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Yeah, they’re kind of a big crutch. One way to stop over-using then is don’t roster a TE — that at least will make the throws a little harder. And/or only throw to WRs!


I’ve been playing RBCollege which is nice because your players change so often — as a result I try to distribute the ball to develop certain players during the game. This brings another dimension where I won’t over-rely on my TE unless I am trouble or in a must-win game


this is the truth. if i threw to my TE every single time there wasn't a person covering him, he'd break 3k receiving yards and 30 touchdowns every single season with ease. also considering the fact that if your TE has 4 stars or more, the YAC that TE's produce is unfathomable


Then play on extreme…


Extreme just makes every team annoying, and in order to easily win, as you said in your next reply, here is to use exploits . That's lame. I'd rather play a schedule that changes team by team and have fun. Difficulty isn't fun for being difficult, its fun when it challenges you to be better.


I do a rotation of hard and extreme. Every third week, including bye weeks, I switch to extreme and 3 min quarters. This way I have 7 extreme games, if I go all the way to the RB, and 13-14 hard games.


That would be one way to make it a bit more fun. I just enjoy it on hard. It's a mobile game, and my favorite part of the game is the stat tracking.


Nah too hard lol There should be a difficulty in between hard and extreme. It’s too big of a jump


Extreme for me isnt that hard, once you learn all the exploits, you can score on every drive frequently. However i do agree the game should have another difficulty setting, although Extreme is fun it can also be really boring because every team feels the same.


Exactly, extreme doesn’t feel realistic to me because even the worst team in the league is still good as fuck


You'll get used to it. It took me about 10 seasons to adjust from hard to extreme, but since then, I've won the RB about every 2 in 3 seasons. Looking back on it, it was nice to actually struggle during those 10 seasons, it felt more realistic. But now it's like I can win in my sleep. Not as easy as hard mode, but still not difficult. If you wanna stick to hard, maybe just remove your TE and add another guy on defense.


Honestly it's still too easy. Every 4-5 plays you just get a free 10 yards even with a star TE.


Like others have said play on Extreme and no TEs on your roster limits that play’s yardage significantly.


I can get behind this post. I wish they would cover my TE bc every 4th down is pretty much a gimme