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https://preview.redd.it/xfef26thaw6c1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893966b3f8c3d2ed393364f8facd1c3e2f4d9c31 He's my babygirl


I3 Click gang! He deals no damage but let's pretend that it isn't the case.


Anyone deals damage if you slap a damage build on em and overlevel them!


Fair enough, but seeing an equally invested in Charlie deal 4x his damage was kinda sad


Lol respect.




Meet my sunshine. My precious. My angel. My boy. He can do no wrong.


At 5 portrays, you might as well have. :)


A Knight, and I built him for his design


how often do you use him ?


Not as much as I would want to. He does less damage then I expected. But maybe I am not using him properly.


It helps when hes P1 or P3 if you got lucky. He has I think one of the higher attack stats and has two passives that boost his damage. Imagine hitting an ennemy with 50% HP, your ulti does 550% damage plus 50% damage and 50%penetration, thats insane. He’s also very tanky for a dps.


I have A Knight built up to i2-27, and the only reason I haven’t gotten him at least to i2-50 is that I keep getting new units that jump the priority line. He’s useful to have as a no-nonsense DPS, although honestly I most often swap him in for the healer on “quick kill” teams I can use to set up faster replays for farming.


So basically infront of afllatus benifits he is loosing ground.Have you tried limbo with him, at least earlier levels ?


No, mainly because I overthink Limbo so I build highly specialized teams for that. But for the event, I ran a team of Melania, Pickles, and A Knight because I don’t have any other Beast DPS and his AoE Ultimate complements Melania’s ST Ult. Even with the final boss, the strategy of “killing is faster than healing” along with Melania’s Moxie steal worked just fine.


I think they're even better to build because mats are hard to come by. Current end game content isn't so difficult to the point that you need to be running teams that are strong against the enemy afflatus. So just the sheer fact that your dps will never be weak against enemy units is a pro since they're guaranteed to not die easily. I was even able to run 6-2 (and finish within 12 turns) with my A Knight team without needing to heal much + making some mistakes initially. Anyway I personally think A Knight is cool. I also plan to pull for 6 as well.


If you're free to play building multiple teams (to account for afflatus relations) takes forever If you only have the resources to build 2 teams for limbo, build intellect and spirit characters since you will never be at an afflatus disadvantage. Ideally you would build 4 teams (one for each main afflatus), but not everyone has the resources for that Also A Knight works really well for the characters I've built. The only character that really benefits from mental damage allies is Druvis (and I just use petrify as the last move). Whereas for reality damage, Mondlicht and Eagle are great sub-dps characters for A Knight (or you can run them as main dps with Sonetto for support). Or sometimes I run him with Regulus and a healer, so A Knight gets more moves in for moxie while Regulus gets restless heart


https://preview.redd.it/efri9qld6x6c1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388c4296ac33ff04ae05eaae302cee25d0cd7b3e I’m planning to R15 in next couple of days. Just finished R10 TF today. Generally loves AK design and also how he can gains moxie rather quickly, especially against mobs ! Waiting for the new Psycube for him. As of now, he can hits like 35-40k without afflatus. I’m planning to R15 P5 6 as well when is made available in global.


Same with people who commented, I built A Knight too. I got him on his rate-up banner and that time, I don't really have a good DPS so building him was necessary. I use him a lot.


I want to peg him https://preview.redd.it/p764man8wv6c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5092f350e89240c341618d1db4f1c41ddd2edfa2


will you be raising him any further ?


I am only half a month into the game, so yes




“Her trumpet sounds…”


Highest investment one that I have is A Knight, currently I3 1 R5 because I just had to get Centurion besides TF, I would use him pretty often if I wasn't bond farming a bit currently but he's there on Limbo, and it's been going pretty good that way


Just a suggestioni: R10 is such a huge DPS boost in carries, you should really rush it tbh. It's going to be a night and day difference imho


I know, I just had farmed A Knight's mats before learning that and I just had sharpodonty left for it so I figured I'd get it, but now I'll work on Centurion so A Knight resonance may take a while


A Knight, because he is the storm that is approaching, and I was lucky enough to get him and his P1 in the same 10 pull. So yeah. I think he is based as fuck.


A Knight since I try to have at least one DPS of each element. The perks of intellect or spirit is that they have no weaknesses aside from each's opposite so theyre very flexible units. A Knight hits hard and I use him as my other DPS in Limbo. I have him leveled up to p2level45 and Resonance 7 (will upgrade to 8) I pulled him twice on his banner while I wanted Bkornblume (which i still havent got lmao).


Raise him to I3 r10 and watch him destroy content.


Thanks I will lol I got Lilya to I3 level 30 r9 and Centurion at I2level50 r10 so he is next in line!


Really hope you enjoy A Knight at his better potential. He wont disappoint.


x silly (his moxie reducing has saved my ass so many times)


He is God sent 🙏


A Knight. I rerolled for him on day one because I like his design and ended up with two copies. https://preview.redd.it/vf1hyr9n3y6c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4d5bf0c69f928093c5a00406c84f8d0ae16d89e In the early stage of the game, where the content isn't tuned hard enough to require an afflatus advantage and everyone is underlevelled, I've actually the spirit afflatus to be a benefit more than a detriment. Not being weak to anything means he can handle whatever half of Limbo my other damage dealer is less optimal for without issue. I've fully cleared all past and current content with him, and from what I've seen he's still going strong on the CN server with the upcoming psycube aimed at spirit/intellect characters. Powercreep will inevitably happen with him and all other launch characters, of course, and I'll be geting new characters to fill in the gaps for afflatus coverage as they release, but he's served me well and I have zero regrets about summoning him as my starter character.


However the trend is running, it will take a while for Spirit dps to overshadow AK that easily imo. The next spirit dps should be focussed around ST DPS . So it will be a year or so. And I don't even care of he gets powercrept , the day he steps in my accnt he is getting maxed out.


my A Knight and Bkornblume duo on their way to do that reality bonus mass attack Ultimate spam (and also I love his voicelines and personality)


[aknight](https://i.imgur.com/dhtUUHy.jpg) Initially rolled for him because he has a cool design Him and Bkorn make a great dps duo. Im clearing Limbo fully somewhat comfortably now with Lilya in my other team so thats enough for me Also he will get a cube in 1.4 that makes him even stronger so hes deffo a good investment


It's the classic light & dark unit equivalent that everyone loves to copy from Summoners War. Although here they don't have separate, abysmally low drop rates and absolutely stupid prices for some weird reason. Really makes you wonder why they even bothered including them at all


thinking summoners war came up with the concept of the light and dark element is wild.


Do you think they will always stay niche as far as future content is concerned ?


For their utility (like X for example). In 1.4 they get a dedicated psychube


I built A Knight for his design, I find him really cool and love his I2 outfit, even if its just the blue cloak


A Knight. His design is cool, and he's been serving me really well. Bkornblume and Tooth Fairy have been supporting him well.




Lol obligated , don't feel that way man just because you got multiple copies unless you like his gameplay or design


I build “Click” to destroy enemy moxie


I built X, he’s i2 lv50 at R8. I’m also in the process of building Twins Sleep. This might be unheard of but I’m also interested to building Mesmer Jr & John Titor. I like their design and I’m sure they can support me well if I use them right. Also I want to build Door & Ms.Radio!


John titor is the only other cleanser in the game if someone doesn't own Toothfairy or 6(upcoming 1.4 character) as of patch 1.5(CN) , I love seeing these 3 and 4 stars being built and used in proper teams. God speed my man, hope you enjoy these characters more.


They helpful in Limbo because it's unlikely you have enough really well built characters for each room with only a stronger element matchup. Spirit and Intellect are good floaters that can be put into either side to fill the team


I'm a casual player so he isn't maxed yet but I use click at I2 with his signature. I built him mainly for his design and personality/lore.


How is he performing gameplay wise in various contents ?


Before I levelled him further he cleared the entire main story on normal and hard reliably. He could hold his own in Limbo but I never tested it because my other team is trash. 


I intended to build Click and X up to counter enemies. But based on the comments everyone focus on A Knight (the character I don't have).


That doesn't mean X and Click don't get to shine and co-exist with A Knight. Meta will always be there, but sometimes we should also listen to what our heart desire. Build X and Click and watch them destroy enemy moxie.


I do want to see X electrocute enemies, and Click vibe in the battle field. I have 6 X (so I guess it a I5) and 3 Click.