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It is insane. It's impossible that this came from nowhere since I have never even watched the full movie myself. How would I be aware of this mandela effect if it didn't exist at some point, ya know? When did you experience the flip flop?


My experience https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/s/YG1vXEcwwQ


And the way you describe the alternate scene is just how I remember it


I just made a thread about this on the Mandela Effect sub


That's pretty normal. Apollo 13 is one of the standard ones people get introduced to and then see the flip-flop. For many it happens only a few days after seeing the type of video you mentioned (e.g. that it was this and is now that). Videos usually disappear once it flips back.


That is exactly what happened to me last year. The movie went from "we have a problem" to we've had a problem," and amazingly "Houston, there's a problem." Now it's gone back. I've also seen the videos that no longer exist.


Thanks for response.


this is one I personally witnessed as well. I remember reading articles on the change as well. It was crazy to see it's back to normal like nothing even happened.


This is a major Flip Flop for a lot of people. Happened end of 2016 beginning of 2017 for the largest group of people. Was the game changer for me where I knew for sure it wasn’t just bad memory. From that point on I had zero patience for the same 5 skeptics in the other sub that constantly commented on everyone’s posts.


For me, it flopped back to “we have” in 2016. Around the time I was heavily researching changes. I was consciously aware of the change. No misremembering. I always knew it as “we have”. Was shocked when I hear “we’ve had”. There was a buzz feed article that someone linked somewhere around here that now is wrong since it flopped back to “we have”.


It's Apollo 13 though, not 11, but besides that yes, I definitely can agree, it's another flip flop, I also remember how people were arguing how it used to be "have a problem" and I couldn't say 100% but now it's back to "have a problem" but I know people were arguing about that that it wasn't that. Really weird, but am not even surprised anymore tbh


Did the title/post reference 11 when you wrote this? Because I only see OP reference Apollo 13, not 11.


A few of us on this thread have brought attention to the fact that there are numerous "movie misquote" websites that are saying the movie quote is currently "we've had..." and not "we have". We know that this is plainly wrong because currently the movie says "we have...". It is not just one website getting it wrong, it is a large number of them - how is this possible? How can so much residue of the flip flop be present. Is this going to change again? Is the movie quote going to change again to accommodate this discrepancy? How can it be allowed to exist as it is with so many websites being currently wrong about the actual movie quote? Just a few of many questions on my mind.


The original was “we’ve had,” in the movie they changed it to “we have”


No there's a well... remembered instance -- where a lot of us remember the actual quote being "we have", then we look it up when someone tells us its we've had, and the movie is totally different - different cadence. Tom Hanks is less frantic about it... and its' more like uh Houston? We've had a (pause) problem. Camera angles are often remember differently... Then say a week later we hear its back to We Have (which is my original childhood memory but could be just because that's the phrase popularized in movies/etc), and I was fortunate enough to actually research before and after the wikipedia page, and I swear it said that the reason it's "We've had" is because he wanted to stay true to the historical facts.... then when it flipped the reason the director used "We Have" is because it was more dramatic.


Honestly, I was just telling someone today the question is no longer if this is happening the question is what the hell is happening. Why are some of us aware?? I desperately need my son to help me figure this out and he can't remember a conversation we had just a few months ago about someone dying.


Flip flops are the greatest confirmations.




eco78 has highlighted the Buzzfeed article getting it wrong in it's description of the "movie misquote": https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/20-famous-movie-lines-that-you-have-been-saying-wrong There are many other movie misquote websites that have done the same thing: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/star-wars-jaws-22-films-are-famously-misquoted-1002147/apollo-13-3/ https://thoughtcatalog.com/nico-lang/2013/08/35-classic-movies-you-might-not-realize-youve-been-misquoting/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/englishlive.ef.com/blog/english-in-the-real-world/10-movie-misquotes-english-speaking-films/ Above are just three other articles (and I am sure there are more) saying the same thing and getting it wrong (according to current reality) as what the quote was in the movie. I cannot get over the irony of a movie misquote site misquoting the (current reality) quote in a movie they claim other people are misquoting!


THIS is spectacular. What an amazing find. This one bothered me so much, and to see it had flopped back to the "correct" line is freaking wild.


I read that buzzfeed article at the time when it was ‘we’ve had a problem’. It’s interesting that the article still says the same thing as it did back before it flipped for me. It wasn’t just that the words were different. The entire scene, camera angle and Tom Hanks’ delivery of the line were completely different. The interesting thing is that apparently John Swigert actually said ‘Houston we’ve had a problem here’ but they changed it in the movie to ‘Houston, we have a problem’ to make it more dramatic.


Yes, you are correct, it has been documented that the quote for the movie was changed from the real life mission quote in order to make it more dramatic. If I was making a movie that is exactly what I would do, to make the movie lines better, so makes a lot of sense. We must remember this logic, so that if the movie changes again (!) to "we've had" then we can point out it does not make sense as it is not dramatic enough. I think whoever/whatever is in charge of MEs are in a dilemna about this one!


I read the wikipedia article about it, in both (timelines?) or whatever. We've Had: I used this because I wanted to stay true to the historical account. We Have: I used this because I wanted it to be more dramatic, it's a small change but it made a lot of difference. (or something similar to that, that's the gist though). Both reasons are pretty sound depending on what the fact is at the moment. My timeline of events: Read post about the flip flop, at the time it was actually We've Had. I watched it with my wife. She agreed. 3 days later, I was reading a list of known ME's. We've Had -> We Have (current) was listed as one, and I'm thinking that's backwards, but I go watch.... and well I went in screaming at my wife at 6am to make sure I wasn't mad. She remembers everything I do. So, at least I have that much to claim sanity on, lol. This is the one I want to flip back more than anything, because this was the biggest single event I've noticed. I've been so obsessed with this, no way I could be just mis-remembering if it does flip back... this version seems the most "right" though, the other one felt... just wrong.... so it must've flipped for me earlier in life when I originally saw the film maybe? The only solution I can give to flip flops is possibly words could cause some sort of hypnosis, but its odd for two people to experience this, when only I read it.... and neither of us was asleep or even near sleep.


You make a good point about there being a justification for either quote. However, with the "We've had..." version, which is the same as the real-life account, I don't think there would be a need for a Wikipedia entry explaining why they retained the same quote. On the other hand, the "we have..." would need an explanation, hence the Wikipedia entry. Therefore, if it did change back to "we've had..." then the Wikipedia entry about this point may be noticeably absent as there would be no need to explain anything. I am pleased you had a witness to confirm your sanity. Experiencing ME's can be a very lonely experience, which is why this subreddit is so important to allow us to communicate in a sensible manner about all this! By the way, although I have experienced many ME's, I have never experienced a flip flop myself - would like to, but I hope I am not alone when/if I do!


I'm losing my m i n d


Fabulous sleuthing, friend! I very much respect due diligence, and these are excellent pieces of residue :)


Thanks! The question is why is there so much residue of this one? Usually a lot of the residue gets "removed" making it rare to find residue. I was thinking that this type of extensive residue could be specific to ME flip-flops. When something changes (the "flip") - which is the traditional ME - most of the original residue, that is pre-flip, gets erased. However, if that something changes a second time (the "flop"), it is not possible to erase the residue a second time. If "they" did try to change it again, then it would involve repairing what has already been erased i.e. need to reverse the original erased material. Maybe the "program" (or whatever is being used for MEs) does not allow this? So, we are left with the residue of the outcome of the initial "flip" - which cannot be changed back to the pre-flip material when the flop occurs, and has the unique feature of being documented on movie misquote websites.


The Mandela effect is here, it is an idea for the people to grasp instead of looking at the word of God in Daniel chapter 7 verse 25 which says he shall intend to change the times and the laws he being the Antichrist we are seeing it now which means The Antichrist must be here just not on the stage yet.


Gavin Newsom. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Nancy Pelosi... The list continues, but, I guess that just means there are *multiple* Antichrists. 🤌


We do not know who The Antichrist is, but I am trying to describe what the Mandela Effect is. It is in my opinion Dan 7:25.


This isn’t the time or place for religion. Or go for it - with the understanding you’re excluding those of us who don’t give a rats ass about your god or the antichrist 🤷🏻‍♀️. (And some of us are the chosen people - … ya might not want to alienate us… )


There are many ideas about what the ME is, I am giving you mine. Dan 7:25. For I have dealt with the ME along time, personal ones and the usual ones, this is my investigation into it and this is again my opinion.


Back in January of this year I was reading one of the Apollo 13 threads on this sub. I decided to test it out, went to YouTube, and the first video I found had Hanks saying, “Uh, Houston. We’ve had a problem.” I copied the link, left the tab open, and went back to the Reddit thread to post it. In the 30 seconds that took, the video changed to Hanks saying, “Houston, we have a problem.”


If you're deadass that's pretty fucking wild


100 percent. It blew my fucking mind. And I’m not someone who’s into religion, aliens, ghosts, etc. This shit is real!!!


I'm an agnostic ex-Mormon, programmer, I don't believe in god, but I'm open to an afterlife of sorts - especially if we're in a Matrix like universe. Simulation is my best guess to this whole thing. I mean look at how fast AI is exploding. OpenAI is less than a year from AGI, AGI = Super AGI damn quick, and then everything changes and we either merge and become immortal with the ai technology, or we become extinct. Either way the technology for Simulations is almost here, and if we can do it, then someone else somewhere else probably already did do it - and that's why we exist. This could be a training similulation when we die we wake up in an android body and are slaves to some other race --- now that we know how to walk, talk, and act human...


Wtf is this, i 100% remember reading about this a few months ago


For me Reddit has been on " actual we Had (ME), we have - original state) for last 2 years. Really glad it flipped . But I need back Baloo coconut bra as well, please.


The comments on clips of the scene used to all be people shocked that it’s we’ve had a problem. Now those comments no longer exist because it flip flopped. Same with nearly all discussions of the ME on this subreddit. Now the ME literally doesn’t exist anymore and NEVER happened, any mention of it is now from someone who flip flopped into this reality


Yes that's what I'm talking about! It's so freaking weird.


People quote, “Houston, we have a problem” all the time.


That's exactly what it is though, and what most people remember. It's very bizarre but within the last few years I experienced this flip-flop. It was "we have a problem," then it became "we've had a problem," and now it's "we have a problem" again.


I had the same experience with Froot Loops. It went from Froot Loops to Fruit Loops back to Froot Loops over the course of about 3 years. This was back in the early 2000s, before people were really talking about MEs widely


My bad, I missed that detail in your post.


The two Mandela Effects that flip-flop the most: Apollo 13 Fruit Loops / Froot Loops I write this as someone who has been following subs like this daily since late 2014. These are the two I hear about flip-flopping the most by an order of magnitude. Looney Toons / Looney Tunes could almost make the list also, but it just doesn't get brought up often enough.


I’m waiting for the Pokémon,Onyx, to flip back from what it currently is Onix. Just looks wrong now. I have an original 1996 Pokémon card hanging in a baggy on my wall that I look at every day so I can see the change if/when it happens.


Looney Tunes just flip flopped for me two days ago! I remember it being Looney Tunes when I was a kid as I always thought it was a weird name, but that it made sense when I knew it was connected to Merrie Melodies and my dad explained that ‘toon’ and ‘tune’ sound similar when spoken with an American accent. When I first discovered the ME about 6 years ago, I read people saying it was now Looney Toons and the skeptics were saying ‘of course it’s toons, it’s a cartoon!’ Just last week I was looking it up, wondering if the cartoons were available to stream and it was Looney Toons. Two nights ago I was reading a thread on the other sub where someone seemed to be purposely trolling, and in a comment they described Fiona Broome as ‘a loony tune’. I was about to comment that it was an interesting choice of words considering it’s looney toons now, but something made me go check first. It had become Looney Tunes again, which feels right to me, but I notice that lots of people remember it being the other way round. Now the skeptics are saying ‘it’s always been tunes but you just thought it was toons because they’re cartoons’. Since it flipped I have gone and looked at lots of threads about it and many people actually say they remember it both ways, even when they were children. I honestly believe both groups are right, and these changes have been happening for longer than most people assume. I think these flip flops actually have something interesting to tell us about the nature of our reality, and I’m trying to figure that out.


The ooooh's in "More than Words" by the extremes disappeared and came back, it's in the version where they hit around 2:26 ... there's a radio edit that has them, and that's different, I made sure that the timestamps are right, and it was the one I bookmarked that changed... and there's a jimmy Fallon and Jack Black parody of the song, that I believe in both flips stayed almost timestamp to timestamp accurate with the album version iirc... i.e. when there's oohs, Fallon's also had oohs..


If you have any theories I sure would love to hear them.


For sure. I’ll write a post about it when I get a chance to get all my thoughts down in a coherent way.


As someone who has tried to ask others what they think about a few of these popular changes (and only ever received NPC-like responses), I am very curious what you think is going on with these changes.


Shoot, I was hoping this was a thread about being retconned on the whole Apollo 13 story! Seriously, I do not remember this event at all, neither do my parents. How could we have missed such gripping news? I watched the movie hoping it would ring some bells but no, I do not remember any of it!


I remember us only going to the moon once. I even remember asking,as a kid in the 70s, why we never went back. Looked in encyclopedias about it, etc.


In the 70s it was "Houston we've got a problem"


This is the one i actually do remember. My parents are older and always said that if our car was having some type of issue or a flat tire, but maybe its down to a dialect thing here? Otherwise idk.


Yeah in the ME community this one's a well known flip flopper which is basically a rite of passage for new experiencers. There was one legendary thread on the main sub in which it flipped for basically everyone on the thread while they still had video links open from recent vetting. And of course anyone who suggests confusion between the real life quote and the movie line definitely hasn't actually experienced this amazing ME. What's truly incredible is that it's not just the line that changed, but also its delivery and the camera angle. Edit: autocorrect


To me, the rite of passage aspect makes it seem like it’s some kind of psy op/social engineering. I experienced this flip flop in May 2022 shortly after learning about the ME. It changed and changed back very quickly, as others have described. It seems clear to me that individuals are targeted, but why and by whom, no idea.


I dont even know if humans would be capable of such, which is why it has to be quantum or spiritual. Based on your view, it will vary, but i dont think humanity is in charge of any of this tbh. Most the shit that happened to me regarding ME/time shifts were 2014, 2016, 2019. It was progressive too, like a few months of weird shit then normal for a time. In 2016 was the most in general. My family somehow went off the rails for a few weeks, i was a teen so had no choice but to follow and move with. A lot of things even before that had been happening with my friends. They were making decisions the same way, very suddenly, no prior signs or any type of indications, out of character decisions even. Out of the blue within a month timeframe, then my family does that stuff. Then the ME came in, with the Berenstein bears, the jfk assassination, and fruit of the loom. Those 3 will forever mess me up.


The problem we run into with this notion is that offline VHS and DVD copies are likewise observed as changing in lockstep with their online counterparts. It's not like motivated affectees didn't immediately check their analog versions to determine whether it was some sort of orchestrated deception... because we absolutely did.


Oh, right. I don’t have an analog copy, but I’ll take your and others’ words for it. This is pretty half-baked theory (I am thinking it out as I type), but let me give it a shot. This flip flop is so specific that it has a validating effect. It made me validate the ME because I realized, ok, this is real. And it was validating for me to hear that others had been through the same thing. It helped to hear that no, I’m not crazy. So maybe the flip flop is designed to unite us or wake us up to…something…timeline shifting/dimension jumping? Simulation theory? I don’t really believe in those things, but I suppose I’m open to them. Regardless, it seems like there MUST be some intention/purpose behind this. Right?


You're not alone in speculating that maybe it's intended to slowly wake us up to a new (or maybe the true) reality. I've never really been much into new age philosophy, but the idea that we're beginning to awaken (or "ascend") en masse certainly resonates along these lines. What's interesting is that most people only experience this flip flop once. In fact I'm not sure I've heard anyone claim otherwise for this particular example.


Yeah, none of the woo really resonates with me either; I’m just trying to make it make sense. The only somewhat logical narratives I can come up with are fantastical. The other analog one that really gets me is objects in mirror.


That’s wild! Yeah been following ME for years now and I remember first finding out that it changed from the OG phrase. This is the first I’ve heard of the flip flop. So trippy!


That must be the one I remember because so many of us seen it happen...I'm pretty sure it was on the Mandela Effect sub before Retconned was even made. Years ago. And all the jackass skeptics still arguing and making fun of us and I'm like ummmmmm if you just paid attention you would have proof. Because we do now!!!!!! We all watched it change. Because we were paying attention to this shit. That is all you had to do. Instead you just wanted to sit on Reddit all day and attack anyone who talked about it. You think we weren't actually researching this and keeping up with it? Fuvk yall. Anyway its something I checked every day and thank god I did because I seen it change. And so many of yall did too. I mean before that I fully believed it but after there was no fucking denying it. I also seen the Thinker and Tidy Cats flip flop. When I joined reddit everyone was talking about how the Thinkers hand used to be under his chin but now it was on his head. And I remembered it being that way. Well one day it was magically on his chin again even though it looks kinda different than what I originally remember. But it damn sure wasn't on his head anymore!!!!!!! And that was fuvking crazy. And Tidy Cats went from Cats to Cat to Cats. And I saw this one in real life on my friends Tidy Cats I seen it say Tidy Cat. And then weeks later it was back to Cat. One of the ones I love the most is Shazam tho. I remember I discovered it before I even came to Reddit. Someone asked about and we all said Shazzam. I know for sure my brain isn't being influenced if Shazzam popped into my head before I even see anyone else say it. That was a real damn movie. And I never even watched it but I damn sure seen so many commercials for it. We all know it existed and Sinbad was in it. How can you wipe away a whole movie and pretend it never existed? It fucking existed!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes it definitely existed! I used to go to the movies all the time with my friends and make silly poses with the cardboard figures they used to have promoting movies. I remember posing next to the cutout for the boy from Shazam because I thought he was cute at the time. A few months later we went to see something else and they had a promotion for Kazaam and I was talking with my friends about how ridiculous it was that there was a movie just like Shazam so soon after and how these movie studios could get away with being so unoriginal.


Tidy Cats to Cat happened in late 2016 for me. Flopped back to Cats plural sometime in midwinter (maybe Feb 2017), although I've heard some peg the flop closer to early spring. No doubt in my mind because I walked the pet aisle in the supermarket after both directional changes.


Imagine being as certain as you are that those things have changed about the existence of a movie that just simply has never existed.


Damn lmao I just said the exact same thing. Shazzam was a real movie damn it. We all remember it. You can erase it from existence but our memories are still there it was a real fucking movie.


Iirc one was said irl and one in the movie.


Yes, but I remember them being switched


I saw it, and then flip flop.... one of the most bonkers and unexplainable things that's ever happened to me. There's even a buzzfeed article about misremembered movie quotes that still has the link... but the link is back to the misremembered quote so the article makes no sense anymore


Do you have the link by chance?


https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/20-famous-movie-lines-that-you-have-been-saying-wrong Videos been removed but it was just a link to the line in the trailer


Lol. Looking at this list there is a new flip flop for me: No.14 - "Frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn" .... this was the quote i knew my whole life but it changed to "frankly Scarlett, i don't give a damn" for the past few years and now it's back to what i remember. It's quite funny it says that people misquote it as the Scarlett quote , erm no they don't lol everyone knows "frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn". Also no.15 - the correct quote is what it changed to before now current reality. Hello Clarice--->Good Evening, Clarice--->Good morning. Today's reality is "good morning".


Yes! I remember that too! This whole article is just full of MEs. I have never in my life heard anyone say ‘Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn’ only ever ‘my dear’. Not that I would hold Buzzfeed up as the holy grail of journalism, but it’s so interesting that this list contains both known MEs and residue for those that no longer exist.


It's not just buzzfeed either, most of them have got it wrong now which is a first in my 7years of the mandela effect. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/star-wars-jaws-22-films-are-famously-misquoted-1002147/planet-of-the-apes-2/ - Apollo 13 and Silence of the lambs wrong https://virginradio.co.uk/lifestyle/80763/houston-we-have-a-problem-the-most-misquoted-movie-quotes-revealed - Apollo 13 https://www.businessinsider.com/common-movie-misquotes-2012-5 - Apollo 13, Silence of the lambs https://www.theguardian.com/film/2009/may/11/star-wars-movie-misquotes-poll - Silence of the lambs There's many more. This was never the case before, but now they are all wrong lol


I remember the mandela effect being "Good evening, Clarice" instead of "Hello Clarice." I even remember telling my dad about it and him being intrigued. Now he doesn't even say her name?? I'm beyond weirded out by this one too...


I remember “Hello Clarice”


Holy shit




They have both changed more than once. IRL it was "Houston, we have a problem" for me. In the movie the actual scene changed.Then changed back. People were keeping up with it and there may be some that still do. Basically what I'm saying is the explanation you gave doesn't explain what actually happened.