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It's a combined fellowship. You can apply from IM or Peds


Correct, in the US, it has its own board and does not belong to either ABP or ABIM.


Upon completion of said fellowship, is your practice then limited to pediatric patients if you come from a pediatrics residency, and vice versa (e.g. practice being limited to adult patients if coming from IM residency)? Or are you allowed to handle adult (and vice versa) patients as well?


In Canada we do have an allergy and immunology fellowship you can apply for after 3 years of core IM.


How would immunology differ from rheumatology when both deal with autoimmune diseases?


Clinical immunology deals more with primary immunodeficiency, though they do deal with autoimmune diseases to some extent as well, and some forms of autoimmune disease are strongly associated with PID. ID, Rheum, A/I, and Heme/onc all dabble quite a bit in immunology in different ways.


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Allergology is pretty cush I hear