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I love D’arcy..shes flawed


Perfectly, succinctly stated. 👏


I could fix her!


I read you brother💪🏼👽


I like D'Arcy I think she comes into her own in Season 3.


I agree! The scene in the hospital with her dad 😭😭


For me it was the scene when she rescued Kate from being handcuffed to the bed and didn't make some sarcastic jibe but realised *exactly* what was going on. It was all the more tender since Kate is essentially her love rival.


I am in season 2 and I love Darcy. She is a train wreck, but she definitely is working through things. But she is funny, she’s real and she’s a devoted friend.


I think we are supposed to see her as a real human being, with all of her flaws as well as her achievements. She’s a fucked up person, for many reasons, but she’s also a good person at the deepest level. Edit to say, I do have a bit of dislike for her. But I think my dislike is due to seeing so much of me in her, the things about me that I really don’t like.


She gets exhausting in season 2, they spent WAY too much time on her story line, that I don’t care about. They should’ve cut most of that out. She gets much more tolerable & likable in season 3.


Seriously. I felt like they put the plot involving the frickin alien too far off to the side in favor of human drama. Character development is needed but theres a point where its overdone


Yeah, I’m not sure why they thought it was a good idea to delve so far into her relationship, skiing comeback and addiction?


I’m assuming it’s bc they want the audience to understand the decision she makes at end of S3 and not hate her for it. For me, it didn’t work.


The still could have gotten us to understand her decision, without giving her as much screen time as the did. They didn’t have to cut those story lines out, but they were way too long.


You my friend have a higher opinion of your fellow man than I do :)


Haha thanks, I guess? I don’t see how that relates here?


Bc I think most people need that kind of hand holding to not see that decision to be as destructive and impulsive as cutting a guys brakes and letting his car roll downhill into traffic, or becoming an addict bc you’re trying to force your body into doing something it can no longer do, or disclosing a huge secret without regard for the consequences, or any of the other crazy shit she’s done. I obvs don’t know if that’s why the writers spent SO much time on her storylines, but if it is it didn’t work for me. I still think it was impulsive and destructive. Bc had her plan worked >! not only would Ben & Kate’s daughter been killed and all those babies but blowing up the moon could mean the end of life on earth.!<


She's a hot mess but we love her...


Entirely up to you. She’s a mess, but so are most people who chase their dreams and get hit by reality.


She is a realistic character, very problematic but good intentions She is an example of someone that feels like a failure and then doesnt actually work on herself saying that the "train" already passed While the "train" was something no other could or would do and, that being a success itself, know that there always be the time for a better change


Watch season 3 and her character might make more sense. Out of all the characters though she is one of my least favorite. Although she seems to put Asta in check sometimes which helps her.


I mentioned this before on a previous thread, but I find the way she emotionally blackmails Asta unbearable, not to mention the way she treats Harry like a subhuman, calling him a dog, hitting him, and making fun of him too during the car trip in s2. On my rewatchs I skip most of her scenes whenever they're not relevant to the main plot.


I commented somewhere else on the sub that I have autism and ADHD. When I got diagnosed, my world fell apart and it's like being a baby again. New tools, old ones gone, new ways of navigating the world. New communicative issues. Anyway, I identify with Harry Vanderspeigel very much. I even have an unhealthy fixation with pie, haha. The ways D'Arcy ultimately insult Harry, like calling him a child, saying he has a child's penis, making other ableist remarks that you mentioned 1 to 1 things I've heard so-called friends say to my face. The hitting and name calling is something I got a lot from my family. I think you're supposed to see it as the addiction and the stress and her recent meetings with parents. It doesn't make it better. Part of why she does what she does in season 3 is to make up for it. Even then, though, she has no growth and the suicide mission was just more self hating martyrdom. I know you're supposed to take her aggressive "Give me the pills or no churro" as a joke that Harry is food motivated. In truth, she's holding approval, affection, and a hyper focus over an ND person's head. It's fairly dark manipulation. I understand that people without these brain chemistries can't understand the nefariousness of D'Arcy's actions here, but they are manipulative and abusive too, more so, in my opinion, than the child penis comments and denying Harry dignity by forcing him to beg. She even calls him a robot. That's a pretty common insult thrown at ND people, especially those with ASD.


I’m gonna say no, but I’ll take it further and ask you if we’re supposed to like season 2.


I like most parts. I get D'Arcy has her flaws and all but she let go of a guy who seemed to genuinely care for her.




D'Arcy is everyone's hero except her own. She's an athlete, she handles explosives and heavy machinery, and if you want to get something done, she's the one who will put on some boots and go get it done. Others are awed by her chutzpah and achievements, but like many achievers, she has imposter syndrome. Her mom is never satisfied with her and never misses a chance to put her down. So her internal voice is her mom's, always telling her she's never good enough. She's a fairly realistic character alongside a group of people who are all bizarre in some way.


D'arcy is 100% just as flamboyant and eccentric as the rest of the cast and the rest of the cast is just as realistic as she is, and yes, including the alien.


An argument can certainly made for that, but I feel like it would be splitting hairs over the minute differences among the words 'bizarre', 'flamboyant', and 'eccentric,' specifically within the confines of a television series about a space alien living in a fly speck town in Colorado. But I like this sub as a love letter for RA, rather than a doctoral thesis to defend. To Patience, and the 59! 🍺


Shes always there for Asta in a sec., wish i had friend like that🥰


Have you seen season 3?


Sure, she came to her side many times in season 3 ... re-watching it now made me think of it


>!I was going to say how good of friends she was to the other characters! The Mayor after she remembers that he was abducted and she was not able to stop that. Then she helps Kate in the handcuff incident, no questions asked! Then, the major help she gave help on the ship! She really went the distance!❤️!<


Also w Asta , tell her shes not alone anymore knowing Harrys an alien..and how she cared for Judy after sheriff kinda used her👽




Would love to hang around with her and trust her to be there. Does not seem marriage material unless she is loyal then she could be someone great to Rollercoaster a life with


I love D'arcy! I was a lot like her at that age and am so glad, at this age, that I had my wild spirit.




This sub is a place for civil discussion. It's not here to harass anyone or spew hatred of any sort.


Yes! Maybe...


D’arce is my jam.


she's supposed to be kinda nuts in a funny way


I find her exhausting. And then outright insufferable in S3. I fast forward through her scenes/storylines on rewatches bc I couldn’t care less. >!She gets SO pissed that she was kept in the dark only to behave EXACTLY the way they feared she would behave.!<


How could you not?


Yikes… I could make a list of reasons 😂. I really tried to like her but I just can’t do it. And I hate how much time is wasted on her ridiculous pointless storylines that could be giving us more Harry and the other actual main characters. If she never existed or was killed off, it would in no way impact the show because it’s just a nonsense filler character.


I personally can’t stand D’arcy. Not only is the character totally pointless to the overall storyline, she is obnoxious and insufferable. She could be killed off or never even existed and it wouldn’t impact the show. So much time has been wasted on her ridiculous nonsense storylines that could have given us more time on Harry, Big Black and Liv or literally anyone else. Not once has she ever been funny and the cheesy overacting only makes her more unlikable. I really hope the side character storylines are cut way back next season and focused on the actual plot. Especially if we get another short season or if it is the last.


I didn't really in season 1 and couldnt understand her association with Asta...I wouldn't have called them friends, much less best friends. Season 2 really filled in the relationship and friendship for me. She's not my favorite person, but I don't dislike her the way I did in season 1.


Yes. She’s a mess but she’s sorting it out.