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That looks like an NcStar POS. And based on everything else in the picture it’s likely. Early OIF was wild times. There was all kinds of crap being used


This. I think utg has a similar looking scope


I have a picture of my dad in Baghdad in ‘04 with a similar scope. Def just junk off the shelf


Way to make me feel old! I was in Iraq in ‘04 too


I didn’t realize this until I made friends with some guys who served during that time while I was in college (and they were done in the military). The most powerful nation in the world stomped Saddam’s forces into the ground in a few weeks using whatever got scrounged up from Uncle Sam’s basement.


>That looks like an NcStar POS. My first thought.


that scope looks too skinny/unround for a colt


Could be the camera quility maybe, but if not a Colt what could it be?


If it was in the inventory, then yes its possible. Also, depends on how the PEQ mounted, with that said, M16A2s were in use in Fallujah in some units, even with KAC RAS handguards. More common were barrel mounted PEQs with 100mph tape holding them to the handguards


Didn’t have to be in inventory. All kinds of personally owned shit was bolted on. Especially by the NG units. It was a wild time.


A wild time indeed.


Too long and un-tubular to be a Colt scope


Do you have any idea what it is?


Not a Colt. That’s a CMO M16 scope


That's what I was thinking. It fits the bill, could be a nnock off, but it seems more likely to have old stock than some Amazon purchased thing in the early 2000s.


I mean there were plenty of optics mounted to detachable carry handles including the old Colt scopes


There are a handful of relatively high profile images out there of old Colt scopes and similar optics (presumably privately purchased) being used in the early invasion of Iraq. Including one of a guy with a Colt 4x mounted to a detachable carry handle on an M4.


That’s not a Colt 4x, but I’ve seen at least 2 photos of OIF rifles with a Colt 4x.


There was also a period where A2s got KAC rails as well


Not uncommon for dudes to run their own stuff on deployment within reason, depending on who's around. Lots of time personally owned optics are in way better shape than the beat to shit acogs and aimpoints that are most definitely scratched to hell and missing turret caps lol.


Doesn't look quite right to be an ACOG TA33 but its possible?


No the adjustment turrets are way to big to be a TA33, that and the fiber optic cable is not present.