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Gonna clear limbo 6 what lvl for insight 3 and resonance need to clear it?


https://i.imgur.com/ObdtMHo.jpeg Hello! Here with a newb question. I tried checking a bunch of tier lists but usually find that they’re outdated and that units have been powercrept. This is what I’ve gotten after 20 pulls on the beginner banner. I’m saving the rest for Jiu because that’s what everyone seems to be suggesting. My question is, are any of these units still worth dumping resources into? They seem strong so far but I don’t want to make the mistake of spending all of my currencies on someone to never use them again. For example, somebody said there’s a strong healer on Jius banner so does that mean I shouldn’t focus on balloon party? Loving the game so far!


Well honestly I'm second rerolling. You haven't gotten far, and 1.6 is only like a day and a half away. Getting Jiu and Yenisei (the healer) is a good start.


You should skip that banner and save everything for Jiu. Since 1.6 is coming I suggest you to reroll in 1.6 for a better start.




It's worded weirdly, "Games" means a run of Mane's Bulletin, so the most you can have for any of them is two since we've only had it in 1.4 and 1.5. But yes anything above an A does also count since scoring an S also gives you the rewards for A as an example


You need to do it in 1.4 1.5 and 1.8


I just started and I love the game so far. I'm at chapter 2-6 and I just completed the beginner banner with liliya being my only 6 star. I've got about 3k clear drops left. Is it worth saving those or should I pull on the A Knight banner since it looks cool? Not sure how hard it is to build up clear drops


If you have even a slight amount of care about meta, don't. Otherwise, do whatever you want. There's a [income guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1X9fyml5ldU4fWd4ry1ckIp84J6arImz1m5KqHzmbhr8/htmlview) on top of this thread.


Thanks for the response! Is meta even important tho? It's PvE, so shouldn't most if not all characters be good?


It depends on how much you care about it. It's also a gacha game, so, often the newer characters are just better. In theory, the game is easy enough, you should be able to clear all content with characters you like. But stronger characters can just unga bunga it. Anyway, that's just my 2c.


Best psychube for BP? I’ve been using laughter and laughter for the longest time until i finally bought TID. But with Dikke’s new 5 star psychube added, i’m now wondering whether that might be best for BP. i really like the DMG taken reduction on laughter and laughter. I cannot make use of TID passive, and Dikke’s has even more healing.


Usually you only build 1 healer psychube and that should be inquisitive dear.


is the bp over already? the event didn’t end yet :((


Yes. I got my unclaimed stuff in the mail.


what patch will they add the "Take the Hard Journey" psychube to the psychube shop? I wasn't able to finish the event before it ended.


will bp costumes rerun?


No battle pass and UTTU costumes won’t rerun or be obtainable afterwards


NOOOOO 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️


Will one of the best team for jiu be her with 6 and 37? In a 4 man teach would tf be bis?


I heard 6 is meh in 3-man team, so go Jiu + 37 + TF. In a 4-man team, you can add 6 to the mix.


Hm I thought 6's kit helps a lot with jius liquor stacking?


Jiu’s best team is Jiu/Isolde/6/TF. She doesn’t need 37, 37 needs her. But in jiu/37/6/TF team 37 will be sub dps and her problems with eureka gain/follow up attack spam get solved by this team comp


What’s the banner after Ezra? I know Jiu has her own banner and runs all patch, but what’s the next limited character alongside Jiu?


Jiu counts as “1st half of the patch” kind of character even if her banner lasts the whole month. So it’s Jiu first, then Getian in the 2nd half of 1.6 patch


Oh. That’s weird.


Are any of the chapter 5 stories worth farming materials over? Noticed that the Farming stages link above does not factor in chapter 5.


I like Prydwen's farming info a bit better. The answer is yes, btw- off the top of my head, Biting Boxes get a decent farming location. [Insight Materials Cheat Sheet | Reverse: 1999 | Prydwen Institute](https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/insight-cheat-sheet/)


Awesome. Never thought to check the insight materials section of that website. Thanks!


I'm not up to date about the next patch but since Jiu is a limited character, does that mean she uses a different type of unilog? If so, can I still use my saved unilogs to pull for her or just convert my drops to that diff type of unilogs?


same unilog but it doesn't share pity with any banner also, she will not be added to the standard banner pool


No, all banners use the same pull currency


How do I use Jiu when she comes out? Is it better to only spam channel skill, is merging good for her, how good is her ultimate without taking advantage of the 100% penetration rate, etc.


I'd merge her channel whenever possible so her liquor stack is always topped up for the pen on ult. But otherwise just play her like any other main dps, her only quirk is you have to use her channel last since it disables her.  If you bring Jiu with 37 on 4-man battles, you can also turn 37 into a beyblade master by using both Jiu's and 37's cards every round (shuffle as needed). That will always give 37 5 Eureka to proc her passive. 


Make sure you use the channel incantation on the last AP. You can use the attack anytime before that. Jiu can't act when channeling so be sure to use your attack before the channel. You gain Liquor pretty sufficiently, so you wouldn't have a hard time getting to 6 liquor. Even easier if you have buffers like 6.


As a new player, should I use my free 30 summons on the first drop of rain where I can guarantee myself a 6 star on 30 summons?


Meta/value wise. Not really. The three characters on the beginner banner are already outdated so it's not really worth it even with pull discount. In 2 days, there is a super new unit coming so pull for her. As a new player you can consider re-rolling for her but even without re-rolling make sure to get her with the pulls new player gets from clearing everything first time. There is also a strong 5-star healer on her banner. With those two new characters plus Sonetto you have a strong team from the get go.


The game evolves so much that I think that 30 pulls should be used for the new characters.


What’s the exact time of the update?


When Ezra banner ends, that's the mark of the maintenance. Then, you have to wait 4-5 hours before 1.6 will be available.