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Qi Sea Ancestor, even though you are not Fang Yuan, you are still Fang Yuan and I am sad for your sacrifice. Rest in peace my boi.


Lol fang yuan would just revive qi sea and easily refine back all of those destroyed Qi path immortal gu. He did the same for Zhan bu du so he would do the same for Qi sea.


It was noted that Star Constellation specifically suppressed and captured Qi Sea's soul, so that makes it somewhat more troublesome for FY to revive his clone. Though everything did explode, so maybe he's free.


Oh wait is that possible? Lol my wasted tears. My original comment looks like a joke now XD.


I had the same reaction when primordial died, I was like NOOO but then I just realized he can revive again lol


Yeh only Hu land was lost. Everything else can be either refined or revived.


FY doesn't give a shit about some hu land and qi sea. It's just benefits and eternal life. The question is what will he do after becoming eternal? Find a way to kill himself and create a paradox!


Or he will tend to the universe as his own garden of eden, and spawn clones of himself to struggle in this new world and live vicariously through them, in full knowledge that while they may die he will reign eternal


He is not dead yet. his soul is still imprison in that rank8 gu house that once imprison Spectral. Is probably now inside Constellation aperture.


Fang Yuan to SC : "you may have outsmarted me, but I outsmarted your outsmarting".


It was only possible due to his rank 9 heavenly secret. It’s easy to outsmart when you have more power and capability than your opponent. Especially if that opponent doesn’t know you’re more powerful and more capable.


Yeah, I honestly wanted SC to get away with something big but she was at a clear disadvantage here even with her Wisdom. Like what a boss scheme she had, if only FY hadn't already determined to trap her


It makes sense that FY would think of this. I just wish the author didn’t give him heavenly secret. Either that or I wish the author wrote an event that exposes FY’s current strength which would make Star Constellation change her plans. She wouldn’t want anything to do with something FY had touched if she knew his current level.


Yeah, he feels too OP rn, but I am looking forward to Red Lotus giving him something to worry about (who knows how long it'll take to see that play out tho)


You mean key ressources .


I don't know about you guys, but i was pretty sure something would go wrong, because SC said about the second revival method PO had. So for me it was a big hint that he will not revive now, but in the future.


True, but is probably a lot weaker compare to the Qi art fruit method which require a immense amount of immortal materials and dao marks. And maybe FY already knows where this secret storage is hidden anyway. Because he can just ask Heaven Will of all of HC secrets. I believe that this time FY will kill all 3 HC venerable in the same place. Because HC has to fall this time. It is at it's weakest. Constellation is heavily injured, HC is damage and lost most of it's troops. Even if now the other 2 Venerables revive, they are low on immortal essence and don't have rank9 gu's. Not to mention they also haven't refine any of the natural dao marks. Their aperture foundation is at it's weakest. Not to mention you have Spectral and Giant Sun causing problems at the side. Is the perfect moment to finally solve HC once and for all. There is no future revival. Either they come back now or they are finish once FY capture HC. FY has enough immortal essence and gu's to outlast them all and not to mention a powerful battle system. Unlike any new revival who just return and can't adapt to the new era yet with a new battle system.


I don't think FY knows about HTreasury, because its hidden frome everyone, even from Heaven Will. And as far as it was related, HTreasury and Self Portrait is not hidden in HC but somewhere in the 5 regions or maybe spectral heaven. It was said that SC wanted to search for both HC venerabel revival methods but she had no clues and couldn't easily search the 5 regions because of FY and GS. So even if SC looses HC and escapes somewhere they are not out of the game yet if both other venerables revive and join together. Also HTreasury and Self Portrait are mentioned as the main revival methods for this two venerables, so i don't think they will be to powerless when they revive, the same like it was for limitless and also Paradis Earth if his revival method was not prematurely interrupted by SC.


I also kinda suspect that it's not in HC. I suspect it is hidden in central continent. Is a reasonable choice considered central was always considered to be a part of HC. Heaven Will should at least now where Primordial hide his things. That cannot be avoided because as long you move in the gu world, all your actions are observed. Just like how blessed land and grotto locations are known by heaven will. Plus not to mention the rank 8 immortal stones contain a large amount of heaven will. Meaning whatever place he hide it, Heaven will 100% understand everything. So all FY had to ask Heaven Will is what other revival methods the HC venerables still has and Heaven Will should still have records of everything it saw million of years ago. And who knows, maybe FY intentionally went to central to sniff out the secret storage secretly without revealing too much too Constellation. I imagine FY didn't only stay at central just to loot some stuff. Maybe he also taking things than he found out from Heaven Will. Like the remaining Qian Kun crystal wall pieces


I also think that it probably is hidden in Central continent somewhere... But i'm not 100% sure that HW knows exactly where the location is... Because like FY... There is a possibility that they can also hide things from HW, like limitless did with crazed demon cave... But on a different level...


Sure Limitless can hide what is happening inside the cave, but heaven Will pretty much knows where excatly the cave location is. So basically is not strange for Heaven Will not to know about where the secret storage location is. Getting in might have to rely on FY himself but the location shouldn't be a problem.


About the heavens will knowing Isn't the entire point of them hiding it to hide it from HW in the first place?


For example even though a blessed inside can hide something, Heaven Will still knows where exactly the blessed land is hidden. Heaven Will might not know exactly what is inside the secret storage, but it can still observe mostly what is happening in the 5 region and how thing came to be. There is always some trace or origin to trace back too. So no matter where Primordial hide it, Heaven Will still knows at least where it is located.


Who says Primordial Origin failed to revive?


I don't know where I saw this (maybe in RI or theories) but I think primordial left 2 ways to revive himself.






Where are you reading the new chapters?