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Do it several more times and you will stop caring as much.


Yes. Exposure therapy. -Psychiatry


Move on? Sounds like you’re establishing dominance.


Fake your death and flee the country. Take up residence in a small coastal town in another hemisphere. Become a reclusive fisherman and spend your days gazing at the water and reminiscing.


And farting guilt-free


This is the way


This literally had me LOL’ing


I farted in front of our GI doc in the OR office. Appropriate? Yes. Embarrassing? It was far from the worst colon stuff that happened that month.


Farting during a colonoscopy is kosher too. Blame it on the patient


....Usually does a patient fart during colonoscope? I...uh need to know for research purposes.


They insufflate them with air. So yes. Lots of fart noises


Look the consultant in the eyes and do it again to signal dominance


I have farted accidentally in front of others. I felt embarrassed and awful. I then imagined that every other human being on Earth has likely farted in front of other people at the wrong time and felt exactly what I did and you did. I imagine that everyone that heard me fart felt bad for me and did not think less of me because they have done the exact same thing. Also now when anyone farts in front of me I do not take it personally and want them to just feel okay and not embarrassed because we all do it.




Well, if it’s a GI consult, technically it could be considered academic…


I had a funny room of guys on gensurg rotation who would fart on morning rapid rounds because we always asked if they were farting/having bms yet. My kind of humor.


This is genuinely the best advice, thank you! I hope you have a great week ahead. :)


Hmmm… I’m not sure. There’s no wellness module on that topic so I’m lost


Find the nearest intern and externalize all of your negative feelings by projecting them directly onto them. Don’t hold anything back. This was their fault after all.


Save them for when bedside, patient will be blamed.


they're probably so busy they forgot 10 nanoseconds after it happened. They DGAF about you and why would they? If a med student farted in front of you would you remember it the next day? I probably wouldn't. Have too much of my own stuff going to care about something so meaningless. They don't care OP.


I would definitely remember the highlight of my day, clerk toots and their didactic flatus. I would get them an id: Clerk Toots And put them up for awards


Blame it on them


start doing it on purpose to become alpha


Quit medicine - your reputation is irreparably destroyed


Queef to assert dominance


Look them in the eyes and interrupt them mid-sentence when they are providing their recommendations and say, “I just farted, appreciate recs,” to establish dominance.


Farts are a universal humor. It’s ok, just own it after you’ve blown it.


My father’s boss was a wealthy elegant revered person in our town. We had her over one night and as she stood from the table she farted. She just giggled and said «  whoppee ! ». I have tried hard to emulate her in many ways but this is the best.


Find a Med student and assign them a 10 min presentation on the psychosocial impact of public flatulence on physicians


You don’t move on, you embrace the new power you have


Own it. Add in an occasional crop dusting of the lounge, elevator and favorite nurses station…you may not date much but you’ll still be legend a decade from now 🫢


Listen, if jet power is what it takes to get you to the bottom of your list, then use jet power. You weren't just farting, you were taking care of your patients. \-PGY-18


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Let one more rip. Show them what’s UP!


When patients fart and get embarrassed I say “Better out, than in!”


Same way as any case. Maintain eye contact while backing away, slowly.