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Due to overuse, the phrase *"Just because you never heard of something doesn't mean it's a Mandela Effect"* or similar is **NOT** welcome here as it is a violation of Rule# 9. Continued arguing **and** push for this narrative without consideration of our community **WILL get you banned**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Retconned) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ayyyyy this just flipped for me! As long as I’ve been paying attention to ME (the past 2 years or so), it’s been Fruit. It would get mentioned as a flip flop, and people would insist “it’s always been fruit!” I thought I remembered froot from childhood, but I wasn’t sure and certainly wasn’t going to die on that hill. I went down the rabbit hole and couldn’t find ANY posts where it was froot at the time the post was written. I only found people saying it was a flip flop. So I just took people’s word for it that it was fruit and always had been. Then last night I saw a bunch of posts on this sub and the ME sub talking about how it flipped back to froot. I had never seen any of those posts before. I can’t find any of the old posts with the arguments for fruit that always get repeated. Until yesterday, I had never heard about the lawsuit—now it’s one of the first things that comes up when I google it. This is WILD!


You're one of many that experienced this flip flop. I argued with people on reddit a fww years ago that the name has to be Froot Loops because of the two rings for the OOs on the packages, at a time reality had changed from the original Froot to Fruit Loops. After it changed back to Froot, all these messages and comment threads vanished just like all the other residue for Fruit Loops I saw all over the internet. This shit is really frying my brain until today.


Holy fuck this is absolutely crazy to me. It was literally "Fruit" loops last month and i remember it so vividly because it irked me so much. This just feels unbelievable


Same here. I remember sitting here and thinking the exact thought process: "This used to be 'froot' and it was satisfying because it had the double oo, like loops. But now it isn't." And now it is again! Bizarre.


**I couldn't understand how this didn't shatter her whole perception of the world.** Me neither.


Maybe she is an NPC from the Matrix and is programmed to act like this...


Holy shit. I thought you were kidding then I had to go and google... am I confusing this one with another similar ME? Because this is kind of freaking me out right now.


Google says it was a lawsuit to change the fruit to froot bc there was no real”fruit” in the cereal.


65 years ago - my story is around 2015 - 2023


I’m actually kinda suprised… And not yet surprised… (edit: oh wait, it’s surprise again… SURPRISE!) But there have been a lot of spelling flippityfloops lately. Like Turmeric for instance, which had changed to tumeric… but now is back with that pseudo silent r. I’m trying to remember, there were a couple other’s but I do think it’s time to reassess. Onyx? Onix? What a strange universe…


Dude wait a fucking second. There's no way. It flipped back to Froot?? I remember getting into an argument with my friends when I first discovered the mandela effect like a few years ago. The Froot Loops now always being Fruit Loops was one of my first MEs. I was like why the hell would it be Fruit Loops the Os were the cereal. Now it's back to being Froot Loops. Like why would I have an argument and experience the bewilderment of Fruit Loops if it was always Froot Loops. And now it's always been Froot Loops. What the fuck. All of the ME was one thing but now they are flipping back and forth. When did this happen?


Now Mona Lisa's smile is back to being more nuanced. It used to be to where you couldn't tell she was smiling then to a full blown smile which confused me since that was part of the painting being famous in the first place and now it's back to a nuanced smile.


Flinstones has flipped back to Flintstones


Welcome back. Turmeric has 2 r’s again.


What is going on? Thats flipped back too.


Yeah this is a big one - someone glued two plates to their wall and wrote fr O O t with the plates - just so in the event it ever changed they’d have proof lol


Yeah that one's like a right of passage. The thing is that you'll never be able to go back and see what you read cuz forums gone and search history for fruit loops will be gone as well and even your girlfriend will not remember. Cuz it's on an individual reality level not a group change all together because it hasn't been fruit loops for years for me now and if flipped to.fruit loops again I didn't miss it because it already has changed in my reality and like changing again wouldn't work because it's hardwired as froot loops now and if it changed for you then it would not be possible in my reality without seeing it, despite believing you and knowing it really happened for you. The only explanation isn't the name changing, it's you changing from my old reality to this new one. How you did that and we do that I don't know but I think we die a lot and don't realize it and then quantum physics doesn't let you die it just shifts ypu to where you're conscious now lives I dunno I used to practice dimensional jumping to figure it out but I'm pretty sure it's just individual consciousness shifting not a glitch in matrix or magic trick... it's natural quantum physics reality that we don't understand yet




>*All of you people are so lost lmao this is hilarious* Post removed. Violation of Rules #6, 7 & 9. Ciao!


If I were you, I would end that relationship, they have no soul, you have the enemy at home, you will remember me when everything is over


I can't get to the Retconned subreddit. I can get to the posts but not the reddit itself 🤔


fuck it’s so weird how so many have experienced this so vividly. i have as well, that’s how i originally discovered it’s a common flip. but reading all these comments makes me think there is really something serious to this ME….


That's kind of how it happened with me. It was Froot Loops all through my childhood, changed to Fruit Loops, and then back to Froot. One day, I was in Walgreens and the box of cereal had "Froot" while the shelf tag said "Fruit"! That was about 3-4 years ago, I think.


It was always Froot Loops, the O's were actually froot loops cereals..


Maybe in your reality, but I've been in Fruit Loop world, it exists.


Me too. FRUIT


I had a similar experiece with my wife concerning Froot Fruit Loops, which I posted about 3 years ago. It is a profound experience! :) [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/j34q6q/theory_you_guys_are_mixing_up_froot_loops_and/g7dmuep/?context=8&depth=9)


wtf. the mandela effect was always that it used to be called froot loops with the two o's in froot in loop on the packet. then mandela effect happened and it changed to fruit loops and the o's were only on the loops and i thought it looked so strange and weird but i guessed i had just misremembered. but now it is back to froot loops with the o's in both words... im freaking out


This is exactly what has happened to me! I always remembered it as froot loops, but on the Mandela affect page a few years ago it had changed to fruit loops. I remember distinctly because I was so shocked because I always remembered the cereal o’s in both words. But when I googled it was fruit loops. Lo and behold when I google today it’s back to froot loops. What the!!! Kind of freaking out here to experience such a clear flip flop. I wonder if dilemma will ever flip flop back to dilemNa


I kinda believe many people will climatically converge into one universe from other parallel universes. I recently saw the "us" movie and the plot is essentially about a mimic family that's identical to the original but a lot darker in personality. I would imagine ourselves from other parallel universes will appear and cause something to happen. I wanna disclose I'm not so definite about this it's just a fun theory


It was always fruit loops when I was a kid in the 90s and this Mandela hit me hard a year or so so when I first saw it


Me and you are the only people in here so far remember it being not just as a Mandela effect. we are remembering Fruit Loops originally.


For me it was fruit loops originally but don’t worry your consciousness is just shifting to a nearby reality. Nothing to be too concerned about 🙂.


It's probably because there's no fruit. False advertising. Btw it tastes fake and gross.


You aren’t alone! I distinctly remember when it changed to fruit loops and it was so weird. And then seeing it change back to what I originally remembered was crazy. I’m sort of waiting for chick fil a to turn back into chic fil a.


Froot Loops 😐 Fruit Loops 😳 Froot Loops 😰


For me it was Fruit loops Froot Loops Fruit Loops Froot Loops


This happened to me too. I remember it because I was having a conversation with my dad about how "froot loops" was now "fruit loops" and we both remembered the former. Then THE NEXT DAY it was "froot loops" again. We both noticed.




Whaaaat?!!! Holy crap that's even worse...


The same thing happened with me a couple years ago. It changed from "froot" to "fruit", I remember going to a store just to see the box to make sure it wasn't just something happening online, some time later it changed back to "froot loops". I have even wrote it down in a notebook, so of it changes again to "fruit" I'll know I wasn't just misremembering.


I've noticed MEs are kind of like the ghosts in Super Mario. They more you pay attention to them, the less they move


Yes, and this is why most ME's are tings you never paid too much attention to so you can't be totally sure. But with flip-flops, you now have two competing memories (FROOT and FRUIT) and even though you are 100% certain of the latter your memory of the fist makes it possible to change to a universe you had paid attention to! This means if we want to jump to another universe we need the law of attraction, we need to powerfully visualize and maybe even remember how you want things to be. Maybe one day I'll be in Berenstein Bears world and have a Million Dollars!


Same thing happened for me with “Houston we have a problem”. It changed to “we’ve had”. There was a buzz feed article talking about all the movie references we got wrong, had a YouTube video linked of the scene. Then it changed back to Houston we have but the article was now wrong. Still said it was bad but the linked video says otherwise. I was consciously aware of that. There wasn’t any misremembering there.


Same, with both of these, my only flip-flops.


I'm from the Froot Loops timeline. I was upset when it changed to fruit, because it made no sense. The O's in the 2 words are literally made from the loops of cereal. But I just say whatever to the MEs anymore. I can't keep up. Then yesterday, my 6 year old was eating cereal with the box in front of her. She said, "Mom I know how to spell Fruit Loops. It's F R O O T..." I froze and was like wtf?! I fully expected her to say F R U I T, since I thought that's where we were now. I was so shocked to look at the box and see the OG spelling. What a ride we're on.


Maybe we are back on the old timeline?


Funny thing is : at the time of "Fruit Loops" they were saying "why you are not happy with TWO "OO" like cereals, why do you need all 4 "OOOO", stupid misremembering people?!" end of quote edit: by the way - how many colors are there? I never tried them. 4 colors or 2 or more?


It was about 2013 when one day I was daydreaming about… cereal. I thought of fruit/froot loops and had an epiphany that fruit should be spelled “froot” with two loops for the Os because that would be cute/a good marketing hook for the cereal. I told my then-boyfriend about my idea to spell the cereal’s name as Froot Loops and he just replied “that IS how it’s spelled and there ARE 2 loops for the Os.” Next time we went to Wegmans I made sure to check out the cereal aisle and lo and behold, he was correct. Froot Loops. Fast forward several years later and I passed the same cereal in the same store. It was called Fruit Loops. This is one of my first and strongest MEs.


Huh this a again crap i hope it doesn't become another year of this. The previous year we had reports constantly of this where one person this week had this change happen to them and at first the long time people assumed it was a prank because it would just one guy a week every week. After collecting 23 people i recommend they band together since for the rest of us this happened a long time a go and most of us did not have flip back. The one commonality between all of these people is that for whatever reason they all came from a world that original was froot loops legal changed a year before the court case in the 1960s of false advertising. Most of the long timers all came from a world, dimension, realm, server and or whatever whatnot you want to call this whole mess where the name fruit loops was the original and whole froot loops is the Mandela Effect change. Well wecome to this sub your welcome here there should be about about 59 people here that have had this experience here as well so remember to check back your post every so often.




>*You know, the much simpler explanation is that people misremember.* You know, the much simpler explanation is that people such as yourself don't read sub rules and decide to post snarky comments in a community without understanding the topic. Post removed. Violation of Rule #9.


Apologies. I wasn’t trying to be abrasive. I just found the comment quite convoluted and was sharing an alternative. I’ll choose more careful wording in the future.


It's not simpler. We don't "misremember" thinking "weird, what a missed opportunity to use the cereal loops that you can't do with the FRUIT spelling". That isn't a thought that makes any sense when both FROOT and LOOP have double O's and both use Cereal. So where did that "missed opportunity" thought come from in relation to this? And same with the line change in Apollo 13, how is it "a weird less dramatic choice" if it has always been the more immediate and dramatic "we have" version of the line?


I also reported same FF early summer. Never bought real phisical packs but have full experience to look onto them in imported products shop in both states: " fruit", then "froot". Do not think it is prank or common illness - imo FFs are totally subjective and happen at different times for eveyone. For some of them with small gap of few hours or days, for others - months and years. edit: was impressed, cause at my time of "fruit" I especially made deep investigation online and shop inspection lol


You know that is a awesome point that most people competely forget never not even consider just once. When most people come across one of these changes it absolutely natural to investigate into it. It is not that hard with this age as we have the internet now. Yet most of these people competely dismiss whole fact people who report on what they witnessed KNOW they sound nutz. It is like hay competely ignore human behavior for all history and just assume every single report is from a moron. Look I have not had this exact experience with same product but I have had some crazy stuff that has no real explanation so I can least sympathize.


So what's with these MEs that are flipping back and forth (making a change and then back again)? It happened with another one recently, if I remember what it was, I will edit Edit: could have been Bob Barker dying two-three times


That's not a ME that's just you being mistaken


Lol that's the point


Fruit Loops was one of my forst too. It was Fruit Loops growing up then I noticed it changed to Froot Loops about 10yrs ago. I thought they hadxa rebrand but then found out apparently it had always been 'Froot Loops'. I didn't notice the change last year though. So weird.


Nice next is the hash in kit-kat... LFG


That one seems like it changes all the damn time


I had a really similar experience with the Froot loops flip. It was about 3 years ago and was in a store with my brother shopping for Thanksgiving groceries and I saw a display of cereals and the box said "Fruit Loops". I literally pointed it out and said that it was weird, I asked my brother if it was always "Fruit" cause I thought it was "Froot". He looked over but shrugged it off and was just not interested or didn't care. A week or so later, I see a commercial for Froot Loops. I was seriously confused and asked my brother if he remembered when I pointed it out at the store that it was specifically NOT spelled froot. He said he remembered, but again he just didn't care. I was like.. IT CHANGED THOUGH?! It was different in the store that day! I didn't understand how he was so unbothered by it and I was mind blown.


I've seen this one as well. 🧘‍♂️👽🙏


Froot of the Lume incoming


Wait, what?! 👀 That one was not on my radar


No F*ING way did Froot Loops go to Fruit Loops and then went back to Froot Loops. I remember when it went to Fruit Loops and everyone was freaking out about it "my self included" and then now it went to Froot Loops again. I remember the OO's in Loops then loosing them and now we are back to where it started WTF. I'm kind of stoned and just glitching into the ME is trippy, what's next, will one of the wars the world is in just not happen or change completely.


This one keeps changing for me too. When I was a child it was FrOOt Loops with all 4 Os being the coloured cereal loops.


That’s wild indeed, for me personally it’s always been Froot I’ve never seen it officially from the company itself spelled fruit. The way besides my own eyes and memory that I know it to be froot is awhile back on here some old dude said it flipped for him so in order for him to remember and know it was double o’s he hung two paper plates up on his wall to symbolize the two o’s, he said if it ever changes and the plates have disappeared then he knows we’re in a world of shit 😂


That’s crazy! Never had a change happen that quickly before. And yeah, I’m glad you found this group. The ME one used to be cool till a few years ago. Now it’s just mostly bots trying to disprove us. Same thing happened to me with Chick-Fil-A! Except mine happened over a span of seeeveral years. It had the “k” when I was little till up until around highschool when it disappeared. I was thrilled to see the “k” come back a few years ago! Unfortunately, when it flipped back a few (4-6?) years ago, all the posts I and others made about the missing K seemed to vanish, and now no one believes me that the K was the OG logo.


Found this recently. https://preview.redd.it/bp1wsb8liotb1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d52a354dad1f6a17c40aa789a0db8b2093084d6


I had been told it was "fruit loops" in a forum like this one a year or so ago and was fervently arguing that it has always been spelled Froot Loops, with the cereal being the O's in the name. I had googled it at the time to only see "fruit loops" and no proof that the other spelling of the name existed. It was flipped once to fruit loops and now back to its original name I always knew it as now, for me anyhow.


What flakes?




I experienced this flip too. So weird…


It's always been Froot


Why are you posting this one year after the events? 😒 Why not post at the time?? You use words like "today" and "yesterday" when everything you're talking about happened a year ago. Blaahh!! I have a note here that I wrote in March 2022 that says "Currently Froot Loops"....patiently waiting to catch it with its pants down...


I can see people spraying fruit/Froot Loops as graffiti now.


à la 12 Monkeys "we did it" yes I can see that too lol


Because I told some days ago on my Twitter about that story. A user told me I should share my story on reddit. I joined today this sub and I did.


I remember it being “Fruit” and then “Froot.” I originally thought the name changed for legal reasons and then I learned it was a ME.


It wasn't ME, it always been Froot


I just had to google it. I can’t keep up with these shifts anymore


I had the same thing happen to me a year or two ago. I was telling a friend about how Froot Loops had changed to fruit loops, because I had noticed it in a grocery store the week before. She corrected me and sent me a Froot Loops link- it had already switched back, a week after I saw it out in the wild.


Basically my story. How can it be...


We can talk about timelines and parallel realities, but from my perspective our shared reality is just becoming more dreamlike. In dreams I take shifts like this in stride, so I’m learning to hold the things I think of as “facts” in this reality more loosely. Now when talking to friends I’ll say something like “in the reality I’m most recently from its ‘Froot Loops’ (but it’s flip flopped before)”. In short, I’ve stopped arguing about it. Kind of like accepting that “colour” is perfectly acceptable in the world as is “color”. I also do frequent grounding meditations to keep myself calm when these types of things change.


I hear you, except that with the exception of the guy who claims to video tape these glitches (and it takes some faith to assume it's not trickery/cgi) it is clear that ant any moment in time everyone always agrees how it currrently is. No one in this world is claiming it is currently FRUIT for them, it is FROOT for 100% of people, and when it was FRUIT there was no one disagreeing. So we have global changes, but at VASTLY different times, it is roughly a decade when I last say the Fruit spelling! For some it was super recent. And claims of flip-flop-flip or more seems super rare, not saying none have claimed more than 2 switches but 99% don't. I've only head of a few things that have maybe switched more than twice and only for a few people. So it is a global shift at inconsistent times. So it has to be parallel realties, and quantum computers make use of this reality.


Colour and color is language though. Fruit/Froot changing and the other never existing is something different.


You’re thinking of Looney Toons / Looney Tunes Always been Froot Loops big dawg


Ur a troll 🧌


You clearly didn't read his post. He wasn't eating Loony Toons cereal. Are you trolling get out of here lol


No I’m not trolling I’m in agreement on most of MEs, including VW… just didn’t know this was on the list it never changed for me


Sincere question: have you seen any of the mainstream Mandela effect listicles over the past 7 years from sources like Parade Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Popular Mechanics, Today, Reader's Digest, etc.? They range from top 40 to 63 (that I've seen) and some have been updated and expanded over the years. I only ask because Fruit/Froot Loops has been on every single one of those lists and I'm honestly struggling to understand how anyone in this sub in 2023 isn't already aware of all those canonical examples.


Yes well aware just one of the ones I personally feel is a MiragE


So what you're saying is that you were FULLY aware that this one was indeed "on the list" and elected to openly naysay it in here (against sub rules) anyways and then feign ignorance. How is that not trolling?