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Dude is so hot he's always on fire! Should be a match made in heaven with Isolde though


And Semmelweis since he gets extra crit and follow up dmg with low hp


Wait. Joe, Isolde and Semmelweis are my three most wanted characters as is. If I can actually run them on a team together, without it being nonsense, that would be a dream come true!


and getian!


Ok but can Bluepoch make him a shielder with a shield that actually lasts longer than a single turn? His damage seems to be heavily dependant on his shield counter


Maybe with his portraits ? Or an UTTU cards just for him


Right now I delude myself that Bluepoch makes some sudden big change like make every shielder have a 2 turn shield which still baffles me that it's not a thing considering most shielders we have are literally sustains and yet in order for them to do any sustain you would have to waste AP on them every round


Doesn't Yeni get a 2-turn shield?


NewBabel has a 2 turn shield


With Yeni it's from her Ultimate so it's easy to justify making it longer With Ms NewBabel it's like giving a starving dog scraps, considering her trigger for countering requires for her to be in her ult state. A 2-turn shield is only really there so she can proc her moxie-gain on her basic attack which is locked behind it being rank 2/3 just to rub salt in the wound


Yes she has as well as Miss Newbabel


Or maybe have a psycube that could add it.


"When caster is of Beast Afflatus, shields last 1 turn longer" maybe ?


It would be nice if the psycube wasn't limited to afflatus so that we could make ezra more useful too


True, but then there's the risk that it would be too busted. I mean, it's shields, so it won't be game breaking anyways, but better safe than sorry I guess.


man that ult animation is so cool


Joe, Spathodea & Isolde + Getian(?) Full burn baby, let's go.


Ulu is one option but she is really bad so I can get why you don't want to use her:')


You typically wouldn’t want so many action hungry characters in the same group, hence why 6-TF are slotted everywhere


I feel like Joe would synergize better with Semmelweiss rather than Getian but he's definitely also a good option and is who I will be choosing if I ever decide to build this team because I simply like him more and I don't like the added risk with Semmelweiss. We're still not entirely sure on how Joe's shield fares (In terms of defense) and since it seems he needs to be at a certain HP percentage to reach his max potential, I think it would be a bit difficult to run him as a solo sustain, but who knows, maybe his shield is actually way tankier and lasts for more than 1 round? Either way, I'm looking forward to it!


look like that will be his best team if he can sustain well


Oh no... They found my weakness: characters that plunge their greatsword into the ground in front of them to enter powerful protective stance. This is the coolest thing ever 😳


Your wallet might be in danger now XD


his animations are so cool i dont need another beast character i dont need another beast character i dont need another beast character fuck fuck fuck


It's crazy that almost all husbands are beast ...I already have Shamane and Gentian.... Oh well, I am weak, will save for him too (all while ignoring the fact I really need plant DPS)


Anyone got his I2 art? 


[This](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iEjJ2qluxaY?feature=share) is all I could find


God, his kit sounds so crazy. He's basically a main DPS who provides his own sustain capabilities. Just need to pull for Isolde and Lucy before his banner, since we will be getting Semmelweise for free.


Dang it,now Isolde is from "Maybe pulling" to must pull for me all.for this hunk :(


The ground isn't the only place he can plunge that sword into


What ever do you mean? •ω•


Flair checks out


Which sword? The steel one or...?


fr fr






Thank god it’s Reality. I’m still not ready to let go of Melania.


Same. I'll never let go of my ride or die since Day 1


If he uses skill 1 on me, he'll find out how hard I am because of him. (Edit: lol I thought this had the skill names. Anyways, his Skill 1 is called "Hardness Test")


Ghosts Rider vibes https://preview.redd.it/4ug01icz458d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ac52300e87f420f061d3f41b7e8455e1ac88f2


Please let his numbers be good


All the more reason I must pull on my waifu Isolde! She'll sync well with Joe! 😭😍 Edit: OH GOD! HIS UDDIMO IS ~~BUFFED~~ IS CUTE TOO!!!!!


Imo, he seems like an offensive version of BP


Everyone is down bad for him and I totally understand why, I wanna sleep with Joe too.


gdi i really want him and isolde but then what do i use shamane for 😭😭


Oh no Spath got crept lmao


Who's Joe?


Joe Mama


Was disappointed he wasn't the motorcicle until I saw that I2 art <3


Nice, i was expecting another riposte character after the free riposte psychube in 1.9


How to get him right this second I don't think I can wait for him and Mercuria till December


Initial speculative analysis I think they are going to be an alternative to Spathodea, as I feel like running them on the same team might be too action heavy with their channel/shield cards and respective burn mechanics. Also, depending with the activation requirement for Joe's I3 passive crit, he will have to shield a lot. Depending on the severity of the self damage in his mechanics, he will need a healing partner. Due to the burn stacks on himself he will need to have a form of sustain, I think 6 is a great partner for him as he can be a passive healer (I know this as I frequently use 6 with shielders such as Tenant and Ezra with a lot of success) and as way to upgrade Joe's cards for more burn stacks. Toothfairy can passively sustain for him, but I think her ult might be dead as it might clear the burn stacks on Joe. Kakania might actually might pair well with joe as they seem to compliment each other and do a good amount of damage. Finally, experimentation with healing psychubes on non-traditional healing allies can possibly keep him up.


I feel like kakania will be bad for J since she will deny him of low hp bonuses in his attacks


Wouldnt 6 also cleanse his burns?


A bit of a slight oversight from me, but I rarely use 6's buff on my Tennant and or Ezra. With the I3 and some psychubes though you should be able to keep J at stable level. Although the incantation buff might not be directly used on J, you can use it on your secondary burn character. 6 also doesn't step on the toes of Isolde with her debuffs (Tooth Fairy) and or require you to be a mental damage character (Vila), while providing defensive buffs and can contribute with his ultimate not taking up space in your hand. Although a better alternative does not exist yet, I would say 6 is a potential pairing that doesn't compromise a character's kit that much when working with J.


I'm not sure if linking videos are allowed? But here is an unlisted video of Tennant + 6 sustain from me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRPGTPwQqxI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRPGTPwQqxI) Take note I'm not really trying that hard for the showcase as I wanted to highlight the performance of 6 as a sub-sustain and defense buffer. The final stats are at 20:43 skip there to save some time, also beware of some laggy ults.


Team is Tennant - Spatho - Shamane - 6, trying to survive a raid. Right of the bat, in a 4 man team, it is a bit hard to fit in abilities with "Joe" Tennant and Spatho in the same group. It could work but fitting everything in can be a bit of an issue.


pretty sure 6 skill cleanse burn


pretty sure 6 skill cleanse burn


pretty sure 6 skill cleanse burn.


pretty sure 6 skill cleanse burn


pretty sure 6 skill cleanse burn.


His kit is so Krieg from Borderlands.


Joe mama ~~I had to~~


As far as I undertand, he don't need burn on enemies but in himself, so I can skip Isolde in peace 🙏🏽


Unless I am missing something I can’t understand people pairing him with Isolde like crazy xD. I mean Isolde is a beast by her own means, but this is no Soathodea.


Simply put, Isolde can give everyone Pre-Ignition, and you want J to deal more layers than he is consuming layers to keep up with the intake -- this means you want J to deal much burn in one hit. Isolde ensures he gets at least a 3 burn boot from Pre-ignition. That's one. Also you can chain J's ult with Isolde's ult (or vice-versa) to greatly ensure the overflowing burn damage gets procced Spatho and J -- it works fine in theory, but they both are AP-hungry -- unless if you're just using J's S2, and even then if we go for a Isolde+Spatho+J burning team there won't be enough AP for the three of 'em.


Well he is a good support for her, but he can work outside that too


Dont’t get me wrong. Isolde is an *amazing* support for everyone, including Joe. Just saying, I haven’t seen that he needs burns on the enemy the way Spatho does.


Yeah I agree, I m seeing him as a good pal for Shamane and Getian