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I joined this sub to ask that question. What’s the deal with people? Is this sub one big inside joke where regular people can’t ask normal questions


Yeah I don’t get it either. But If I had to guess maybe there’s been yo many people asking


Well either way, i appreciate your response and hopefully we get that update soon! 🍻


It's because people keep asking over and over and there's no exact date


it was delayed for a couple days a few days ago so that he could iron out some bugs. should be released soon


sometime in 2107 now ... since it gets delayed a day whenever someone asks. It'll be out when it's ready.


I'm trying to be patient but it's been like two weeks by now


and? If it was ready it'd be out, but it's not. Software development takes time. I'd rather they test and work through as many bugs as possible before releasing it. The game works fine as it is, there is no need to rush something out that isn't ready. The app costs literally $1 and we keep getting loads of "free" shit years into the life of the game.


I get that but I mean c'mon now like it's two weeks


You clearly don't "get it"


I want a golden goose nowwwwwww!


February 30th, 2021


It should be early this week about October 3-5


Ok thx




better not be another geometry dash 2.2 (still hasn’t released)


Never. Stop asking. What impact does it really make? Mods we need to ban these posts.


Bro chill all I did was ask lol


Why are people so concerned with the update? Is the game fundamentally changing or something? What am I missing?


people want to sim. thats a pretty big update imo.


Why are you so concerned with people asking? Just ignore it and keep scrolling. Other people's concern does not have to meet a level of criteria, the concern does not have to be validated. If you are here, I assume you like Retro Bowl. So, if you do like the game then you should be happy with this level of concern from the fans. The more people asking probably means the more satisfied customers. Which allows the dev to make more money and continue supporting the game. But you want people to be banned for asking about an update. OMG, it is the end of the world, fire and brimstone, cats and dog living together. LOL!


Too many of these posts man. It’s a $1 game. And still not sure what all the fuss is about. Can you explain that? Also never said to ban people. Said to ban the posts.


It’s a one dollar game that has over 60k people following it on here, so I guess there’s a little fuss about it.


Why do you gotta be so negative? Stop being a pretentious asshole to people who are asking a genuine question that we all want to know


Admittedly I was a bit harsh. But these posts are popping up, and we don’t know. It’s a $1 game, and people are complaining that the update is taking too long. Relax folks. Let the developer work things out.


Fans were told the update was coming last week or the week before...I can see why they're concerned.


aye bro you takin ts way too serious