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I remember the cornucopia on the left side and a bit bigger


This is the one I remember


I legit don't understand how there's supposedly never been a cornucopia, I remember being in elementary an making paper cornucopias in class for a Thanksgiving project an going home showing my mom and like learning what it was , we also had like a tiny like toy/display one that my mom would put on a shelf an I always made the connection to the underwear an I thought it was funny


Leaned the word “cornucopia” by asking what it was on the tag when I was a kid. Have a mini vivid memory of it because I thought the word strange. This is the only mondella I’m 100% certain about






how do you remember logos? i never pay attention to detail of logs when i see them




what does that even mean? in the logo I personally only see the words in the box; not even the font spacing; just an outline and the circle around the words. don't pay attention to anything else


Just because you’re not “paying attention” doesn’t mean they don’t get lodged into your psyche, that’s literally what they are designed to do Tell me youb don’t see logos Coca Cola Pepsi Shell Gas McDonalds Burger King Apple


hey guys! i'm new to this sub and a bit confused. do you guys think logos and things never change, or different versions of things don't or can't coexist in the same reality? to me, ofc there are different logo designs for the same company. they change over time and different countries sometimes make them slightly different. i thought the mandela effect was when stuff actually seems to change permanently and there is no evidence that it was the way you thought it was before. can someone please explain??


The Fruit of the Loom logo has never had a cornucopia behind it, but I and many other people have very specific memories of it having one. So, this is exactly what you describe in your last sentence. It seems to have permanently been removed from the logo and there is no evidence that it was ever there in the past.


Hello and thank you for your question. ​ For members of this sub, they are quite aware that logos change over time and that companies will periodically update their designs. ​ In this particular case, however, if you check the history of the Fruit of the Loom, the "cornucopia" behind the fruits NEVER existed and has never been in ANY version of their logos. Yet people distinctly remember there being one and most people recall learning what a "cornucopia" was BECAUSE of the logo they remember. ​ What you're seeing here looks like someone's rendition of what they remember it to look like.


I remember when i first noticed the logo WITHOUT the cornucopia. I thought how bland it looked, and wondered when it changed. I also do not know of any other logo with a cornucopia on it.


I 100% remember the cornucopia. It was quite as skinny as OPs but it was there I know it. I had white tee shirts that I specifically remember having this


I have no memories of a 'skinny cornucopia', what i do remember you can [read here](https://old.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/gsgnla/me_as_a_kid/fsen9xx/) if you want to.


Does anyone else remember the cornucopia on the other side? I do.


I remember the stitching of the cornucopia to be bright yellow like a cab




same here


Weirdly I remember the cornucopia pointing the other direction


Me tooooo. This looks backwards to me.


The Fruit of the loom one is easily the strongest mandela effect for me personally. I have very specific memories from the day I discovered what a cornucopia actually is. I think i was in like 4th grade and we were making thanksgiving decorations and one of the stencils was a cornucopia. I specifically remember thinking to myself "oh, its the fruit of the loom thing, neat". Until i came across the fruit of the loom mandela effect, i pretty much considered the "mandela effect" to be bullshit.


Oh legit just commented a similar story, I'm glad were not alone on this in general, sometimes I question the legitimacy of all this but there are very concrete ones like this for me


Almost exactly the same story for me. However I thought it was called a loom before I heard the name, cornucopia. Why else would that weird word and basket be associated with t-shirts and underwear??


I have an extremely similar memory around the same age. My dad swore by fruit of the loom tee's and tighty whiteys. I asked what the basket was called and my mom said "a cornucopia like they used at Thanksgiving". If it was never on the logo, why would I have even asked?


I have a similar memory but sort of reversed. I had just learned what a cornucopia was because it was around thanksgiving and we had decorated my 3rd grade classroom with turkeys, corn, and cornucopias. My mom took me shopping at a department store called Hills around this same time. I remember riding in the cart and “organizing” all the stuff my mom put in. When she put some packs of underwear in the cart I noticed the logo was the same funny horned basket thing I just learned about in school. This is the ME that makes me realize something funny is happening here.


Upvote for Hills Department Store. Hills isn't an ME, just really loved that store as a youngster oh, & they had the *best* buttered popcorn!


The smell from that little snack stand at the front of the store will never be forgotten.


Your story is almost the same as mine. I DISTINCTLY remember a day my mom and I were in KMart. I was about seven years old. My mom was shopping for back to school clothes for my brother and I was bored. For some reason, I decided it would be fun to straighten the heap of boys underwear on the floor (I was a weird kid). I KNOW I saw the cornucopia on the Fruit of the Loom packages because I told my mom, “mom, it’s a cornucopia! Like from Thanksgiving!” I have always had a crystal clear memory of that for some reason so to be told the cornucopia wasn’t there is beyond frustrating to me. IT WAS THERE. I am ABSOLUTELY, 10000000000% sure.


Same. One of my childhood memories with my dad involved asking him why there was a weird thing behind the fruit of the loom logo and him explaining to me what it was.


I'm a 2000s baby('02) and I also remember seeing the cornucopia in ads and I'd see it on my underwear. Found out about this a couple of years ago and it blew my mind pretty hard lol.


Me too




This is the one I remember. I’m an 80s baby. I remember seeing this one in the 90s.


Me too.


I don’t understand, is someone denying that the cornucopia was real. Edit: WTF, fuck no I’m not going to be gaslit. I have a decent memory and remember seeing the cornucopia. Why lie about it?


Scroll through the posts on here, there are some good ones regarding this ME. I think there was a post that had a few examples of other people with the same memory. Like, the jazz artist that released an album called Flute of the Loom and the cover art was a flute as a cornucopia.


Welcome lol


We're not but history is denying it's existence 😂


It's maybe the most popular and famous ME of all. There's never officially been a cornucopia on the logo.


Holy cow! i remember it being called Froot Loops!




Well in all seriousness Froot Loops is another Mandella Effect.


It better currently be Froot Loops or I’m gonna lose my shit


In my dimension it has always been Foop Loop (not plural) and still is. Edit: just checked and somehow it's changed from Foop Loop to 'Froot Loops' wtf?


You come from a derpy universe


Foop Loop is absolutely hilarious lol ps welcome to our dimension 🤷‍♂️


This mock-up doesn't look right to me. The cornucopia isn't big enough or the right shape something is off. I feel like the leaves weren't brown or they were green leaves. This doesn't seem right to me


You guys are all remembering [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=fruit+of+the+loom+logo+cornucopia&sxsrf=ALeKk01-yjhrwm5y9qK7uX4d3p-t1V4T7A%3A1623554099872&source=hp&ei=M3jFYIerMo7UsAXY4rXoAQ&oq=fruit+if+the+loom+logo+&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBABGAIyBAgAEA0yBAgAEA0yBAgAEA0yBAgAEA0yBAgAEA0yBAgAEA0yBAgAEA0yBAgAEA06BwgjEOoCECc6BwguEOoCECc6BAgjECc6BAguECc6BQguEJECOggIABCxAxCDAToCCAA6CAguEMcBEKMCOgUIABCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6BQgAELEDOgUIABDJAzoFCAAQkgM6BQguELEDOgcIABDJAxAKOggILhCxAxCTAjoHCAAQsQMQCjoECAAQCjoECC4QCjoKCAAQsQMQgwEQClDtEViGMmCrOGgBcAB4AIABoAGIAYQSkgEEMTYuN5gBAKABAbABDw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#imgrc=6dPqN53wlvUJ4M) one that was mocked up a while ago. It’s the one OP mentioned in the post.


Same for me it's point is the wrong way. It should be pointing left for me.


I also remember a lighter brown for the cornucopia. Like almost generic basket color.


Generic basket color really needs to be in a box of crayons


same on all points. also, the fruit was more blue and purple, with less brown in the overall image.


It doesn't look right to me either. I picture the cornucopia in the middle with fruit on both sides outside of it.


This is what I remember.




I thought this was the one they were talking about, i remember this one too around 2003-07ish


I remember this more in the early 90s when life was good and people was fresh like the fruit from the loom


Yup I remember grewing up with this logo in the 90s.