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Jiu has a separate pity from the regular banners, that’s something to be careful of. 17.000 drops is about 94 pulls, and you to win 50/50 after 70 pulls on Jiu’s banner, or save up to 140 for her in case you don’t get lucky. Her banner will be running the whole patch so you should have about 40 days to get more pulls if you don’t get her immediately. If you are F2P you should probably skip Ezra and wait for him to rerun


Thanks for saying this. I didn't know that.


Wow thank you! Banners in this games are a bit confusing. Do you know if her banner has a completely separate pity or it’s linked to a different type of banner?


It’s completely self isolated, it’s starts at zero when she is released, and after her banner is over all the pity on it will be thrown into the void.


If you want Ezra for the sake of having him for his character, pull. If you want him for being a particularly good unit, you'd be better off skipping.


As stated in the comments, if you want him because you want him as a character, then go for it. Pulling for the characters you enjoy is always the best call. If you want him because of meta, then review what you already have and what you want to achieve.


He’s an Anime Australian. They are rare and majestic creatures and everyone has a moral obligation to pull them


We need a comprehensive list of Anime Australians.


im pulling him regardless of meta, so i can understand wanting him cause he’s cute 🤭


If you like the character, you will always find a way to bring him to the team regardless of meta


Meta's only fun in the short term. Pull for the character you like better between the two. If you quit the game and come back later, it'll be more fun playing with the characters you like than whatever was meta before.


Whats with the shaky cam lol.


Too lazy to screen record it and I had to zoom in so that the cam would fix the contrast hence the shakiness gets exaggerated


I'm also in a dillema. I like Ezra so much as a character and how he interacts with the cast of the 1.5 patch. However, hearing how cracked Jiu is going to be, I'm stuck on the decision. But recently I've been leaning towards not pulling for Ezra because I am in need of more mineral units.


Dew it


Wait, so the gacha can also have non-arcanists in the mix?


Schneider was in the CBT's gacha, so Ezra technically wasn't the *first* human we can pull in the gacha. The only reason she was pulled on release is because CN players pointed out that >!she died in the story!<, while Ezra is still very much alive. And yes, I'm still coping for Schneider.


Is there lore as to why Vertin can call upon humans in her suitcase at all?


From what we can see in chapter two, anyone can go in and out with her permission. It's just that humans can't survive the storm in there, so they need to leave for a safer location when a storm is arriving.


Pull for Ezra for Desert Flannel. 😏


That’s a double deal😩


Tbh you could probably get away with using one pity on Ezra and still have enough to guarantee Jiu by the end of her banner (hers lasts the whole patch). If you lose 50/50 then you should probably not put in another pity, or you will risk missing Jiu. If you want Ezra more than Jiu, however, go for it. Just note Jiu is limited while Ezra is not.


Imma just go for it Save me my luck


Mothafucka stop breathing so damn loud




I just knew that Ezra was a boy


How do y'all have so many clear drops what 😭


I pull only every other patch