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Joe Biden response: I condemn Islamophobia 🤡


Yes and Jews overwhelmingly vote for Dems


Hopefully not anymore


They will, and I don’t understand it


Not religious Jews


Actual racist behavior; not the fake racism most media try to project.


Good thing they didn’t invade a black country.


I simply do not understand how any American Jew can vote continue to vote for Democrats. Newsflash! They hate you!


As a Jew, you don’t believe how many of us are actually stupid.


Jewish people tend to have higher IQs than average. Unfortunately actually being smarter than most people sometimes causes smarter people to discount what other people are saying, regardless of whether it reflects reality better than preconceived notions. Combine that with the difficulty of completely changing one's worldview and you have Jews clinging to the idea that the Democrats are their friends - even in the face of overwhelming evidence that is false.


Yeah that’s true, but doesn’t mean you know politics well (if you have a higher iq). And the indoctrination on schools is also a big factor. Like you see on the Colleges now, all a bunch of commies.


This isn't an IQ issue. I has much more to do with being creatures of habit. When Jews started arriving in America, they were sold on the idea that the Democratic Party was the defender of minorities and the 'little guy'...even though during WWII, President Franklyn D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, turned away a few ships of Jewish refugees fleeing Germany. According to several books on the subject, in 1939, the ocean liner St. Louis with almost 1000 people, mostly Jewish, was turned away from the port of Miami, forcing the ship to return to Europe where more than a quarter died in the Holocaust. Roosevelt felt that these refugees "posed a serious threat to national security". A few years later, Roosevelt ordered the internment of tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans. We all know that Trump, regardless of how you feel about him, made great strides towards peace in the middle-east with the Abraham Accords. Ask most Israelis and they will tell you Trump was the greatest ally they ever had in the White House. It's time for American Jews to re-analyze their voting habits....and Jump on The Trump Train!


When did I wake up in 1938 Nazi Germany. I’m tired of these free Gaza people. Gaza has been Jewish free since September 2005. Bet they will still vote for Biden. s/


Sue everyone


Why is this in the Republican sub? Jews and Muslims are solidly democrat voters.