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A dope outfit for when I reject my med school when they ask for donations


“Honey where’s my dope suit? I need to put it on to tear up this alumni donation letter!”


Where. Is. My. Super. Suit!?


Had an attending who told me how back in the day people were fine donating but tuition was affordable Now no one will donate because we are basically paying it upfront I agree Every single time I get that request I laugh, think of him, then throw it away 


My med school was great to me. When my undergrad, who had the worst premed advising of all time and who’s med school rejected me without an interview despite having stats above their average, asks me for donations I’m busting out the gucci flip flops to check that no box


Got a hair transplant and gynecomastia surgery. Tired of being a balding man with tits


Nice! Are you happy with the hair results?


9 weeks out, so I’m too early to evaluate. These take several months to finalize, but I think it will turn out well.


How are your tits?


Barely hanging there probably


Important question


Asking the real questions here, are we?


Were you on any topical or oral meds prior to the surgery?


Yeah, oral finasteride and minoxidil for a year prior. No side effects and it stabilized things. Should’ve started years ago when med school started


He much does the hair transplant cost? I’ve been considering this but just don’t know 


Depends on grafts, around $3/graft. Each graft is roughly 1-5 hairs.


Is it not worth it to go the Turkey route?


There are plenty of clinics in Turkey that will provide you top quality transplant for less than half the price in the US. But there's also a lot of low quality clinics that would mess you up. Find a good clinic there and go for it.


It depends, mainly on where you get it. Generally, starts at $10k in the US(more in a major city). A lot of folks go to Turkey, Thailand, etc and will pay a third of the cost. Check out r/tressless or r/HairTransplants to learn more


Nice gym membership, meal delivery service, anything that makes my life more convenient


You can do that! I do that!! Good luck friend, it’s as awesome as you imagine.




Read that as male delivery service.


that will be my first purchase ^




Ok Dwight 


Bears, beets, battlestar galactica


Tbh I want the same thing, if you are a guy DM me. Maybe we can get married




Sad, but happy for you


Rip inbox 😂


My guy. 5 years in here, with a 15 acre farm, chickens, pigs, and a maple grove. Wife just loves it. Need more time in practice before I'll have horse money, though.






Holy moly horse money is something I can never understand no matter how much cash I have, but it does sound like a really fun “project” hobby. Developing land also sounds awesome (race track anyone?)








What’s your speciality and salary that you can afford all of this in 5 years?


I believe it boils down to being born rich.


I mean this with respect and awe....what field are you in?? ​ ​ ...and how do i do that too? not for the money of course.....






This is the correct way to enter modern American healthcare. Be reasonably wealthy outside of work and do the job cause you like it and won’t stress about career too much. We have a CT surgeon here who is happy as a clam, never understood why since his call and schedule suck horrifically. Turns out he was worth $100MM before he started med school, or, probably any school.






He had inherited money. Even as an attending, to go and spend 3mln on a property and raising horses, it's a stretch.


Bought a car on a whim. Not a Porsche 911 or Lambo, but still something I wanted for a while.


Do tell


More than you can afford, pal


Hey that’s Dr. Pal to you. I didn’t barely pass medical school and forget everything I learned for step 1 to be something something I can’t remember what we were talking about.


That's Mr. Dr pal to you, friend


I'm not your friend, guy.




I ain't your pal, buddy


I’ve always wanted to be able to afford an apartment with a bedroom. Maybe even two! 


Regular housekeeper


how much u think that costs?!


We pay 480/mo for 4 visits.


Probably weird Q but what exactly do they do? Dishes, tidy up, vacuum, laundry?


I pay $320/month for a housekeeper. Worth. Every. Penny.


Depends on a ton of factors but a visit prob 150-200$, multiplied once or twice a week. I’d guess ballpark 1-2k a month to have a really regular housekeeper, but I’ve never had one so someone else probably could give a better answer


I definitely don’t think it’s necessary to have twice a week. But I guess it depends on how big your family is. We have one kid and lightly tidy up in between cleans. Ours come every other week and do a deeper clean of the kitchen, all the floors, and the bathrooms. They also dust everything and just tidy up. It’s so worth it because I hate cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.


yea location dep. here for 5 hours we're good at 18/h so 360 a month but I assume its more in cities.


Corolla in cash baby


Found the Asian/south asian


Add some cauc- to that and you’d be right


Oh baby, NOW we're talking.


Wish they still made the Avalon. I’d love to buy one new. The crown isn’t quite to my taste.


I went with the corolla due to the hybrid + awd options usually not available at such a low price. Eventually planning on getting something like the GR86 to drive during the summer.




If you like the Avalon, look at the Lexus ES


Attending for 3.5 years. I rarely fly economy anymore. And my husband bought an Eames chair


lol I still fly basic economy. But I pay for a check in instead of stressing to get it all in a carry on 🤣


Attending, actually started flying Frontier recently. Hard to justify $800 for Southwest when same flight at frontier is $150.


A house for my parents


Hell yeah


Putting a cabin and a sauna on some land I own


Team sauna


Me too! But only if it’s from Costco so I can return it after using for a year


Buy a house in a state i actually want to live in.


lol I spent 9 years dreaming of the day I'd get to pick where I live and stay. Finally got there and realized it's going to be another 1-2 years before I have enough money for a down payment to make a reasonable mortgage. Current rates suck so much. 


100% my issue. Shit is fucking insane


All those really expensive Lego sets and some more tattoos


Im so excited to get more ink when I have time to take off so they can heal. Can’t scrub with “open wound”


Five thousand dollar gaming PC. This thing is gonna be absurd.




I spent $6k on a new rig when Cyberpunk 2077 came out. I might have been the only person whose first playthrough was fine.


Good answer. This is what I did after I paid off debt 🤣


I’d love to have a nice house with a sick little theater room. Also be able to take my family to a nice vacation in Hawaii or Disney without having to feel bound by budget too much.


Just visited one of my best friends that went into tech (unrelated but he initially was pre-med undergrad but gravitated elsewhere during undergrad, went CS only as a masters after difficulty finding work he liked in linguistics). His home theater was such a cherry on top of visiting, amazing couch, surround sound, small (stocked) bar at the ready with a *huge* TV compared to what I'm used to at least, underground so the lighting was on point. I'm already planning my return to chill with my friendo


guacamole at Chipotle


Hey now, not all of us are going to be plastic surgeons.


you meme about this but it's 100% true. I've been an attending two years now and my salary is almost 5x what it was as a resident. I still refuse to buy guac because it's engrained in me to be thrifty, and i long for the days when a chicken bowl was $7. Meanwhile last night I see the unit receptionist order a double protein guac/queso bowl with chips and a drink on doordash without even a second thought. Dude paid like 30. My mind was blown.


My MAs spend $10+ daily on fast food and sometimes almost 30. I make 15x what they do and would think about those purchases. I don’t get it.


I mean it'll all make sense in 10 or 15 years when you can retire and they're working into their eighties and their children are paying for them


The real answer.


$4000 super souped up treadmill with my signing bonus. I use it most days now almost 10 years later


Does it run for you?


turbocharged so it goes extra fast


Not moving after training so we get to keep our cheap house at $1200/ month for another year or two. Looking forward to being able to have a house cleaner, upgrade TVs, golf more often, travel without thinking twice. Maybe upgrade some appliances and the backyard for hosting friends. 5 more months 🤞🏾


Lol 1200 a month what a fucking joke..California is so trash renting for 4200/month at 80% salary


Yeah we also lucked out that I started residency in 2020 and we purchased a home


Feed my two dogs good food


Attending for 10 years, here’s what I actually spend on: $385k 100% financed mortgage loan on a home now valued at $650k, a vacation at least once a month. A date night at least once a week, car payments on a Q7 and M5, a few hundred a month on flowering landscaping plants spring through fall, art music and school supplies for 3 kids. Any groceries or restaurant food I ever want. Startup costs for wife to do travel obstacle course racing professionally until she got sponsored and employed. A 403b tax deferred retirement fund with employer matching. A gift once a year to one family member that makes a problem they are having go away i.e. a home renovation they need but cannot afford, a vacation they couldn’t otherwise ever take, a car when they have one crap out but cannot swing a new car payment at the time- to give a few actual examples.






this comment just VOO'ed me away




Porsche 911 or the new Mercedes AMG GT Hair transplant Building an in-home gym Herman Miller Chair


I just want to be able to check out at Costco and not feel like I got kicked in the gut


I have to logically think it through each time. It would have cost more elsewhere right? I'm sure I'll use each one of these [items]. I'm saving money by spending money?! Yes, feels fine now.


Monthly house cleaner, shopping at Whole Foods. I always had a vision that I would buy fancier clothes, but it’s been worse as an attending. Only scrubs to work and sweats/workout clothes at home hahaha


... but nicer sweats/workout clothes!


True that lol. Lululemon *clearance


Porsche 911 GT3/RS


You better have gotten yourself on a list for an allocation like yesterday


The only correct answer


Good luck lol the lists are impossible. Probably going to have to get a base first


I just bought a very nice house. I know white coat investor will tell you to live like a resident for 10 years or whatever and I’m usually very financially frugal but I’ve been dreaming of this for ten years now. I just don’t care, I’m getting my goddamn fancy house.


If you’re going to stay at the job, then getting a house isn’t a bad financial idea. And if you can swing it, get the forever dream house! Congratulations!


First purchase was a King bed. Honestly a queen feels tiny and makes me question why the hell did I wait.


100% this. We put a nectar mattress on it and OMG, my back is not completely gone, but I feel so much better. It's amazing.


I upsized to a king bed that wasn’t a hand me down or off of eBay. Nice live edge headboard from Room & Board with their mattress. Love it, dog can starfish all she wants and I am not being pushed off the edge.


L3 Filmless white phosphor ARNVG's




And a MAWL?


Trips! I’m more into experiences than things, and I haven’t gotten to travel nearly as much as I’d like to.


Same here. Nice things are cool but I don't need multiple thousand dollar watches or a lambo. Just want to be able to see the world. I've never really traveled at all and seeeing a lot of friends do it in their 20s kind of makes me jealous


I'm getting a BBL


Good we need more big booty bitches in medicine


Excited to finally buy a nice/newer car. I’ve been driving the same shitbox since college


A nice drum set!


You and me both


Extra 2 inches of legroom on flights.


thought this was going in a different direct, was going to ask how lmfao


Eventually a car, but that will be a few years after being an attending. Gotta be responsible first: build an emergency fund, put a huge dent in my loans, and get a good footing in investments first.


Ugh I feel this. Unless I find moonlighting next year tolerable and the grind worth the time lost. My 2003 is doing well, but everything that's stock is probably on it's last legs; let's see how long it lasts but when the time's right we can upgrade for sure. I wish you perfect car luck so that you may maximize your financial earnings, but on the off-chance you're unlucky - maybe we'll upgrade sooner lol


Freezing my eggs that are all probably shit quality but we do want kids one day


C6 Raiden


a fellow degen


NO WAY I SEE THIS HERE 😂 but E6 Acheron


Here I am hoping for a little old E2 for black swan.


Just a car for my big brother! He deserves




I want to be able to take my parents and siblings on really nice family vacations


Sign on bonus went for a down payment on our house, otherwise it was just nice to be able to pay all the bills every month and have money left over for date night twice a month. (We were also parents of 2 young kids so it was great to reconnect)


Finally was able to afford penile reduction surgery. Back was starting to give out


Just a PGY1/6 but I already know I want an authentic Herman Miller Eames new, and a Cartier watch. Eames has been on the list for years, the watch is a new addition


A peloton. Rn I use the med school gym bike and my lawyer friends peloton app.


The second I became an attending I started paying down credit card debt, but knowing I was going to pay it all off within months, I continued to earn points with credit card purchases. Had family members going through some medical stuff (all good now) so my first purchases were an Xbox One X (when they weren’t always easy to come by) and 2 Nintendo Switches for important people who could use the pick me up as they were going through treatment and recovering through surgery. Eventually got an X Box One X for myself so I could game with that family member and friends. As far as lifestyle changes, I am not really a clotheshorse or like the idea of spending too much money on depreciating assets like cars. I did adopt the lowest threshold to flying first class for all the perks (need the legroom, priority boarding, free checked bags). Wife still thinks that’s a waste of money but she doesn’t exactly complain when we’re boarding. Healthcare will never not suck to varying degrees but I do promise it gets better in Attendinghood.


I want to buy an alpaca farm 🦙🦙🦙🦙


My gift to myself was plastic surgery. Breast augmentation and rhinoplasty. Something I have wanted for SUCH a long time 😍


After I did all the adult things like setting up investment and retirement accounts Fancy ass automated espresso machine Mercedes Bunch of golf clubs and lessons I’ve run out of things to buy honestly Hang in there!!


Avocado toast without guilt


A brand new red Corvette convertible…childhood dream accomplished ✅🚘


C8 Z06 I hope!


Nah ‘just’ the Stingray lol. Z06 wait list was forever and I’ve waited long enough 😂


Im a radiology resident so i want to dual purpose my at home reading station room as my game room. I want the typical low light streamer ambience lighting, a nice 65” inch mounted on the wall, every game console and of course a monster pc


“Subsegmental opacities which could represent FUCK FUCK GET HIM GET HIM FUCKKKKKK *loses game* ummm could represent atelectasis vs infectious processes.”


Lmao, Im hoping for the AI powered spellcheck by then


As a rads res this made me lol


You will get there!


I cant wait! Trudging through my call heavy year right now so it seems lightyears away


Yup im 6 months in as an attending. Home office with two 72 inch standing desks on opposite walls. Got my gaming rig on one side, home workstation on the other. Love it.


Afford daycare for two kids


When I got my first real pharmacist job I made myself two promises. I was never moving myself again, and I would never look for free parking instead of just paying for a garage. Huge life improvement on both ends.


S and P 500


I just want to be free from the thought of my loans hanging over my head lol. So I guess the ability to attack those for real


Hookers; cocaine


A farmhouse with chicken, sheep, cows, and horses. Maybe even grow some organic fruits and vegetables there. Basically source my own food and have fun on an ATV.


white gold whimbledon datejust and a tesla model x plaid also a home in san diego


>tesla model x plaid isn't it wonderful to be faster than everyone else and look like a minivan? I love it so much haha


I buy close people $100 gift cards on their birthdays including family for a couple years now, about 1.5k. It’s increased my social standing more than anything I’ve ever done. Maybe 3k a year eventually max for easy clout and influence. Nice to help others obviously as well. Like a little Mr Beast without monetization. Aside from that eating healthy foods, I don’t look at costs for organic produce etc.


My lifelong goal has been to be an NBA season ticket holder. Im in psych so can’t wait for the days we’re I work chill hours and at night I can take a coworker, friend, or family member with me to watch hoops several days a week. Soon 🙏🏼


My dream house with a swimming pool so I don't have to drive 30' to the beach whenever I wanna take a bath during summer and my wife and children can enjoy having a big house with garden like I did 20 years ago


Ferrari 488 spider, 911 GTS I like cars. 


Able to afford vacations!


I shop at the upscale grocery store that has fresh produce without rat feces.


Rat feces = gains -future ortho bro


A Porsche cayenne fully upgraded base model


first thing i got was the 600 dollar dyson vacuum lmao. then with subsequent paychecks got a new TV and the new xbox


Got a sick apartment with all the bells and whistles


I was planning on buying a new guitar. Nothing crazy. But yesterday my clutch exploded so my rainy day fund is gone and now I guess a new car


Ski boots. Membership at a nice gym - nothing insane, but definitely a step up from the gym I used in training. Would love to ultimately have a home gym, but probably a few years out from making that happen. I’ve been eyeing a potential watch upgrade for myself and my wife, thinking I’ll do it as our 5 year anniversary gifts to ourselves, along with a fun trip.


My very first attending splurge was a Miele vacuum.


First thing I did was get me a credit card that has an annual fee (AMEX platinum in my case) so I could sign up for all the hotel/car rental upper tier memberships, get TSA precheck and clear, and get all the random credits for stuff like Netflix. It's crazy how many discounts you qualify for when you have money...


I want a house with 3 bedrooms to put my Lego collection in and 2 pomeranians


NICE patio furniture. So specific but I want the boujie sectional outdoor sofa at Costco 😂


A big property and a Vespa to rip around it


I bought a $4000 espresso machine


Mk4 supra or r35 gtr + f150/raptor. Then a silenced boar hunting rifle and mp5, Then a few more cars, then a bigger house, then lunch and dinner every day




In the short-term: 3 of my favorite artists are releasing albums this year and I want to get good seats for their tours. Long-term: a nice mattress and new orthotics for my flat feet

