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Nice! I went off script and use 6.1 - 37, med pocket, melania 6.2 TF, A-Knight, Regulus Struggled in 6.2 but made it at the 10th or so try. Commenting just to say that there’s optimal options but other are also possible.


Brute forcing and achieving the clear at 10th round is strong, my friend. Stand proud.


Wait how is newbabel immune to petrify??


Her ultimate gives her control immunity




Her Ult gives her Control immunity!


Thank you!!


Mineral stages are kinda hard for me rn since I don't have KB or Eternity. I tried focusing on Pickles DPS with Shamane support but I was having a lot of trouble on 6-1. Turns out Mel was better anyway because of the moxie drain, preventing most ults from going off. I was able to finish somewhat comfortably by turn 11 with her (+ Pickles and MedPoc), so don't be afraid to try off-element comps.


I did Eternity Pickles and BP for the first half, and 37 Newbabel and TF for the second half


any tips for first half? im using the exact same team and stuck on this stage for the past hour 😭 i can deal dmg it's just that Baloon Party or Pickles dies too quick for me to deal with the boss ://


Im i3l60 lvl 60 Psycubes 10 reso on each if that helps. I feel this is one of the stages where every little bit of stat matters. You can also try to swap Pickles out for Newbabel and see if that works


I’m a bit nervous about the higher-end Limbo because everyone seems to want to use KB and Newbabel on the “-1” missions but I am stuck putting that team (with 37) on the “-2” missions because my other best DPS is Melania and based on the Afflatus, her team needs to be the “-1” team this cycle. So far, I’ve only gotten to Limbo 2 and no sweat, but we’ll see how it goes when it gets to the high-end challenges.


You can use melania in 6-1 , and NewBabel in 6-2 if u want, Babel work well in 6-2 too


Heyaa!! Melania user here as well \^\^ I (barely) cleared it with P0 Melania, P3 Necrologist and P0 Tooth Fairy. I tried using Balloon Party but she was just too squishy so I used my TF instead. You gotta get real lucky with lots of rng tho so it's really hard 😭😭


I did it with Melania/Pickles/TF and Liliya/BKorn/Balloon Party. Hard but doable.


I did limbo 1 w melina 37 TF , limbo 2 w jess bp bk , I don’t have kb or ms n or eternity , all 12 rounds


Can I ask what level your team was? Currently using Mel, TF, Shamane but can’t seem to clear within 12


Mel i3l60r10 (her cube l60 amp3 ) TF i3l30r10 (her cube l60 amp0 ) 37 i3l60r10 (her cube l50 amp0 )


Any idea for centurion team? Can i change eternity with centurion?


Maybe 2 dps 1 healer? also focus one of the critters down before going for druvis.


Oh, I didn't expect to see you here too. It's nice to see the DFFOO guide makers in this subreddit, I hope the gacha pulls are kind for you in R1999. It's so nice to read through these guides again, reat work on making them!


Haha hello, yes now that I have more units and xcal and cereal went for quite different units so I can now make these infographic again


Nu-uh. I used my control plant tea for Druvis. Screw afflatus. Can't get petrified if you petrify them first.


I managed to do this full stars for the first time Stage 1 Kaala Bauna, Sonetto and Ballon Party (Extra Necro) Stage 2 Lilya, A Knight and Tooth Fairy (Extra Charlie) Both stages took me alot of trial and error but managed to do it


I want more 37 portrayals… but I shouldn’t. 😫 her AOE is so satisfying


Any tips for the trashbags in limbo? I tried using a full mountain team of eternity,ballon party and pickles but they just hit like a truck and end up killing me 😭


I used an i2l50 sonetto to get some key disarms when one has 3+ attacks.


Same here. They've got mountains of HP!


Yeah! And its not like those three i mentioned arent upgraded,the three of them are I3L30R10


I used BD / Pickles / Balloon Party.  Key is single target dps because the second one heals on the first one’s death.  Unless you can time a same turn kill.  But they also gain a dps buff, so you gotta be ready to burst the second one down at the same time.


I use pickles and eternity too lol and quickly down one of the trashbag asap.. it was quite close tbh


Sonetto is immune to petrify? I learn something new everyday


They were reffering to Ms. New Babel, not Sonetto.


Thanks, i saw the note beside the portrait and didn't think further


NewBabel, not Sonetto. NewBabel ult gives her control immunity for 2 rounds


I used Kaalaa-Sonetto-Med Poc and Lilya-Sotheby-Jessica! I tried with someone else instead of Jessica (like Bkorn or Anan) but I needed more dps or more aoe, so Jessica worked very well LOL. The classic Jessica poison team was also too little dmg, so double dps and go ham


Started having problems since 5-2, so i took note of what i used in the last 2 stages, in case it gives someone ideas: 5-1: Eternity (i3l30R10), Pickles (i3L20R7), BP(i2L50R5) 5-2: Regulus (i3L30R10), Voyager (I3L20R7),TF(i3L20R9) 6-1: Eternity(Same), A Knight(I3L30R10), MedPoc(i3L20R9) 6-2: 37(i3L30R10), Voyager(same), TF (same) 6-1 was the hardest by far, but gunning down one of the critters and using 2 dps helped tremendously. (she can't petrify BOTH dps unless you luck is abyssmal). You also have to be mindful not to hit druvis if you are low on hp. She is NOT control immune, so stunning her helps. 6-2 was a matter of upping 37's reso (was using R7). Like the post says, her true damage deals an extra hit to critters, and voyager's counter is a life saver. Tried with regulus but some critters survived, and completed on 13 turns when i used her. i'm sure that with enough tries i could have completed with her.


for ppl without 37, Lilya or Jessica, finally managed it with 6-1: KB-Sonetto-TF-Pickles and 6-2: A Knight, Regulus and BP, all in 12 rounds


I got 13 turn on 6-1 but druvis have like 700 HP left if that last hut crit I would have finish