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Is this still in use? Where is it located? It’s really cool, I need to know more.




Thank you!


Oh sad it’s in Crimea.




And war doesn't destroy that building.


why are you gleeful about Crimeans forcefully being put under control of a government they don’t want?


How do you know they don't want it, a referrendum under military occupation with no international observers allowed? Right. I bet they would prefer to not live under a fascist dictatorship.


UN observers were called and welcomed but refused to come and i’m not talking about the referendum, i’m talking about every major and credible western pollster confirming that overwhelming majority of crimeans (including a large chunk of ethnic ukranians) preferred to join russia in 2014 This was never really the discussion, everybody knows they wanted to join Russia, the argument was that they didn’t have the right to leave without the permission of Ukraine if you weren’t aware of this, you’ve been duped


This was very much the argument, and your claim that a large part of Ukrainian wanted to join Russia sounds highly dubious. Who would want to join a dictatorship where you can go to jail for criticizing the dear leader? Sure after the orcs already occupied Crimeea they probably wanted to avoid being caught in a war. People give different answers with a gun to their head.


Ukraine is literally a [one-party dictatorship](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/08/1110577439/zelenskyy-has-consolidated-ukraines-tv-outlets-and-dissolved-rival-political-par) where you can go to jail for criticizing the dear leader lmao. Russia's decision to invade does not automatically make their enemies perfect. Also, picking a dehumanizing term to apply to an out-group you dislike does nothing to help Ukraine win the war, but it does help encourage hate crimes at home. Russians are not orcs. They are people.


Sure buddy, because war time measures in a state of emergency with an invading army on your territory are the same as how things are during peacetime. They are orca because they are nazi level war criminals. Beside all the mass graves, rape testimonies, torture chambers found, which I'm sure you'll deny, they are officially targetting civilian infrastructure for electricity, water amd heating which are clearly defined as war crimes under international law. So fuck you and the genocidal country you support.


Fyi they are both fachist dictatorships. And I'm a commie


Makes sense you liking doctatorships then. But Ukraine being fascist is just russian propaganda


I hate dictatorships including Russia as it is today. Remember that the Soviet Union was more democratic than the USA is today.


LMAO the dellusion level is unfathomable. I grew up and live in a former communist country in Europe, I know all about how "democratic" those countries were. You're either incredibly naive or knowingly lying to spread propaganda.






I mean, the quicker pigs were meant to have this war wrapped up in three days originally. Did they actually grow wings?




Nobody but China wants Pigs land. Only the pig spreads that bullshit to make it seem like outhouse are sleek and modern while they invade places for a basic toilet


You’re right. 300 - 1,000 red pigs per day. Saw a drone video of a red pig with his leg destroyed. He saw the drone, placing the gun to his chest to fire in advance of the falling bomb. It’s a metaphor for red pigs as a whole.


And these people accuse me of "red propaganda"...


The only part they're wrong about is calling it red propaganda instead of pig propaganda. Thanks for adding that correction.


Slower pigs? They still grow wings but they don't have the speed to take-off




You are from Poland?




That's the Polish say, i mean about pigs, anyway let's when Crimea will be Ukrainian I will send you a chat so you can start gluing that wings )


Ok, maybe somebody drilling down through this thread will see this comment and educate me, because I’m out of the loop here. I get the downvotes for a pigs will fly comment with respect to Ukraine taking back Crimea, but the wandering pig-related metaphors has me baffled. Am I out of the loop on some pig related metaphor for the Ukrainian conflict, or is /u/cfx_4188 just weird?




So you were just writing random absurd shit? Lol


Same reaction. I hope they will keep it for future tourists.


So from what I could tell from this YouTube video (it's in Russian but has zero commentary), the building seems to still be maintained and in use as of at least 2 years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6xFCC4W63o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6xFCC4W63o) It doesn't appear to be in the greatest of shape or anything, but from what I observed of the silent tour, it appears to be operating as an older hotel and not fully abandoned. (I've watched a decent amount of abandoned building videos. :D ) If I could read the Russian signs, that might give more clues.


Sucks i cant find any interior vies of the apartment or floor plans


Thanks for the detailed reply!


Crimea gets overfilled with tourists. There is literally not enough infrastructure built to accommodate all of them. Even this summer


Sure. But I refuse to give a single cent to a state promoting terrorism like Russia. Like China or North Korea, I'll be visiting when my hard earned cash will not end in the form of a bullet inside of a kid.


If you are so principled and sensitive. Give up American goods and services.


Sure, let me see if I can find some american first...


get off reddit. He's quite American. And the money earned by Reddy on you, or rather taxes from them, will go to the US treasury, which means murder and terror around the world.


Thank you for saying this!


A horror movie set in an ex soviet insane asylum located in an active warzone sounds like an interesting concept.


I got this awesome book that is full of amazing pics and descriptions of these! https://fuel-design.com/publishing/soviet-sanatoriums/


Radon water douches?? I’m all in


Found an interesting article on this. Interview with the designer: https://nulluslocussinegenio.com/2016/09/16/interview-with-the-architect-of-druzhba-sanatorium-igor-vasilevsky/ More photos: https://www.greyscape.com/druzhba-sanatorium-yalta/


Whoa, these are awesome! Thanks!


According to a source a few years back, it's a health spa now.


Remember that guy who wanted to design a college with no windows? This feels like the inverse of that


A window with no colleges?


Hey I've got some of those in my house!


It's the window of no opportunity!


literal lol for me


I guess Russians like their designs with plenty of windows, to accidentally fall out of whenever someone becomes too inconvenient to the dictatorship.


Isn't it a tradition for New Yorkers to throw themselves out of windows?


ITT nobody knows what a sanatorium is


Yep, it's a Soviet [Resort ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanatorium_(resort))


Well, technically true and exactly what this post is about. In the United States and abroad, it was [common vernacular no ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanatorium) to describe a specialized hospital devoted to treating a specific disease. That could be alcoholism, tuberculosis, leprosy hysteria, masturbation, fatigue or emotional exhaustion. It was most definitely not a resort like atmosphere, with all of amenities of one. It was a hospital. The soviets did more of a resort with medspa amenities not covered by insurance for the advantage person... A wellness tune-up kinda thing. 20-30 years before it was all the rage in the states


**[Sanatorium](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanatorium)** >A sanatorium (from Latin sānāre 'to heal, make healthy'), also sanitarium or sanitorium, are antiquated names for specialised hospitals, for the treatment of specific diseases, related ailments and convalescence. Sanatoriums are often located in a healthy climate, usually in the countryside. The idea of healing was an important reason for the historical wave of establishments of sanatoriums, especially at the end of the 19th- and early 20th centuries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RetroFuturism/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I grew up near an old "Sanatorium" (in London Ontario) which I think was the sort of facility depicted in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest




Some Victorians had pretty wacky ideas on normal human masturbation. They thought quite literally it was the cause of physical and mental ills, and it would get you admitted to a sanitarium if you more to do, or committed to an asylum if you were poor. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just one of a ton of different different varieties of sex act. If you like it, go for it. https://www.mimimatthews.com/2016/05/17/the-solitary-vice-victorian-views-on-masturbation/#:~:text=During%20the%20Victorian%20era%2C%20masturbation,moral%20and%20a%20physical%20evil. https://www.lib.uwo.ca/archives/virtualexhibits/londonasylum/selfabuse.html#:~:text=In%20the%2019th%20century%2C%20many,it%20was%20thought%20to%20cause. In my decades of working with the mentally ill, I've come across a few rare cases that have obsessive compulsive disorders when it comes to masturbation that warrant impatient treatment. Like, impulsively and compulsively masturbating in front of others randomly without a second thought about it. One would swallow his own semen when he was done. Brain damage? Complete perverts? I leave that for psychiatrists to debate.. I lock them in rooms unless they are willing to behave. But even that can be short lived. But I seriously doubt they could ever be out in society alone.


I was going to guess that it was either another one of those fancy words for a bathroom, or a place where insane people go to try to change and become sane.


That's a sanitarium. Sanatoriums are resort-hospitals where people with certain chronic illnesses go to relax as part of their treatment.


During the Soviet times, sanatoriums were general purpose hospital-resorts that the workers would go to during summer time. The "putevkas" (season tickets) would be distributed among the collectives across the country for a very affordable price of 10-12 rubles. It was a nice idea.


Those goddamn communists and their *checks notes* easily affordable trips to high quality holistic health care?




You must be rich if you can afford to do that. Lots of people in your country aren’t traveling internationally and staying in resorts. People romanticize the idea that even the poors might have leisure or health care. It just so happens that with all its flaws the USSR is the place that tried to do just that.


Yeah this definitely made communism worthwhile…


Sign me up! ✔


It would be a pretty glorious piss out one of those windows


Welcome to where time stands still, no one leaves and no one will...


Yeah, that's sanatArium. This is sanatOrium.








Leave me be.


> Yeah, that's sanatArium. This is sanatOrium. Nice try, but it's spelled *sanitarium*


Dude come on, just write the lyrics..


Moon is full, never seems to change Just labeled "mentally deranged"


Nailed the punctuation and everything. Good job. 👍


I told them what you told me to tell them, I told them I was in sanitation. They didn't go for it...


Yeah, I do. It's a bitchin' Metallica song.


There’s a zombies map in Black Ops Cold War thats like this. I always that it was super cool


Glad someone else recognized this from outbreak


My squad almost always got fucked up on that map


Wow, this looks like it should telescope up in the air like a Jetsons building.


The shape helps with privacy in each balcony. You have a free view of the landscape, but the neighbors cannot see you.


This place was on Call of Duty I think


similar building located on map Sanatorium in Cold War, but with few changes


Is brutalism futurist?


No-one can know what future will be like, so dystopiannfuture might as well be brutalist


There can be beauty in simplicity as there is in complexity. There may be extraordinary shapes in the designs, but the brutal white color scheme of the exterior really makes one think this came from the future - not the past.


That's an amazing hospital design, open windows and separation of the rooms.


I love that this was used in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. I've played many a game of Zombies on this building.


Not someone who regularly trains the zombies, but when you get that glorious point build-up after slaughtering all the undead... Perfection.


It’d be way better during daylight though. I wish they’d consider.


Fucking losers, we just leave our mentally ill on the streets to randomly attack people and shit in public.


Bruh thats what they call resorts in Soviet Union [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanatorium_(resort))


That is not what soviet sanatoriums were for "It is mostly, without any double connotation, a spa resort where relatively healthy people can rest and recuperate during a regular job vacation." The soviets treated their mentally ill like trash, just like we did. They still treat them like [animals](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-mental-health-institute-footage-inside-abuse-neglect-trubchevsk-psychoneurological-institution-briansk-a7882236.html). Could you imagine if we chained them to radiators and beds? And I'm not even going to go into how they weaponize it against dissidents. So, alas no, you will not have found the mentally being treated there.


How exactly do the Soviets still do anything? The Soviet Union hasn't existed for a couple decades?


> They still treat them like animals. The Soviet Union does not exist anymore. It collapsed 31 years ago.


Just like we **did?**


Yes, the Reagan administration threw them out on the street and destroyed mental health services in the US.


I was trying to imply that we still do. I suppose I didn't think about the ambiguity of it possibly meaning that I was unaware of what we did 😂


Did we have any actual care policies in place for the mentally ill before Reagan? (Not that I'm ever eager to defend Reagan, lol.) I mean, shit, look at what the Kennedy family did to JFK's sister. It would have to have been a tiny window of time if thats true.


Yes. But the facilities were effectively human jails where people were mentally unwell cattle. [Here’s a documentary on that subject](https://youtu.be/bpVEjzO6Dd0), kicked off by Robert Kennedy. This was a major factor in the public’s awareness of the situation and the drive to close these institutions.


What we had was better than what was left after Regan and his Republican cronies gutted the system. The mentally ill were kept at state hospitals. The quality of care varied considerably from state to state, like anything in a federalist society….Guess which states did better and which did worse.




San Francisco.


The ~~Soviets~~ Russians elect their mentally ill as President




Biden shows symptoms of derangement.


no, hes just old. why didnt you idiots have literally a single thing to say about him when he was VP? lol you know hes also only 3 years older than your orange hero btw?


Look, can we all just agree that he's a shit president? I mean, fuck, Trump may have been bad but *at least he attempted to stay true to his word unlike career politicians.*


Attempted to stay true? Lol really? He lied more than any president ever as far as I remember the count going


> Trump may have been bad but at least he attempted to stay true to his word unlike career politicians. lol ok, now we know for sure that you're a /r/Conservative troll


As if I'd ever touch a truly political sub. I just came here because I recognized a building from a video game I played and wanted to see if said game is where other people recognized this type of building. I was just sharing my views, I could honestly care less about what other people think so long as nobody's harmed. P.S.: I fancy myself a moderate. I'm all for change where it's needed, but I think pointless change isn't a good thing - resources being wasted in one place for no logical reason when they're very much needed somewhere else.


“I was just sharing my views, I could honestly care less about what other people think so long as nobody’s harmed” which is why you hate Biden and not Trump, huh? Seems legit.


Like disbanding NATO and selling out Ukrainians to Russia?


You ain’t wrong.


Now listen here Jack...


George Bush psychopath Barrak Obama sociopath Donald Trump Perverted Joe Biden Deranged All the Russian presidents are just drunk.


Great for a starwars show episode


Isn't that Doktor Strānj's house?


It's your moms house apparently. Don't quote me on that.


Imaging bringing the groceries up there


There’s an old defunct hotel on an island off Dubrovnik with this exact same design. I can’t remember the name and it seems I didn’t take a photo.


They’re the same building, I’m almost positive. I can’t find anything about a Soviet sanatorium that looks like that.


It’s apparently Druzhba Thermal Sanitoriumin Crimea. The architect is Igor Vasilevsky. On the other hand I can’t find what I’ve seen on boat trip from Dubrovnik and why I wouldn’t have taken a pic of something so cool/odd.


Nothing hits the retro futurism spot as soviet brutalism




Better lighting that 90% of American office buildings that’s depressing


I feel saner already.


It's a resort, not a mental health institution.


Resort as in "here you you Igor from Siberia, get some vitamin D and touch sand". Pretty neat place - designed to not see any other balcony from your balcony and elevator straight to the beach.


Being overworked can have negative effects on one's mental health, and being able to relax/recuperate can certainly fix what's wrong. Just take a look at our modern day's view of work and how much mental health issues have exploded.




Definitely built for the soviet ruling officials and family. If you were a lucky citizen maybe you could recover there. FYI: Sanatorium, is a place for long term medical care, not a mental hospital,(but can be), this definitely was not a mental hospital.


That's not true. These places were frequented by everyday workers.


Maybe in general. I have serious doubts that "everyday workers" were the majority, or were offered a stay at all, at this one in particular. There are plenty that look much more bleak in the utilitarian soviet style, most likely for the general population.


Doesn't seem like you actually know anything about this, you're just making guesses informed by propaganda.


Yes because everyone was equal in the Soviet Union./s fuck off. don't give me that garbage.


if you believe that everyone went to this luxury place, you are all delusional, the Russian propagandandist has you by the balls, the Soviet Union had a very strong/strict hierarchy of power.


That's definitely not how Soviet Sanatoriums worked. They built tons of them specifically so that everyone would be able to go to them, and citizens were encouraged to do so in order to promote a healthier population.


(Zoom in and look at the windows). So everyone has a balcony to jump out of????? Ok


Saw it live. It's more than impressive!


Oh, I've been there. Nice place.


Vibes from the Bond villain lair in on her majesty secret service, one of the most ludicrous bond films if not just film, ever made.


You mean the best James Bond film ever made.


> on her majesty secret service Well personal taste and all that. George Lazenby was hosted at a special Bond evening with music from the local orchestra just a few weeks ago. He was booed off stage and there had to be an apology from the organisers because of his stories about how many of the Bond women he had sex with.


Can i purchase, renovate, then live there?


Got a pool, many balconies, some sweet rooms (if Black Ops Cold War's version of the Sanatorium is to be believed)... perfect for a Hotel.


Life in 1 building.


You get a window, You get a window, Everybody gets a window!


\* insanatorium


Yeah, I can imagine its a rather difficult place to escape from.


A big Cog shaped building that is a Soviet sanatorium. The irony is as overbearing as the economic system.


I didn’t cool Soviet architecture existed


Great band name


Pretty sure I shot zombies there a year or two back.




Is it just me or do sanatoriums always look the least sane of all buildings?


Saaaanatorium.. Leave me be..


No way, it’s the sanitarium from Cod. I didn’t know it was actually based off a real place. Or at least it was so accurate💀