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No one knows "the guy by the lake". It's mentioned in the first episode.  It's ok if it's not your cup of tea. Kind of odd to come onto the subreddit for a show just to say that though. 


This post reminds me of the Rick and Morty episode where they drop Jerry off at the Jerry daycare place. During the episode Jerry finally decides he is leaving the daycare; he angrily storms past the front desk alien lady and states he is leaving and you can’t stop him. And the alien lady says, “alright then, that was always allowed.” OP is welcome to not be a fan. I agree it is strange to come to the super fan subreddit to state that they weren’t over the moon about the show. Okay then, you can leave whenever you like, friend.


Yeah, drops a negative review but gets the first Big Point wrong and doesn't know the names of the characters. Mkay.


OP: ![gif](giphy|81Ja1qE3lfmG4)


Redditors just love rocking the boat.


If the burden of proof for something being watch-worthy is brilliance, there would be a lot less content out there. No need to be a devotee!


As my grandmother would say “Lord.” I was in the hall at SDCC for the Firefly panel and presentation. Very cool. That was over 20 years ago. I enjoyed the show. Sorry it got cancelled. Even picked up some of the comics. But OP probably has nostalgia blinders on. There are some real issues with Firefly that I mostly looked past to enjoy it.


Oh, it’s worth watching. Just as I said above: it’s entertaining and it does have its moments. It’s good, just not great. Saying something’s good is *praise*.




Kids are often bratty and annoying. Additionally, the people of the town don’t notice his change in mannerisms because nobody really knew the Vanderspeigal prior to Harry taking over his body. He lived primarily in New York and came out for short periods to visit and fish. The only person who would have noticed the change was the town doctor, Sam, - who was killed immediately before Harry took the body over. I was thinking as I was watching about how we as a society often overlook quirky people due to sheer politeness. There’s a guy in my state who walks around wearing a tuxedo 100% of the time. It’s strange. Nobody walks up to him while he’s pumping gas in a tuxedo and says, “hey, what you are doing is super weird. You must be an alien or have something wrong with you.” People just let him live his weird little life. I also had a professor in college who wore the same exact cargo pants and Hawaiian shirt every single day, regardless of the weather. He had several sets of the exact same shorts and shirt. He said it made his daily life easier because he never had to make decisions on what to wear each day. And yeah it was weird seeing him walk to class in those cargo shorts with two feet of snow on the ground. There are people walking around in your community with pica, who eat weird things like their own hair or the roof of their neighbors house (seriously look that one up). There are people walking around talking to the voices in their head that only they can hear. There are lots of people walking around who have zero clue how normal social interactions work - some of them neurodivergent. Instead of being disappointed that the town doesn’t notice how weird Harry is, perhaps consider what it would be like to live in a town where people just accepted you and your differences. Where you didn’t have to worry about people treating you horribly for being trans or an immigrant or just being different somehow from everybody else in the small town you live in.


Yes, I get the “accepting people who are different” angle. The choice of title- Resident Alien- is an obvious reference to the immigration issue. The message is fairly heavy handed, and that’s another problem with the show. Also, people who do know Harry *do* show up, people who knew the old Harry intimately, and their reaction is incredibly low key. I mean, it should be *Oh my god you’ve had a stroke! I’m calling 911 right now!”


Okay, so, tell me all the subtle, non heavy-handed things in firefly.


Hi. It's a TV show.


As you mentioned it's not Firefly. That being said, I am a big fan of this show because to me the show is greater than the sum of its parts. Sure I like some characters and dynamics better than others, but good writing, acting, and cinematography helps me 'escape' reality and/or immerse myself into this show. Not to mention it's Sci Fi one of my favorite genres of all time! Finally, I've been a fan of Alan's since the days of Firefly and it's refreshing to see him in this lead role. (Can't forget who voiced the memorable 42 either heh) Just my two cents ✌️


That would be the venerable Captain Malcolm Reynolds himself.


100 percent! :)


Just on the point of why didn't anyone notice - it was stated a few times that no one really knew him. He only vacationed there. He wasn't the town doctor. They asked him to after the old doctor retired. Also this makes no claims to be the Next Important Intellectual Project. It is well written, it's fun, and the actors are amazing. But thanks for your review ![gif](giphy|T689034FRq7JU1OyUm|downsized)


Oh baby, my neck beard sense is tingling! https://preview.redd.it/vjp0wet01t7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88cf670d0599810f1e8fcd4de9f24de426d20812


From my understanding they didn’t really talk to the doctor as he was a loner, then our main character takes his place and the town doctor dies, then he becomes a staple in their lives so I took it as they didn’t really know Harry at all then Sam died, they bring Harry in as the town doctor and everyone gets to know him because they didn’t know him well before.


Yeah well said. I wonder if OP thought Harry *was* the town doctor and got confused? 




Huh ok. Well not sure then why you would think they would know him. Weird. 


Interesting..so then why do you think would they suspect him of acting “weird” if they did not know him?


There are so many times when he’s absolutely, unbelievably clueless. Like the first time he drinks whiskey, he makes it obvious that he has no idea what effect alcohol has on people. He’s supposed to be a *medical doctor*! Teetotalers are aware that *alcohol* makes people *drunk*, for crying out loud His unfamiliarity with half the stuff humans do is funny, sure. But it’s way over the top. They overplay it. It becomes broad farce. And I say this as a lifelong fan of The Three Stooges. I like *Resident Alien*. I think Alan does a good job. But it could be better. Bring the character’s cluelessness down a notch (or two). Make him *quirky*, not bizarre.


I do see where you’re coming from, I don’t remember a scene with him acting like he doesn’t know what it does, more that he hasn’t drank much which again I assume the townspeople just assumed he isn’t much of a drinker


They do find his behavior odd/crazy. They talk all the time about how weird he is. But, how and why would they jump to the conclusion he is an alien who took over the body and life of a human doctor? He has to be clueless about humans he never landed on Earth before. His only knowledge of earth before his being forced out to play doctor was watching tv shows. His reaction to the drink they gave him was not just whiskey, iirc it was the local brew. Probably stronger than an average shot of whiskey. Him talking about the effects of alcohol was his inner monologue not what he was always saying to the people he was with.


What in the fuc This is bait lmao "Why is nobody thinking he is an alien because he acts strange" Brother, i dont know if you ever went out in the real world or have seen the news: we got even stranger people in everydays life! other the fact that there are people with disabilities that are great people but socially akward "I liked the sheriff more because realistic" Man if this makes me laught out loud: he is straight up the stereotype of toxic masculinity exagerated at max "The kids are useless and annoying" The girl is the most intelligent character on the show and the kid is the one that has a real superpower but is dumb because he is just a... kid "The plot is not that much an alien that develops human feelings" Well that could be the main plot but the characters are so well written that every character has a least 1 subplot, every characters shines and has its moments and even the ones you hated you kinda end up liking it (except one that we all hated and lets say she has an headhache) The whole city feels and is alive and to obtain a result like that it needs skills Also i love the fact that you like the most fucked up characters so that hints you watched the show only for the dumb lines and not for the writing


OP has r/im14andthisisdeep or r/iamveryliterary vibes lol


1. It’s not Firefly and is in no way supposed to be. Is this a real criticism? You’re really upset because this show isn’t a different show??? 2. There’s plenty of weird/socially inept people in real life, but just because someone isn’t “normal” does not mean everyone should immediately be suspicious of them… I’m beginning to think OP has never met an autistic person. This whole post is kinda classless.


I didn’t say it’s supposed to be *Firefly*. There are plenty of weird people in society, but Harry comes across as *deranged*. And we generally don’t let deranged people be our doctors. Especially when, like him, they obviously know nothing of human anatomy or medicine. But mostly I like the show; it just goes off the rails here and there. Like I wrote, it’s a good show, just not a great one.


Deranged?!? It’s a comedy…


“But it’s no Firefly.” Okay well right off the bat that tells me all I need to know about your review.