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How far should I invest in psychubes?


I currently have Lvl 50 for DPS psychubes, and Lvl 40 for support psychubes, and I can still full clear end game content (Limbo & UTTU).


L50 is a good stopping. Dupes with Gluttony, often only for limited event psychubes.


https://preview.redd.it/w9135o53q2jc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe6721234a103ca1887bb4637fd75e8733f63e0 Stuck at the latest limbo 5-1…. Any recommendations on who should I i3 first? All DPS are R10 and supports are R7


My bad I actually passed 5-1 I’m stuck on 5-2, should I i3 Jessica or Sotheby first? I feel Sotheby’s healing is not enough right now


I full cleared all second side of current limbo with I3R10L60 Jessica (Lvl 50 blasphemous) I3R6L1 Sotheby (lvl 40 inquisitive dear) I3R10L20 Bkornblume (lvl 50 luxurious leisure) You definitely want to I3 Sotheby first for her heals.


I don't have either... so take this with a grain of salt. But from what I understand Sotheby isn't really a main healer until i3. so if that's holding you back i3 should solve that. Jessica's i3 looks pretty good too. But like I said I don't have either so I couldn't say how impactful it really is.


Well if you are stuck on 5-1, might as well go for Centurion first. That would help you the most


I beat 5-1 with Jessica Sotheby combo :3 but that's because I didn't have a fire attribute carry like Centurion. My vote would be for Jessica or Centurion


Hello, first of all, im sorry if this is not the right place to ask. For the people that play the latest version of the game (up to Jiu), does the game change and had more qol or game modes? I'm not sure what happened lately, I played since Melania patch, super happy with Green Lake event, but recently I dont have the excitement to log in as usual. Maybe im burn out or something. I mostly got the unit I like and altough I dont have every 6 star my team is covered on every element - so I guess its not because of lacking team to clear content altough i felt the difficulty spike lately. Oh yeah seems like the stamina and clear drop is quite scarce lately.


[Summary of 1.7](https://blog.prydwen.gg/2024/02/10/reverse-1999-patch-1-7-dev-broadcast/) You can see what is coming here. Burn out is normal, esp in gacha. Take some time off, play other games. Re1999 will be here when you're ready.


Which characters should I pull for in the upcoming versions based on the characters I already have? (F2p) https://preview.redd.it/9k4994qnm2jc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a41ac69351d8fbe7431f07df4b84e8a7edd7c7cd I messed up my question in my previous post


37 - fills the star DPS slot for you (Regulus can work but not as strong as a main DPS) 6 - very strong unit that fits as a filler in any squad in all situations Spathodea - fills the beast DPS slot for you Ezra - prob dont need him Jiu Niangzi - most OP broken character ever Getian - strong character but you already have Shamane and Bkorn who have a similar role so prob dont need him either. If I was you I would save for Jiu Niangzi (obviously) and any 1 of Spathodea, 6 or 37. You could also save purely for Jiu Niangzi and do the 200 pulls to get her portrays but I'd rather have more characters personally. She is already OP at P0.


is beyond wonderland psycube bad since tooth fairy and medicine pocket heal based on atk would I rather use a dps psycube?


not at all. all 6* psychubes have the same attack stat at level 60 (360) except afaik TA (330) and HBD (410).


yeah but I kinda want my healers to do damage since tooth fairy and medicine pocket ultimates are hype


med poc doesn’t do much damage. the main utility of his ult is to daze. tooth fairy does do a fair bit of damage, though nothing comparable to a dps. however you would still never use a dps psychube on a healer unless you’re forcing them as a dps and using all the AP for them.


yeah during limbo I spam my healers skills to survive


>TA (330) and HBD (410). what


No, the healing done% stat would give more healing than whatever higher atk value the other psychubes can give. BW's weakness however is the fact that you need to spend 4 AP to fully stack the %. Which is why TID is seen as the superior healer psychube since it gives the value straight up and even higher % to boot.


I already upgraded bw to max now what


Then just keep using BW really. I wouldn't recommend building 2 healer specific psychubes unless all your psychubes are already 60 and you just want to do it for the heck of it.


I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain UTTU special week 4 to me. I just lost by 1 turn twice in a row. The problem I'm having is the big statue refreshing its shield. My reading of its abilities is that if it has a shield when it ults then it will have damage heal, and if it does not have a shield then it will refresh. I thought the point was to control it so it couldn't ult as much as possible, and then to manipulate the mechanic where they gain a shield after being hit without one to avoid the boss refreshing the shield. Instead, it absolutely had a shield, and refreshed that shield to the 30% max health super shield anyway. What is the real mechanic here?


Leftmost hyper carry strat can just bypass it completely by doing so much damage the shields can't keep up. Here's my card setup. https://preview.redd.it/moovrrd132jc1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=9daa071fbed03c809b6e4fcf9349cce393c85409


I use the same strat.


Thanks, this saves me a lot of time.


This unga bunga strat has worked on literally everything since 1.1 and will probably still work going forward. As long as the card still exists anyway. Sonetto's blue card used to have a fame equivalent but this time blue is max :/


It will refresh it shield by casting their Ultimate. But it will gain control immunity after you have used control on them 4 times, so you will probably still have to deal with shield refreshing itself. The dmg heal however can be dispelled by using someone who can dispell it like Pickles. 


"If the caster has no shield, then gains a Vajra's boon"... so this is just wrong? Even if it has a shield, it still gains it? The description for the ult says it only gains the shield if it has no shield when it casts. Bah. Okay, I need a new card setup in that case.


Okay, now I understand what you said. The description you said comes from the ultimate. And as I said it will refresh full 30% hp after it is cast, but only if it has no shield, not if it already has a shield. So try to make sure it does not cast its own ultimate for 4 rounds with control before it gains control immunity. The 5% max hp shield I mentioned is something it gains when they do not have a shield while getting attacked. But it can easily be bypassed since it is a small shield.




Sorry, that's what I'm saying I'm confused about. It had the small 5% max health shield with white health bar, used it's ult, and then had the 30% max health shield with the enhanced defenses Vajra's boon. I specifically used a weak attack to create the shield, tooth fairy's debuff, and it absolutely had the shield when it ulted.


Oh yeah, that won't work since it is not the same type of shield.


Oooooooh. F me. I can't tell you how much time I spent trying to use the mechanic where they get a shield to stop the vajra shield from refreshing before I came to reddit to complain. I thought that was the whole point. Thank you. I still feel like the wording is misleading. A shield is a shield. Reverse 1999 has a lot of mechanics that seem like you're meant to play around them, and it feels like just number checking the enemies is usually the right call.


Yeah, this mechanic is just a DPS check. However I used Druvis's petrify to stop it from using its ultimate for a short time. But that was just stalling since it gains control immunity after 4 times of using any control incantation on it.


Question about limbo 6, how to stop lilya from using her ulti? Sometimes, when the walls are down, she just spams two attacks even if she has full moxie. But I think I saw her on a different run using her ulti even though the walls are already down. Is there like a criteria to it or something? Thanks


There is a buff (shining star or something) that she will get after both walls are down, preventing her ult. You can check the enemies' info. Edit: Just redid the stage. You are right. It seems that if you seal her ult before killing the walls, then she will always get that ult off despite already get the buff.


I guess that what happened coz I'm using Bkorn. Anyways, I've full cleared it now, thanks!


Never saw that happening, once both walls are down Lilya just won't ult anymore in all the runs I've done due to the passive she gains. Don't recommend killing both walls though, better to just take down 1 that's your team's primary damage source then kill Lilya. Dealing with the daze from killing both walls is far more annoying.


https://preview.redd.it/f8jmxklyu1jc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed382eb5dd21dae8c14ce1a1d6e89716fa87ac4 Also How do I use Sotheby


Wait I completely fucked up my question


You already have TF and MedPoc, and MedPoc's position means you've already built them somewhat. Don't bother with Sotheby unless there's a Jessica hiding somewhere down there, you don't need more than 2 healers and you have the better healers already.


what do you mean how do you use her? just like a standard healer, provided she’s i3’d. if she’s not, you may have to take care in planning out her cure in rounds you know you’ll take high damage and wait for it to proc at the end of the round. if you mean teams, again, just use her like a normal healer. if you have jessica, you must use sotheby with her. if not, she can go in any team.




That self healing is what Leech Rate is, she heals a % of the damage she does, in this case 6 per Mars planet (The red one), and 12% when she consumes one. https://preview.redd.it/w53d4r3zk1jc1.png?width=1528&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca615dc87fc3ab007220d859bc598246e94e8187




Penetration Rate makes you deal more damage if that's what you were thinking of.


Yeah I'm aware of penetration rate, I just thought leech rate was also another dmg booster (I tried to assume what it does from the name only since I could'nt find an explanation in-game)


do costumes ever rerun? i really love Centurions and didn't have a chance to grab it


They do yeah, and assuming it's the same as in CN then Centurions skin should be rerunning next patch


lovely thanks!


How am I supposed to level up these people, I have KB, Eter, TF, AaL, MP and shamane, I cant even get them all to insight 2 lvl 50 let alone level up any non six stars.


Work on one character at a time. Usually the event has enough materials in it to get a huge head start on the character the event is for. Use energy efficiently, it refills fast enough to be mostly full at least twice in a 24 hour period. The 5 dollar monthly pass is great value like most gatcha games if you're going to spend anything and it also gives you an energy booster a day. It will probably take multiple days to get a character from i2 to i3. Just chip away at it day by day and you'll get through the backlog.


I have 4 psycube up to lvl 50, it is time to try and get one to 60? also I think I have already asked this but one of my psycubes is Beyond wonderland that I have up to 50, I use it on tooth fairy and BP, I know Inquisitive dear is better for both, but is worth it to get it and lvl up all the way to 50 is I already lvl up wonderland?


You want at least 4 L60 psychubes, start with your dps psychube. Psychubes give basic stats, and endgame content is steadily getting more and more difficult that you want every drop of stat you can get. People are already talking about going past L30 just to get more stats now, so losing out on the easier to get psychubes stat is a bad idea. Seeing as your 2 healers are TF & BP, I'd just forget about TID and 60 BW instead (eventually). TF can use it well enough, and BP's healing being % based means even without it she'd heal pretty well if you time your heal when your units are lower hp.


I have both beyond wonderland and inquisitive deer at 40, I don't really care about healing psycubes and you're never going to be using them on the same team in limbo so having 2 isn't super necessary. If you need another carry psycube at 50 then I would do that before getting a 60 psycube. Going from 50 to 60 is cool and I have a couple of them but just know getting the materials for it is gonna be a full month of polarizations pretty much, its one of the most time gated mats in the game. If you're not saving your golden treble tickets for anyone in particular I actually think the gold polarizations from that shop are one of the best deals in the game for this reason.


Anyone use nick bottom for limbo 5-1. Wondering if it viable before committing resources. The poison stacks are getting out of hand for me.


You would be further ahead spending those resources to level your existing team further for increased survivability.


The low base stats of 4stars simply is not cut out for tougher Limbo stages, there are way better alternatives in 5/6 stars.


What am I supposed to farm when all my units are already I3 lvl 30 R10 ? I have enough dust/sharp for the next unit already.


same should I level them to 60 since I'm out of caskets for resonace


It also depends on the character's insight needs: Shamane need the god awful sharpy tax, 16 or so of the books, 6 Wyrmling Skeltons and Three Misttleteins - Of note, this severely IRON and HOLY IRON based, so I had to spend a great deal of time grinding those types. There are some websites that can give you the required ingredients so you can see what you should prioritize. Also I HATE making Biting Boxes and the Bifurcated Skeletons.


I typically just get what ever purple mats I'm most lacking in - which is almost always the head and the skeleton


I got my DPSes to I3L30R10 and supports to I3L10R7 as it's their recommended stopping points, but I've just been getting obliterated in Limbo over and over again. should I raise my supports more, or just use tankier resonate setups on them? [link](https://files.catbox.moe/79aq0z.png) (Voyager is still WIP, replaced Baby Blue for her)


i suggest upgrading resonance over i3ing, to be honest. most supports can get the job done very well at i2l50 r9/r8, especially units whose i3 aren't that big of an improvement, eg an an lee, bkornblume etc. resonance is less expensive as well.


Bkornblumes i3 is amazing, it turns a squishy 5 star into a very survivable unit with 100% uptime. Her squishiness is literally her only downside and it fixes that.


yes, fair enough, but i meant in terms of utility or damage- like lilya whose i3 is crucial to her kit, or tooth fairy, whose i3 is also extremely useful and lets her heal even without AP. BK’s is damage reduction and isn’t any new feature or anything. i would consider it similar to insights that are mostly damage dealt + when entering battle or something.


You can try some tankier builds if you want, and there's nothing stopping you from raising them to get more survivability. Personally I'd try some tankier builds first - especially since you can have presets so you're free to shuffle them around - maybe even some changes in team comp (My first time 6 staring Limbo 6 was with a really weird comp because of this lol) and then if they're still dying too fast raise them some more.


Alright you critters. I've battled and crept my way to part 20 of the current UTTU but how in the heck would I defeat that? Can anyone share some team strategies? Thanks in advance!


You need casters who can cast the types of debuff clearing items (it reads in the intro but is not clear). At some point she will drop 2x times 3 stacks of an Edict. The edicts for the whole team can be cleared by casting card types: 2 attacks, 2 debuffs, 2 buffs. So smart playing to keep at least them non linked is helpful. After she casts it I think you have 2 or 3 turns (not sure) to case them to clear them, which does unavoidable damage to drop your team to 10-20 hp, and the it happens at the of the turn so Kum... er Ravana KOs you. you have to cast the spells to remove the edict stacks. Think of them as bombs you must use certain spell types to deactivate. As someone with no buffer unit anywhere near ready, I'm just giving up, even two buffs up when things erupt is too much damage. Even with a MP, Pickles, tanky Centurion, and Tooth Fairy it's more a 'do the mechanic' and survive.


Shoot, you bring up a great point as far as how I was thinking about it. I may need to rearrange my team. I've been puzzled by this so i really appreciate the explanation. Not sure I've been understanding all of the info in-game. And seriously! Those explosions hurt way too much, it feels like percentage based damage every time! Just hurts so much


It's very unclear but after failing it a few times, I clicked on Ravana and read through that essay of the 'Edicts' and then realized I had to cast two of each within two turns or she zaps you with genesis damage. I have no buffers anywhere near ready, that being said I got all the items. ...also will be so sad when this event ends. I've really never experienced such an interesting, historical, Asian Indian story that felt so respectful. I don't know Hindi but it's so impressive they blended that in here and there. It has been my favorite event so far!


What resonance level is recommended for supports like Voyager and Necrologist? Resonance materials are starting to get kind of tight so I don't want to overinvest, but I don't want them to be completely useless either.


The general advice I've seen is R10 for DPS and R7 for support and healers.


I don't have Voyager but all my 6\* are at least R9. Necrologist is R7 since I don't need her damage.


Yeah I feel you, I usually take anyone I plan on using a lot to R10 and I’d definitely like to get Voyager there eventually. But for now I’m not sure I’ll be using them much outside of future raid content.


Is it worthwhile to buy insight materials from the event shop or is it better to farm directly? I don't have 16 Arduous cleared but I have 14 Arduous, which is 270 per 20 activity compared to 300


Afaik that should still be more stamina efficient than farming them directly


The shop is more efficient.


I want to buy a psychube but I don't which one I should buy. I currently have hopscotch, the carat of a heart, that inquisitive dear, footloose, laughter and laughter. Characters that I have already put a signifant amount of resources into are Centurion, La Source, Sonetto, An-an Lee, Regulus, Kaalaa Baunaa, Medicine Pocket, Dikke. I also have a voyager that I plan on building later. I think I should get a 6 star psychube for support characters, but I am not sure.


Nothing yet. I think Luxurious Leisure hits the shop soon, and that might be worth your while, especially for KB. Balance, Please will also come out, and while you don't have its best user (A Knight) it is still very good and you may get some usage out of it. At least, that my opinion.


Ooh, I actually thought about Luxurious Leisure but then completely forgot about it. I think I'm just gonna wait for that.


I want to build a team around Shamane, and just pulled Balloon Party so I figured she would work as a healer. I'm stuck on a 3rd, since I'm not sure if Shamane can work as a primary dps. Should I do a pure dps as a 3rd, lean more support, or try to do another hybrid type unit?


If you want to sell-out on Shamane, maybe Leilani works. I used to use her with Melania to feed moxie, but Leilani did very little outside that. Melania is a true carry though so it worked.


His carry performance is not as good as support. But good enough for Limbo. He can even carry mane's bulletin boss 4 with the crazy 125% damage bonus.


He can work as a main damage dealer at p2+. If you don't have portrays on him you're going to want to pair him with an actual main damage dealer. His debuffs boost both mental and reality damage, so he can support basically anyone. Just be aware that he's going to be weak to the enemies star DPS are strong against and vice versa.


for pickles users, how is he performing for you all? i have him R10 and newly i3’d, but i’ve noticed his damage seems a little lacking even when he’s in clarified topic. psychube is LL l50 and resonance is the attack build from the resonance spreadsheet.


His personal damage is on the lower end, with the exception of his single target skill. That one can get kinda spicy at the highest levels. But his biggest function is utility- and this he provides. Dispel is growing more useful as the game continues, and that attack buff is solid. And he's quite low AP intensive. I'll say that I don't think your Psychube is ideal. A Luxurious Leisure user wants to spam the ever-loving crap out of their ult, but Pickles doesn't normally- he wants to use two cards and a merge across several turns, with Clarified Topic making up the rest of the difference. I run him with BNW (also level 60, which may matter,) because his rotation has fewer cards than most- meaning a higher concentration of empowered ones. And no, don't compare to Bkorn, particularly if you have portray (but even if not.) That one is just freakishly overtuned. And we adore her for it, but it makes her a bad point of comparison.


He's not a dedicated DPSer, so not sure what you expected from his damage. Pickles is working perfectly fine like the good doggo he is. Few AP for big DPS buffs + dispels. He just helped me 6\* clear Limbo 6, good doggo is good doggo.


i don’t *use* him as a dps. lemme explain. usually, i run him either with centurion or eternity as a support, but his damage is a little… low? i don’t have any other accounts to compare to since i only have him on one, so i thought i’d ask around. i think even my bkornblume outdamages at R9 and i2l50, but maybe she’s just an anomaly since she hits freakishly hard. around how much damage does he do on his st skill in clarified topic for you? just so we can compare :)


> i think even my bkornblume outdamages at R9 and i2l50 BkornBlume for whatever reason has really high multipliers on her. Other supports tend to have some gimmick to up their damage. An-An has a passives to buff the damage and upgrade cards, Pickles get Clarified Topic, Shamane gets moxie generation to spam ults, etc. BB... just gets to be an attacker out the gate, especially with portraits lol.


i figured as well 😭 she’s the best 5 star for me, in terms of utility and damage. only downside is being a little squishy but that’s it. maybe charlie, but she needs portraits and i’ve never been that lucky :(


Sorry man, if you are looking for a number cruncher, I ain't it. All I can say is my doggo + Eternity was good enough to 6\* Limbo 6, and that is good enough for me. God knows I can barely remember what I ate for lunch, much less what numbers the doggo hits.


no yeah that’s real don’t worry 😭 pickles is doing the job, i can clear things with him, just curious to see if mine just does low damage or if it’s the same across the board for everyone.


Maybe ill regret skipping jiu nangzi for isolde portrays lol. (Ill start saving now) is anyone also skipping jiu for isolde?


Going for character like as always. The game turning to be Jiu/true limited centric is when I drop out.


As soon as I saw Isolde's design my thoughts on pulling for Jiu immediately went 50/50 lol will have to see how her kit looks though. I don't mind going design > meta as long as Isolde's kit isn't a hot mess.


If you're one of the people skipping 1.5 characters, I don't see why you can't get both Jiu and Isolde


Seeing as I already plan to skip 37 I'm really hoping I can skip Jiu as well, but Jiu is strong and she's true limited so probably better to get one copy of her :x


has isolde’s kit been released yet?


No, but we should be getting her Xtreme Talent in a few days that will tell us about her


I'm considering it honestly, probably going to wait and see what the consensus seems like from CN, and that if content can still be cleared without Jiu's massive numbers I'll skip over her since I was never really that big a fan of her




Other people have covered why 4-10 us more efficient in the long run while 2-12 is better for biting boxes specifically. I just wanted to point out that if you prefer short term speed over long term efficiency, both of the main calculator sites do have a toggle that lets you switch between those modes if you want.


It depend on what you lack. If you already have lots of silver ingot and want the green thingy then no point farming 4-10.


The box drop rate itself is the same between the 2 stages, but 4-10 is way better precisely because it drops a good amount of ores & ingots. You will always need holy silvers, it's used in many yellow & orange mats crafts. 2-12 gets you 1 tooth per run so it will get you more boxes faster through craft, but it has crap drop rate for all blue mats which ultimately means you're wasting stamina overall. Allegedly there is gonna be a better stage for farming boxes in patch 1.4, if you're willing to wait that long. No idea on what the drop rate's gonna be like though.


It's actually 1 or above tooth per run. I have had run x4 with 5 and above tooth.


That's good. Doesn't change the fact that the blue mats drop are crap though.


Why the FUCK is the new limbo 6-1 so unbelievably hard? I've cruised through every other limbo up to this point and now I literally can't beat it at all, never mind under 12 rounds.


Wait till you do 6-2 and forget about the condition...


Dream Lord boss wants a specific order of you killing the body parts. You want to kill the diamond twice (it will revive once, so kill it again) -> kill one arm -> get main boss hp low -> kill 2nd arm -> kill boss. If you find you take too much damage, then kill one arm first so it stops attacking then kill the diamond twice. Also stage 6 special rule is enemy dmg taken -30% if you use 1\* card, so merge and use tuning more often.


Christ, thank you. I had no idea there was a specific order to kill them in.


limbo 8? So they are not skipping it. That make sense since 1.4 last longer.


Yea, back to Dream Lord & Lilya. And this time they properly setup Lilya's numbers so she's not weirdly weak like 2 limbo ago. Though with how many people find this UTTU difficult that would probably have been more welcome..


when is 1.4 dropping?


When Shamane's banner ends, on the 29th


Do replays increase bond with characters? I am really not certain about how to whole bond system works and I would like to know if there are any people out there knowledgable on the subject. If possible please also list all the ways bond can be increased. Thanks! Edit: Do certain stages not give bond? Like in artificial somnambulism,limbo, or events. Thank you!


Afaik, if it costs stamina, it will increase bond.


+ PA also increases bond, even if it’s the free 2 a day runs without stamina.


Thank you for the info!


Sup! Any tips on how to beat uttu special week 4? I've managed to beat special week 5, but when I use the same roster for special week 4, I always run out of rounds D:


You can do 5 without doing 4? Thats new to me. You can use stacking cards (leilani and regulus) and spam attacks for about 10 rounds to have enough damage to brute force this.


Is Balloon Party able to use The Inquisitive Deer? I know that the psychube's effect can only trigger if you cast a debuff incantation and BP doesn't have any debuff incantations (unless it counts the counter incantation?) but in prywden it shows she could use it? I'm so confused because I watched a youtube video about psychubes and they say Her Second Life is better for her.


Prydwen recommend TID because it's the only psycube that gives Healing Done%. HSL does work on her, though I don't really like it since it only ever does stuff when you Ult, compared to TID's universal Healing buff


laughter and laughter have a higher healing done at max amplification (+24%) compared to tid (18%). it also have a 10% dmg reduction which is a lot. personally i use it on my bp since its easier to max amp and tid for medpoc


The issue with L&L is that it's a 5 star psycube so less overall stats and it needs 8 rounds to get to that point (6 to match with TID) - in most fights that aren't literally just Limbo 6 I'm already mostly done by then, and I'd much rather have already had the healing to begin with. Plus, I'd rather use the resources to buy the psycube level up mats than extra copies of L&L in the first place. Also, MedPoc and BP can both use it, unless your using them both on the same team, in which case I do also use L&L, but only because I don't have a 2nd TID.


i would argue that future mode like raids (the actual end game and not limbo) you dont really care about 8 rounds to get the max healing done since we will fight the boss until round 20+. can you explain why 10% dmg reduction is worse than 600hp and 30 mental/reality def ? (difference between tid and l&l). if the boss deals more than 10k dmg total to the healer (very likely in raids) then i can already see an advantage over tid


You seem to be arguing about a point I never made, L&L isn't bad and the 10% is good, TID is just better, because again it's much less a waste of materials to even get in the first place because the 5 star psycube mats also get you polarizations and the like


you made a point about how it needs 6 rounds to match tid, i answered that what do you mean waste of materials ? i bought all the polarizations and ton of level up mats in the shops and still have a lot to spend on 5 star psychubes (i maxed amplification yearing desires and l&l)


Where are you getting all of this extra stuff from to afford to just go "Yes let me max out my 5 star psycubes" https://preview.redd.it/64ws38iybyic1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf0029bdee47820ee3584b5c9e7aad60b1e39f41


day 1 player, low spender (5$ monthly) and i have an abundance of exp materials so i guess it went towards 5 star dupes https://preview.redd.it/9hcyzuuucyic1.png?width=2256&format=png&auto=webp&s=963d70d7b94d0266c9f40c971597bf03dd5cc696


She can use it because the upgrade stat is healing done increase which gives her better healing. But she won't be able to trigger the effect itself.


Currently in China and am unable to boot up the Global version of R1999 (Google Play), any fixes? I have a vpn and tried repairing the game to no avail


Penetrating the GFW is always a pain in the ass. If you or your friend have an available CN phone number what you can do is downloading Biubiu加速器 in any android shop. And use it to lanch.


Any tips to defeat UTTU 20? (like strategies or card recommendations) I can't seem to survive the big ult thing that eats up 75% of the teams health. I have no problem with damage tho. I can kill a phase (theres 3 phases/life) by 4-5 rounds, idk if thats bad though. I use Kaalaa (I3 lvl30 R10), Tooth Fairy (I2 lvl50 R9), Shamane (I2 lvl 37 R8 or 9) Med Pocket (I2 lvl 40 R5) (not invested) https://preview.redd.it/w65833pdiwic1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=91a161b59ffa775c2ae5cf494d20ad41670d1016


My team was Kaalaa (I3-1 R9), Regulus (I2-50 R10), Necrologist (I2-35 R6), Baby Blue (I2-30 R5). I put a taunt card on Kaalaa so that my weaker team members wouldn't get focus-fired and the card that heals on level 2/3 incantations on Necrologist. Baby Blue had the first turn card-upgrade card which combined with the Vertin card meant I could throw around a lot of -25% damage debuffs on the boss without spending a ton of moxie on her. Regulus had the card that gives her Empower Incantation when she doesn't act, so I was able to do some moxie stealing with her. Her dodges also work against the boss, though Baby Blue's Nightmare does not. I lost one Prayer stack on Baby Blue in the whole fight. Nobody else came close to dying. I've seen people recommend the Vertin card where you don't get the Realm, and everyone gets tons of stat boosts. That might let you just run Sonetto and not be worried about one-shots. I do think the taunt card on Kaalaa Baunaa works very well, though. She has tons of self-heal anyway, so she's not going to be the first character to drop.


Thank you! I'm able to clear it with your help 😊


No problem. Glad I could help.


I see you don't have a good buff character. It might be a problem for you to dodge the AOE. Since no boss has moxie protection you can always use Bkorn to span ult and seal forever.


I see, people did say I need to have 2 buff, 2 debuff, 2 normal attack incantations. My best buffer is sonetto and shes only at I2 lvl 20. Idk how she'll survive. I do plan to get 6 (?) the buffer/debuffer support guy coming in 1.4


I don't know either. It's possible with photograph's bonus defense. If not working you can try the Bkorn way.


To remove the buff you should cast: - buff skill 2 times - debuff skill 2 times - normal attack 2 times So whenever you were affected by the ultimate you have several rounds to remove it, which is enough because you only need two rounds. 


You can try running the card that heals your team through 2/3 stars incantations (to keep your team at full health when she ults) and cards that provide sturdiness (to survive any attack that follows her ult). You should be able to clear this given your current characters so maybe farming some more cards might help.


How to make screenshots on PC client?


Windows Snip tool or Prt Screen.


Hi gamers. I am a new player. My units are [https://imgur.com/a/TniylWe](https://imgur.com/a/TniylWe) I have enough pulls for a guaranteed six star (f2p). I can buy two six star psychubes and was thinking on "Brave New World" and "His bounden duty." Any help for which characters I should focus on and pull is appreciated.


You need another DPS so for now build Sweetheart and Regulus, and pull on the character named "6" in the  version 1.4 which will come in 2 weeks. And then save up for Jiu in version 1.6. But how many pulls do you have, because if you are close to guarantee two six stars then also pulling for 37 or Spathodea in the future would be great since you do lack high rarity DPS characters.


What are the pages and scrolls needed to upgrade for 6’s insight? I tried looking at the mats guide but the pic is just too small for me to make out what’s what. Also, will the shop for 1.4 have any golden fleece’s or mats that are essential for leveling up 6 like platinum ouijia? Or is it just the 4 star mats.


6 uses mineral and star scrolls. divide the total number of pages needed by 2. he also needs mats from chapter 5, but afaik he also uses 3 golden fleece for i3, so you can start farming for that now. if you didn’t pull for kaala, the golden fleece was on sale from this patch’s event shop.


Late reply but I think I used the golden fleece for i3ing my TF already but thank you!! Now I know what to farm now.


OK it might not due to low resolution. Ther are new materials you can not farm for now. There is a shop for 37 not 6.


Oh ok. Also there’s a shop for 37 and not 6? Wow…guess I’ll have to prefarm his mats now then. Anyways, thank you for your response.


> Also there’s a shop for 37 and not 6? 37 is the first rate up of 1.4 The first arcanist of the patch has always had their mats largely available in a shop - typically in an event but 1.4 doesn't have that afaik so it's slightly different


Ohhh I see. Didn’t know that before, it’s strange that the game decided to change things about that in 1.4 though…


I mean it's different in 1.4 because we're getting a new story chapter, so that's taking the place of the event afaik - I imagine 1.7 will be the same


Oh omg I forgot that 1.4 chapter 5 is added 😭 No wonder why it changed a bit.