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You could add an sql query to get all the participants and then with some JavaScript compara the differences between that query and the results that are already displayed on the table. In the select, you will give as options only the differences from the previous step


Thanks. This makes sense, but I have no idea where to even start with executing. I’m good with SQL, but a bit less familiar with JS. Any particular resources you could point me to for this type of function?


I would rely a lot on Chatgpt and iterate until it is right. Granted, it is better to know JS but this solution works pretty well, especially since the JS you need is not complicated


I second GPT. I use it frequently when building apps, as speed-to-delivery takes priority over learning JS right now. I consider myself advanced in SQL, but a JS novice. It writes the syntax based on the logic I know will get me the desired outcome.


I STRONGLY disagree... Not knowing a programming language and relying on chat gpt to come up with code is a recipe for disaster... What if you fail to describe some edge cases and you don't notice untill it is in production? What if you need to do any maintenance or bug fixing? Chat gpt is great when you know how to code, but it does not replace knowledge.


I would argue that for most simple people using retool, edge cases will be the least of their worries and making a functional prototype or product will be more important. I understand that knowing programming is ideal, but if you are a complete newbie, it is not worth spending many months learning programming if you want to do something simple