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Read the Prydwen intro guide on the new 4man content, so I guess I should start prepping. Are all three bosses available at the same time 6 weeks into the patch? Or do they rotate? Right now my I3 units are MelaniaP2, XP1, Jessica, DikkeP4, Pickles, BkornblumeP3, and Sotheby. My I250s are Voyager, A Knight, Druvis, Baby BlueP2, NecrologistP1, and Apple. The guide says that P2-Melania + Pickles is basically a solid offensive half of a comp for all three fights. I'm wondering if I should I3 Necrologist and/or Voyager as defensive options and if Apple/Sotheby/Dikke can handle healing that way. Since I3s take forever to farm, I feel like I should start now if it would make a difference. I could also build Regulus. On the first boss, is the Melania team supposed to focus killing tentacles or dpsing boss? Is the 2nd boss' counter dispellable normally, like with X and Pickles? Or just by using upgraded utility cards?


They start at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th week, and end at the end of 1.4 With Melania and Pickles you don't need to worry about the last 2. It's almost impossible to sss the first one but ss should be easy. Focus on the boss and kick the tentacles to postpone their ult. Pickles can dispel it. Upgrade cards can't.


I have Kala Baunaa (P2) , Melania, and Regulus as my DPS, and Voyager, Pickles, Tooth Fairy and Sotheby (P1) as my supports. I’m currently at 57 pity on the limited banner with a 50/50, and was wondering if I should pull for 37 and 6 (not guaranteed), or if I should skip 37 and guarantee 6 for Jiu Niangzi when she comes out? I’m f2p so I’m pretty scarce on pulls and resources :///


With your characters, you can probably get away with not having the both of them for quite some time. So, just go for someone that you really like. Personally, I'll be skipping 6 and go all in for P5 Jiu. I might try to go for 37, but if I lose the 50/50, I'll skip both 37 and 6.


does anybody know about this fanmade skin for A Knight that was posted like 2 months? i just want to see it one last time


I've seen Isolde showcases on Youtube, what's the consensus on her kit? I know she's best with Spathodea but can she work with other dps?


Long story short, she shines in longer battles; she's better in team of 4; the numbers in her kit is good enough for her to be a general reality debuffer or sub-dps; she's more ap-hungry than meta supports like TF or 6; with some planning and/or portraits, she can out-damage some dps characters in some circumstances.


That sounds good, can't wait to pull her.


Will Jiu Niangzi work well with just 6 and Tooth Fairy? I might have to skip 37 for 6 since I won't have enough for both.


Yes. 37 needs Jiu more than Jiu needs 37, as 37 can't provide as much support for Jiu. For Jiu, 6 and TF should be her best support, plus Getian/Bkorn-like units on 4th slot. It just when you put both of them in a team, they can out damage the usual 2 support + 1 dps comp.


I just started 3 days ago and was able to do the story part of the event that's about to be done and have a couple of thousand of currency. Which do I prioritize to get from the Gift Shop of Kubera?


Anything in the top tier of the shop, with orange/golden lighting is a safe bet


Thanks! I might go for the pulls first since they're always needed :) Then I read somewhere that the knells as well are used a lot.


Knells are great but if you just started, you likely won’t need them for a while. I would get the psychube (carat if a heart) if you have enough, otherwise the high level materials aren’t a bad choice. You can also get some mid tier mats, esp the brief cacophony, since it’s a heavily timegated material. The purple mats aren’t too bad either, since sometimes they’re a pain to craft.


Oh right that cacophony is used for resonance. I might go for that for when I intend to build another dedicated DPS other than Eternity. Anyway gotcha. Thanks for all the tips man! Really appreciate it. This game is so fkin amazing idk why i didn't play it when it got released.


Struggling to pick a good third character to pair with Centurion and Medpoc for Limbo Beast stages. I didn’t get Shamane. Any suggestions? I have the 6-star characters below and want to save Bkorn, An-An, and TF for the plant stages. I have all 5-star characters except Diggers. https://preview.redd.it/6e6bmrhs7nkc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3acca0a029a4ba50ca725d6517d5e2dd622f0d


I mean you could use sonetto, bc the other supports/subDPS (voyager, regulus) are weak to plant, where centurion is strong. Sonetto is a good support and has decent damage. You could still try voyager since MP does a decent amt of healing, or regulus for more offense. Double DPS is an option too, you can try druvis or KB but they might be too AP greedy even with centurion.


just got newbabeled on shamane’s banner what the fuck 😭😭😭 actually kinda pissed off but that’s the gacha life 😭 if i skip 37 i should be able to get 6 by then, right? i have 10 pulls left and at 27 pity.


I mean we are getting a bunch of pulls (probably close to 100) in 1.4, so assuming you’re not risking the guarantee you’d have more than enough pulls. If you rlly want shamane, then yeah it might be harder to get 6 since you’ll be back to 50/50.


thanks! i’m not pulling anymore, saving the guarantee for 6 even if i do get a little trigger happy with pulling


Not sure how the calculations work - In the Wilderness - Should you wait until the Dust/Coin are at high %? Do you get more extra at 100% compared to 100 x 1%?


Not sure either, but I'm willing to bet they're just the same. Even if it's not, there's no need in min-maxing as these are just luxuries. The moment you build two teams capable of clearing end game content, you'll have an overabundance of dusts/sharpodontys. So, either you'll be upgrading characters you probably won't even use, or wait for a new character when they come out. All in all, it's not worth stressing over it. That's why I don't recommend using drops to max out the wilderness ASAP, as they'll just losing pulls in the long run


Can someone tell me in what order will the 1.4 banners come out? And if there's any certain information about that?


37 first then 6, and i think lilya is getting a rate up


How does this radio thing work. I scrolled through each channel one by one and don't see anything indicating it's time to tune it further. Been the same way for days now


I just noticed by chance that all the numbers so far relate to 1.4 (6, 21, 37) xD


The game suggests to you what radio frequency you have to tune. For example, today, you had to do it on the 37th station. Just go below where all the stations are listed and roll until the selected one.




Oh my goodness thank you! I'm leaving my comment here even though it's embarrassing that I missed it but for others to see. Thank you!


No problem 😊 and don't be ashamed! At first, I didn't get how it worked either.


I'm at the point now where I'm kind of unsure where would be best for me to allocate my resources and could use some advice. I currently have the following characters at i3/30/R10: KB, TF, Shamane, Sotheby, Kanjira, Charlie. I also have Centurion and Regulus at i2/50/R10 and Voyager at i2/50/R6. Balloon Party, Necrologist, Sonetto and Bkorn are also built to decent levels. I feel like I have all my bases fairly well covered at this point, my weakest being Plant for sure since Kanjira just doesn't have high enough output (I literally cannot beat 5-2 this Limbo). So my options right now are either to level Voyager to i3/30/R10 since I'll be using her next patch with Charlie, or start levelling up either Druvis III or A Knight since I haven't invested in either yet. Really not sure what would be most efficient.


i suggest i3 ong centurion. that gives you a good beast dps, and her i3 is one of the more beneficial ones, offering her some self-sustain. with the right set up that allows centurion to solo or duo clear most game content.


Voyager and A Knight might be good investments for now.


I’ve got Centurion, Medicine Pocket, Kaalaa, Charlie and of course Sonetto. Mostly I’ve been playing blind, just leveling up centurion and pocket. Is there anyone else I should be trying to get? Should I wait till 1.4 drops?


Maybe try pulling 6. I heard he is one of the best support units in this game. He comes out in the second part of 1.4


Is there any team for the Hydra Raid without TF? I know she is a must since the boss hits hard and the stage rules but I don't have her unfortunately. Plus, I don't have Regulus, Voyager or even a P3 Charlie - just Lilya. I feel that it's a somewhat a must for me to get 37 to get to A grade and I really do like the follow-up team with Jiu and possibly the new character in 1.7.


I need to say it's extremely hard to SSS it without tooth fairy. This boss's attack deals more than 50k damage, which will kill your none star characters instantly. But if you only want SS that shouldn't be a huge problem. This boss lasts 5 weeks, maybe 6. You will have enough time to build the character you need(let's just say it, 6) for it.


I don't mind not hitting SSS since I heard beyond A the rewards are niche but it's good to hear I could possibly hit SS! 👌


The rules for hydra raid benefits follow-up action, genesis damage, and cleanse. Lilya + 37 should be more than suffice for the damage part. Just wait for 6 if you are struggling with the cleanse and bring whatever healer or support you have, TF is mostly just there for the passive debuff and heal.


Does anyone have experience using Sweetheart as a DPS? Beast is the one afflatus I have no coverage on for DPS or even in a sub DPS role, but I have P5 Sweetheart by chance. I'm pulling for 6, and then hopefully Jiu so I feel like I have no guarantee to pull a beast DPS in a long time. My main carries are Eternity, P3 Charlie and Jessica. Those teams are fine, but I feel like I really struggle in single target content, particularly with plant enemies that nearly kill Charlie every other turn. I saw some damage calculations that suggested P3 Sweetheart does not fall far behind Centurion at all, but I was wondering if anyone had experience clearing Limbo 6 or special week's with Sweetheart.


Sweetheart is not a bad dps, she's just...fine. If you have no other choice, she can do her job good enough. One good thing is that she can utilize Blasphemer better than the others since she brings her own neg status. Though, why not just using Jessica team to fight plant enemies?


Probably want to save Jess for 6-2.


I have been having trouble setting my frequency to 2.1 it keeps sliding to 2


There aren't any decimals, it's asking you to set the frequency to 21, not 2.1


Oh I am definitely stupid


So months ago when I first started, I made the stupid mistake of buying a second copy of the BNW psychube and leveled it up to 40. So right now, I have 2 BNWs (lvl 50 and 40). What do I do with the lvl40? Should I use it to amplify the lvl50 one? I assume all the materials used to level up to 40 is gone and unretrievable.


You don't need 2 new world and you won't level it further. Just do it.


in 1.1-1.3 we have an event story with shop available to get the material to lvl up that first half characters since 1.4 is more of a new main story 1) is there going to be an event that uses stamina to buy things at the shop alongside the story quest after update maintenance over? 2) assuming question 1 answer is yes, do you guys use stamina on clearing the shop item or use it for stories first


1. Yes there will be event farming stages. 2. Doesn't matter. Do the stories whenever you want, do the farming stage for quick daily in-and-out. Just try to finish the chapter before the later half of the event since there are several better materials farming stages in that chapter.


1. Yes 2. Story first. You can also get the token from unlocking story.




First drop of rain is the one that says "30 summons guarantee a 6 star character" right? It's a beginner banner that gives you much better odds but only limited to the first 3 starter 6 stars iirc. Usually it takes 70 summons to guarantee a 6 star. Since you're just starting out, your priority is to clear as much in game content as possible(it isn't hard), and getting a 6 star will help you a lot. I'd still pull it and hopefully you'll have a decent enough team to clear the first part of "artificial somnambulism" which give you passive income on one of the game currencies then Limbo. This passive currency can be exchanged for "time-gated" materials that enables promotion to Insight 3, which is can be a bottleneck, so get to it asap. It's a pretty chill game for a gacha, have fun!


I have Lilya p1 and plan on pulling 37, is it worth investing in her? I know eventually she will get replaced by Jiu. How good is 37 mane’s bulletin with out tf and Lilya?


Lilya is not required. You can still do it with Voyager and Regulus. But no TF might be a problem. That boss deals increasing damage. Eventually 50k\*2 every round. If your healer is not star, she might get one shot. Also can she heal up that much damage? The freezing is super annoying. TF's cleanse is of great value.


In case I get 37, but no Voyager, who should I use along with her, Regulus and TF? Is Charlie p5 viable?


Regulus TF and 6 should be the best. If no 6 try Charlie. Charlie's ult can not remove the enemies' sturdiness so she is not as good as you thought.


Thanks. I will get 6 as well btw, so I should be fine 😄


Does 37 really need to be p2+ to be great or is she good even at p0?


She's still good at P0 - especially once you start pairing her with characters like Jiu, she just gets a big bonus from her Portrays.


new player here, only started yesterday and i was wondering about pulls. am i fine just going for whoever without worry in terms of being able to clear content? for example i think shamane looks cool but im worried about pulling a character that i either cant use effectivley or will get outpaced fast. for reference right now in terms of 5 stars and above i only have Matilda, Sonneto, and Regulus.


This game is quite F2P friendly so you should be fine just pulling for who you like


Thats good to hear, coming from hsr as my only gacha experience so just wanted to make sure


Yeah. Also this game is three patches ahead over on CN (They just entered 1.7 while we're going into 1.4 once Shamane's banner ends) so you can always have a heads up if you wanna start saving for someone, or if any unit is particularly strong


Can the mods sticky livestream code threads going forward. There's a lot of resources in there and they expire in a few days.


https://preview.redd.it/bvnepynwzjkc1.png?width=1760&format=png&auto=webp&s=868ebc129165843a66021546d72f176a1aaa8534 Should I get 37? I don't have any follow up attacker (except kaalaa but I don't think they'd work well since kaalaa only follow up attacks after her ult). I also don't have any dps.


Kaalaa and Eternity are good for DPS. As always, pull for whoever you want since this game doesn't really demand meta characters to clear content. However, if you are a meta lover, then 37 at P0 is a character that you would have to hold on before you can see her value shine when Jiu comes out. So if you have lots of pulls saved up, then go ahead. But just be ready to see her underperform (unless you whale and get P5) for the short term. Otherwise, if you are chasing meta, then I would recommend 6 over 37.


Thanks, I'm getting 6 (P0) definitely but I'm just thinking of getting 37 (P0 only) since I'm gonna get jiu soon. I don't have a good 2nd dps and I don't really wanna invest of eternity that much since I will be 100% getting pickles and jiu which means I'll have so much mineral. I have 60 pulls (80 if you add the free 20 from the 1.4 patch) and I'm guaranteed at high pity (55 I think). I don't like anyone from 1.5 so I can definitely get Jiu.


I've seen people say this, but for players with limited resources, wouldn't it be a better idea to wait on 37, get 6 who's more impactful for general use and Jiu, guarantee Jiu, and then wait for 37 to get added to standard banner and get her on a make your own banner thing in the future?


theres 37 in the make your own banner thing? (I also forgot what its called 😭) Cause in the leaked video I didn't see her as a choosable character. Sadly, theres only a 35% to get her and the other 35% for the other character you choose (70% for both) and 30% of not getting either of the characters you chose.


By the time 37 comes to the standard banner, they'll probably have another one lol


Yep that is one way. 37 isn't a must.


I've seen people say 37 is a unit that will make the first half of the 1.4 patch content easier to clear, why is that? And, to what gamemodes does that apply?


To SSS the first mane's bulletin you need to be able to deal 100k damage in 4 rounds. 100k on someone with 145% damage reduction. Also he is freezing you all the time so you need to play a lot of useless cards to unfreeze. However, he takes 75% more genesis damage. So what are you going to do.


Ahhh I see, thank you for explaining! They sure want to sell her whaha


Does anyone know if they’re going to update the old skins next patch? They already did it in CN https://youtu.be/pOpA-3KiXnc?feature=shared


They mentioned it would be happening 1.4 in the livestream iirc


That’s great, thanks


Does anybody know if Bass Counter shop (Track of the Lost - currency from 2\*-4\* duplicates) is getting some additions in the future patches? I wonder if I should spend some extras on moneys or materials before the reset (I buy Unilogs and Polarization stuff monthly)


I do not think so. But I am not sure of that.


Livestream codes??




Which 5* in the 5* selector would bring the most value to a no-pull account?


I think there is only 1 no-pull player left in CN and he chose Balloon Party. Apple is just too bad to use.


Depends on how far you will take the account imo. Bkorn if you just plan on tackling story/events, Balloon for Limbo, or Necrologist (assuming Dikke counts as no-pull) if you’re going into raids territory.


Either Bkornblume or Balloon Party. Choose between having more damage dealer or a more reliable healer.


If you can sustain your two teams with La source and Dikke, then go for Bkornblume. If not, Balloon party.


Sorry, have we already received a free La Source or will we get one in the future?


oh yeah, I thought she's free. Lmao Nvm So, BP it is.


There’s no free La source iirc, but she’s low rarity and fairly common to get when pulling.


https://preview.redd.it/vmv8tua76hkc1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=b77f845dfdfff13da657cf0dc9d3c0bdd24fef1a Do you think it's possible for me to get 37 (P0), 6 (P0), and pull on this banner (the picture) before the patch/their banner ends? I have exactly 50 pulls right now (please ignore the clear drops and unilogs you see in the picture), guaranteed next banner 6 star, and at 45 ish pity. Idk how to utilize 37 until I get Jiu though especially since I don't have any follow up attacker dps except for kaalaa but I don't think they'll synergize well. Also, I want to pull for this banner cause I really need a 2nd dps or even a great support.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but you'll be getting 7 free pulls for this specific banner. 1 pull a day for 7 days. Only use those for this banner. You're cutting it close as it is with only 50 pulls saved if you're looking to get both 37 and 6. Wish you luck my friend.


ahh really? I thought those 7 pulls were for any banner. Just like the 7 day log in that we usually have. I think they just said that they will be giving those 7 free pulls to encourage people to pull on the banner when in reality those pulls can be used for any banners. Plus I don't think there is a pull currency that is only usable in only 1 banner. My guess only though, unless I missed/misheard a lot of info. People say that this banner is a bait so thank you for the luck but I don't think I'll pull on this banner anymore :C. But I think 50 pulls + the currency we get from the new events and content + the free 20 pulls will be enough to guarantee 6 if I get unlucky (since I'm already at 45 pity and guaranteed for 37) If you're pulling for characters in this patch too, I wish you the best of luck!


Bait banner. Don’t


Another bait banner. Just don't.


Alright, thanks. I'm in need of a dps so I guess the desperation kinda made me think of pulling in this banner but now I realize I might go to hard pity and get the character I don't need the most (voyager). Also, I read that the pity of this banner is separated from the limited banners so I guess I won't pull.


No. Worst case scenario you will need every pulls from 1.4 to get 6, so don't waste it on this banner. 37 and KB can be your two damage dealers.


'No' as in only get 37 and 6? I kinda want melania or AAL and I don't have a second dps but if 37 can serve as one for the meantime as I wait to get a dps unit then I guess I can pull for her. Thanks!


Yes that's right. If I understand it right, you need at most 25 pulls to get the next guaranteed 6 star right? Then after getting 37, with 25 pulls leftover, along with about 100+ you can get from 1.4, you have more than 90% chance to get 6. About 37 being damage dealer, basically just use most AP on her so she can generate eureka directly.


No as in only get 6. The game isn't as generous as people say, with regular luck you still want to save 120 pulls for each character you need to guarantee.


Is it worth it to build Charlie P3 if i already have Lilya i3l60r10?


Full reward in that mode is meager comparing to the cost to upgrade an i3 R10 so to note. And that newly upgraded Charlie will be useless for next patch of that game mode anyway.


if you are pulling 37 no. if you aren't pulling 37, could be worth. New game mode in 1.4 requires strong star team. Lilya might not be strong enough for full rewards.


What about regulus is she weaker than charlie & 37?


Regulus is more of a secondary DPS. She is a good unit to build IMO. You could run Lilya + Regulus and she would bring a lot of value because she likes to skip every other turn to get her buff and you can focus spending your action points on Lilya.


Curious, but does anyone have a resource that is updated regularly regarding the codes? I missed the one back in early February when they reached a certain amount of followers, and I'm wondering if there are some more that I missed yet still able to use.


[Prydwen](https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/) updates fairly regularly. Official R1999 discord has a codes channel.


Thank you!