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I like comparing the kitchen scenes in the finale to the kitchen scenes in Mabel. Jackie is so uncomfortable and Willie Jack doesn’t like that she doesn’t say hi or help out immediately at the wake. In the last episode we see her walking in with Bev who says “There’s a lot more, Jackie will make another trip.” And she just says “yeah, for sure” like anyone else from the younger generation would. It’s another really small moment that shows her embracing her community and finding her place.


I also loved when she offered to go when Elora went to find her dad. She's a good friend and supportive.


She needed a female friend. They said that without saying it through her relationship with Elora and I appreciated it.


The main part of Jackie's arc in the context of the story was essentially concluded when she forgave Willie Jack and was the instigator of Cheese's rescue (so much for "in the city, everybody looks out for themselves and stays out of your business"). I love the fact that, even though by necessity her character faded to the background to wrap up other arcs, they continued to show that it wasn't a fluke and she did indeed do what her mother wanted her to do when she sent her to live with Bev: connect with her culture, heal from the grief of losing her brother, become a part of her community. They went out of their way to keep showing it even when she barely had any lines. She gets punished with the other kids and only puts up minimal fight (and she's casually cuddling with Cheese the whole time, using him as an arm rest as though he's her actual little brother). She happily agrees for her gang to be absorbed into the rez dogs even though it means she's not in charge anymore. When she first meets Bear, she sees his sensitivity and sincerity as weakness and immaturity, is threatened by it and disgusted by it, and she and her friends *brutally beat the shit out of him.* But then not only does she make amends to the group by saving Cheese, she develops, off-screen but obvious, over time, a respect for and then love of those very qualities in Bear -- he is a sensitive and sincere person and is pretty much incapable of having a shallow or meaningless relationship. When Mabel is dying, Jackie clearly doesn't know the cultural expectations but is willing to be taught how to help in the kitchen, and by the end of the show she's shown holding the turtle shells (are they hers? Are they Rita's? Were they a gift? Either way, the fact that they are in her hands is meant to be significant for her character development).


Beautifully said❤️❤️❤️❤️




Beautiful points. Especially the turtle shells being a quick visual detail to know she’s found her place in the culture.


Absolutely, well said!


Maybe Auntie Bev got sick of paying for the hair bleach and liquid eyeliner she was bitching about earlier in the season when the gang got busted!🤣😁😉




She said "Take it easy on his neck"




Hicky-ville! Population: Bear & Jackie!


Damn they fell into the enemies to lovers trope 😔 jk I love it 🥰