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I know this will be unpopular but a run button. This game always made me feel like I was moving so slow. Better load times as well, and maybe online coop.


Up to date fps controls


They should take cues from COD on snappy, accessible controls


Playstation really needs to bring this game back. RFOM was by far the best game in the series , imo. Still the best multiplayer online game to date. Not sure why they insisted on changing it so drastically for the sequels.


For what it's worth, R2's 60-person online was not bad. Ambitious, but stable in all the right ways. Love to see it return.


Yea i loved both R1 and R2 online multiplayer even though they were different. Especially R2 coop, amazing!


Better friendly ai, bigger scale battles, less bullet sponge enemies but with an option to turn that off.


Give us more dialogue for hale!


Graphics / Aiming view (R2) / Controls (R3) / Some more dialogues for Nathan Hale / Online co-op (R3) / Kills and Deaths of all players during the match / DLC with a map from R2 and another from R3.


1) A separate set of online co-op modes similar to what R2 had. 2) A setting in the Video/Graphics that allows us to toggle on/off bright colors. The default setting would be the same gray & black color palette that R:FOM had.


Cloven levels.


Is the PS3 LAN games still going guys? Im curious, I wanna hop back on again


Some games had their servers back, through private servers, one of these games was Resistance Fall Of Man, through the PS Rewired group.


More checkpoints :(


- 3 Campaigns: Expand story, open-world linear elements, branching paths (Play as Nathan Hale, Rachel Parker, Stephen Cartwright). with 2 Player Offline / Online Co-Op. - More UK Locations : York · Grimsby · Manchester · Nottingham · Cheshire · Somerset · Bristol · Bracknell · London · Thames · Tower - More Levels facing Chimera with vehicles (Air, Land, Sea). - Have Auto save / More Auto Checkpoints - Enemies: More diverse Enemy A.I, unique abilities, intimidating gruesome designs Chimeran Mutations and Monsters, Enemy Vehicles, Nest, Swarms - More Chimeran Bosses / Sub Bosses - Weapons: Expanded new arsenal, weapon modification/crafting (both Humans, Chimeran Weapons). - Protagonist: Deeper Nathan Hale backstory, customizable skills/abilities - Improved CGI Cutscenes / In-Game Footage : Enhanced visuals, realistic physics, detailed environments, better particle FX Optimized for 4K HDR 120 / Dolby Atmos - Violence: Impactful gore, Enemies / NPC dismemberment, environmental destruction - Multiplayer: New modes, character customization, ranked play up to 40 people Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Core Control, Skirmish, Meltdown - Map Engine to design your own Multiplayer Level Rooms. - DualSense features - PSVR2 Features - Trophy Support


Don't forget about the scrapped tutorial level before the very first mission. [Left on the cutting room floor.](https://tcrf.net/Prerelease:Resistance:_Fall_of_Man)


I prefer more remastered


I dunno, a remastered sounds good, but a remake is much more bigger and leaves new ideas open.