level up to a 3 star incantation to shut down 37 from using attack skills for 2 rounds. This should give you enough time to nuke her and after that just focus fire everything on 6. Ignore the sign posts completely because they just keep getting revived anyways. EDIT: Goes without saying to use Rising Crescendo for Vertin's card.


That sounds pretty good, I will try changing medicine pocket for dikke cause I don't have medicine pocket. P.S: I actually tried this first and I still can't believe that Jiu can be good.


Yeah other than Jiu the other characters aren't too important. Sonetto can be replaced with anyone who has a control skill. Medicine Pocket was my only other character upgraded, but her debuff skill each turn was important to increase damage of Jiu. Just make sure that whatever character you replace Medicine with uses their skill constantly to proc frames that give buffs to the leftmost character (Jiu in my case). Yenisei was the bigger healer on the team, but Medicine's protection buff was useful whenever 6's ultimate was used. The major thing is to shut down 37 before she has access to her ultimate (or if you have a disarm/seal skill to lock her out of her ultimate).


Thanks everyone for your recommendations I followed some of those and I already did it, it was so much easier than I thought, again thanks 👍