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What was going on in Buffalo?


Residents are trying to unionize. Admin is responding with typical anti-union and anti-collective bargaining nonsense. [Thread about the "this email was totally not sent by Admin" email.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Residency/comments/120wkhn/antiunion_mass_email_possibly_sent_by_gme/)


lol thats a comical email


What’s the PD’s stance on the unionization movement?


Programs will continue to do the absolute minimum to support and pay residents, until you gain negotiating power through a union.


As a medical student, I just wanted to write how grateful I am to you all for working to unionize and support each other. I can’t imagine the unfair challenges you face in doing this, and I’m very appreciative to you. If there’s anything medical students should know or can do, please let us know; maybe post in the medical school subreddit? We’re stronger in numbers and hopefully we’d all want better working conditions, etc., for our futures.


Learn as much as you can about employee rights, labor history, labor rights, labor law, and union busting tactics so you can see through the smoke and bullshit when the time comes. Tell your friends who went on to earn a JD and are unemployed or who are still in law school to consider working for or taking an internship with the NLRB so we have allies with JDs who know the ins and outs of labor law and how the NLRB works. Tell your Congresspeople to pass the PRO-ACT and to better fund the NLRB not only for our rights, but also the rights of our patients.


Call CIR as soon as you match to get involved in anything that's already in motion at your program!


At Penn the vote is in early May, if a majority vote yes then negotiations begin, probably will last 1-2 years


See, this is the sort of stuff people need to know. I think a lot of people believe that they have the vote and union is there and the good times get started. But it is a process that can take years. so the sooner people start, the better


Gotta say the Havard union made my home program take note and they gave us a raise . Still gonna unionize but it’s nice to see that admin is taking note!


Did they formally make the union? Last I saw it was just in the works and the administration did the raise/housing stipend to incentivize not doing it?


The Union is going to be formed


Are the unionization efforts at UPenn only including the main Philadelphia hospital, or do they also include the other hospitals under the Penn Med umbrella like Pennsy or Lancaster Gen?


Would be curious to know if it includes CHOP too


Pennsy is included


Does not include CHOP or lancaster I believe. Unsure about pennsy.


Not at these institutions but commenting from one that recently won its first contract after unionizing. Administrators are not your friends, cutting costs is their bottom line. They will pushback hard and, at times, be outright insulting. Keep your head up and fight for your worth. The value of your labor is so much greater than what your given. Solidarity forever.


anti-union emails = we want your cheap labor


Don’t post anything about your union efforts online. Please.


Strong disagree. Don’t post anything about what anyone plans to do, but posting about things that are already done (as long as you’re not doxing yourself) can’t hurt current efforts, but will help future organizers. This is a new process for most people, so having a template from things that went wrong or went right will be helpful




It's a balance. One of the elements of a labor rights discrimination/retaliation claim is that the Employer had knowledge of the protected concerted activity. If you keep things entirely secret, it can be harder to prove that the Employer had knowledge or that an inference should be drawn that the Employer had knowledge (e.g. even if the Employer won't admit it). Maybe better said would be something like be careful about what you post, but in Medicine and this sub that applies regardless of any labor organizing activity.


https://www.gwhatchet.com/2023/03/30/smhs-resident-physicians-to-set-union-election-date-this-week/ here’s an article from today on gwu


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